The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 31: Chapter 30: Advanced

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“Your current contract already includes deployment clauses,” the woman before him informed as she looked at her screen, “They aren’t in application due to an unaccomplished combat training, but you recently received a combat commendation by a higher-ranked officer, so I can activate them.”

“Exactly, that’s why I’m here,” Aven agreed with a serious face, he didn’t display a smile as the reason he was here didn’t really work well with a smiling face.

The woman lifted her head and looked him in the eyes, seeking both vocal and facial confirmation, “Are you sure you want to become a mixed production-assault tech super Mr. Amias? The current situation doesn't allow for many mistakes, and if you’re not ready, things could escalate quicker than you think.”

“While it’s true that there’s no proof of me going through real combat training, I didn’t receive this commendation by nepotism, and my capabilities are real, even if not perfect,” saying the sensitive terms, Aven confirmed once again, “So yes, I’m sure.”

Typing on her keyboard, the woman eventually nodded, “Your contract has henceforth been modified Mr. Amias. Your income should have increased, but due to your special condition, while it has increased, it is always donated back to the military fund. Do you want me to change that?”

“Yes,” surprisingly, he nodded at that and started to explain what he wanted, “I want a per deployment premium, not an increase of my income. I only want money, not cultivation…”

A dozen minutes later, he was out of Blackdale IMC’s central administration of the super-restricted area, heading back to the anti-abomination ammunition industry.

Once he was back, he profusely infused his energy where it was needed to keep his all-in contribution plan going, then, instead of heading back to his room to rest, navigated towards the testing range of this building.

With his headphones cutting him off from the external world, he ignored the glance and looks of the others and picked a UESA Handgun, a Universal Eland Semi-Automatic military handgun, and approached the moving target range section.

Aiming according to his knowledge of how to best handle a semi-automatic handgun, he used his hands to firmly stabilize his UESA, held his breath, and pulled the trigger.

The recoil was completely neutralized with the correct handling of his posture, and he didn’t wait for more than a few seconds to reposition and aim at another target.

The contrast between his knowledge and his application was striking to him, but as long as he took enough care to aim, think about his every move, and correct everything before pressing the trigger, the difference drastically decreased.

A few days, 2 to be precise, or 1.9 to be even more precise, had passed since Aven had decided that becoming combat-able was more than a necessity for what he wanted to do.

During those 2 days, in addition to continuing to practice his knowledge application skill to make his energy as efficient as his knowledge should allow it to be, he also balanced in an additional step: Handgun shooting practice.

Only after he had shown a consistent shooting skill level did he ask Rival and Commander to give him a combat commendation, and he received it easily.

Flash infusing his UESA, he pressed the trigger 3 times in quick succession and an alloy target was pierced straight through in 2 places in less time than it took an eye to blink, causing Aven to frown.

‘My spirit is willing, but my body is not ready yet. Though it’s scarily quickly catching up. What’s the difference between this and energy infusion knowledge application? One is physical and the other is spiritual? So knowledge helps master physical skills much faster than spiritual ones? It really doesn’t sound right. I’m obviously missing something.’

Refusing to face the logical conclusion he was presented with, he continued shooting, carefully, steadily, stably, until his phone cut off his epic music to signal him it was time to go fill with energy some machines.

‘Well, I think even if I stopped there, which I’ll of course not do, I’m ready for deployment as an amateur assault tech super.’

Turning on the safety of the UESA he had used, he removed its magazine and put the two back where they should be.

Returning to the production area, still isolated from the world by his headphones, he made his infusing tour and returned to his room where he claimed his reward for the entire last 24 hours.


Faction Contribution Quest: Nation of Eland Military

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Reward: 120 500 FCP


‘Do I even need to do the math? Reaching 50%, 60%, or even 100%, I’ll eventually be able to fully apply my knowledge. What’s more important is what I do next…’

Remembering what his grumpy mentor had told him to get next, he opened his shop and searched for it.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Second Lieutenant

Faction Contribution Points: 271 300

Knowledge: Advanced Industry Skills (263 000 FCP)


And it was there, he could claim it if he wanted.

‘Is it still the most optimal path, though?’

Focusing not only on the products but also on the production machines themselves. That was the path Rival had intended for him to take originally, and if he wanted to continue gaining more and more knowledge to become a god-like production tech super, then that was the right path.

But while it was the “right path”, and he completely agreed it was the “right path”, Aven had a perspective that his mentor of course didn’t, and couldn’t, have.

He had the perspective of someone with a 24 hours temporary materialization innate ability.

So he lowered his gaze a bit and looked at the very interesting items that cost more than even the highest advanced knowledge available at his current authority.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Second Lieutenant

Faction Contribution Points: 271 300

Perfected Evolution Elixir (670 000 FCP): An elixir refined with the topmost human and super biology knowledge available. Gives the drinker a deep and forceful DNA wash, allowing previously hidden physical talents to emerge. Only works one time and is not guaranteed to make a talent manifest itself.

Energy Growth Wonder Flower (780 000 FCP): A flower only found in nature in extremely luxuriant environments with growth conditions not yet understood. Awaken any life that eats it while also giving it the natural energy growth energy talent.

Tireless Apple (810 000 FCP): An apple that grows every decade from a tireless tree in good condition. Gives the eater the tireless spirit spiritual talent, a talent that can grow the more it is used.

Self Revolving Energy Mutation Elixir (1 460 000 FCP): An elixir created through an ancient rainbow fairy formula with most of its ingredients being extremely difficult to gather. Gives the self revolving energy energy talent to anyone consuming it.

Inexhaustible Body Mutation Serum (1 630 000 FCP): A serum made from both rare beasts and humans who had this physical talent before dying. Gives the consumer the inexhaustible body physical talent.

Basic Energy Furnace Constitution Mutation Elixir (1 850 000 FCP): An elixir made through an extremely difficult process that cannot be fully controlled due to the need to add mixed-origin blood and organs from life already having such a constitution. Gives the consumer the energy furnace cells physical talent.


‘670 000 FCP at least… Yeah, I don’t think it’s the right timing yet…’

Recentering, Aven realistically didn’t think it was time yet to exit the path paved by his mentor. He wouldn’t seriously begin considering exiting it until the returns from continuing to buy more knowledge had diminished greatly.

“Well, only one thing to do,” declaring so, he claimed the right path’s next knowledge.


Knowledge: Advanced Industry Skills (Claim?)



Darkness engulfed him sooner than his eyes could close.

In a certain civilian building that took the form of a typical and ordinary glass tower designed to show both architectural and financial might.

Surrounding this building were similarly gigantic glass skyscrapers, some more unique, some too unique, all combining together to make up one of the most visually impressive districts of Eland, the financial district of Elandia, the capital city of Eland.

Located in a corner of this city situated at the foot of the Rainbow Mountain, whose summit was the historical and actual home to the slowly recovering fairy population that had fallen from thriving to factually extinct two centuries ago, this building was only one of many.

In fact, it was so unassuming and lost in the scenery that no one would ever notice it for anything. It was utterly unexceptional.

Yet, in one of the numerous modern meeting rooms present on its 16th floor, 5 not-at-all unassuming people who all emitted an aura of deep professionalism had gathered together to discuss the latest development of their assigned life management target.

“That’s disconcerting, more so than I expected,” one of them, a woman primarily charged with overseeing his overall life management, was the first to take the plunge, “Why did he make such a stupid decision when all his actions until now have been carefully planned to be part of a greater optimized growth plan?”

“Because he’s too smart and ambitious for his own good,” another, a man charged with observing and making suggestions on his personal power development, added, “It probably never crossed his mind that going on a raid to gain practical experience, which will obviously greatly help him in the future, could negatively impact our identity isolation plans.”

“If I remember correctly, the day he graduated from EMATE and was escorted to Blackdale, where his escort convoy was then called in reinforcement to secure a small Canopy branch, he had already shown an affinity for disobeying orders by personally going to see with his own eyes what was going on, right?” Another woman, the one responsible for securing his identity, informed them.

“That’s right,” the life manager who had until now been charged with following the evolution of his psychological profile, yet another woman, took over, “Curiosity plays an important part in his life, and he simply had the need to see things for himself. For that matter, optimization also seems to be a core aspect of his life that he endeavors to pursue… Optimally.”

“As it should be,” the last person who still hadn’t spoken, again a woman, declared. As the manager accountable for his growth as a production tech super, she never had any difficult decisions to make, much to her relief.

“Well, anyway,” the psychological life manager sent a dirty look at the one who interrupted her before continuing, “Before we start making suggestions on how to cancel or remedy this thorny outing, I just want to say that we need to change his outlook on needing to acquire practical experience to keep an optimized growth.”

“And how do we do that? To be as optimized as possible means getting practical experience on top of theoretical knowledge, that’s something he understands perfectly, and he seems pretty fixed on seeing through with it,” the only man in the room argued.

“You first should know where I’m going with my point,” the woman countered, “By seeking optimization at all costs through his innate ability, he acquired a very specific mindset that made him favor knowledge instead of power. It’s easy to conclude that when we know he has a shop full of exotic resources able to increase his power readily available.”

“So? Where are you leading us? What’s your suggestion to make him forget about getting practical experiences he dearly needs when the global climate is so tense?” The woman in charge of seeing the overall greater picture questioned.

“We need to make him go on the most boring raid we can possibly find,” she forwarded the idea that had spawned in her head the moment she read the report about their life management target changing his contract.

“And we shouldn’t care about making him an unnecessary extra. I think the only way we have to stop him from further attempts is to purposefully reduce his contribution potential. We should even give him a few shadow guards to make him not fire a single bullet during the entire raid,”

“You’ve taken it a bit too far,” the woman in charge of making sure his identity remained hidden from the world remarked, “He’s not blind, and he also knows supers aren’t meant to be doing nothing when deployed. Going to such extremes will expose us.”

“And if he’s fully controlled and everything is spoon-fed to him, what contribution could he possibly get? All these efforts and time invested for close to no reward? While that would certainly be the best dissuasion for his optimization-obsessed mind, if he gets almost nothing…” The overall picture manager left unsaid the rest.

“We could distract him with something else? Something new? A way to contribute more than ever?” Someone proposed, preemptively having an answer to his own question, “I’ve seen a Blackdale supply officer report pass by, and without asking us he already had the foresight to prepare an entire integrated ammo production hall for when he is ready.”

That new piece of information sent the meeting in a silence that went on to last 10 seconds, each life manager having their own reflection to do.

Ultimately, it was the bigger picture manager that restarted the discussion again, “I think that’s a good path to explore. Even if his ammo production is relatively inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, with the demand there is for them… A demand that’s only increasing by the day… Huhuh~”

With the agreement of the woman in charge of the final decision concerning how their target life management would be done, the discussion started anew.

“I think that’s worth exploring, it unites both growth and contribution in a synergistic way.”

“With how many goals tech-produced ammo have, from being given to the active military to fight the Canopy, brought to the Forbidden Continent in preparation for the surge and to thin the population as much as possible, or stocked for further use when needed, I’m sure we’ll get the final answer we want soon enough.”

“I also wish to see how the military will see his contribution as being higher despite being the same as it was before. The more the surge approaches, the higher the demand for tech-produced ammo after all, and production tech supers aren’t the most common kind of tech supers. Clearly.”

Slowly but surely, the 5 managers of a certain person’s life management came to a decision, then they went back to deepen what they could do to

Hours flew by as Aven kept pushing his energy efficiency as a production tech super.

Soon, these hours turned into days, and while he knew these days flying by were the early summer days, he only stepped out of his new workplace when he felt a need for fresh air.

And he didn’t feel the need for fresh air that often.

By the end of the 3rd day, his reserve of faction contribution points had climbed to 440 300, and rather than waiting a few more days to start on his temporary materialization plan in earnest, he decided to continue pushing for the limits of what tech-production as a grade 2 with an affinity to the tech energy system was capable of.


Knowledge: Advanced Materials Engineering (267 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Alloys (86 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Energy Applications (86 300 FCP)


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‘439 900 in total, perfect.’

Not targeting the high and mighty knowledge yet, Aven was content with picking knowledge that would also help him infuse his future combat uniform, a very important facet of fighting as a tech super.

His first deployment was long overdue, and it could come at any time at this point.


Knowledge: Advanced Materials Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Intermediate Alloys (Claim?)

Knowledge: Intermediate Energy Applications (Claim?)


Once he had claimed these 3 knowledge, each separated by him waking up to go infuse production machines to not lose his source of FCP, he very casually strode out of his room and continued as if nothing had happened.

The quantity of knowledge he now had access to was hard to describe, even Aven himself had stopped trying to rationally describe it.

An advanced knowledge meant a level of knowledge in a certain field that incorporated an extremely deep understanding of all the phenomena related to that same field.

All the basics were included and dissected to their smallest details before being transformed into entirely new artificial and theoretical applications that needed new fields for them to be even remotely practical.

He didn’t know how many people reached this advanced level of knowledge, who they were, or even if maybe they had kept some of what he now knew a secret, but what he knew for certain… Was that he had integrated with the knowledge dozens and dozens of these people had accumulated.

And those people were probably only those reluctant to climb the hierarchy or those who couldn’t for reasons he didn’t know.

Meaning once his authority increased… Even if only by one rank…

In summary, Aven concluded his ambitions weren’t understated, and the more he learned, the more it fed his drive for more.

If he already felt that he could design whole new alloys and optimized ammunition at his current knowledge level, what about with an even wider and grander knowledge base?

What about the level of knowledge reached by the likes of Commander and Rival, centenarian production tech supers who have taken a path where knowledge is key to their continued development?

As he had started daring to dream big, Aven didn’t look at them as aspiring people he wanted to equal, he saw them as people he would very quickly equal and even surpass.

“Huh?” In the middle of the day following his redeeming of 3 different knowledge, as he was practicing his aim with the UESA, a short alarm interrupted the music blasting into his ears from his infused headphones.

Putting the handgun in his hand down and picking his phone up, he saw that he now had an unread message, so he opened it.

[Unknown: Assault tech super Amias, meeting in 20 minutes at DB6, imminent deployment. Captain Hale Espinoza of the 3rd restricted super squad.]

‘At last.’

Not immersing himself in the moment and the complex feeling of knowing he had finally received his first deployment order, Aven cleanly tidied the messy magazines and empty cartridges before doing a quick tour around the production area to do flash infusion where he could.

Once done with that, he got his already-prepared backpack, a few snacks, and swiftly walked out into the… Night.

‘Ah, that's right. It’s night.’

Realization dawned on his face, but it didn’t stop him on his track as he picked up his neglected bike and rode on it.

Despite infusing it instinctually, it didn’t transform into a car-level transport vehicle. A simple bike had a limit, after all, it didn’t base its entire principle on lifeless tech phenomena, it found it in martial ones, that of pushing the pedal with his legs.

No matter how much he knew how to reduce the wheel’s friction or ease the bike chain movement through the gears, the limit was more determined by himself than his knowledge.

‘Ancient tech supers must have had it harder than I thought. If I hit the limit so soon, then they…’

Irrelevant of his thoughts nonetheless, he pushed until he arrived at a place he hadn’t really scouted back when he had toured Blackdale IMC: The deployment area.

Finding a big runway with “6” marked everywhere along it, he followed it and ended up reaching a building where around 4 people were already ready, waiting next to a traditional military transport plane.

Easily accessing the knowledge about where he should go now that he was here, he bypassed the 4 ready people and entered deeper into the building until he arrived at what could only be best described as a changing room.

Just a military one.

Leaving his bike out, obviously, he entered the main one and immediately saw 4 already changing, then he saw a big locker with his name on it.

‘Logistics is so important when it comes to fast deployment.’

Opening it without needing a code, he didn’t waste time admiring his new combat uniform and started undressing, backpack included, he had only taken it to transfer things to his new backpack.

Securing all the fasteners and clips as if he had done that for a long time, he took one by one each essential gear he didn’t have the choice whether to pick or not like a radio, its linked communication, a backpack, and an external power bank.

As soon as he was done, he exited the changing room and entered the equipment storage room.

Sending a few glances here and there to know how this precise storage was arranged, he first headed to the tactical belt area, put on a double shoulder holster, then picked two UESA handguns, gathered magazines, some he pocketed, some he put in his new backpack.

Done a few minutes later, he passed by someone else entering the storage room and joined the group of people already waiting in the open-air hall from which the runway started.

“Good evening everyone,” smiling slightly, Aven directly showed his predisposition as being a social guy.

“Good evening to you little guy,” and someone echoed his predisposition, answering back with a similar smile.

Naturally, seeing no one else answer with anything else but a nod, he enthusiastically skipped towards this guy who seemed a lot more like someone he wanted as his temporary friend, “Feeling like having some small talks?”

“With pleasure,” and this unknown guy seemed to be on the same wavelength.

As the 2 made temporary friends, people slowly trickled in until the number of people gathered reached 12 in total, and that was when a middle-aged woman raised her voice and called for their attention, “We’ve received intel from the Vow Church, they’ve located an infamous half-lethal awakening serum production facility and need us to cleanly raid it.”

“The expected resistance is grade 2, but with the number of recently indoctrinated young people, we’re pushing it to grade 3. The main objective is to capture every important target, so while lethal force isn’t necessary, it’s not forbidden,” finishing her quick summary, she gave a signal to the military transport plane, which turned on its engine.

Not even giving orders, she embarked on the plane, followed by everyone else, and a few minutes later, the plane took off.

“Private Amias, you’ll be positioned with private Frey on the left flank, secure any escaping targets,” Captain Espinoza gave her order, and both Aven and a woman he hadn’t talked with at all stood up and saluted before quickly backing up.

“Private Levine and private Salas, on the right flank, same, secure any escaping targets…”

“Corporal Odom, take private Noora and private Bates with you to secure the back…”

“Private Malloree, private Olson, and private Dupri, with me on the front, we’ll have the assistance of Bishop Levine here, a certified healer of the Vow Church…”

‘A healer of the Vow Church?’

Suddenly interested in this unassuming guy in combat uniform who had only joined them when they had landed here at Alensir, Aven appraised him.


Levine Aaric

Faction: Vow Church


‘It’s true that I’ve never… Let’s see…’

Focusing on the faction part on a whim, he used his faction appraisal ability to bring up a detailed information window of the Vow Church, one of the great powers of Green.


Vow Church

Power Index: 34 894

Influence Index: 37 412

Economy Index: 22 877

Technology Index: 37 845

Description: A faction embodying the whole faith of an entire civilization. Due to the absence of any concurrence in the way this faction decided to exist, it gradually created a monopoly over centuries and grew its influence, eventually giving birth to a nation that still fully supports it to this day.


‘It’s… Higher than what I remember Eland’s military to have…?’

To confirm his hunch, he appraised his own faction from his own status.


Nation of Eland Military

Power Index: 38 744

Influence Index: 26 987

Economy Index: 14 821

Technology Index: 31 568

Description: An extremely complex faction part of a much bigger whole. Its fundamental directive is to protect the Nation of Eland against its enemies.


‘Well… Let’s just say that it’s fortunate the military isn’t the only power of Eland.’

Justifying as best as he could, he continued listening to the raid operation’s orders, though most of it didn’t concern him.

When all the orders had been given and Captain Espinoza dismissed them, everyone turned on their radio and got on one of the 4 vehicles available.

Aven and private Frey, having been assigned to a relatively safer flank position, quietly climbed into a silent jeep with Aven assuming the driver seat. He was a tech super, so while it wasn’t always true, it was expected of him to be able to drive and use any vehicle.

Turning the ignition, not a single vibration or sound made it to his senses.

“Assume position as soon as possible, estimated time of arrival is 15 minutes,” a radio voice gave him the authorization to depart, so that’s what he did, pushing the gas pedal and launching his jeep on the road leading towards the exit of this military base.

Once on the road, he kept an eye on where the other 3 jeeps were and synchronized with them, this way they all would arrive at the same time.

When they were at less than a minute ETA, everyone split, adopting a more stealthy approach to not alarm their raid target.

Parking in the middle of a chaotic and messy industrial zone’s parking lot, he and his companion used the cover of the numerous other cars to make their way to their assigned position on the left flank of the target industrial warehouse.

Once in position, Aven scouted the different covers and simulated the different scenarios that could happen if people were to use this flank to flee from the conflict zone.

Combining this with the military procedure knowledge that told him how to best manage a situation in the simplest military way and his teamwork knowledge telling him how to best make use of everyone, even if they were only 2, he quickly established his plan.

“Frey, see this row of cars? Hide behind them. If someone appears I’ll attract their attention by unveiling myself from behind this cover over there, then when they’re in your reach, just secure them,” he explained the plan he had come up with.

“Okay,” and she accepted.

Each taking their position, Aven claimed his volunteering quest reward and switched it up to a quest with unknown potential.


Faction Contribution Quest: Nation of Eland Military

Performing: Go above and beyond for the missions and tasks you are given. The better the missions and tasks results, the greater the contribution.

Reward: Claim?

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