The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 53: Chapter 51: Investigation Reports

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Leaving the strategic reunion with a slightly lightened heart knowing this surge wouldn’t start like a few mythical ones he knew of where in a few hours grade 5 abominations were already at the doors of the Forbidden Wall, he made his way back to the ASHAS production hall.

“I’ll have my part as a strategist to play, just not now,” asserting his thoughts, he flew over the chaos and a few minutes later he was infusing energy into the 30-lines integrated machine.

Knowing there was no shot of him being transferred to the Vow Kingdom manned part of the wall as he was a fairy and he could pretty much do whatever he wanted, he emptied his mind of all the knowledge that was telling him of how mind-bogglingly fast an abomination surge could change.

A few hours passed quickly as he sought to reach the energy saturation of this massive integrated line, and as no one had come to fetch him, he didn’t stop.

He wasn’t totally sure yet, but after remembering that all of his energy’s properties had been “slightly increased”, he knew that its density, stability, and sustainability were probably included.

So he had readied himself mentally for remaining here until the end of this cycle if he had to.

But then he received a strange message on his phone.

[Eland Royal Agency: All files involving investigations done on you or your relative have been cleared for disclosure. Browse through them as you see fit.]

“Investigations?” Innocently taking this news, he tilted his head to the side as he naively opened the first of the 2 files accompanying this message.

[1st Report on Aven Amias, by Emrick Delfin and Kora Damien, stealth investigators of ERA (Eland Royal Agency).

Aven Amias, a 21-years old confirmed Eland citizen by birth who ought to have gone down the path of being a journalist slash reporter supported by extremely developed and advanced social charisma and instincts not dissimilar to the ones young fairy with uncontrollable social needs develop during their youth.

As was just said, the first thing that would strike anyone interacting with him, who are in the know of how true instinct-driven fairies act, for the first time would be how similar he is in character and behavior to fairies. Despite not being one.

As people who have interacted with and seen fairies for most of our lives, we judge the similarities to be striking enough that mistaking him for a fairy in human form is a true possibility.

Inborn social ease, instinctive honesty, selfless trust-giving, and open emotional display are all traits that humans aren’t supposed to develop naturally but have nonetheless manifested in him over his natural development in a normal human family.

His extremely quick adaptation and flexible mindset to his new circumstances are also factors that are seen in most instinct-driven fairies, though less documented due to their current small slowly recovering population.

The first few months of dedicated observations:

From his EMATE graduation, which led to the creation of his life management council being directly approved and formed on the basis of his potential as an individual with a mirror world-level unique innate ability…

With the explicit goal of making him a priority isolation target until he attained grade 3 where he would be able to take care of himself and contribute in a much more substantial manner…

To his current state as a prospective new fairy, have shown and unearthed absolutely no behavioral-related problems other than those commonly associated with traditional young fairy behavior.

(E.G: Needs for unrestricted exploration when entering new places, which the target doesn’t seem totally aware of. Curiosity-driven days, with no difficulty repeating the same life pattern again and again as long as it lines up with his desires and expectations.)

The ambitions and drive for progress he has shown and acted on can be described as extremely-high for his age, and his innate ability potential, once combined with this drive, has led to such progress that his threat potential surpasses his actual threat level by at least 2 levels...]

“Woah~” Unable to let anything out other than an amazed breath, the world around him seemed to warp a little, as if a veil that he shouldn’t have seen had been lifted.

He had been followed, observed, and investigated by ERA from the moment he had graduated EMATE. Probably even slightly before he graduated.

Continuing to read through the 1st report, he finished it and moved on to the second one, which was somewhat paradoxically the “final” one.

[Final Report on Aven Amias, by Emrick Delfin and Kora Damien, stealth investigators of ERA (Eland’s Royal Agency).

Following the life-managed raid designed to deter Aven from pursuing getting further practical experiences that could risk exposing him to the world, ERA fairy agent codename Novus personally undertook the mission of bringing a fairy crystal to Aven’s ERA escort Ron Fali.

This mission’s result made for the final confirmation that his awakening as a fairy was only a question of time and not of chance.

A special designation, “future fairy”, was created to cater to his special situation and to increase his authority rank the moment it was confirmed he had all the tools he needed to awaken his own fairy bloodline and the behavior and determination necessary to use them.

On Aven’s part, in turn, this knowledge led to nothing but an increase in productivity that translated into a first practical example of his innate ability’s knowledge-integration aspect.

The one weapon and two shells designed as his 1st serious military project have been judged by Alain Estrade, retired super ops officer now converted grade 4 production tech super, as “defying the limits of what he thought to be possible in terms of anti-abomination condensed technological offensive power”.

As had been planned for his grade 2 identity isolation period, everything hinting at his existence has been kept under tight wrap and only the highest officers were made aware of this innovation.

In expectation of his awakening as a fairy and his mandatory deployment at the front due to his identity as a fairy, a special ASHAS (Anti-Abomination Stationary Heavy Artillery Sniper) production hall where he would be able to reside once he reaches the Forbidden Wall has initiated construction.

Despite our efforts, however, Bright Canopy-related agents began approaching Aven Amias undercover from the moment his project entered the prototype testing phase, and once again, he exhibited undesirable traditional fairy behavior by appearing completely uncaring, or under-estimating greatly, the possible dangers surrounding him.

An ERA researcher involved himself in our investigation and observation effort by opening an observation project with the objective of “Observing an unawakened fairy behavior to detect possible common personality traits in other unawakened fairies”.

A notable turning point in our investigation effort happened when Aven Amias, accompanied by his ERA escort Ron Fali, decided to raid an intel-gathering branch of the Canopy, resulting in a clean and fast neutralization of 6 grade 2 supers who never received orthodox super combat training.

His threat level on that occasion has been far above the capabilities he had been judged to have considering his cruel lack of practical experiences, being 3 or 4 levels higher than his energy grade and available tech gears indicated.

Storm Eland, current ERA fairy leader, was personally handed a report of the existence of Aven Amias when he reached grade 3 and his priority isolation target status was removed.

Made aware of his innate ability capable of potentially producing fairy crystals in great quantity to make the recovery of the fairy population faster, he certified that forcing him would result in nothing beneficial before allowing his report to be spread.

Due to the imminent abomination surge and the sudden awakening of Aven Amias as a fairy which will be deployed against the surge, the ongoing investigation and observation will be stopped indefinitely.]

“Ron? ERA escort?” Blinking repeatedly to express his disbelief as a nervous smile appeared on his face, his eyes remained blocked on that part of the report, “What?”

Contemplating the impact of what was being unveiled before his eyes, he didn’t know how to react, “How… Do I deal with that? What does that tell me? That my entire life as a super until now has been carefully managed? That I’m a genius fighter? That I was a fairy before becoming one? Are they perhaps trying to stroke my non-existent ego?”

Feeling uncomfortable talking about this subject, he felt like he had something to say about all this but that he couldn’t let it out.

Then it all clicked.

“It’s… Funny?” His nervous smile transformed into a ridiculous smirk as he finally found how he really felt about these 2 investigation reports, “Yeah, that’s it. I don’t care!”

Throwing his phone away and using his energy telekinesis to softly put it down, he returned to infusing the integrated line producing his weapons to fight against the abomination surge.

“What’s pissing me off though is that thing about fairy behavior? Nope! They got it all wrong! It’s myself behavior! I’ll tell them later that traditional human behavior is to be shady and horny! I’ll see how they react then! Hehehe~” Externalizing what he had really not liked in the report that was maybe or maybe not true, he let his energy flow.

Every second was important, he didn’t have the time to worry about stupid species traits that didn’t matter as long as he reached higher power.

Returning to the fortified section that hosted an advanced command center a bit over 10 hours after leaving it, what welcomed Aven was a heavy mood with a lot fewer officers discussing than before.

The perpetual vibration had greatly decreased overall compared to when the surge had started, but it was still there, in the background, an unerasable proof that some grade 6 abominations were actively using their powers for whatever freakeries they were doing.

Positioning himself above the huge map of the Forbidden Continent without minding the looks he was receiving, the first obvious change he noted compared to 10 hours ago was that the red color and the green color had collided.

And not just a little.

The whole northern side of the continent had welcomed the first conflict of this war that put the sapient nations against the mindless abominations.

The red cloud was even visibly spreading towards the Emma and Athal manned part of the Forbidden Wall.

If the coast of the Forbidden Continent was likened to a circle, then cutting it into 5 equal parts and departing from its northern part and going east, the distribution would be Vow, Emma, Eland, Mist, and Athal. Those 5 were the great powers, and all other powers could be counted as being part of either of them.

The blue and purple color dots had also joined the party, though there was no purple at all near the green, they were being constantly eliminated before reaching that point.

Looking more inward, the red cloud was starting to show signs of an imminent change and he surely hadn’t been the only one to see that as dozens of gigantic numbered arrow groups had been added to the map by assistants, obviously under the orders of the tactical officers.

‘Yeah… It’s not clear yet.’

After mobilizing his knowledge, Aven only became able to project himself a little further and… Sort things that had close to no chance of happening.

But he didn’t directly dismiss those arrow groups vocally, the purple color was most probably the reason those unlikely scenarios had been added.

So he approached one of the 5-star generals, the one least likely to have organized his intel reports considering what he had seen of his office, and picked up the massive pile of papers, an outdated official writing support in his eyes, next to him with his energy telekinesis to start reading.

And every time he read about a particularly sensitive purple dot who could have the abomination definition of “decisional power”, he looked at the map to find them and thought a bit further, trying to make sense of the senseless arrow groups.

15 minutes of hyper-focused reading later where he had ignored all the discussions going on, he had gone through everything and finally brought up the problems he had, starting with, “What’s going on with the 27th arrow group?”

Such a wide and open straightforward question made all the officers who were not concerned with the ongoing discussion about a Vow-related front line conflict look at the 27th arrow group and the assistants in the background highlighted it in reply.

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The highlighting displayed a scenario where the red cloud would continue expanding west as it was currently showing signs of before splitting open and leaving a gap that could potentially be exploited.

“A12 and A46 have both started moving in this direction, and no other A-abominations will fill this gap, it’s just a projection for a mass instinctual following of grade 5 powers,” a 4-star general gave his answer.

“There’s been a few scouting reports about A12 and A46 being more antagonistic to each other compared to average, so the chance of them splitting is real,” a 2-star old-looking woman added.

“I think it’s stupid,” with a deep voice contrasting with his lithe young looks, a 4-star general dared to say what he thought about this arrow group.

“Of course it’s stupid,” Aven agreed wholeheartedly, before continuing to look at the huge gathering, “Go on though, I want to know more about this stupid gap and whatnot rivalry.”

“Let’s erase it then,” the 5-star general who he stole the intel from announced, and the assistants obeyed.

Not needing to take a breath, the only fairy in this room didn’t hesitate to bring up another arrow group in the exact same way, “What’s going on with the 35th arrow group?”

Half an hour later, all 7 arrow groups Aven had brought up were erased, and he switched to refining the secondary scenarios, meaning not the most likely primary ones that everyone thought about because they were the most likely to happen.

“The B258 to B267 group, let’s just push its influence to A, it's so atypical that none of your knowledge told me anything about something like that ever happening,” he stated something so weird that an uncomfortable mood appeared for a few seconds.

“Agreed,” the only 5-star general woman was the first to agree, dismissing the weird pulse that Aven had created, swiftly followed by everyone else who just couldn’t find a way to answer what had been said.

“The 8th arrow group,” he said, letting the assistants highlight this group before continuing, “The A10, A32, A35, and A36 collision scenario. No matter how I see it, they will not cause such a spread ripple. If they meet they’ll just be enthused and reduce it, provoking an arrow front to appear directly at Mist. That’s what I understood from what the reports said at least, why did the scenario go in this direction then?”

As if his 6-star general authority wasn’t honorary but real, Aven assumed the role of fact clearer.

He knew everything they knew, and everyone knew it, so when he said something about a scenario, there was definitely something to clear up.

“The mountain range. During previous surges, it affected abominations by making them go nuts, they wanted to move forwards but couldn’t, so they just split uncontrollably,” the 5-star general woman confronted him.

“Irrelevant,” he denied her directly, “If the reason is purely statistical, then there’s a mistake, the possibility of them being funneled together is even.”

“Abomination A10 is stronger and more confrontational, so-” A 4-star tried to give another reason supporting the current form of the arrow group.

“Confrontational?” Aven interrupted him directly, “This big sluggish slime capable of placing himself at the top of the abomination food chain? Confrontational?”

Not knowing whether he was sarcastic or was disagreeing, the 4-star man stood his ground, “I read reports about him being confrontational, so-”

“I didn’t,” he cut him off once again with a neutral and casual attitude.

“You didn’t?” Surprised at this comeback from the fairy who was the “ultimate database” of this room, the man began doubting himself first before doubting him, “Wasn’t that an argument we used? I’m sure I read it somewhere?”

The others interested in this debate split into 2 teams in an instant, with surprisingly the “confrontational team” being above the “not confrontational team”.

“Which report?” Aven asked the core question, “Either I missed it or you all made the assumption because he’s a big scary abomination.”

In the end, there was no such report.

“Oh~ What’s this?” Tasting something incredible in his mouth, Aven couldn’t help but ask about what this strange neon yellow drink that he had been handed was.

“Martial-produced soft honey mixed with anti-viscous nectar from the Fro flower variety, Amerta bee species, Anchora region,” a fairy he had few interactions with named Lun answered him with too many details for it to be a coincidence.

Savoring the after-taste for a few additional seconds, Aven took another sip to refresh his palate and became lost in thought as a result, “It’s… So good?”

“When else would I consume it if not now? And how couldn't I share it even when I have so few remaining?” Sharing that he was the one who had brought this drink, he made a subtle melancholic mood spread as he himself took a sip of this neon yellow drink.

A curious fairy decided to partake after hearing the question and had an amazed face after drinking some, “Is it hard to produce? Do you have a lot?”

“Not everyone is interested in honey, not everyone is interested in nectar, not everyone is interested in making drinks, and not everyone is a fairy,” Lun replied cryptically.

“Can you pass me your most amazing bottle? I want to see if I can materialize some?” Not minding the symbolic meaning behind opening such a bottle, Aven was more interested in drinking as much of it as he wanted.

Surprisingly, Lun only had to open one of his fairy boxes to hand him a bottle of even more flashy neon yellow glass bottles.

Opening his shop, Aven took in the tens, hundreds, of thousands of items available after erasing all the knowledge.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Six-Star General

Faction Contribution Points: 13 761 704

Martial-Produced Nectarized Soft Honey (4 800 FCP): A drink made by a knowledgeable martial super combining a carefully treated soft honey, rare flower nectar, and a unique successful production process he has inherited and perfected over the age.


And he found what he wanted.

“The drinks are on me then~ Make sure to thank Lun for making this possible~” Announcing his success, dozens of swirling rainbow lights manifested themselves around him the next moment, making for a very fantastic-looking scene here in the fairy garden.

That was how Aven concluded his first cycle in the surge war by throwing a party. Sort of.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland Military

Dynamic Contribution: 10 104 000 FCP


His contribution reward for the day had also exploded due to him dedicating 30 hours of his cycle to making the ASHAS production hall keep pumping out more 842% tech-enhanced products.

Waking up and getting dressed, the fact that his body was that of a fairy didn’t even seem to register in his mind.

When he exited his villa to join the always ongoing fairy gathering by flying, it too didn’t register.

Everything was normal, he felt normal, flying and being made of energy was normal.

Serving himself a glass of soft honey from one of the bottles he had materialized prior to sleeping, he started his cycle in a great mood at this fantastic new taste.

When he had his fill of both soft honey and casual social interactions, he left the fairy garden to go to the command center in the fortified section, hoping, but not that much, that things hadn’t taken a drastic turn.

And they hadn’t.

The red cloud was expanding, it was taking on deeper shades of red, and more purple dots were appearing, but the part of the Forbidden Wall occupied by Eland was still a few dozen hours away from seeing its first abominations.

‘That’s enough time.’

Not dwelling in this depressing room any longer than necessary to see if new stupid arrow groups had been added, he went to the ASHAS production hall to uphold the energy cost necessary for him to get the most perfect weapons he could get for himself.

Already, a few stationary heavy artillery snipers he had personally tech-produced had been brought to the front wall, in a specially scouted bunker room, only waiting for him to come to use them. Same for the shells, he had made sure both models would be abundantly available. And not any of the ones not tech-produced by him.

The next thing he knew, his phone alarm had gone off and the only sound he could hear was the one this production hall was emitting, as if everyone had left the external layers of the wall.

“It’s a fantastic cycle to die~” Turning off the alarm, he left the hall without looking back.

He was optimistic that he would come back and the ones that would die were the abominations.

It wasn’t like there was an alternative.

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