The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 54: Chapter 52: Abominations

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“Perfect position, high maneuvering capability, nearly infinite ammo, nearly infinite energy,” summarizing everything that was on his side, Aven then looked at the box containing the integrated combat uniform he had prepared for himself.

Then he examined the large intimidating row of heavy artillery snipers he had designed and prepared himself before shaking his head in dismay, “I’m developing too fast. What I prepared can’t keep up at all.”

Departing the bunker room he had occupied in the 1st layer of the Forbidden Wall, he went to fetch a few emergency tinkering, maintenance, and repair kits which he used to quickly make a rough but functional integration of the row of 5 ASHAS.

There was no electrical distribution greed to unify, no exploitation system to upgrade, just alloy to fuse, so he was successful within 10 minutes and proved it by infusing his energy inside the whole thing.

“Undivided infusion is really an impractical specialization when I don't make adequate preparations… The tech system, in general, isn’t fit for rushed jobs…” A bout of discouragement invaded him as he thought of how unadaptable he was.

His weapons were pristine, they were marvelous, and they would even still be able to operate after being ruined, cracked, and drenched in acid, their power once infused was above what other energy systems were able to output, but that all came at a price.

“If I had been given a bit more time… I have so many plans for making an ASHAS battery somewhat portable by integrating them in a truck able to stabilize itself by locks, pushing the infused energy complexity that bit further too…” His bout continued until he pulled himself together and forced himself to smile.

“Anyway~ I’m a grade 3 fairy able to do the job of a grade 4 super, what more could I ask of myself? Let’s wait until I reach grade 4 before going against grade 6. I think that’s the good call,” focusing on infusing his energy, his bout vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Half an hour later, he flew out of his bunker room through the large reinforced openings where his ASHAS barrels were pointing to go land above amidst the mass of mostly supers.

Some were martial supers, some were psy supers, some were elemental supers, some were pure supers, and some were even tech supers, the only thing common to all of them was that standing at this exposed position meant they had their own means to stay alive and come back at the abominations.

They also needed space to properly deploy them.

“Hah~ I see that my full body armors have been taken seriously,” nodding to himself, he saw that a lot of people standing there had put on a martial full body armor with only a bit less having put on the not-martial equivalent.

“Having called it martial-version is a bit of a mistake in hindsight,” crossing his arms, he judged the somewhat absurd result he was seeing, “There are so many not-martial supers who are negatively affected by great range, and they don’t have energy to waste like I do, so they want to make the best of every drop.”

Turning around and showing his back to the Forbidden Wall, the intense light he had seen when the surge started had long since disappeared, leaving only a peaceful-looking rocky desert scenery for his eyes to see.

Then, gunshots and black spots appeared from his right, from the east.

Faintly, hot waves and bright lights reached him from that direction, this time, however, he was sure it wasn’t any grade 6 abominations that were causing them.

‘If there’s something I regret… It’s to not have had the time to properly develop my undivided infusion. What if it was possible to wirelessly integrate anything?’

Having random thoughts as the surge was approaching the part of the wall where he was located, he held on to this peculiar idea that appeared randomly.

‘That’s… A good path to explore, isn’t it? Maybe it's possible to make that happen with another energy specialization? Or with a simple wireless digital connection? Definitely something to experiment on later when…’

His curiosity pushed him to have more thoughts about this possibility that would revolutionize how he could act while still remaining at his best, but he had to eventually stop thinking as the black spots became clearer and clearer.

They weren’t just appearing from the east anymore, they were also appearing from the front.

This was his cue to return to his bunker room, and he didn’t resist it.

“I wonder… How much FCP are abominations worth? Will they be worth dedicating my very restricting undivided infusion specialization to them? It’s too late to go back anyway, I’ve already cut the link, and all my energy should have vanished by now…” He inquired as he exposed a hard but inevitable decision he had to make, and decided to make, to no one as he opened his quests.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland Military

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Securing: Investigate and resolve problems occurring inside your faction. The more problems resolved and the more difficult their resolutions, the greater the contribution.

Performing: Go above and beyond for the missions and tasks you are given. The better the missions and tasks results, the greater the contribution.

Innovating: Give your faction new ways to achieve its goals. The more impacting and practical the innovations, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Abomination Surge: Help your faction fight against the imminent abomination surge disaster in any way. The greater the provided help in that objective, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Rogue Canopy: Unearth every branch and agent of the Canopy sowing chaos inside the area protected by your faction and neutralize them. The greater the provided help for that goal, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Contribution: Claim?


“I guess I’ll find out soon enough,” he reasoned, seeing that his grade 3 quality-of-life innate ability upgrade was directly telling him that fighting against this abomination surge was a quest in and onto itself.

Putting his hand on the central heavy artillery sniper, he tried to add more energy but couldn’t, “I guess it’s time.”

Approaching the scope of this “sniper”, he only had to look through it as he had already preset it, and there they were, before his eyes.

Diverse, colorful, big, small, fast, slow, armored, pure flesh, cute, monstrous, hundreds, thousands of abominations whose only goal in life was to spread chaos mindlessly to grow more.

There weren't any secrets to their behavior, they had kept repeating the same cycle from the moment they had appeared on Green during the disaster era, and today it was Aven’s turn to participate in their population containment.

‘I wonder if…’

On a whim, he decided to try and appraise one of those things the world had ended up calling abominations.


Nameless Abomination

Faction: None


“Heh~ Thought so,” he chortled at the result of his appraisal before forgetting about it and focusing back on what mattered.

“This one…” Not minding the fact that his neighbors hadn’t started firing, he knew that he was different from them, he knew his limits, and he knew that he could hit these faraway dots.

‘It was mach 30 before… But that was before, and “before” can’t keep up with my growth speed.’

Changing the alignment of his barrel with fine energy telekinesis, he made sure that an expansive empty shell was loaded and not an armor cracking one…

And pressed the trigger.

In his scope, the exact scenario he had imagined happened, every abomination contained in the impact cone was vaporized.

And that impact cone went on for dozens and dozens of meters, taking with it dozens and dozens of abominations, including his primary huge dangerous-looking target.

A metal clunk sound echoed out as the sniper automatically loaded in the next shell that was on its automatic ammo distribution belt.

Searching for his next target, Aven didn’t hesitate for a second and pressed the trigger again at the soonest occasion, contrasting greatly with the surrounding artillery who hadn’t fired even once.

Confirming the pulverization of his second target and a large cone behind it, he waited for the characteristic metal clunk sound meaning the next shell had been acquired and loaded before pulling the trigger telekinetically again.

A few rounds of fire and loading quickly passed before he observed for the first time an abomination that had survived his expansive empty shell, so he switched to another artillery sniper, one preloaded with armor cracking shells, and aimed.

‘I wonder if he’s a grade 3 or 4…’

Making a useless assumption in his mind, he pressed the trigger and the huge armored abomination who looked like a mutated green rhinoceros found the next second that 80% of its body had been reduced to dust, its armor layer was pierced through effortlessly, and its regeneration was unable to find any footing.

Confirming the takedown, he moved back to the central artillery sniper loaded with expansive empty shells and continued taking down huge tricky targets.

He had as many shells as he wanted.

He had as much energy as he could ever desire.

He had as many targets as he would ever wish for.

His face had gone completely neutral, only his eyes were as lively as ever, but they hid something different, something he has never found himself in need of, it was cold emotionless computing.

There was no notion of holding back, and that led to him mobilizing all his knowledge related to abominations, their movements, their trickiness, their dangers, and their mutations.

He strove for efficiency, and at the peak of efficiency was perfection, so he didn’t strive for anything less than perfect targeting.

After a few minutes of him repeatedly firing his stationary heavy artillery sniper, the other artillery, a small part of them the exact same one he was using, opened fire.

It was followed a few additional minutes later by the abominations and supers located on top of the Forbidden Wall to exchange fire, each party using what nature had given them to defy the natural laws.

Some launched huge stone spears that cast similarly huge shadows on the ground as they flew towards either side.

Some intercepted those spears with walls made of air or ridiculous-looking disintegrations.

Some attacked through the spiritual world, aiming to paralyze, only to be blocked by other psy energy system users, engaging on a new front as they neared each other.

Some acquired a speed making them break through the sound barrier, abominations appeared in the mass of supers, and supers appeared to meet them and block them.

Burning flames manifested themselves out of nowhere, lightning flew from the 2 sides, and frigid explosions froze the wall and the abominations alike.

The first contact was not any less or more violent than it should be, it wasn’t even a question of violence in fact.

Abominations didn’t know about the concept of holding back, they only knew to create more chaos, trying to break the order established by the sapient nations with their full power without even realizing it.

In this conflict, everyone had a part to play, from Aven who kept taking down the huge and armored targets before they reached the wall to the officers commanding and strategizing in a safe fortified section, unaware and uninterested in what was taking place a mere few sections away.

‘That’s only the beginning… If only the density could remain like that.’

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Switching to an armor cracking shell-loaded sniper and finding the target that had resisted a single expansive empty shell, Aven found himself finding the whole process easier than he had expected.

Pulling the trigger, he watched his disgusting white target be pulverized before switching sniper again and resuming what he was the best at considering what he had on hand.

His eyes combined with his bunker room’s perfect height and location, as well as the perfect scope for being unbothered by extreme flashes of light or air distortions allowed him to never slow down.

Even when he didn’t find an ideal target, he knew that pulling the trigger this time would only make him lose a few seconds, irrelevant with the current abomination density all things considered.

Projecting himself a few weeks from now, however, when the abomination core would have had all the time in the world to start emptying all the resources it had accumulated for years… That didn’t bode well.

‘I’ll just continue doing my best anyway. No way, even when all is filled with abominations, that I’ll let a single huge abomination near this part of the wall.’

Reinforcing his motivation, he pressed the trigger another time, reducing to mist a disgusting huge yellow slime and everything behind it.

It wasn’t a sprint, it was a marathon.

But a marathon pace for him could clearly be a sprint pace for others.

That’s what he wanted to believe.


Removing himself from the fight for a moment, Aven claimed his contribution reward for the last hour, having already claimed his contribution reward an hour ago to make sure this result was as much as possible objectively and factually true.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland Military

Dynamic Contribution: 576 750 FCP


Writing down the result, he used a calculator app to quickly do the math, “Okay, so 576 000 FCP per hour? Let’s take that, then… Divided by… 60? No, more like 60 times 6, I’m firing once every 10 seconds I think… So… 1 600?”

Not really taking the time to appreciate the number he got, he just accepted it, “1 600 FCP for every time I shoot and take down an important target with everything behind it?”

With this result in mind, he got back to the central sniper and resumed his abomination butchering work while thinking about some things.

‘Is it worth making an emergency faction change and losing access to the shop for a week? The chances of Eland itself not having this dynamic quest are close to 0 after all…’

Finding a target, he locked his aim and pressed the trigger.

“So, that’s 1 600 FCP?” Unimpressed, he didn’t even raise a brow before finding another target, aiming, and pulled the trigger again.

‘And the military is part of Eland too, right? So it’s not like I’ll lose access to what I have now, it’s simply and purely like a gigantic hierarchical rank upgrade.’

Convincing himself, he had this thought of initiating his faction transfer much earlier than today, but upon seeing how massive the potential benefits of this abomination surge could be, his ignited ambitions were pushing him to make this transition and not settle for stability.

Breaking his cold emotionless face for an instant, a scary smirk of excitement took over, “Do I even have the choice~”

Taking his phone, he sent a message to ERA (Eland Royal Agency) to have them arrange his transfer from the military to whatever the other fairies belonged ready.

His decision taken, he got back to reaping the mindless lives of abominations who had the potential to ruin his ambitious plans if they weren’t contained.

Time passed, the White vanished, reappeared, then vanished again, it was around that time that Aven’s cycle reached its end and he closed his bunker room’s shutters to go to the ASHAS production hall, leaving behind a battle he was sure would become a bit more complicated now that he left.

But telling himself that he would anyway have to absent himself at some point, it was easy for him to decide on leaving now to maintain a healthy cycle.

Cutting his connection with his now very familiar and used integrated gear battery in the bunker, he pursued what he thought to be perfect optimization and spent half an hour filling the production hall to work for 5 to 6 hours.

“Bless my essence stabilizer and fairy energy origin logic-defying talents, damn,” feeling the end of his cycle hitting him hard, he rushed through the calm corridors of the back layers making up the Forbidden Wall.

“Of course they’re all gone…” When he reached the fairy garden, he noticed that there was no fairy gathering. Not even a single fairy was relaxing, they were all either fighting in their own way against the abomination surge or sleeping, “Well, it's okay with me.”

Shrugging the situation off as tiredness was pushing him to go to sleep, he directly headed for his villa where he claimed his reward for the day. Or at least what remained of it after his abomination quest yield experiment mid-way.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland Military

Dynamic Contribution: 15 420 000 FCP


“That should be… Just enough?” Feeling his exhausted mind more than ever as he had a hard time remembering the latest state of his FCP stock, he skipped the process by directly opening his shop.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland Military

Faction Authority: Six-Star General

Faction Contribution Points: 56 155 238

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (35 100 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 290%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold.

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (35 900 FCP): Postpone a grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation downtime period by revitalizing all the spent energy artificially.

Holy Vow Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (36 200 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 350%.

Affinity Resonance Exotic Stone (24 190 000 FCP): An exotic stone originating from space capable of enhancing one’s affinity to any energy system up to the advanced rank. Cannot create an affinity.

Lifelike Energy Feather (27 800 000 FCP): A feather created through unknown means, it’s made of energy, but doesn’t appear or register as anything else but a simple feather. It can be absorbed with one’s energy and gives the sensitive energy and compatible energy energy talents.


The whole catalog had been trimmed down until it was bare and only 5 items remained, but each of those 5 items had a reason for being there. A grounded reason.

“Yup, it’s enough~” Smiling sleepily, he claimed the last 2 items he hadn’t had the occasion to claim until now for lack of “contribution”.


Affinity Resonance Exotic Stone (Claim?)

Lifelike Energy Feather (Claim?)


As 2 distinct pretty large light and color shows began, Aven looked at the remaining 4 165 238 FCP and decided, after thinking about it for a while, to spend all of it on cultivation resources.

‘It’s not like buying a few wonder flowers would help me know if quantity can help me evolve my talents… Though I’m sure that’s an experiment for sooner rather than later with future FCP yield.’

With an empty mind unable to think at even half of its maximum potential, he dazedly looked on as a pebble and a feather finished materializing themselves.

Picking the two up, he couldn’t even muster any excitement at their very relative impressiveness, “So… This river pebble is worth 25 million FCP? This pigeon feather too? Well, I think I got scammed.”

Examining the pebble a bit more, Aven truly couldn’t see anything impressive to it. It “was” a pebble, it couldn’t be anything else no matter how he saw it.

“Anyway…” Putting an end to his inspection, he mobilized his energy and made it exit his body to go through the pigeon feather and the river pebble in a cycle.

These 2 items immediately began to be eroded, being absorbed into another reality that wasn’t the one ruled by physics, and then…

The world changed.

“What…?” Feeling something going seriously wrong with his perception of the world, Aven naturally tried to cope with the new hundreds, thousands of alien sensations he was feeling, but his human-born mind couldn’t translate everything and in the end all he could see…

Was a white world.

A world filled with energy. A world in which natural energy existed. A world that felt intimately familiar.

His energy had just acquired the talent that allowed it to transmit what the world was like from its perception.

And this new perception intimately resonated with an extremely high-end knowledge of his.

Energy engineering, the knowledge field that sought to allow energy to scientifically do more than it ought to do.

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