The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 49: Chapter 48: Forbidden Wall

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Accompanied by a single glass bottle containing martial-produced peach iced tea and an industrial-looking box containing his integrated combat uniform, Aven stepp- Flew out of the building that had hosted him for around half a year and saw him transform from a hot-blooded ambitious human youth to a hot-blooded supremely ambitious fairy.

“Ho, Ron!” Finding his escort at the exit, he neared him and started circling his head like an annoying fly, “I don’t think you’ll be able to escort me anymore, but know that you’ve not done a good job at being friendly during your time with me!”

“It wasn’t expected of me,” he countered neither fiercely nor normally, “And additionally, I hold no interest in establishing social connections with others like you do.”

“You should change that,” Aven blurted out, “But anyway, I don’t know if we’ll see each other again, so I hope your life continues smoothly~”

Flying away before even receiving an answer, surely a humble uninteresting one, he caught up to Arbelle who was leisurely flying with dozens of boxes larger than her surrounding her.

“What is contained in those boxes? Novus had the same,” he inquired, his curiosity never-ending.

“My secondary gear!” She continued flying towards the airport part of Blackdale IMC as she responded, “My energy is only useful for battles and large-scale annihilation, not for communication or making clothes.”

“Are you sure your energy can’t make clothes? If I had to say which energy system feels more suitable for making clothes, I would say elemental,” naturally, Aven found problems where there were none.

“It’s too much of a bother to maintain long-term constructs~” She smoothly rode on the sudden change of subject, “But you’re right, if there’s an energy system that can make clothes, then it’s the elemental one!”

“Evidently I’m right,” he whole-heartedly agreed with her on that part, not minding the narcissistic undertone, “All of them are tech-produced too, right? The boxes themselves included of course.”

“Maybe…?” She tilted her head to the side, unsure of how to answer that as she didn’t know herself, “They’re secondary in the end, they don’t even influence my fighting power one bit, so why should I make sure they’re tech-produced?”

“Oh!” A bit triggered, only the fact that she didn’t know whether the secondary gear given to her were tech-produced or not told everything Aven wanted to know, “That’s definitely another thing I’ll add to my list of revolutions to do!”

Arriving at the military airport, Arbelle guided him to a standalone normal-looking military transport airplane that was being actively resupplied and loaded with massive containers.

“That’s our plane!” She declared as she flew up and landed on top of the massive gray plane.

“I think the next tool I’m getting is a tech-enhancement flash evaluator… Definitely…” Completely off-topic, Aven lamented the fact that he had no way of evaluating whether this plane was tech-produced or not.

“Is that even relevant? Even if the whole plane explodes it'll just be a big explosion unable to truly hurt you,” shockingly, she didn't seem to even care about it and didn’t give him a proper answer.

“Sigh… So much potential wasted…” Not taking it personally as he had finished testing the waters about tech-production in the mind of a grade 5 powerhouse, he simply went past this difference in how they each saw the world, “Guess you’ll have to wait until I usher in a small revolution. By then, I’m sure you’ll change your mind on the matter.”

A few minutes later, the plane had finished its pre-take-off preparations and checks and the two fairies entered it before it really departed.

Feeling the plane take off with only a few military staff actually being inside the plane with him, Aven finally confirmed something, “So you’re really alone… Did you come here just to bring a fairy crystal and escort me afterward? From the Forbidden Continent?”

“Do you think I need to be protected?” Interpreting what he said for what it really was, she started glaring at him very intensely.

“No, ma’am! I’m sorry for my stupid question! Of course you came here just for me, I’m that important after all! And of course you came from the Forbidden Continent! How could someone such as you, a divine grade 5 fairy, be lounging at the Rainbow Mountain while an abomination surge is imminent?!” Correcting himself at the speed of light, he reigned in his curiosity and thought up another subject he was interested in.

“Did you already live through an abomination surge? No, sorry, I’m being stupid again,” he stopped himself and revised what wanted to say, “What is an abomination surge like? The knowledge I can claim doesn’t include things like points of view, and the military network isn’t helping for anything other than giving me pictures full of warped flesh and blood.”

“How should I describe it~” Stopping her intense stare in satisfaction, she thought for a moment before giving him a subjective description, “You take a swarm of ants that had access to unlimited food for a few years and know how to stock it extremely efficiently, then you take the moment when they reach such a degree of saturation in their food stock that they literally can’t stock more… And after that…”

Thinking a bit more on how to continue her description, Aven had already somewhat gotten what she wanted to say before she actually said it, “They sort of just crazily consume all their food stock for no other reason than to consume it to be able to stock more? This part is not really clear, and I didn’t really bother with trying to learn more about the whys. Too much of a bother.”

“And what does it look like, more precisely?” Emphasizing the “look” part a bit more, he tried to get something more concrete than this very helpful description.

“I wasn’t finished! Be quiet!” Pointing a finger at him, she ordered him to stay silent before resuming as if nothing happened, “As for the way the ants use to quickly consume their food, it’s of course by reproduction, that’s exactly what the abominations do too, like ants. The only difference is that abominations have another factor to them which brings us to the event called ‘surge’. Do you know it?”

“Hum…” Pondering for a bit, he soon got his answer from a few pieces of knowledge he had claimed and integrated with, “They have no hierarchy and thrive in their own self-created chaos. Can’t see anything else.”

“Don’t search more complicated than it is, more individuals means more chaos, more chaos means more growth, more growth means?” She asked for his knowledge again, though this time the answer wasn’t set and seemed to depend on her mood.

“More individual and more chaos? Positive feedback loop?” He tentatively gave the first answer that came to his mind and a logical following to it.

“Whatever!” She neither agreed nor disagreed and just concluded the subject in a way that didn’t leave any uncertainty, “In the end, what happens is: A whole continent, it’s really big a continent if you didn’t know, full of abomination reach saturation in its population and expand against the continental coast fortified by us and all the other great and even minor powers of Green in general, and we have to use all the advantages brought by our defensive position to bring down the population until they return to their core. Or die trying.”

“Sounds blood-boiling~” Slightly awed by the way Arbelle had turned the whole thing, Aven could picture endless waves of abominations trying to break through a giant circle keeping them contained inside the Forbidden Continent like animals in a zoo.

“You’ll see by yourself soon anyway,” she smiled as if she was looking forward to her grandchild entering an amusement park attraction, “Or I really hope you’ll see for yourself soon, for the surge to still not be happening by now… That’s a bit worrying.”

With a conversation partner, Aven didn’t see the time pass by as he had an endless curiosity to fill and unless he was forced to stop asking questions, he firmly believed that he could go on and chatter for days without needing to stop.

His new identity as an energy life under his fairy form, despite having changed the way he needed to sustain himself, wasn’t really linked to this, even before he acquired it he also firmly believed that he would still have been able to chatter for days.

All in all, questions after questions, answers after answers, subjects shifts after subjects shifts, the discussion between the older grade 5 fairy and the newly awakened curious grade 3 fairy only stopped when the plane began its descent towards the ground.

The landing happened without a hitch, and a duo of fairies was the first to step out of it.

One had a whole load of boxes floating beside her, the other had one glass bottle and one industrial box.

One didn’t really care about her surroundings, one looked entranced, looking left and right to take in the sight of this new place that looked so different.

Ascending a bit, Aven looked everywhere around him before confirming that where he was really wasn’t a place that would have been created if not for very unique circumstances.

Right, left, front, back, no matter where he looked, what he saw were skyscraper-sized concrete walls dotted with openings letting in the sight of menacing weapon barrels pointing straight at him.

The place the transport plane had landed in was a square made fully of concrete, one amongst hundreds of pretty similarly sized ones repeating themselves hundreds of times along the Forbidden Continent coast.

It was a gigantic fortification designed exclusively to stop the abominations from escaping the Forbidden Continent, containing them until a more permanent solution was found.

It was called the Forbidden Wall.

‘If there’s a pro to all supers having the potential to be supremely efficient killing machines, then it’s this one…’

Lost in thought, he absent-mindedly looked at the swarming activity of people wearing white military uniforms, man and woman, displaying their belonging to Eland and working to prepare for the incoming surge by doing their job.

‘Let’s do it, Aven, you prepared yourself for it, and there’s no way you can back off now that you’ve become a fairy.’

Searching and finding Arbelle with his eyes, he fluttered his energy wings and darted towards her as she was heading towards a Forbidden Wall entrance.

Having so many new things to observe and be curious about, Aven had no processing power to allocate to discussing anymore, so he silently followed behind her like an obedient curious but shy puppy.

Once they entered the Forbidden Wall proper, they started accelerating, leaving in the dust the walking humans.

Corridor junctions after corridor junctions, Arbelle led him deeper and deeper into the correctly lighted and clean insides of the wall until she suddenly stopped using large corridors and shifted to smaller ones.

Eventually, she found stairs and the two used them to climb back up to the open-air under a fantastic blue sky, except this time they weren’t on the ground, they were on top of the wall, and not any wall, but the innermost wall layer.

“Ho~” Admiring for the first time not in a picture the view of the deserted wasteland marred with craters that was most of the Forbidden Continent coast area according to his knowledge, Aven let out a small awed breath.

“It’s only impressive the first time,” Arbelle said, looking towards the horizon, “It’s just radioactive sands that glow a bit in the dark otherwise.”

“I’m sure I’ll find in myself the strength to appreciate the sight a few more times than I should,” he reasoned, “Anyway, why are we here?”

“Why do I need a reason to bring you here?” She calmly stated, turning to look at him with a bit less playfulness and a bit more severeness, “I’m sure you want to encounter all the other fairies and make friends with them, as you should of course, but if you want to do that, you’ll have to do it without me.”

Understanding the implicit message without too much effort, Aven was nonetheless surprised by how irresponsible the whole situation seemed to be, “That’s it?”

“This section of the wall is ruled by Eland, it’s the safest place you could ever ask for if you make abstraction of the abominations,” she explained, ignoring his question, “Settle yourself in whatever industrial or research section you find more to your taste, then start preparing yourself. The surge has been imminent for months already, so it can start either in a few hours or in a few months. Hopefully not in a few years.”

“That’s really it? I’m left by myself this soon?” Still dumbfounded by what was taking place, he asked.

“You’re a grown-up boy, and I’m sure the royal agency will take care of you, it’s their job,” ignoring him again, Arbelle then opened one of her boxes, taking out a peculiar-looking device before taking flight and flying along the wall, leaving Aven behind.

“Well, looks like a fairy can just do whatever they want?” Voluntarily misunderstanding the situation shamelessly, he ignored the glances from the soldiers and staff and similarly took flight, ascending for a few minutes before descending and using the stairs to go back inside the Forbidden Wall.

“In the end, I just have to do the same thing I always do when I arrive at a new place: Exploration!” Hyping himself, it didn’t take long before his motivation and enthusiasm climbed back up to their maximum.

It was time for him to scout this place in anticipation of spending months inside both preparing and resisting a surge.

An abnormal surge.

When Aven and Arbelle departed Blackdale…

Watching a certain plane taking off from Blackdale IMC’s airport area, a green-haired man with unfocused eyes followed it absent-mindedly for a good 10 minutes until it totally left his field of view.

‘Sent back to work on further projects?’

‘Joining the strategizing center as an assistant?’

‘ERA will not be able to hide him anymore?’

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‘A major accident will happen?’

‘He’ll thrive where no one expected?’

Guesses buzzed and flew everywhere in his mind, some rational, some optimistic, some catastrophic, all leaving trails of chaos that represented the most direct side effect of using his more than powerful enough innate ability.

Organizing his most basic general guesses in a similarly most general way, Drayce then adjusted his guessing intensity and aim by forcing certain pieces of knowledge to be forcefully linked with others.

‘The rogue branches will calm down for the duration of the surge?’

‘The succession war will continue and every contender's contribution in the surge will become a weapon?’

‘A few small countries in Emma will be taken down and controlled silently?’

‘A window of opportunity will open when the surge ends?’

His mind became more chaotic by the second as his innate ability was pushed to give out the guesses he wanted, resulting in him having to eventually stop guessing blindly at the general trend the world was going to follow as a certain picture had started forming.

“If I combine this trend… With his existence…” Slowly musing aloud, Drayce’s eyes that perfectly reflected how lost in thought he was transformed, exhibiting a nascent spark of ruthlessness, “If… I am to make such an important life-changing decision… I need to really go at it.”

His understanding of the world and how it worked was being challenged as his encounter with a certain 20-years-ish man named Aven flashed through his mind, placing itself at the same level as the like of the abomination surge conclusion or the next move of the contenders in the Emma succession war.

One embodied a single entity who had just awakened his fairy ancestry and left to go contribute with his relatively meager power, a being who had single-mindedly followed his own path since he realized what he was capable of.

And this path was one nobody had ever thought was possible. Because it wasn’t.

The other embodied his true life goal and long-standing ambition. Entering the global political landscape full of traps and deception his innate ability would more than shine through and help him navigate masterfully if given the opportunity.

But there was a reason he had first taken the path of being a production tech super. He didn’t just want a single opportunity to enter the political world, he wanted a plethora of them.

“Do I do it?” He asked himself for the last time with a trembling voice that betrayed his fear of the side effects he would be under for the foreseeable future whether he succeeded beautifully or failed miserably.

His age being at around 140 didn’t make him more courageous when facing this grade 3 application of his innate ability allowing him to make crazy guesses out of things as simple as the weather or the average fluctuation of thousands of stocks in the global market.

“I’ll do it…” Ultimately, he breathed out his determination to take his chance if the opportunity existed.

The world had already descended into a period of unrest so unique that he couldn’t not take a chance if it was so straightforwardly presented to him.

The Emma succession war was a massive political stage that extended to the point of all the smaller countries around the Emma Empire having been taken over by the different princes and princesses, and the involvement of rogue Bright Canopy branches with certain princes and princesses had caused so many chaotic ripples…

Decisively, Drayce gathered everything he knew about Aven, his current achievements in designing projects ERA had a really hard time hiding away until he was strong enough to carry their weight, the way his divine innate ability worked, his unique personality, his openly displayed ambitions…

He locked it all.

He cranked up his guessing intensity to what he had eventually come to call “Prophetic Level”.

He limited the guessing frequency to 5.

And he launched it.

‘Cultivation serum universalization and intensification?’

‘All-sensors technology project?’

‘Canopy cleansing campaign?’

‘Mechanical suit?’

‘Human resource manager?’

His whole sight ended up filled with gigantic dark spots the moment his 5th guess was given out, symbolizing the start of the retribution for having used this guessing intensity.

“Ha!” He couldn’t really focus on those black spots however as his entire brain and subsequently body collapsed in a hell of pain, making him fall on his knee.

To that already horrendous situation was added the fact that he couldn’t even understand a hundredth of the massive quantity of information spawned by this round of guesses at the prophetic level.

Exactly like back when he had just attained grade 2 and used the prophetic level to guess that a major Canopy branch would launch an uprising for no reason as the 4th abomination surge of the human era drew closer and closer each day, it took Drayce 10 minutes to recover basic control of his body.

“That’s so painful…” Gritting his teeth as he stood up, he felt intense pain everywhere in his body, and nothing could alleviate it. Not only was his body aching, his spirit and energy also seemed to be hurting.

“But it was so worth it,” a smile gradually appeared on his twitching face as he integrated the massive amount of information spawned by his 5 prothetic-level guesses, “To think I would have to switch my career to being a human resource manager… Life is really full of mystery…”


Residential sections containing from basic to luxurious living quarters and cafeterias, all sorts of places dedicated to entertainment and ways to spend one’s money and socialize with others, and an endless amount of people to meet.

Logistic sections hosting huge depots of all manners of weapons, ammunition, and amenities, sophisticated naval harbors and airports to fluidify the transports of goods needed to make all the other sections work properly, and enough security protocol to even block a fairy from visiting freely.

Industrial sections accommodating massive power generators and tech turbines providing power for the rest of the wall, as well as production lines, integrated or not, to occupy the days of the production tech supers living here.

Medical sections, sections full of empty medical wards and enthusiastic medical personnel knowing full well that this place being empty was the best for them. Yet, they knew their section would surely be filled to the brim very soon.

Research sections sheltering many interesting people working on even more interesting projects, all targeted towards increasing the defensive power of the Forbidden Wall through any means, from biological to mechanical to technological.

Fortified sections built with the express intended purpose of allowing the human era technologically revolutionized tech supers to bombard the front from the safe backline.

There, their weakness in direct confrontation wouldn't be exposed, their ability to artificially increase their strength through excessive preparation would shine the brightest, all while transmitting and receiving orders and intel respectively.

These sections wouldn’t look any different from the logistic sections if not for the hundreds of complexly arranged rows of missile batteries and mortars only waiting to be ignited and the tens of large tall antennas that should only be found in research sections.

Trap sections engineered and designed to answer only to extreme cases of breach brought about by the presence of grade 5 abominations… Or above.

The Forbidden Wall built along the Forbidden Continent coast was split into 5 layers, the first 3 and a small part of the 4th layer were fully dedicated to fighting against all forms an abomination surge could take, from a straightforward swarm assault to a wall breach.

Visiting all these different sections, Aven truly realized how unique this place was, it wasn’t just a fortification manned by various armed forces, it was a city, a city taking on the form of a planetary great powers-supported wall.

All sorts of interests combined and collided just in the Eland-manned area, and from what he had been able to glean from his short scouting, the whole place seemed ready to switch to a war-ready state at any moment.

Inevitably nonetheless, the presence of a fairy flying around aimlessly and discussing with everyone enthusiastically was bound to be noticed and reported, and someone claiming to belong to Eland Royal Agency was sent to “take care of him”, as Arbelle had so irresponsibly put it.

This didn’t stop him from continuing on his chaotic exploration tour though, he was just forced to bring an unannounced guide along on his supremely disorganized and instinct-fueled scouting.

Ultimately, when the White had the time to both set and rise and the chaotic fairy was still going around visiting the Forbidden Wall without any indication that he wanted to stop anytime soon, the first guide had to pass the relay to another despite having done nothing but follow along waiting to be asked for help.

This all wasn’t something Aven cared about, however, as for him, his tour was happening marvelously.

His familiarity with the place called Forbidden Wall rose with each additional section he visited, nearly reaching the first threshold of familiarity which was to know where everything essential and close to essential was.

The only thing that made him stop was when the White was settling once again and his spirit finally reached its limit as it couldn’t continue fighting against the exhaustion generated from having been conscious for 61 hours.

Finally finding a use for his new escort who was at Ron-level in terms of friendliness, he asked whether there was a special place to go to sleep or if he should go ask for living quarters in a residential section.

And surprisingly, or unsurprisingly once he considered who the fairies were, he was led through an extremely strict gate to a “residential section” that looked more like an amended luxurious coast only rich people willing to pay should have access to.

A huge white sand beach, colorful flower gardens, huge flowering trees, both tropical and temperate, a beautiful view of the twilight, magnificent large fairy-sized villas, and a dozen fairies relaxing was the scenery that welcomed Aven as he stepped out of the Forbidden Wall alone, his escort having left him with only a key to one of the villas.

“Ho!” With stars in his eyes, he took in the sight of this recluse paradise reserved for fairies only greedily, momentarily allowing his spirit to push back against the massive growing exhaustion it was under.

It was unfortunately only momentary as despite wanting to thoroughly scout this unique section he hadn’t even known the existence of prior to actually seeing it with his own two eyes, he had only earned a few extra minutes.

After this short period of intense amazement at this out-of-the-world place, the exhaustion pushed back and forced him to find his own villa, ignoring all the extremely interesting sights and unique fairies he saw on the way.

Finding his villa without having to try too hard, he dropped his big integrated combat uniform box and martial-produced peach iced tea glass bottle outside before unlocking the symbolic-only door with his symbolic-only steel key…

And was in disbelief once again when the villa itself was furnished with lots of unique-looking curious furniture everywhere.

“Ah! If only I wasn’t going to collapse any minutes from now!” Putting on the crazy fairy act, he threw a small fit as he speedily scouted the whole villa to find the master bedroom in the midst of his delirious sleepiness.

When he finally finished computing the whole villa’s plan in his mind, he picked the biggest bedroom and crashed on the large fairy-sized bed.

His uniform started being automatically taken apart by his energy telekinesis as he didn’t feel that his body could move anymore after hitting this supremely soft bed.

His eyes were so heavy that he did nothing else apart from that, and finding the ultimate opportunity, his exhaustion finally asserted its victory by making him drift into sleep.

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