The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 68: Chapter 66: Rainbow IRC

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“Storage area… Assembly area… Production area… That’s already enough space to put anything I’ll ever want and rearrange it whenever I feel like it. Computing area… Correctly linked to the design area… The refrigerating units are perfectly placed… Research area… It can be easily restructured to accommodate any new findings or build special environment chambers that will be easily connected to the energy network… Tech turbine area… Control area… Testing area… Recording area… Resting area…”

Reviewing the architectural model he had created over the span of more than 2 cycles, Aven couldn’t find any defect no matter how hard he tried to, “I think it’s time to transmit it to ERA then.”

Publishing the “Rainbow Industrial and Research Center” complete blueprint on the ERA internal network, he linked a few ERA high authorities he had met during the White Fish Meeting to it and attached a sub-file describing all the special arrangements he wanted to be made.

Yet, far from being over or fed up with the situation of having dedicated more than 2 continuous cycles to designing and modeling, Aven switched to a rough model he had only sporadically added things to over the course of designing the Rainbow IRC blueprint.

“That’s definitely the centerpiece of this whole venture…” Appreciating the rough model under his eyes for what it was, a revolutionary concept that would change the way production tech super operated forever, his energy telekinesis started typing and moving the mouse of the main modeling computer to start filling in the details.

Having a building to host him and all his crazy plans was good and all, but what he was first and foremost was a production tech super, a super specialized in producing tech-enhanced stuff.

And the way he produced the best tech-enhanced stuff was by relying on a concept called “integrated production line”.

This simple logic, the tech-enhancement theoretical infinite positive feedback loop, as well as the industrial machine industry back at Blackdale IMC, had been his starting point in conceiving what could be best described as a “Complex Integrated Units Manufacturer”.

An integrated machine intended and designed from the start to create manufacturing units that couldn’t work by themselves. Those units needed to be assembled together in an integrated production line to show their full potential.

As for the reason why such a concept had never seen the light of day until now, it was because the mechanical complexity involved in the making of merely a single integrated production line’s unit was just that huge.

Between an ore refinery unit and a chemical synthesizing unit, the differences in their making were so great that even beginning to think about creating a machine flexible enough in its manufacturing process to accommodate the production of both was but a daydreamed wish.

However, same as for anything, as long as someone was willing to throw in a figurative infinite amount of money in it, had the support of all the theoretical knowledge necessary, and had the option to increase the size of the project until it transformed from a compact optimized machine to a huge mechanical monster…

Then it was different. Completely different.

“Hehehe~ A machine capable of copying itself, perpetuating the tech-enhancement positive feedback loop, I’m sure no one thought the technological level had increased enough to make that a possibility in such an easy way~” Licking his lips like a crazed man, Aven relished over each and every addition he made to the design model.

This “Complex Integrated Units Manufacturer” was also made up of integrated units after all, just much more complex ones than those used in traditional compact and optimized integrated production lines designed to create a single end product

Meaning, this machine had the capability of producing itself in its entirety, even if unassembled.

And the only thing Aven had needed to do to give it that capability was just to increase its size even more compared to his worst estimation.

No one was there to stop him anyway, so why would he hold back? His knowledge in engineering was so wide and diverse that he didn’t even know to which original engineering field the knowledge he was using to make that revolutionary concept belonged to.

For him, it didn’t matter if what he was using came from a bunch of solutions used during the designing process of an aircraft carrier or from the most draconian and rigorous measures imagined by a civilian electronic factory reaching for single-atom-thick semiconductors, everything that worked for the purpose he wanted, he would use.

That was the true optimized way of using his innate ability and the knowledge he had claimed until now, just pure straightforward browsing and combining of all those secrets from every field he had stole- claimed.

“The unit casing is really too easy to make with fully articulated robotic arms… I just need to make sure the heat is properly siphoned away. Let’s just put another refrigerating unit in~” Acting without any boundary, Aven put his whole heart and mind into continuing to refine each and every parameter.

He knew that once he was finished, he would have taken the first crucial step on his path towards a destination he didn’t know but absolutely wanted, needed, to see.

And the only thing he had to do was use his brain and not give up.

Utterly simple, wasn’t it?

Using his telekinesis, Aven took a big poster out of the pile contained inside the box floating beside him, removed the adhesive protection layer, and stuck it to the front of a white and blue building.

“Perfect~” Praising himself for how well the poster stood out and how it harmonized well with the color scheme of this building, he moved to another building even as some passing fairies became curious about this new addition and approached it to see what it was about.

The poster he had just struck displayed a fairy viewed from the side crossing its arms as it looked towards a construction site with a beautified Rainbow Mountain in the background.

Then, written in big letters at the top and at the bottom in a continuity: “Grade 4 elemental fairies with experience in massive modern construction requested! Reward: Self Revolving Energy Mutation Elixir! Contact ERA for more information!”

Reaching another building, Aven repeated the same operation and caused the same reaction, then he moved again, reached another building, and stuck a poster in a way that made it harmonize with its surroundings as much as possible…

This cycle repeated for a whole hour as he circled the entire summit area, sticking his poster on all the hotspots he knew and had personally experienced during his initial tour more than 4 cycles ago.

“And… Done!” Sticking a poster to the last hotspot he had planned to, he celebrated his accomplishment by entering the building he had just stuck a poster on and ordered an athal red-blue tropical cocktail from the bartender he wasn’t meeting for the first time.

“What did you do?” The bartender, seeing a small gathering form outside his cozy bar, asked him as he handed him a fairy-sized cocktail glass filled with a weird blue and red liquid.

“I’m abusing my innate ability because I can!” Giving the reason he had already prepared long ago when he came up with this plan, he took the cocktail and drank it in one straight shot, “Hah~ Thank you, I absolutely didn’t need it, but I loved it!”

“Happy to not have helped you,” the fairy on the other side of the bar returned the same level of sarcasm as him.

“To be honest with you, I would have very much liked to create a building-sized machine dedicated to constructing more buildings, but the project was too big so I put it on the shelves for now… You can understand what I’m saying, right?” Changing the subject and bringing something completely out of context, Aven acted like he had been rendered drunk by the non-alcoholic cocktail he had just gulped down.

“Yeah, I guess any ambitious tech supers would think like that. Or maybe not. I don’t really know, I’m a psy after all,” picking his emptied cocktail, the bartender threw the glass behind him and expertly put it into an automatic dishwasher that was bound to soon be launched considering how full it was.

“Well, shame on you for having missed the most bothersome energy system ever. Do you know the recipe for a Corpse Reviver?” Abruptly changing the subject again, Aven didn’t wait for an answer before he began using his energy telekinesis to bring all the liquors and ingredients needed to prepare himself his own cocktail.

“That’s a unique name, and no, I don’t,” he said.

“I wasn't asking you, I was asking this rough gentleman just there~” Acting chaotically, he pointed one of the liquor bottles he was using at a random fairy who was sipping a cocktail a few seats away from him, “Do you think you’re the center of the world just because you’re on the inner bar side? Well, I’m here to prove you wrong!”

Jumping from his seat with an agile wing flutter, Aven landed in style on the other side and pointed at the previous bartender, “I suddenly feel like becoming a bartender and listening to the worries of others while serving chicken soup cocktails! I love anarchy by the way!”

And thus started a whim from a chaos-driven fairy that went on to last for more than 4 hours before he ultimately had his fill of social interactions and left the Rainbow Mountain to return to working on his projects that were steadily coming to fruition.

Arriving at the industrial area of Elandia gathering all sorts of smelly, noisy, polluting, and dangerous industries, Aven located a gigantic building that was too dynamic to be anything but his destination and dived like a falcon towards it.

‘If a problem is bound to appear, then it’s now or never…’

Keeping his thoughts to himself this time, he slowed down and passed over a large unloading bay where dozens of trucks were leaving their container behind before leaving in a hurry, as if someone was chasing them.

Those containers were then mechanically conveyed deeper inside the unloading bay where their content was appraised by specialists before being sent to the final step of finally being emptied.

‘It’s not like I can’t live while permanently worrying about the invisible enemy, but the first steps are too crucial and too time-consuming for me to take the safe path.’

Arriving at the end of the unloading bay, he and his 4 boxes passed through a gigantic open gate that opened into the stock area of this warehouse that was as lively as the unloading bay.

Not stopping there, he continued until he arrived at a gigantic hall filled with all manners of large and small-scale vehicles, gigantic platforms that could be moved, suspended electric cables, and pretty much any tool an engineer or mechanic would ever want.

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‘That took slightly more time than I thought to reach this step… But I don’t regret having spent so much time touring the Rainbow Mountain.’

Approaching the control room of this gigantic cutting-edge assembly area, he quickly familiarized himself with the software used to connect with the stock area and requested for parts to be brought.

‘Not having to produce everything for the first iteration is really the most genius move I’ve ever thought of… I can’t believe how many different specialized industries like robotics, chemistries, pharmaceutics, and foundries I would have needed to go through to personally tech-produce everything.’

Softly caressing the console that symbolized his choice of drastically decreasing the time it took him to create the first iteration of his IUM, the abbreviation sigil he had decided on for “Complex Integrated Units Manufacturer”, in exchange for increasing the chances of problems appearing, Aven knew it was too late to change his decision.

Continuing to browse through the request menu, he eventually turned on a side computer that he used to access the ERA network and brought up the IUM blueprint he had personally published not that long ago.

“How did the first industrial machines see the day, it was by being built by the hardworking hands of revolutionary innovators, right? So why can’t I do the same?” Using rhetoric to even convince himself, he stopped waiting and began requesting for all the bits and pieces necessary to build the first part of the IUM.

He had delegated the whole production process and was only left with the assembly process, so he wanted to make sure at least this part would be the best assembly process he could make in his current state.

As if to put a damper on his sudden motivation spike, his energy cycle suddenly began changing and weakening, indicating it had been 300 hours, or 12 and a half days, since he had last consumed Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy.

Forced to interrupt sending material requests, Aven maintained a neutral face as he felt all his optimized cycling pathways close.

Then, he opened his shop, expecting a miracle.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 70 027 792

Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy (69 489 000 FCP): Energy maintained in an extraordinarily unstable liquid state by virtue of a special container made of extremely rare exotic materials warping reality around them. Can be absorbed to temporarily drastically increase one’s talent in energy cultivation. Repeated consumption over an extended period of time brings a permanent increase in one’s energy cultivation talent.


“That’s it then… Unless I did something crazy…” Still not closing the shop, he claimed his contribution reward for the last 5 and a third cycles.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 24 500 FCP


“Yup,” he nodded, “Yup, yup, yup. Nothing I can do for you buddy, see you when I finish my transition~”

Closing his shop and accepting that his energy cultivation speed would be reduced to around 1 point every 3 or so hours as his advanced affinity had increased all properties of his energy cycling since he last tested, he refocused and resumed sending material requests.

His IUM project was as mandatory to his plans as the construction of the Rainbow IRC was: Capital.

Setting cameras everywhere around the assembly hall, Aven checked the audio and video return through the wireless network he had set and confirmed that everything worked as it should.

“It’s going to be a long time before I can start using those footage, but maybe I can use a few seconds here and there, for the more observant? Or to create an invisible track?” Discussing something he had already thought about a lot before but had never concluded, he felt that he had finally acquired the inspiration he needed to come to an answer he liked.

Ascertaining there was enough data storage space for him to record for as long as he wanted without having to worry about it, he stepped out of the control room and spectated for the next 5 minutes how the staff kept bringing more and more parts into the assembly area.

When eventually all his material requests had been completed, everyone vanished, leaving the whole hall to the single fairy fundamentally responsible for everything that was happening in this building to begin with.

“Hu~” Taking a slow deep breath, Aven approached a large table stuck to a wall on which rested hundreds of blueprints and schematics, “Let’s do it.”

Hyping himself up, he found the blueprints of the 4 units he had requested the materials for and took them with him as he approached a moving platform.

Looking at the side of the assembly hall where everything, from massive alloy plates shaped according to the specifics he had sent to pre-made robotics arms awaited him, he finally started the assembly process by projecting dozens of energy threads that wrapped themselves around all the parts he wanted and pulled them to the platform he was on.

Using another dozen threads, he picked up a huge blow torch, a medium blow torch, an extremely small blow torch, two alloy electric saws he connected to the available cable falling from the ceiling, one for precise cuts and the other for big cuts, a precise welder, an express refrigerant tank…

Closing his eyes, he brought closer all the tools he had picked up to start infusing them all, disregarding the fact that his specialization wouldn’t be at work anymore.

“So many things to optimize…” His perfectionist self felt revolted at the idea of using tools and parts he hadn’t tech-produced himself and Aven certainly felt it, “But what choice do I have? I’m born in the wrong era, I can only work with what I have and make the most out of it.”

Swiftly finishing infusing all his tools, he opened his eyes and a cold calculating mood started emanating from him.

“At least, I have all the tools I need to change the era,” saying an absurd truth, he used his telekinesis to assemble all the huge parts of the ore refinery unit he had decided to assemble first.

Locking all the parts next to each other with the most draconian precision he could create, he used his infused massive blow torch to start melting the joint parts together.

With the heat reached, this step was quickly done and not one bad-looking solder was created, they were all as clean and smooth as they would have been if they had been made by automated robotic arms.

Bringing the second wave of components, medium-sized ones, after cooling the solders with his refrigerant, he decreased the size of his blow torch as this time some basic electronics were included.

Once he was done with welding all the medium parts with the large casing that had resulted from the combination of the large parts, he started pulling in smaller and smaller parts, some were sensors to verify at all times that the units weren’t overheating, some were pure electronics used to adjust the heat to adapt to hundreds of alloy formulas…

This first ore refinery unit took him 2 hours to finish assembling, and the end result was a huge cube with clear entries and exits for the ores, the electric and data cables, and for future maintenance.

Leaving the cube on the moving platform, he used the control console of this hall and moved it to a corner of the hall where it would wait until he reached the second assembly stage before being attended again.

“There’s no need to do a test run now, is there?” He asked himself aloud, “Yeah, I’ll wait for when I have finished all the basic units and assembled them together, it’ll be easier to run a general diagnostic to find problems by then…”

Done with assembling the first unit of his revolutionary IUM project, he smiled as he sent the finished unit’s blueprint back to the blueprint table and made the next one float just in front of his eyes.

His motivation hadn't diminished one bit, and thus he enthusiastically began making another unit.

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