The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 32: Chapter 31: Questioning

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“Raid start, radio silence except for abnormal reports,” as soon as Aven heard the command, an explosion took place not even a hundred meters from him, followed by another on the opposite side.

Making sure his combat uniform, his 2 UESA handguns, all his H9 ammunition, and all his gears were filled to the brim with energy, he continued attentively staring at the left flank of the industrial warehouse before him.

He didn’t worry one bit about this raid going haywire. This was Eland’s military doing a raid inside the Nation of Eland with full knowledge and preparation of everything that could happen.

From the moment this half-lethal awakening serum production facility was exposed, it was already doomed.

Gunfires soon started from the front, accompanied by cries of pain and panic, then it was the back’s turn to start firing, and then…

A side door leading to the left flank where he was explosively opened, and 2 individuals appeared in his field of vision.

Stabilizing his hands, Aven breathed in, aimed, and pressed the trigger.

Two gunshots later, a straight hole appeared in the legs of each of the 2 escapees, making them collapse to the ground as Frey, having sent a glance at what happened, judged the situation to be perfect and exited her cover to go secure the 2 downed individuals.

Effortlessly securing them after showing a bit of her martial energy affinity, she swiftly brought them to where Aven was and they tied them up after injecting a few shots of tranquilizer into them.

Taking the chance, he appraised the two, trying this side of his innate ability that he never really put to profit.


Jerrad Kane

Faction: Jenkins’ Transportation


Burney Oconnor

Faction: Jenkins’ Transportation


‘So, either they’re really just at the wrong place at the wrong time… Or my appraisal ability is, in fact, not that suited for shady undercover stuff… I think I’ll bet on later, maybe even their names are wrong under that assumption though…’

Wrapping up his thoughts on the matter of his appraisal ability not allowing him to pierce through covers, he refocused on the ongoing action.

Less than 30 seconds in total after the side door had been opened, the left flank returned to peace and both Aven and Frey assumed their position again amidst the rapidly evolving situation.

‘It’s exactly as I expected.’

On Aven’s face, a slight smile appeared. He had just proven to himself that he wasn’t all talk, he had just proven to himself that he already was on the killing machine path.

The UESA handgun in his hand wasn’t just a UESA handgun, it was a tech-produced one firing tech-produced rounds, and with his active infusion enhancement, one heavily augmented by his massive knowledge, what he fired could only be described as light-speed bullets.

As long as he knew how to aim, he didn’t need to care about anything else. He just needed to align his barrel with what he wanted to shoot, then press the trigger.

‘I think I can understand now why assault tech supers are so much more dominant than production ones.’

Interrupting his train of thought was someone peeking through the opened door, then 4 people suddenly rushed through, attempting their escape.

Breaking his stealth, he displayed himself openly and opened fire on the first one, then the second one.

Then one of them suddenly started firing back, but by doing that, he became Aven’s main target and his gun was directly shot through, his hand with it.

The last guy suddenly started displaying super capabilities and propelled himself towards him head first.


Unable to find a proper angle that didn’t involve killing him in the process, he stopped aiming toward him and tried to simulate a retreat.

And when the guy saw that, he quickly pushed onwards until he suddenly received a massive punch to his temple, knocking him out cold instantly.

Aiming again, Aven knew that this time it would take a bit more time for Frey to clean the scene up, so he properly covered the door, the sides, and the new secured targets.

When she brought back the guy who had shown super capabilities, it made Aven think more about the fact that they were raiding a branch of the Canopy, one who had gone rogue and started blatantly producing half-lethal awakening serum.

‘He’s probably a lucky survivor who’s then been forced to join… Or maybe not. Can’t know.’

On a side thought, he appraised this super, wanting to confirm once and for all the matter of whether his appraisal was useful for that kind of stuff or not.


Renardo Mejia

Faction: Jenkins’ Transportation


‘Well, looks like my appraisal can’t break through covers. Unfortunate, but ultimately understandable.’

Putting an end to this field research, he repositioned himself.

A few more minutes passed, and the left flank had already returned to a totally peaceful state. Only the few bullet holes and traces of blood could allow someone to know that it was all an appearance.

It was as far as the masquerade would go on though, as finally, a voice echoed on the radio, “Operation over, prepare all the secured targets for incoming escort.”

As soon as Aven’s first raid had begun, it concluded, and another few minutes later, a big truck arrived at the left flank to take custody of the 6 targets they had secured.

And then, that was it. Aven and private Frey got back in the jeep and drove back to Alensir’s military base.

Arriving back at Blackdale half a day after departing, all 11 supers that had participated came back alive and well.

After changing back into his immaculately white military uniform and going back to the anti-abomination ammunition industry zone, Aven claimed his performing quest reward.


Faction Contribution Quest: Nation of Eland Military

Performing: Go above and beyond for the missions and tasks you are given. The better the missions and tasks results, the greater the contribution.

Reward: 4 500 FCP


‘Is securing 6 targets going above and beyond? Why do I feel so disappointed?’

Being honest with himself as he accepted the volunteering quest and started infusing TGA120FH and AAC30CH production lines’ machines, he quickly got over his slight stroke of utter disappointment at his 1st military raid being so eventless.

‘Did I just overestimate the importance of supers? Was I just unlucky? Did I misunderstand the whole situation because I wasn’t actively participating?’

Questioning himself all along as he was spending his energy to infuse and enhance machines he already knew by heart, he ended up being reminded of what Commander had told him he would eventually choose as his military career path.

“Assault officer…” Muttering this very general career path’s name, he tried to find details about it in his knowledge, but there were none. He had yet to start on the more administrative knowledge after all.

“I should take one next…” Telling himself that, he finished spending more than half of his energy, which translated to yet 1 more infused machine than a few days ago, and returned to his room, where he filtered out all the knowledge that wouldn’t help him refine his career path.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Second Lieutenant

Faction Contribution Points: 64 200

Knowledge: Advanced Administration (189 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Human Resources (224 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Management (228 000 FCP)


“Which of these is more suitable when it comes to knowing a lot about military careers… Human resources, right? The other two sound much more specialized,” slowly elaborating on the next knowledge he wanted and proceeding by elimination, he found his answer naturally.

With an answer in mind, he nodded to himself, adjusted his alarm to wake up an hour later, and mobilized his energy to create a sleeping psy energy pulse.

Then he was asleep.

Less than 30 hours after coming back to Blackdale IMC from his 1st deployment, Aven claimed the reward from his last 3 hours of volunteering.


Faction Contribution Quest: Nation of Eland Military

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Reward: 19 500 FCP


“Nearly 20 000 for 3 hours… How much more crazy can it get?” Complaining with a bitter happy smile, he did some quick mental math and came up with needing to achieve 65% tech-production enhancement to achieve what he had just achieved.

Keeping to himself the rest of his opinion on the matter, he was sure that the military would have already caught on to the enhancement of what he tech-produced, so he didn’t pursue the matter further and opened his shop, claiming the knowledge he wanted to claim.


Knowledge: Advanced Human Resources (Claim?)


‘If I can’t puzzle out my future career path with that one… I’ll ask Commander for some of his precious time.’

With this last thought, Aven claimed yet another advanced-level knowledge and lost consciousness.

“The special super forces…” Repeatedly hitting his notepad with his pen, creating a blank sound again and again that his thoughts used to travel, Aven was seriously considering.

And helping him consider was one knowledge that was easily found in his slightly reduced massive faction contribution shop.


Knowledge: Advanced Special Operations (247 000 FCP)


“If I do go with that… Then I’ll not be disappointed ever again, and my practical experience will fly through the roof in a record time,” he made a point of the best pros regarding this choice he was now aware he could take.

“But…” He put his pen down as he thought of the one thing he would lose by doing it that way, “The current global situation will eat nearly all my time, and no matter how I see it, it’s not worth it.”

Shutting down yet another extremely interesting path, Aven slowly realized how Rival must have struggled to try and find him a path, only to ultimately… Stop trying and guide him in just a general direction.

A direction called the production tech super path.

“It eventually all comes back to the same: My innate ability potential is too high for anything to take it,” saying it aloud, he reinforced his own belief that nothing could stop him as long as he played his cards right, “No matter which career I decide to go with, I’ll sooner or later outclass it and have to change to a new one.”

Different from when Rival had subtly hinted at him that his military career wasn’t important at all in the grand scheme of things, now Aven understood it directly.

He had the knowledge, he had the logic, he had the problems, he had the answer, it was as simple as that.

Picking his pen again, he crossed the whole 4 pages he had written over the last half an hour, ripped them off, then used his energy to create a small flame, reducing them to ashes.

Left behind was only a page containing naive scenarios he had written… Weeks ago? He didn’t even remember clearly, it dated from before he had even reached Bladale IMC.

[The best scenario that could ever happen is a clearly known, distinguished, but mysteriously understaffed field I can specialize in.]

[Next to this utopic field only I could occupy, the innovative interdisciplinary engineer route is much more likely to be practical.]

“Hehe, again, it all eventually comes back to the same,” mocking fate for how, eventually, he had already known what his career would be about before he even knew he had a choice to make, “Different situation, different person, same answers, just with a slightly different outlook.”

Circling the interdisciplinary option and crossing the other, an alarm went off, telling him it was time to further his burning ambition’s hunger for volunteering.

Following more than 20 hours of self-questioning after coming back from his disappointing 1st military raid, Aven had finally found out about a mistake he had made despite knowing about it.

To rectify that mistake, he personally went back to the central administration to change his contract.

He didn’t want to be deployed normally anymore. From now on, he only wanted to be deployed for massive emergencies.

Being deployed for anything less than such an emergency asking for the help of more than just a single military super squad was a loss of time. That was the conclusion he got after thinking for more than 20 intermittent hours.

After reaching this conclusion and going through with it, fortunately the staff who changed his contract wasn’t the woman that had changed it only a few days ago, Aven started on a whole new motivation.

And this motivation translated into a very simple change, one both real, administrative, and impacting at the same time.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Captain

Faction Contribution Points: 322 900

Knowledge: Intermediate Tech Energy System (11 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Energy Specializations (15 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Psy Energy System (16 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Elemental Energy System (16 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Martial Energy System (16 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Pure Energy System (16 500 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Swimming (25 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Fast-Roping (25 700 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Free-Fall (25 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Singing (26 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Intermediate Fishing (26 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Military Procedures (28 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Materials Engineering (59 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Industry Skills (64 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Chemical Engineering (68 000 FCP)

You are reading story The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] at

Knowledge: Advanced Ammunition Engineering (74 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Human Resources (84 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Long-Range Rifle Shooting (125 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Explosive Breaching (125 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Emergency First Aid (125 700 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Sniper Rifle Shooting (125 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Counterintelligence (125 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Guerrilla Tactics (125 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aircraft Piloting (125 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Jet Piloting (126 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Helicopters Piloting (126 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Psychological Operations (126 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced War Planning (126 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced History (126 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Oceanography (127 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Filming (127 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Triangulation (128 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Hacking (136 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Short-Range Rifle Shooting (136 300 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Energy Applications (136 300 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Nanomaterials (136 400 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Handgun Shooting (136 500 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Alloys (136 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Cooking (136 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Super Biology (136 700 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Energy Cultivation (136 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Innovative Designs (136 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Artillery Handling (137 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced High-Speed Driving (137 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Audio Engineering (137 800 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Criminology (138 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Surgery (227 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Psychology (229 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Inspection (231 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Water Engineering (235 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Air Engineering (239 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Firearm Shooting Skills (241 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Vehicle Driving (242 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Politics (256 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Logistics (275 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Communication (276 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Administration (289 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Economy (307 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Management (328 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Infiltration (335 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Teamwork (337 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Diplomacy (340 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Special Operations (347 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Weapon Systems (349 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Vehicle Designing (350 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Cyber Warfare (351 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Combat Engineering (352 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Programming (354 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aeronautical Engineering (358 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Demolition (358 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Close Quarters Combat (360 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced High-Pressure Mentality (364 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aircraft Piloting (365 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Electrical Engineering (375 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Aerospace Engineering (376 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Biology (381 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Physics (383 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Military Tactics (385 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Biomedical Engineering (387 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Mathematics (389 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Armament Engineering (390 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Mechanical Engineering (391 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Leadership (394 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Problem-Solving (402 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Industrial Engineering (421 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Weapon Engineering (443 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Advanced Developmental Engineering (494 000 FCP)

After-Training Body Revitalization Pill (4 000 FCP): A military-grade medicine used to supply the body with all the elements it needs to recover from deep physical exhaustion.

SAU Handgun (4 900 FCP): A simple and useful handgun with a solid frame and internals, perfect for long-term and intensive use in the right hand.

Mark 12 Rainbow Fairy Grade 1 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (5 800 FCP): Artificially increases the amount of energy being cycled during grade 1 energy cultivation by 330%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 1 maximum threshold.

Mark 4 Rainbow Fairy Grade 1 Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (6 100 FCP): Postpone a grade 1 energy cultivation downtime period by revitalizing all the spent energy artificially.

Mark 9 Rainbow Fairy Grade 1 Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (6 300 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of grade 1 energy cultivation by 410%.

CAP 7.2 Advanced Tactical Assault Rifle (7 400 FCP): An advanced rifle designed to be used on fast mixed operations. It can accommodate all sorts of additions and environments without showing defects, but needs regular maintenance after prolonged use.

Bio-Innovative Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Downtime Canceling Serum (14 400 FCP): Cancel a grade 2 energy cultivation downtime period

Mark 3 Rainbow Fairy Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (15 000 FCP): An elixir artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 2 energy cultivation by 250%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 2 maximum threshold.

Fifth Harmony Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (15 200 FCP): An elixir artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 2 energy cultivation by 270%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 2 maximum threshold.

Greater Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (16 200 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 2 energy cultivation by 370%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 2 maximum threshold.

Written Vow Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (17 400 FCP): Postpone a grade 2 energy cultivation downtime period by revitalizing all the spent energy artificially.

Third Harmony Grade 2 Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (17 600 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of grade 2 energy cultivation by 320%.

Rainbow Bio Grade 3 Psy-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (31 700 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of psy energy system grade 3 energy cultivation by 260%.

Rainbow Bio Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (31 900 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of tech energy system grade 3 energy cultivation by 280%.

Rainbow Bio Grade 3 Martial-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (32 600 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of psy energy system grade 3 energy cultivation by 310%.

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (35 100 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 290%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold.

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (35 900 FCP): Postpone a grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation downtime period by revitalizing all the spent energy artificially.

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (36 200 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 350%.

Eland Innate Ability Awakening Serum (249 000 FCP): A serum made from awakened life organic material reprocessed to be mild enough for unawakened life. As long as the organism receiving this serum is genetically predisposed to awaken, then a single dose is enough to awaken them.

Perfected Evolution Elixir (670 000 FCP): An elixir refined with the topmost human and super biology knowledge available. Gives the drinker a deep and forceful DNA wash, allowing previously hidden physical talents to emerge. Only work one time and is not guaranteed to make a talent manifest itself.

Energy Growth Wonder Flower (780 000 FCP): A flower only found in nature in extremely luxuriant environments with growth conditions not yet understood. Awaken any life that eats it while also giving it the natural energy growth energy talent.

Tireless Apple (810 000 FCP): An apple that grows every decade from a tireless tree in good condition. Gives the eater the tireless spirit spiritual talent, a talent that can grow the more it is used.

Crafter’s Delight Drop (940 000 FCP): A spiritual substance only master craftsmen with a rare universal talent can produce. Due to the absence of signs related to having such a talent, and the spiritual substance quickly dissipating once exposed to the air, most of the stock relied on happenstance to be made. Gives the consumer the creative instinct universal talent.

Regeneration Leaf (1 370 000 FCP): A leaf from the legendary Athal Tree, a jealously guarded tree by beasts and humans alike. Gives the consumer the regenerating body physical talent.

Self Revolving Energy Mutation Elixir (1 460 000 FCP): An elixir created through an ancient rainbow fairy formula with most of its ingredients being extremely difficult to gather. Gives the self revolving energy energy talent to anyone consuming it.

Inexhaustible Body Mutation Serum (1 630 000 FCP): A serum made from both rare beasts and humans who had this physical talent before dying. Gives the consumer the inexhaustible body physical talent.

Energy Furnace Constitution Mutation Elixir (1 850 000 FCP): An elixir made through an extremely difficult process that cannot be fully controlled due to the need to add mixed-origin blood and organs from life already having such a constitution. Gives the consumer the energy furnace cells physical talent.

Armored Spirit Treasure Pill (1 900 000 FCP): A pill produced by the Eternal Vow Kingdom to give to its highest authority. Initially designed to help protect the spirit, it ended up accomplishing much more than that with the help it can provide to psy supers. Gives the consumer the armored spirit spiritual talent.


It only took sending a message to Rival and getting an inspector to confirm the 65% enhanced tech-produced anti-abomination ammunition originated from him for his 2 mentors’ preparation to come into effect and discreetly promote him 2 ranks up the military hierarchy directly, from honorary second lieutenant to honorary captain.

As for the first lieutenant rank? It didn’t exist for him.

What existed, however, was the once again expanded faction contribution shop, with an additional actualization to crown the whole.

Nearly all the expensive intermediate knowledge had been pushed to the advanced level, all the advanced knowledge had been pushed further and those he had already bought were up again, and the materialization shop catalog was expanded with new still as expensive items.

Not caring about anything else from then on, Aven acted in the way he needed to act.


Knowledge: Advanced Materials Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Advanced Industry Skills (Claim?)

Knowledge: Advanced Chemical Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Advanced Ammunition Engineering (Claim?)


265 000 FCP vanished from his pocket the moment he discovered his authority had increased, leaving him with “only” 57 900 FCP.

Digesting his gain took him a bit more than a quarter of a day, but by the end of it, his average tech-production enhancement for the ammunition industry had attained 80%.

A number he really wasn’t sure a young, or even old for that matter, grade 2 tech super should be allowed to reach.

At this point, some staff had started noticing that something wasn’t right, but his 2 mentors had probably already planned for it, so they sent a few people to oversee that no particularly detailed intel made it out of the building he was in.

With now a 192 000 daily FCP gain, or an 8 000 hourly one, assuming he continued perpetuating his all-in always-regenerating energy pool production machine infusions plan, which he certainly planned to do, Aven started entertaining thoughts of now going for quantity, or energy cultivation, instead of quality, or energy efficiency.

The reason behind this change was obviously that his innate ability was the core reason explaining how he came to be who he became in only a few months, and energy cultivation was the key to pushing it further.

Grade 3 was known for being the end of the early stages, it was also famous for being the stage at which one’s innate ability reached apparent maturity in its operation.

And just that fact made him have wet dreams about what he would potentially gain once he achieved grade 3.

That was the main reason why he decided to interrupt his knowledge claiming streak to focus on investing for his future.

And his first investment finally happened 4 days of selfless volunteering later.

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