The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 50: Chapter 49: Exploration

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Opening his eyes after a bit more than 5 hours of deep revitalizing sleep, the first thing Aven noted was that the White had completely set but the world was still illuminated for some reason.

Removing his blanket, he fluttered his wings to approach the large window to find the source of this illumination.

“Ah, that’s right… The whole Forbidden Continent is a radioactive high-energy wasteland…” Feeling stupid for only remembering that now, he admired the landscape that was the fairy residential section for a few minutes before turning away.

Opening the wardrobe, he saw both casual clothes, military uniforms, female clothes, and male clothes, all fairy-sized, he just had to choose what he wanted and no one would dare to say anything to a fairy, even if he put on a dress.

“Nothing to hesitate about~” Taking a male military uniform, he didn’t dwell on this abundance of choice, he had other things to think about, like the abomination surge.

Using this occasion, he claimed the contribution reward from the previous cycle, hoping to somewhat stabilize his grade 3 cultivation resources expenses.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland Military

Dynamic Contribution: 2 491 200 FCP


“2 cycles… So I only have this one that is covered…” Quickly computing the state of his FCP stock, one of his worries was pushed to the front, but before putting this worry as his core objective for the day, he opened his shop.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Six-Star General

Faction Contribution Points: 17 326 104


“Yeah, irrelevant,” he judged, “That’s more than a month of reserve, I should worry primarily about actually preparing for the surge and secondarily about turning this preparation into FCP.”

His mind appeased, he thought to something much more joyous that was still related, “I wonder what the tech-enhancement would be with my new energy intensity, hehehe~”


Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (Claim?)

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (Claim?)


Planning for what he intended to do today as he dressed, he claimed his cultivation trinity set and exited his villa without locking the door behind him, the key still in the lock.

The whole thing was only symbolic after all.

As he prepared himself for exploring this restricted place that looked like a small paradise, he opened his status for one last check, one necessary for him to clear his mind.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland Military

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 1 070/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Violet Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Basic Energy Life Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade), Basic Tech Energy Affinity, Intermediate Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Advanced Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer


“1 070, so that’s what it means to have a greatly increased talent~” Joyfully concluding this matter that had been at the back of his head since he had seen the description of his awakened fairy bloodline, Aven felt that there was just nothing for him to worry about anymore.

He was free to decide what to do, no matter what it was, and observing the nightly dreamy section he was in, the only thing he wanted to do wasn’t to prepare himself for the abomination surge.

It was to continue on a second exploration tour.

“Wherever we go~ Ho~” Humming the catchy chorus of a popular electro-pop song, Aven flew from a logistic section to an industrial section unhurriedly, as if he didn’t know what awaited him in this precise section.

This industrial section was nevertheless meant to be different from all the other ones he had visited prior as it had been recently redeveloped to accommodate new generation integrated production lines he had designed himself.

“Destiny~ We hover like stars~” Grooving left and right unstably as if he was drunk, he didn’t care about how the staff saw him. This second exploration tour was happening marvelously after all.

From encountering other fairies soon after waking up to enjoying all the marvelous sights offered by the fairy garden, the name of the fairy-restricted residential section, Aven had all his social needs and curiosity fulfilled without even trying.

The only reason he had stopped, or had to stop, more precisely, was that like he should have, all the fairies he acquainted himself with had their own duties to fulfill.

Some had scouting duties, being charged with observing and reporting all the suspicious activities from the growing masses of abomination in different locations of the Forbidden Continent.

Some had diplomatic duties, having to coordinate with all the other non-Eland manned sections and make goods and money circulate.

Some had research duties, trying to give Eland the smallest addition of edge to resist the lethal surge that was for sure coming.

Some had… All sorts of duties really, from synthesizing cultivation resources, to consolidating structures, to increasing the morale, to manning important integrated production lines. The only thing common to all these duties was their importance.

No fairies were given unimportant or redundant jobs, and they did their job only because they felt like doing it.

Exactly as Arbelle had shown him, fairies could do whatever they felt like doing, and no one would ever object, they were limited only by their own motivation to involve themselves in huge undertakings.

Before all the fairies had left, however, one had given him the intel that eventually led to him heading to this precise industrial section hosting “ASHAS”, “ASHAS-ST1”, and “ASHAS-ST2” integrated production lines.

As for what “ASHAS” meant? It was obviously the diminutive form of “Alternative Innovative Tech Super Restricted Anti-Abomination Stationary Heavy Artillery Sniper”, the anti-abomination project he had created and completed. In this line, “ST1” and “ST2” stood for “Shell type 1” and “Shell type 2”.

“Oh~ Ohoh~ Destiny~” Passing through a security gate unbothered by the 2 guards while still humming the same song, he finally began hearing the familiar sound of industrial production slightly before seeing a big row of integrated production lines he had designed himself occupying the center of a whole industrial section.

Not even needing to close in to identify what each integrated line was, he swiftly identified how many of each line there were, “4 for artillery snipers, 12 for armor cracking shells, 14 for expansive empty shells… So many?”

Surprised by how many lines there were, he nearly doubted his mining and economy knowledge which told him very clearly the resources needed to build what he had designed were extremely pricey and not on the commonly available side.

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The platinum-tungsten alloy he had used for the bullet core of the armor cracking shell was absolutely not something that was easy to produce, from the basic materials to the manufacturing process, each needed to answer extremely strict standards he had set himself to near perfection as much as he could.

That was the whole reason the project was “Tech Super Restricted”, the production lines needed to be supported by a tech super, that was the only way to achieve the best result. Not following that directive would slow down the production speed and reduce the production quality drastically.

“Well, at least that shows they took my project seriously~” Not worrying too much, he kept his happy-go-lucky attitude as he neared the lively production hall.

The intrusion of a small flying fairy was noticed as soon as it happened, and the people in charge stopped working to welcome him as if he was the evilest and most respected inspector ever.

Having no regard for normal social norms that would apply here though, Aven skipped through the blabla and made everyone go back to work except for a manager that only had an overseeing duty unrelated to the active ongoing production.

“I want to see the specs for each of those 30 lines, in digital form if possible, big, dense, and complex data reports. I want to see if I can help,” he calmly stated what he wanted, displaying a friendly casual front to not stress the poor already stressed manager.

“This way please, sir,” maintaining a respectful distance, as if scared to approach further, he quickly led him to a control room where everything Aven could wish for was before leaving discreetly.

“Sigh… So many Rons…” Shaking his head with a bitter smile, he ignored this weird distance that he already had the whole previous cycle to get used to before deploying his energy without holding back and taking control of the overseer room with his telekinesis.

“I wonder what my new tech-enhancement would be if I went all out…” Browsing through all the data, a thought that made his blood heat a bit appeared in his mind, asking him to be tried immediately.

Holding back, he focused on what was before his eyes: A dense live feed that was being automatically added to a giant matrix that kept track of how this precise production hall fared.

Decrypting how it worked in a few minutes, he started adding filters here and there to massively reduce the amount of data, from minutely report lines, he extended the range to daily, summarizing and averaging all the numbers he was interested in.

Then he scrolled to the absolute bottom and saw how this redeveloped production hall was only put online 3 months ago, a considerable time after he had published his project on the military network.

From there, he began scrolling up, integrating all the tech-enhancement evaluations, quality checks, production intensities, attributed manpower…

The mass of knowledge he had access to covered hundreds of fields, in fact, it covered all general fields, there wasn’t one field he had neglected, and using this inhuman excessive amount of knowledge, he made his own opinion from nothing but the numbers he had under his eyes.

And he believed he was right.

“Some fluctuations in tech-enhancement at the start, surely due to interested production tech supers passing by…” A certain conclusion made him frown a bit.

Adding a few more filters, he normalized the tech-enhancement data line by removing all the exceptional results, “So, other than those few irregular spikes, the quality has only been maintained at 480% on average…”

Scanning through the mass of data for a few more minutes after concluding a pretty negative outcome compared to his expectation, he wrapped up his inspection with a few words intended to be heard by no one but himself, “Looks like my duty is all mapped out.”

Getting out of the control room after cleaning it properly, he returned to the production hall, already projecting all the changes he intended to make.

‘Well, it’s all coming together, that’s for sure. With that, my preparation will start in earnest, meaning the only other thing I need to do is… Arranging for all the dozens of cases that could happen when the surge starts.’

“Nothing hard, hu~” Whispering the last part of his thought process aloud, he stopped projecting himself and moved on, flying towards the exit of the hall.

This cycle wasn’t meant to be one where he started drawing an integration plan for a production hall he had just discovered.

This cycle was an exploration-dedicated cycle, and he for sure intended to make exploration his focus. At least until he had nothing else to explore.

The White rose completely, reaching its peak, then started its inevitable descent until night fell, then it rose again after a short absence, only to set for the second time after irradiating the Forbidden Continent for most of the day.

For Aven, this had no impact at all, a circadian cycle ruling his wake and sleep was something belonging to the past. He had long transcended his biological limits in more ways than he ever thought possible and embarked on an extraordinary path where invisible forces allowed him to defy his own biological nature.

Much to his satisfaction.

Having awakened as a fairy had, in truth, only exacerbated what was already there. “Human” was only a term he could use to describe what his condition was at birth, not one he could still use to describe his current condition.

And that didn’t really bother him, his ambition, innate ability potential, and confidence in himself and his path let him cruise through any existential crisis as if they were peaceful waters.

Everything combined allowed him to not hesitate in what he planned to do, from visiting all the hundreds of sections to searching proactively for the reports about the abomination activities, his brain was hard at work piecing together his future perfect schedule.

Being a fairy and having been accepted by the royal agency as a “true” Eland fairy had given him the ultimate master key, and he put all these resources he had access to their absolute best.

After his 2nd cycle inevitably came to an end and he returned to the fairy garden, he had already planned to pursue with a third exploration cycle, though one a bit different due to its focus being more on encountering… “Important people”.

Thus, after integrating himself further into the fairy community residing in the fairy garden both before his sleep and for a few hours after waking up, he started going around abusing his authority to talk to true-blue 4-star and 5-star generals.

At this level of authority, all the people except a select few with deficient genetics had been awakened and given trust, so Aven didn't hesitate in exposing the fact that everything they knew in terms of military tactics, he knew too.

Some tested him a bit, but in the end, the result was that he got access to a true advisory authority and direct contact lines with the real decision-makers standing behind the imminent abomination surge war.

After he went through all the high authorities of the military, be they from the logistics, defense, or strategic departments, and acquired the points of view from many of them, his preparation plan finally took form and he picked a relatively empty research section to settle in.

Procuring a design room for himself wasn’t anything difficult, and for the rest of this 3rd cycle, marking the end of his 1st week at the Forbidden Wall, he got to work until sleep called and he returned to the fairy garden.

“Lieutenant General Wall? Hehe~ Isn’t his name perfect for what he’s currently doing?” A burly male fairy named Thekrik joked about the story Aven just related.

“It sure is!” Another more lithe male fairy named Cully echoed the funny comment.

“Who do you take me for? Of course I made this joke to him!” Proudly sharing his achievement, Aven inflated his chest to increase the intensity of his statement, “But it wasn’t the first time someone made it to him! What a disappointment! He even told me it was one of us, fairies, who did it to him first not long ago!”

“I did it…” A small 20-centimeters tall female fairy named Helia weakly cut in from the side, making everyone turn to look at her with exaggerated shock displayed on their face.

“You… You…” Dramatically pointing his finger at her, Aven stuttered as he looked around at all the others who didn’t seem to have known about this, “You… Never told this story before?”

“It wasn’t really funny… Once I did it…” She evaded his eyes as she avowed to her sin.

“What a misplay, sigh…” Concluding the tangent without pushing for more, he pursued the interesting story he had lived the cycle prior, “Anyway, after making the Wall joke and returned to get his point of view, I somehow ended up bringing the subject of an ASHAS moving battery after explaining to him what it was about and all its benefits, and guess what happened? Guess!”

“He’s completely into it! He’s a repressed big guns enthusiast!” Thekrik shouted his answer.

“He told you to get out!” Cully offered enthusiastically.

“He completely phased out…” A silent female fairy named Lella added her opinion to the mix.

“He made a funny joke,” Helia suggested after thinking.

“And the answer is…” Seeing no one else had something to propose, Aven made the hype climb.

“Knock knock knock!” He suddenly said, “One of his advisors, whatever his name was, entered after knocking on the door, intending to bring him more piles of paper. So he stood from his large chair to take them, but by some cosmic miraculous event, the advisor stumbled!”

“As a good fairy, what could I have done other than helping this poor advisor? So I used my energy telekinesis to stabilize the situation quickly, and saw that by some miracle, Lieutenant General Wall had also stumbled! Right onto his poor advisor!”

Getting worked up as the conclusion of the story was coming, Aven chaotically agitated his arms.

“So once again, I help! I’m a good fairy after all, though the situation was so funny too that I couldn’t help but laugh. And as the door was still open, my charismatic laugh attracted the attention of other people… Including! Haha! Including Mrs. Wall, his wife who is also a military officer!”

Finishing his story with a completely flushed face as he remembered exactly how it happened, he wanted nothing else but to collapse on the ground and roll in laughter.

“And when she saw him! Hahaha! She was so funny! Saying whatnot about her knowing he didn’t love her anymore! And also things about him having repressed his true sexual orientation! Hahaha!”

Transmitting all his emotions uninhibited, he once again collapsed on the floor as he once more lived through the laughing fit he had back when this story happened to him during the previous cycle.

It also seemed that this story wasn’t just laugh-worthy for him but for most of the fairies gathered here, and they all had a good laugh before another fairy took over, perpetuating the relaxing storytelling slash gathering session.

Only a few hours later, when new fairies arrived and some who had their fill departed, Aven also decided that it was time for him to go back to work.

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