The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 48: Chapter 47: Fairy

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Feeling a hard object travel down his throat, scraping it in the process, certainly wasn’t an enjoyable experience for Aven, but what this pain represented completely made up for whatever he was feeling.

As the fairy crystal traveled down his throat, it soon started to mystically evaporate, at least that’s the feeling he got from it, and soon, all the discomfort he had felt vanished, leaving him with only the fantastic aftertaste of martial-produced peach iced tea.

Arbelle was still lounging in the air without looking at him, or she was actually looking at him, but not as much as Aven expected her to as he had nonetheless just ingested the key to awaken his fairy ancestry.

‘It’s not such a common occurrence in her life, is it?’

Asking himself this question for a bit, he didn’t come to a conclusion before his entire world started turning… Violet.

“Oh~ That’s trippy~” Used to speak out his thoughts aloud, he did just that before noting that Arbelle was finally looking at him with a very meaningful smile.

He didn’t have the time to linger on the precise meaning beside this smile, however, as the world around him kept shifting more and more towards a violet hue by the second, and it wasn’t just the world that was shifting towards this violet.

When he looked at his hands, and even his arms, they were emanating a thick violet fog that none of his senses could interpret, it was just a freakishly weird phenomenon.

“Hehehe!” Laughing at the events happening, the relatively much older fairy overseeing his awakening just had her fun on her own, spectating the whole scene as if she wasn’t concerned at all. Which she probably was.

A few minutes later, Aven saw the flow of thick violet fog stop, and accompanying it was… Not knowledge. It was more like new instincts, instincts that something inside of him had changed drastically, and that he could now do things he couldn’t before. Even though it remained very fuzzy.

Overall, the whole fairy ancestry awakening hadn’t been that impressive, it had just taken a few minutes from consuming the fairy crystal. And while it had looked quite sudden and brutal, it had been and felt pretty natural for Aven.

‘So… Does that mean..’

Where others would have the conveniently present older fairy just next to them for advice, Aven didn’t do that, he had a much better way to confirm whether he had awakened or not and whether he had gained the ability to take on a fairy form.



Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland Military

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 1 060/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade), Basic Tech Energy Affinity, Intermediate Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Advanced Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer


“Ohoh~ Isn’t that interesting?” Raising his brows at his new status, the difference was so blatant that he couldn’t have missed the 5 changes even if he tried.

“What is?” Arbelle asked, having probably expected something different to happen.

“My 4 new talents, and one that has gone up a grade,” Aven said, “Want me to describe them?”

She nodded.


Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade): A fairy’s everything is in its energy. Slightly increases all properties of your energy.

Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade): Your energy is innately linked to the pure energy system. All pure energy system applications suffer no drawbacks from being performed with an energy belonging to a different energy system.

Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade): Your energy affinity echoes with your energy origin, both entering a symbiosis, amplifying each other. Slightly increases your energy affinity strength.

Intermediate Energy Sense: Following continuous, intense, and varied exposure to energy, all your senses have adapted to it and can now interpret any energy-related signals in a tangible way. Slightly increase your energy sensitivity.

Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade): Your fairy bloodline is completely awakened, allowing you to revert to your true fairy form while still maintaining your ancient form as an option. Your energy cultivation talent is increased slightly.


Reporting his 4 new talents and some bits of his upgraded energy sense for the heck of it, he saw some glimpse of fascination appear in Arbelle’s eyes.

“Your innate ability is really unique, it’s the first time I heard of something like that even being possible, and I can tell you I know a lot about weird innate abilities because my hobby is browsing through historical records!” She recounted.

“Of course I’m unique and I’m first, if I wasn’t, Green would have already long entered at least the interplanetary era,” translating his ambition and confidence, Aven exposed one of his hopes without being sarcastic at all.

“Having big inhibited but pure ambitions is also a trait of the fairies, you really are born to be one of us, why don’t you try to take on your fairy form? I brought several male fairy-sized uniforms for you~” Changing the subject smoothly, she invited him to put to the test his newly awakened fairy bloodline.

“How could I refuse that offer? I wouldn’t mind even if they were dresses like the one you’re currently wearing. I can’t wait!” Unveiling his true inner state, he waited for Arbelle to open one of the boxes she got out of nowhere and handed him a few pieces of clothing that should only be used for very thin babies.

Taking them with him without minding the fact that even underwear was included, Aven escaped the room and went back to his quarters.

Once there, he settled in the middle of the room and began mobilizing a new power that hadn’t been there before, a power that didn’t have a form but was present everywhere inside his body.

Using this power amateurishly, he communicated with a new part of himself that only asked to be used, and he felt his whole body lightening, as if dissipating into the air.

And that’s pretty much what he thought was happening as he suddenly saw a mental image of himself in his mind, one that wasn’t even close to being a humanoid in form. He was just a formless mass of energy that spilled into reality.

When he reached that state, new understandings gradually reached him, understandings about his new form and everything it implied to him.

‘I can decide the… Size? In exchange for… More energy? No, that’s not it… A reduction in my energy pool? Yeah, that’s it, a reduction in my energy pool…’

Feeling for himself the intricacies of reverting to his fairy form, Aven became more and more excited as he discovered that the benefits of awakening his fairy bloodline didn’t seem to have been just his 3 new energy talents and an increase in his talent.

Finishing his transition from his human form to his fairy form without deciding to expand, he quickly reasserted control over his limbs and… His wings.

“Oh!” Pushing just a little those 2 new limbs, he uncontrollably started ascending in the middle of the giant-sized living room that was his own living room.

Crashing softly against the ceiling, he didn’t feel any pain, nearly confirming one of his new understandings about his body, “I’m… Made of energy?”

Similar to when he finished awakening his fairy bloodline just a few minutes ago, he reopened his status to check if something had changed.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland Military

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 1 060/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

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1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Violet Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Basic Energy Life Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade), Basic Tech Energy Affinity, Intermediate Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Advanced Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer


“2! My fairy form hid 2 physical talents!” Both exhilarated and shocked that those 2 talents hadn’t been displayed before, he quickly deduced that there was a logical reason behind this absence by opening their details.


Fairy Body (Violet Grade): Your fairy body is made out of energy, as such, its ability to interact with physical matter is impacted. Physical-based forces are moderately reduced against you. Your capacity to exert physical-based forces is extremely reduced.

Basic Energy Life Constitution: For as long as you still have energy, your body can regenerate even if strongly damaged.


“Well… More like 1. And the second is a consequence…” Aven reasoned after looking at the second talent that had seemingly nothing to do with his fairy bloodline.

Done with checking his theory about his new body being made of energy, he refocused on his immediate situation.

It was a really strange and exciting one considering he was flying and the world around him seemed to be made for giant-sized people.

“Why didn’t I think about this extremely super cool fact before, now that’s a question I would really want an answer to…” Perplexed at how he didn’t even think for a second about how he would be able to fly freely and defy the laws of physics to return to a 30-centimeter tall body, experiencing the world completely differently, from the moment he awoke his fairy bloodline, he stopped thinking and just…

Accepted it.

Fluttering his energy wings by instinct, he began descending slowly towards the ground that was… So freakingly far considering his size now, it was like looking down from the top of a steep cliff leading to an abyss.

Landing on his couch, the soft and soft surface was still as soft and smooth, but it didn’t answer to his weight at all.

“So energy doesn’t have weight?” Asking aloud what he was curious about, he tried to grab the back of the couch to test the most obvious problem that having a body made of energy should cause.

And then his hand firmly grabbed the soft surface, as if it was completely normal.

“Hu…? Isn’t that exerting physical-based forces?” Blinking a few times in confusion, he believed more in his status than his senses, so he tried to see if his fairy form wasn’t automatically using a low-intensity pure energy system application.

“Ah! I knew it!” Finding what he had wanted, he deactivated what was seemingly instinctively part of his form, and this time, when he tried to grab the back of the couch to climb…

He couldn’t grab it, as if the soft and comfortable couch occupying his living room was made of camouflaged alloy.

“That’s more like it~” Done with this small test, he let his instinct take over and the external layer of energy making up his body started consuming a minor amount of energy to allow him to interact with matter sensibly again.

With his basic curiosity fulfilled, he started using his energy telekinesis in earnest to grab the uniform Arbelle had given him.

The act was so natural that Aven didn’t even notice how his energy telekinesis had answered him as if it was psy-based, meaning instantaneous.

Putting on the extremely small-sized white uniform, it now clearly didn’t appear as extremely small-sized as before, it even fit him like a glove and was on top of it extremely comfortable, like being surrounded by clouds.

“It’s really weird to be without my… Thing,” his sense of touch still somewhat preserved after the transformation, Aven felt really weird when his… “Lower body”... “Felt empty”.

Touching the covered area while blushing a bit but still looking curious, he calmed himself down by rationalizing the fact that fairies were energy beings in the end, so they didn’t need to obey fundamental complex biological entities' reproduction laws.

“Well, the major upside is that now I have no way of having my judgment clouded by horniness,” finding the most freaked upside to this situation, he fluttered his energy wings once and instantly launched into the air effortlessly.

Overseeing the giant-sized living room, he saw the white military uniform he had been wearing only a few minutes ago and used his energy telekinesis to pick it up and fold it properly on the table, not even finding it strange for an instant that he could do such complex action naturally without trying.

“I shouldn’t make her wait more, I’m sure her schedule is packed,” concluding his transformation episode, he opened the door, passed through it, closed it behind him without even looking, and headed towards the design room.

When he tried to accelerate, he found that exactly like birds, a fairy’s size didn’t reflect their speed intuitively at all as he flew through the corridors he knew so much at a speed similar to if he was on his bike.

Having to stop before he even felt something preventing him from pushing his speed further as he had reached his destination, he opened the door slightly without completely stopping and skillfully passed through the small opening he had created.

“I’m born for this!” Instantly stopping in mid-air, defying the law of physics on the same occasion, he pointed his two hands at the air-lounging Arbelle, who he knew wasn’t using anything like gravity to maintain her position.

“Every fairy is born for this, whatever ‘this’ is, we’re energy beings who break all the conventions annoying us in our way!” Acting like a conceited elitist teacher, she pushed Aven’s joke from comical to realistic without blinking or showing an iota of hesitation.

“I think you’re deluding yourself, but I hope you’re true! I’ll delude myself too!” Replying sarcastically as he didn’t know how to answer otherwise to what she had just said, he approached the keyboard connected to the main modeling computer and truly realized how small 30 centimeters really was.

Laying down next to it without feeling any shame, he confirmed what he had hypothesized, “This keyboard is longer than me! I’m so freaking tiny! This is so thrilling!”

“Well, seeing as you’ve become one of us without a hitch, it’s time for you to take the next step in your life,” changing the subject authoritatively, she called for his attention with the ambiguous tone she was using, “This unsecured and unsupervised base isn’t fit to host one of us, more so when your potential will probably call for the attention of others like me.”

“Ho…” Not understanding what she had just said, Aven stared blankly at her while still laying down next to the giant-sized keyboard.

“Ho?” Then he connected the dots.

“Ho!” Then he realized what this meant.

Having gone through the 3 stages of realization, Aven suddenly stopped his antics as he deduced something so obvious that he had missed it, “I’m a freaking fairy now… Of course I can’t remain here. What a stupid oversight!”

With the reminder from Arbelle, dozens of consequences of having become a fairy finally passed through his mind, from the positives to the negatives, he spent a whole minute in silence, contemplating what would soon be happening before starting to talk again, “I’m sorry, I didn’t prepare anything because… I don’t know, excitement? The suddenness of the situation?”

“Don’t worry about that, you’re not the first tech fairy, and you will have access to the military network as long as you remain in civilized places,” reassuring the slightly panicked and lost Aven, the older fairy dismissed his worries as irrelevant.

“Yes, of course I don’t need to worry,” calming himself down for not the first time today, he turned toward the keyboard he was just next to, then used energy telekinesis to take control of the mouse and update his 2 anti-Canopy project files on the network, “I’m joining the highest sapient power of Green, so why worry about anything?”

Showing his months of intense and continuous use of this design room, he wrapped up the whole room using his telekinesis.

All the chairs were pushed back to the central tables and before the different desks, the messy central table was cleaned and all his cardboard folders were put to one side, the different computers were turned off, the windows were closed…

It was near the end of this wrap-up that Aven noticed something and asked both to himself and to Arbelle, “Isn’t my energy telekinesis… Different?”

“It’s not just your telekinesis, all the basic pure energy system applications should be near instinctual for you,” she answered without delay, not even needing to think.

“Yeah, sounds about right,” forced to agree as he couldn’t come up with another answer considering the still-fresh memories of the talents he had acquired by becoming a fairy, he dealt with the circumstances by simply accepting them once again.

In only 5 minutes he finished erasing all traces of this design room having ever been occupied from a physical point of view and approached Arbelle, “What now?”

“Now? Now you tell me,” she countered, “Is there something in your quarters that you need to bring along? The only thing I can tell you is that you’re leaving the Eland Continent to go settle in the Forbidden Continent, so you’re not coming back to fetch the stuff you left behind or forgot easily.”

“The Forbidden Continent?” He repeated what he just heard, “Not that I didn’t already intend to go there to help with the imminent abomination surge, but… Why am I going there? Shouldn’t the Rainbow Mountain be my destination?”

“Under more stable circumstances, it would have been,” she shared, “But you just said it all. An abomination surge is coming, and every available fairy must help where they can, we are literally the strongest super force Green has, and that’s nothing less than what is necessary to resist what’s coming. That’s even more the case when the surge has been simmering for longer than it should have.”

“Well, that’s just forwarding my schedule a bit,” shrugging at this completely normal explanation, Aven thought for a moment about whether he had something he absolutely wanted to bring with him, and his eyes automatically shifted towards the fridge.

Magically, the fridge opened and an expensive glass bottle with water-glistening peach fruits drawn on it floated out, darting towards the back area of Aven where it comfortably started floating, “I just need one more thing and I’ll be ready~”

“Hahaha! Yeah! That’s how a fairy should be!” Surprisingly, Arbelle showed the strongest reaction since he had come back yet, maybe what he had just done hit one of her sensibilities.

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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