The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Chapter 163: 163 – Alya

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"Alya! Alya! Alya is so pretty, just like Auntie Bella and Uncle Jules! And Alya's name is as pretty as Alya is! Azar likes it very much!" Azar chirped happily, settling on his Uncle Jules's shoulder.

The new little dragon looked up at Azar, her mismatched gaze just like Jules. "You are Azar?" she asked.

Azar nodded cheerfully. "Azar is Alya's fiancé, and Azar is also Alya's cousin! And Azar is also Royal Dragon Prince Azar of the Emerald Kingdom and Royal Dragon Prince Azar of the Obsidian Kingdom!" he declared. "Azar's Uncle Jules and Auntie Bella are Alya's Dad and Mama!"

Alya blinked slowly, looking absolutely adorable. "Azar has human parents, too?" she asked.

Azar nodded and waved his arms, summoning Mana and Raven to them. "These are Azar's Mommy and Daddy," he said. "Azar's Mommy is Princess Mana of the Emerald Kingdom and the younger sister of Alya's Dad and my Uncle Jules – and your Dad is Crown Prince Jules of the Emerald Kingdom. Azar's Daddy is Prince Raven of the Obsidian Kingdom, and he is the cleverest human in this world. Alya's Mama is Crown Princess Bella of the Sapphire Kingdom and my Auntie Bella," Azar explained helpfully. Then he pointed at King Jaren and Queen Carolina. "That's Grandpapa – he is King Jaren of the Emerald Kingdom, and he is the father of Mommy and Uncle Jules – and he is Alya's Grandpapa, too. And that is Grandmother Carolina – she is the mother of Auntie Bella, and Alya's Grandmother, too."

Alya looked at the humans who were just introduced to her and smiled beautifully. "Hello, Dad, Mama, Auntie Mana, Uncle Raven, Grandpapa and Grandmother," she said sweetly. Then she looked at Azar and smiled as well and said, "Hello, Azar."

Everyone could see the hearts pouring out of Azar's eyes. Their little boy dragon was clearly very much taken with the little girl dragon that was now his cousin as well as, as he claimed, his fiancée! Of course, no one took the fiancée bit seriously yet. That would be for the future – but naturally, if both Azar and Alya wanted to be together, they would have the full support of their family members!

"Welcome to our family, little Alya," King Jaren said, beaming at the little white dragon.

"Indeed, welcome to our family, little Alya," Queen Carolina echoed. Her face was full of delight. She had been wanting a little dragon grandchild of her own since the first time she saw little Azar and how sticky he was with King Jaren – and now, she really had one! Jules and Bella had just been claimed as Dad and Mama by this new little dragon – and now Queen Carolina was determined to spoil and pamper this baby dragon just like King Jaren had been pampering little Azar. Their little Alya would never lack anything in her life, just like little Azar. Be it affection or food or riches or high honours – Queen Carolina would make sure that little Alya got everything she ever wanted!

Alya nuzzled Jules's face with her head, just like Azar often did with the people he liked.

"Dad," the little girl dragon said adorably. "Do I get to be a princess, too?" she asked shyly.

"Of course, little one," Jules said softly, rubbing her small head with a gentle finger. "You will be the Royal Dragon Princess Alya of the Emerald Kingdom from my side."

"And you will be the Royal Dragon Princess Alya of the Sapphire Kingdom from my side," Bella picked up smoothly. She, too, reached out and rubbed the little girl dragon's small head of sparkling white.

The little girl dragon preened happily.

Bella looked at Mana and Raven. "Is there anything we need for our Alya from here? Or can we go back home now?" she asked.

"Will Alya eat big magic like Azar?" Mana asked their little boy dragon.

Before little Azar could answer, Alya's eye gleamed excitedly and she launched herself at Mana. "Auntie Mana! Alya wants to eat big magic!" she demanded, nuzzling Mana's face.

Mana giggled and stroked the sparkling white scales of the latest addition to their family.

Raven immediately took out a few arrays from his pocket – all of them were used to carrying a few because they never knew when Azar would suddenly want to eat one - even though he was as enthusiastic about human food as anyone else – perhaps even more so – but then, according to Raven's calculations, they were supposed to feed little Azar a certain minimum amount of magic every day, and that is why all of them carried a few arrays (shrunk down to pocket size) for Azar. Now, that would come in handy for Alya as well.

"Big magic is good and tasty," Azar informed Alya. "Azar will share his big magic with Alya. Azar is a good boy."

"Of course our little Azar is a very good boy," Mana said, holding Alya with one arm and holding out the other arm for Azar.

Seeing that his Mommy wanted to cuddle with him, Azar, too, launched himself into Mana's arms. Mana cuddled both the baby dragons as Raven expanded the arrays and Jules and Bella fed them to both the little dragons one by one.

Azar ate three arrays before declaring that he was full. Alya ate three, and then hesitated.

It was clear from the little girl dragon's face that she wanted to eat more, but she was hesitating because Azar had stopped eating.

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"Alya should eat more," Raven said, sensing the new little dragon's hesitation. "Azar ate dinner earlier, so he will be full, but Alya hasn't, so she will need more nutrition."

The little white dragon smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you, Uncle Raven," she said, blinking adorably.

Having received the green signal from Raven, Jules and Bella fed three more arrays to Alya before the little white dragon burped adorably and declared that she was full, too.

"Alya is a good girl, too," Azar said cheerfully, clearing trying to encourage the younger dragon.

Alya beamed at her older cousin. "Alya is a good girl," she repeated.

"Yes, of course, my dear," Jules said, picking up his new dragon child from Mana's arms and settling her on his own shoulder. "Alya is the best girl in the whole world for her Dad, Alya is as good as her Mama!"

Bella giggled fondly and hugged Jules and their new dragon child.

Azar flew off to King Jaren and landed on his shoulder.

"Grandpapa! Peach! Azar wants to give Alya a peach!" he ordered.

King Jaren laughed and patted his dragon grandson. Then he pulled out a peach from his pocket. Of course, this was no ordinary peach – it was from King Jaren's secret space (and Azar's favourite fruit in the world – so much so that even the peach trees grown from the seeds of these very peaches in the secret space of Mana and Raven were somehow not deemed to be up to the mark by the little dragon for some reason, while they tasted exactly the same to everyone else).

Azar watched eagerly as King Jaren peeled the peach deftly and offered one slice to Alya.

"Alya should try Grandpapa's peach! Grandpapa has the best peaches in the world! Very tasty! As tasty as big magic!" Azar told the other dragon baby.

Alya eyed the peach curiously before dipping her head and taking a dainty bite out of the slice held out by King Jaren. Then her different coloured eyes widened in surprise and delight (much like Azar's, the first time he had eaten a peach from King Jaren's secret garden) and she flew to King Jaren's other shoulder and settled there.

"Grandpapa! Alya wants more peach! Can Alya eat more?" she asked in a sweet baby voice.

Everyone could see King Jaren practically melting away on spot with two utterly adorable dragon babies on each shoulder.

"Yes, of course, little one," King Jaren said happily. "You can have as much as you want, any time you want, just like little Azar. Both of you are my precious grandchildren, aren't you?" he asked.

The two little dragons nodded cheerfully.

"Grandpapa is also a good boy!" Alya declared.

Azar nodded seriously. "Grandpapa is a very good boy, even when he agrees with Daddy and doesn't let Azar drink wine!" he said.

Alya narrowed her eyes at Azar. "Wine is for grown ups, not us," she said wisely. "I heard Elf Buddy say so earlier!"

Azar pouted. "Azar will drink wine when Azar has grown up," he declared.

"Yes, yes, you can do whatever you want when you are a grown up," King Jaren said fondly and stuffed a slice of the peach into little Azar's mouth.

Queen Carolina quickly came up to help King Jaren cut and peel the peach and feed it to the two little dragons.. The peach disappeared in no time at all, and looking at the dissatisfied little faces of both the dragon babies, King Jaren chuckled, shook his head fondly and pulled out two more peaches from his pockets.

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