The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 67: Chapter 65: Rainbow Stellar System

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“It should be 300 hours soon…” Flying in total darkness towards the eye-catching sky-piercing Rainbow Mountain, Aven whispered.

His measure of time ended up being accurate as a few minutes later, he felt his energy cycle warp on itself as the perfectly optimized pathways it was using to flow through his body were cut off.

“That’s definitely something I’ll have to investigate further,” frowning at this extremely weird situation he couldn’t understand, he firmly added this phenomenon to the list of exotic phenomena he had to dissect.

Then he brought up his status.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 2 302/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Violet Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Basic Energy Life Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Intermediate Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer


“Nearly a quarter of the way… If I maintain this speed, then I only have to wait for 220 days, or 65 cycles, before reaching grade 4,” muttering a mathematical truth he had calculated long before that moment, he opened his shop to claim the most expensive cultivation resource he was using to accelerate his energy cultivation speed.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 148 039 125

Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy (69 489 000 FCP): Energy maintained in an extraordinarily unstable liquid state by virtue of a special container made of extremely rare exotic materials warping reality around them. Can be absorbed to temporarily drastically increase one’s talent in energy cultivation. Repeated consumption over an extended period of time brings a permanent increase in one’s energy cultivation talent.


Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy (Claim?)


“Hu… I should wait until I touch the ground, right?” Stopping himself from claiming his item mid-air, he focused on reaching the Rainbow Mountain, and only then did he claim his item.

After consuming it and feeling his mystical energy cycle pathways opening again due to his energy cultivation talent being drastically increased, Aven calculated that he only had 20 or so days remaining before running out of FCP, objectively his most important resource, standing even above his time, if he maintained his current expenditure rate.

“Well~ It’s not like I can do anything while everything is slowly coming together. I can’t start filming without having a place to film, and I can’t start producing without having a place to produce, right?” Shrugging at his own situation, he didn’t feel uncomfortable at the idea of spending his time touring the Rainbow Mountain.

The work he could do without having a place to work could be done anywhere, that was a fact, thus with an unaltered happy-go-lucky mood, he resumed his exploration of the mythical home of the fairies.

There was a lot to see, and he wanted to see everything.

Wandering through the most historically-charged mountain of Green, Aven retraced all the known history of the fairies and all the concepts they gave birth to through their unique culture as energy lives that still influenced the world to this day.

The most known of those influences was of course the 9 colors of the rainbow concept.

Legends older than even the wild ancient era had it that the first fairies were born from nature in an event called the rainbow descent.

As those first fairies were born in such unique circumstances, they acquired similarly unique knowledge that they ended up passing down to the second generation of fairies, which eventually began the cycle of learning while the humans were still living mindlessly.

And in this transmitted knowledge was the 9 colors of the rainbow concepts, a concept defining the power of a fairy not through its energy cultivation but by its bloodline purity.

Starting from Violet, the colors ascended in a predefined and sacred order: Violet, Purple, Blue, Azure, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.

Such order, while no proof of its veracity had ever been found, had pretty much been instinctively accepted by every fairy. This concept was even further defined when the zeroth “Dark”, tenth “White”, and eleventh “Rainbow” grades were added at an unknown time, maybe from the start, maybe later.

This concept was at the core of the ancient fairy culture and eventually was used to name the most important stellar objects that could be observed.

Starting from the star at the center of their stellar system, “White”, it didn’t take more than the apparition of a few genius stargazers amidst the fairy population to name every planet of the then-named “Rainbow Stellar System” from the nearest to the White to the furthest away.

Red and Orange, the twin planets closest to the White.

Yellow, a massive telluric planet with a strange seemingly alive atmosphere.

Green, the birth planet of the fairies and the humans.

Cyan, a planet covered in cyan sands.

Azure, a planet covered in reflective crystals with a moon orbiting it.

Blue, the nearest gas giant to the White, a blue jewel that anyone could see by looking up at the sky.

Purple, the smallest gas giant, but one owning a unique asteroid belt.

Violet, the most massive gas giant surrounded by an army of smaller satellites.

Dark, the farthest gas giant that can vanish from the eyes of any fairy observing it for no reason.

Reliving all the history associated with this concept and how it was then transmitted to the humans who were the only “animals” able to learn from the fairies, Aven felt like the transition from the wild ancient era to the fairy era should have been a very eventful one.

At some point, he even visited the major point of interest where the Vow was first taken and the Vow religion was henceforth founded.

“No life should suffer alone in the cold, I vow to dedicate my life to either ending the cold or saving those lives… Is that really a principle that people from an era where grade 6 monsters were roaming freely around could say?” He asked himself as he read from the massive granite monolith where the fundamental Vow had been engraved.

The visionary principles enunciated in the fundamental Vow could still perfectly be used in the modern era, and they effectively still were.

The Vow Church was known and reputed for its ability to gather all the orphans of Green and educate them to eventually give birth to the most dedicated and principled supers.

Providing free healing, food, and places to fight loneliness and cold were but mere formalities to this gigantic religion that was essentially the only religion ever accepted by the mostly atheist fairies.

Moving to different points of interest, Aven saw the markings of history of everything he could imagine, from the splitting of the Emma imperial family, the colonization and independence of the Athal Federation, the forbidden disaster…

The Rainbow Mountain had maintained its sacred status through the entire known history of Green, and no one had ever contemplated it would one day disappear.

Following 4 days, 2 camping nights, and a whole load of inspiration for his different projects, Aven finally had his fill of exploring the mountain for now and began ascending it until he reached the sky perimeter, the symbolic last gate before the summit area that was the area reserved for the fairies to live in.

Passing through it effortlessly by virtue of being a fairy, he felt slightly jittery at the idea of having finally reached this place.

Taking his time to slowly ascend, it didn't take more than a few minutes before he saw a first fairy, then another, then another… Then a lot more once he really tried to.

Unconsciously, he had ascended a few hundred meters and now found himself in the middle of a forest of huge beyond reasonable trees adorned by lots of tree houses.

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Everything wasn’t pure green and wild though, electric cables could be seen here and there, the ground was littered with clearly paved trails as well as artificial lighting, and lively and colorful fairy-sized buildings could be seen glimpsed between huge tree trunks.

The canopy had clearly been trimmed and lightened to allow even a slightly dusky sky to brighten the place Aven stood in.

“Well, I think I know what I’m going to include in my introduction to symbolize the present,” dazed by this dense and lush ancient forest that defied his understanding of how it should have been so elevated, a small and simple inspiration struck him.

He wasn’t someone unique here, he was just a single fairy blending inside a community that was slowly recovering from a yet unexplained severe blow to their population.

“It’s like 2 different worlds…” The more he thought of how magical and mystical the place he found himself in was, the more his inspiration grew and he wanted to write everything down, “One is a home where I can settle in for as long as I want, freed from every worldly burden, the other is a world full of possibilities, only waiting for me to grasp them.”

Smiling at this sudden insight into his circumstances, he decided to include what he had just said into his introduction episode as he began heading for a red and white artistic building emitting a very appetizing smell he couldn’t wait to find the origin of.

He had a whole new world to explore it seemed. The world of the royal family of Eland, though of its name, only the symbolic meaning really remained.

A few days passed as Aven allowed his social butterfly self and endless curiosity to go wild in his new home where only fairies were allowed.

As he could have expected, there was a reason Eland’s fairies were stereotyped, and he fully understood why it was so when he met more fairies willing to go along with anything he said in an hour than he should have met in a week.

The food and items available weren’t extraordinary, but they did their jobs just right and allowed for a fully functional consumer society to be established.

What he paid more attention to than anything else was nonetheless the background mood, and that was clearly the highlight of this haven located at the summit area of the Rainbow Mountain.

All fairies were awakened life, no fairies could ever be an unawakened life due to the simple fact that they were energy lives and needed to produce energy to sustain themselves.

That “simple fact”, when adapted to a whole community that organized itself in the form of a town, brought about a change in perspective that Aven had never realized could possibly happen.

Summarized, everyone was their own independent person and could act in whatever way they wanted to.

A world made up of a few thousand individuals who answered only to themselves led to the advent of a unique atmosphere that could only be qualified as “organized anarchy” by modern human society standards.

Every fairy did whatever they wanted, the tree houses had no owner and could be occupied and left at any time, anyone could take whatever they wanted from any shop, anyone could try their hands at maintaining a restaurant… It was a form of society that shouldn’t be able to exist.

But that was only according to human standards, because once Aven understood how this new world worked and decided to try his hands at showing his cooking skill, everything became much simpler.

“And here’s a mountain of cauliflower bolognese! And don’t forget that the chef who made it will need help to build a massive revolution center very soon~” Sending a human-sized gigantic mountain of food cooked according to his advanced level cooking knowledge, Aven brightly smiled at the scene that ensued.

“This one's for me!”

“I’m so hungry I could eat a tree!”

“Fight me! I’m going to win anyway!”

“Try me!”

Fairies fought with their energy telekinesis to pick chunks of the food mountain until it eventually vanished in just a few minutes.

Picking the huge plate, Aven sent it roughly into an automatic dishwasher as he rubbed his clean shin, questioning himself on what meals he wanted to cook next.

“Athal-Style Meatloaf? Ho~” Finding all the ingredients he needed, he picked everything and started doing the job of an entire kitchen staff by himself under the admiring and passive glances of other fairies who didn’t hide their curiosity, “Next plate is coming in 15 minutes!”


“And here I was, thinking about going to sleep…”

“Where’s the normal chef?”

“He’s eating at the table there~”

Receiving the wholehearted support of everyone present in this pretty big restaurant, Aven created the most exaggerated culinary show he could by making grand movements and adding exclamations when he moved large quantities of stuff.

“And here’s a mountain of athal-style meatloaves! And don’t forget that the chef who made it will need help to build a massive revolution center very soon~” Exactly as he had said, 15 minutes later he served a mountain of hundreds of athal-style meatloaves, all cooked thoroughly and according to the most delicious and highly rated recipe he had in mind.

“I’ll see what I can do after eating, now gimme everything!”

“I ate everything he cooked until now, and that’s not going to change!”

“Why have I never seen him cooking before? Does he have a restaurant attending schedule?”

Following another standing, or flying, ovation which Aven fully reveled in, he became a spectator again as an energy telekinesis war started.

Any worries, even those related to the existence of an invisible enemy threatening to destroy the Nation of Eland would evaporate when faced with such a lively and chaotic scene.

Aven’s smile reached his eyes and brightened his whole face as he felt a current of happiness flow through him, washing away a lot of hidden considerations he had for the situation he was in.

When the war ended and he still saw hunger in the eyes of some, he couldn’t help himself and turned around to seek yet more ingredients, “Next will be… Hehehe~ Grilled scallops with creamed corn!”

Anarchy, when put in place by a community that knew they were objectively gifted, really wasn’t as bad as anyone might make it sounds.

Doing a few more turns of cooking, Aven ultimately filled his happiness tank to the brim and left the restaurant he had momentarily claimed for a few hours in favor of descending the mountain.

Reaching the sky perimeter, he contacted ERA to know about the progress on the appropriation of a second-hand production and research center for him to start designing lots of things that needed to be designed.

Notably a massive industrial and research center.

[ERA: Due to a lack of time and means, the arbitrary decision of allocating you a cyber-warfare ERA branch building as a replacement for a design room was made. Please contact an ERA agent at the sky perimeter to be guided there. Your previous demand will be…]

“Hu… Well, not like I really needed a true design room,” he shrugged at this change of plan, “I just need a lot of computers with the right software and computing powers that come with it. And the latter can pretty much be solved through an energy infusion~”

Starting an appraising spree at the sky perimeter which targeted everyone who didn’t look like a tourist, his restraint on using it abundantly even for no reason was starting to lessen more and more quickly as of late, he swiftly found an ERA agent which physically gave him the location of a secret “cyber-warfare ERA branch building” after he received a confirmation message from his superior that Aven was authorized to know.

“Is such secrecy needed when I’ll obviously go there as a fairy again and again for the next few days?” He asked after he got the address.

“It’s the procedure, we don’t leave any digital traces when we can,” the ERA agent told him, cutting any further delve into the matter.

“Sure~” Accepting the answer for what it was, a non-answer, he took off in the direction of a certain bustling street of Elandia, the city surrounding the Rainbow Mountain.

Arriving there after 10 minutes of high-speed fairy flight, he landed on the roof of a modern reflective black-tinted glass-covered high building that screamed of more or less shady corporate business.

Passing by extremely suspect smokers who eyed him not in the way normal people should who identified as not ERA agents once appraised, he arrived at the elevator which he used to go to the 32nd floor.

When the doors opened, he noted that the entire floor seemed deserted as he made his way to a certain room according to the instruction he had been given and eventually, he entered a room where he felt more at home than even the Rainbow Mountain's summit.

“Hah~” Taking a few deep breaths of the air that smelled of electronics, plastic, and papers, a rush of something made its way through his brain, nearly instinctively making him go to the massive center table on which piles of blank papers only wanting to be used awaited him.

“That’s exactly what I want my life to be in the short-term, just more and more design work,” enjoying this rush of adrenaline he was under as he thought of how he had a thousand projects to start and finish, each more important than the other, he mobilized his energy.

Dropping the 4 boxes that had never left his side from the moment he had arrived at Elandia, he spread his telekinesis through the entire room and took control of it.

Opening the tinted windows, turning on all the computers, removing all the dozens of chairs present and piled them up in a mess in a corner… The entire room quickly mutated to adapt to its newly arrived owner which didn’t hold anything back in transforming it.

The familiar disposition of a main data computer, a main modeling computer, and an integrated network to ease the data transmission and computing power sharing allowed Aven to have no difficulty in setting everything he wanted in less than half an hour.

“Well, I had more than a week of vacation and already endlessly bragged about how much of a revolution I was about to make, it’s about time I let my actions do the talking,” stretching to mentally warm himself up as energy lives fundamentally couldn’t have articulation-related problems, he got back into the right mood by talking aloud to himself.

Then he started his energy telekinesis to start modeling a gigantic flat area.

An area on which he was going to build something that any proper production tech super would die to own once it was complete.

At least, that was the plan.

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