The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Chapter 151: 151 – Laughter And Romance

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Mana and Raven reacted quickly and caught their Big Sister Bella and Big Brother Jules with a magic net, taking care not to crease the gorgeous outfits that were responsible for their double fainting spell.

Then the two younger children moved Jules and Bella to the couch.

Once Jules and Bella had been safely placed without even the tiniest bit of damage to the precious outfits, Mana and Raven heaved a sigh of relief.

Then the two of them looked at each other and burst out laughing. Mana fell into a chair, laughing and slapping the handle of the chair as her entire body shook with giggles, and as for Raven, he simply fell to the floor and rolled around on the floor, laughing like a maniac. Their little Azar did this, sometimes, when he was too amused, he would roll around on the floor, his belly full of giggles – it looked like Azar's dear Daddy had picked up the little dragon's habit now, too!

"I knew this would happen!" Mana said, laughing so hard that tears fell from her sparkling green eyes. "The moment I saw Big Sister Bella in that dress, even before she put on the accessories or any make up, I knew that Big Brother would faint when he saw her! She's just too beautiful to be true!"

Raven, who was clutching his stomach (he'd laughed so hard that his stomach had started to ache) and gasping for breath, told Mana (with pauses for laughter induced gasps for breath), "I thought so, too – Big Brother looked so dashing, even I could barely take my eyes off him – let along Big Sister Bella, who is head over heels in love with him anyway!"

Mana nodded and the two of them dissolved into peals of helpless laughter!

Jules and Bella regained consciousness more or less at the same time and found Mana lying half prostrated on a chair, still laughing, and Raven lying on the floor, clutching his stomach and twitching with periodic giggles. Both the younger children had tears in their eyes and their faces were as red as apples from all the laughing.

Jules and Bella looked at each other and flushed, and then, they, too, laughed softly.

"You look amazing," Bella said to Jules, reaching out to cup his cheek with one of her gloved hands. "I have never seen a more handsome man in my entire life – and I am absolutely certain that I never will. You are the best, Jules. You are the most beautiful, inside and out." She paused for a moment and then leaned forward and whispered in his ear so that Mana and Raven wouldn't be able to hear her. "I love you so much," Bella breathed.

Jules flushed, "Me, too," he whispered back and kissed Bella's ear. "If I have you by my side for the rest of my life, I have the entire world in my pocket."

Mana and Raven looked at the lovestruck couple and then looked at each other. And then the two of them got up and slipped out of the room silently.

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Jules and Bella only realised that Mana and Raven had left after a few minutes. Then the two of them shook their heads and decided to spend the rest of their time together until the banquet began in the early evening. As for lunch, they knew for sure that someone would send it to them in time.

"Do you want to change?" Bella asked shyly.

Jules grinned. "Do you want me to change?" he asked.

Bella shook her head. "I just want to keep staring at you – you look so, so good that I forgot to breathe when I saw you earlier. If I hadn't been so in love with you that there isn't any more of my heart left to give you – I'd have done that!" she said.

Jules laughed again and kissed the tip of Bella's nose. "You're stealing all my words today," he said with a smile. "I should be saying that to you. Did Mana let you see yourself in the mirror? Did you see how utterly captivating you look?" he asked.

Bella nodded. "Shall we see how we look together?" she suggested.

Of course, Jules had no problem with that. Thus, the young couple admired themselves in the mirror and struck various poses (Jules's magical camera-like equipment was already up and running) and took a lot of pictures.

Bella asked Jules a lot of questions about where he found the stones, how he made the designs, and how he was inspired and everything, and Jules was all too happy to tell her of all his efforts and labours!

Bella was astounded and her heart was overflowing with affection for this wonderful young man as she listened carefully to every word and made note of how hard Jules had worked just to make the perfect outfit for her so that she could feel special on this day that was especially important for the two of them. Earlier, at the time of the banquet in the Emerald Kingdom, Bella has been a little disgruntled because she had single handedly prepared the outfits for both herself and Jules for the banquet in the Emerald Kingdom – well, she'd had enough help from Mana and Vanilla and the imperial tailors and imperial seamstresses of the Emerald Kingdom – but Jules hadn't shown much interest in their coordinated clothes at all, and his responses and reaction to everything she had asked had been rather perfunctory - at least in Bella's eyes, it appeared to be perfunctory because Jules simply agreed with whatever Bella said – in fact, there had been one particular evening where Bella had become rather frustrated with Jules's 'Yes, dear' and 'Whatever you say, my love' and had told them that she wanted both of them to wear rice sacks instead of clothes to one of the banquets, and Jules had looked at her for a long moment and then replied, "Somehow, I think you'll manage to look beautiful even in a rice sack – and if you really want to, then I'll certainly wear a rice sack with you." Bella had been so stunned that she had been unable to respond for a long time. She didn't know back then if she should have been angry or she should have been happy with Jules's response! But in the end, she had decided that Jules was probably not interested in clothes at all but was far too indulgent when it came to Bella to say upfront that he was quite bored when it came to these things. So, from then on, Bella thought that she should stop bothering him with their coordinated outfits any more than absolutely necessary and she followed that – but she had to admit, she felt a little disgruntled when she saw how even the eccentric Fox was obediently sitting with Vanilla and giving serious thought to their matching outfits for the events. And as far as Mana and Raven were concerned – those two seemed to be joined at the hip in everything they did, including choosing and designing their outfits!

But now that Bella came to learn of the painstaking efforts Jules had taken to make these outfits for them – to prepare this wonderful, wonderful surprise for her – Bella felt rather ashamed of herself for doubting Jules at all and she also felt rather guilty for having felt disgruntled and frustrated and perhaps even a bit envious of Mana and Vanilla because their men seemed to be more in sync with them than her man was.

And now Bella knew for sure that Jules was clearly far superior to any other man in the world – and that he was far better to her than either Raven or Fox could possibly be to Mana or Vanilla – well, at least in terms of clothes. And while Bella would never say it out loud to absolutely anyone, a gloating feeling rose up in her heart that Jules had made so much efforts to prepare everything for her – and that no other man she knew of had ever done this for their fiancée – in fact, Bella, who had been recently introduced to romance novels by Vanilla, had not even read about something like this in any of the romance novels that she had been reading recently! Perhaps some writer out there will take up Jules's gesture of today as the ultimate romantic gesture of a fiancé towards his most beloved fiancée and this would become a standard that ordinary couples – or, perhaps romantic couples in these over the top romantic novels would aspire to? After all, wasn't Jules and this entire project that he had pulled of single handedly while somehow even managing to keep it a secret from Bella – wasn't this just too good to be true? Wasn't this the pinnacle of romance?

But then, Bella wondered – did she really want someone else to write about her Jules? No, she decided – if a book was to be written about this, Bella would be the one to either write or edit it, and it wouldn't be out in the market without her permission. If a fictional Jules was being written about – there had to be a fictional Bella by his side, too!

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