The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 4: 4-Insults

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Rowan Oak and his father returned that day after meeting with the king and he made the decision to speak about his blessing, and feelings with it with the rest of of his family

HIs mother, Maple Oak, was a soft spoken beauty who took it in stride. She had seen how upset her son was the previous day and was glad to see that he had finally sorted out his feelings.

His younger sister, Ivy, was four years old and had not completely understood the concept of receiving a blessing. She was just happy that the mood of her brother had become cheerful once again.

On the next day, Rowan was heading over to the castle where the knights were stationed. He was going to ask for advice on blessings from people with far more experience than him.

As he was making his way through the castle to the knight’s training ground, he happened to pass by a few aristocratic children conversing in the hallway. 

Rowan had planned to leave them alone and walked past them, but he happened to hear a few words from them.

Words that sounded as if they were specifically targeting him.

“Did you hear the other day was the blessing ceremony for the commoners?”

“Yes I did. How a bunch of them lined up just to get blessed, like animals How I pity them. Can’t afford their  private ceremony. Try as they might, no matter what blessing they receive, they will never receive a blessing as powerful as us nobles.”

“Yes, that is certainly true. But I heard that a certain noble son was part of that ceremony.”

“Truely? How embarrassing. I would never be caught snooping to that level.”

“It truly is shameful, but that’s not all. I heard they even receive a plant blessing.”

Those words stuck a bit too close to home.

“What did you just say?” Rowan stopped and asked.

“Oh? Did my words catch the attention of the son of the knight commander who acts as if they’re better than everyone else?” One of the children said. He was not much older than Rowan, but he was the leader of the group. His name was Aaron Helstrum and his father was a high ranking aristocrat.

Rowan had seen their faces a few times in social gatherings and balls, but had alway ignored them as much as possible since they had looked down on his father who had risen from the position of a commoner. 

“I’m asking you what did you just say before?” At this point Rowan nearly shouted.

“Oh dear. Of course those who inherit the blood of commoners will lack manners. As I was saying, i heard someone received a certain plant related blessing. I didn’t say who though.”  Aaron Helmstrum smirked which instantly gave Rowan a bad feeling.

His next words proved Rowan’s feelings right.

“Don’t tell me the person in question was you? Of course once a peasant, always a peasant. It doesn’t matter if your father is elevated to nobility status, he will always be a commoner. Your blessing is a perfect example. Go become a farmer. The only status befitting of you and your blessing.”

Rowan could only clench his teeth at those words. He wanted to lash out and protect his father's honor, but that would only give them more reason to taunt him. That would only cause his father trouble.

However there was a more important question in his mind?

How did they learn about his blessing?

He had only told his family and the royal family a day ago.

While these questions swirled around his head, Rowan pushed them away. He could figure out the answers another time.

Rowan did the only sensible thing he could think of, he walked away before his emotion overtook him. He knew he couldn’t argue his way out with these aristocratic children and they outnumbered him three to one.

“Are you going to walk away now? What a coward. Can't even defend himself.”

“Don’t say that. He can’t help it. Cowardice must have been inherited from his peasant blood.”

“By the gods, if cowardice was inherited from the knight Commander, then does that mean we have a coward in command defending our kingdom? What a horrifying thought.”


That was the last straw for Rowan.

Rowan could take  insults about himself, but not about his father.  They may spoken some mean words before , but it was true that his father had worked hard as a commoner to get to his current status as Knight Commander. 

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But calling his father a coward was too much for Rowan.

He spat out those words as he felt his blood boil at those words.

“What if I refuse? I merely spoke the truth.” Aaron said with a smirk while the other children nodded their heads in agreement.

Rowan took a few steps towards Aaron, until his face was a few inches away from each other and said “Take. Back. Those. Words.”

Aaron’s grin became even wider. “ I refuse. What can someone like you do about it?”  


Rowan shoved Aaron. 


Aaron fell on his butt, more from shock than pain. 

How was this possible was mirrored on his face.

 While Aaron Helmstrum was older than Rowan, there wasn’t a huge difference in age. The major factor was that both had grown in two complete opposite environments. Rowan trained everyday with knights, making himself stronger than most ten years old. Aaron on the other hand, was raised in a safer and mild environment. He didn’t go through a training regiment like Rowan, but instead was stuck in a room with tutors everyday.

That was another reason why Rowan didn’t want to get into an argument with them since their knowledge in political studies exceeded his and could counter any argument he made.

Aaron face redden as he felt both anger and embarrassment. To be pushed down by someone of lower status especially in front of his followers was the greatest shame of his life.

“YOU DARE TOUCH ME!” Aaron instantly got up and conjured a fireball in his hand. 

“How dare a peasant touch a noble! Let me demonstrate why you will alway be beneath us. Have a taste of my blessing <Fire>!”

Aaron threw the fireball that was bigger than an adult's head at Rowan.

-in which Rowan responded by stepping to the side and throwing a punch in return.

If it had been any other time, Rowan would have been scared of the fireball, but anger overruled his rationality. His daily training also played a roel as he had read the trajectory of the fireball being thrown. The build up and actual throw was much easier to read than when he was practicing with members of the knights squad.

The punch landed once again which caused Aaron to fall on his rear end.

This time Rowan wasn’t going to give him a chance to counterattack. He quickly got on top of the noble child and began punching him. 


Everytime a word was said, a punch landed on Aaron’s face. 

Aaron had tried to stop the incoming blow with flailing hands, but was unsuccessful. His two followers just stood to the side as they were shocked by Rowan’s actions.

Just as he was about to land his sixth punch, someone interrupted him.


Rowan turned around to see who it was as the voice  seemed oddly familiar. 

It turned out to be the first prince, Joseph von Maldolg.

And he did not look happy, especially as a small fire was growing on the Royal Castle’s carpet.

“Both of you caused enough trouble. Sleep.”

Before he could register what the first prince's words mean,  Rowan felt something claiming his consciousness as everything turned black.

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