The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 72: Chapter 70: First Take

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“Well, see for yourself what the highest degree of film-making and writing skills looks like,” having nothing else to say as he had never felt shame in his life except maybe when he was very young, Aven simply continued on finishing the recording area while 4 people observed him, “Though before the after-effects and incrustations are done, it’ll only sound epic, not look epic.”

“From what I’ve seen, the simple presence of a fairy in any movie is enough to make all its reviews say it’s a masterpiece, so… Yeah,” Alain used his experience to make some small talk.

“The fairy superiority is deeply engraved in Eland’s culture, that’s all there is to it,” Drayce helpfully supplied the harsh truth.

“Do you watch a lot of movies, Saum?” Instead of agreeing with the 2 centenarians, Bhanas preferred asking the other fairy in the room.

Turning his head and looking at the middle-aged man who asked this question as if he had killed his whole family, Saum held back on answering for a few seconds before vaguely saying, “Sometimes…”

“I don’t think the fairy community is deeply exposed to things like that,” Aven provided his own point of view, “You don’t have access to the summit area so you don’t know how it is. But from what I've seen in my short time there, movies and digital entertainment are clearly not a priority. Why do that when you can eat as much as you want, make new friends infinitely, and there’s always an event happening somewhere?”

“Yeah…” Sauma admitted, “I’ve only ever watched movies when one building had been reconverted into a movie theater and there was a fairy who played in a few… So he wanted to brag.”

The small talk continued for the next half an hour before the recording area finally took its complete form.

With now a fully functional studio at his disposal to let his imagination run wild, Aven opened his electronics box and read over the script of the introduction episode he had refined over more than a discontinued month and mentally acted in the past few hours.

Once he was finished, he waved at the 4 curious people, “You can read if you want, just don’t touch, I’ll be reviewing my text between every take.”

Certain about what he had to do now, Aven used his energy telekinesis to move one of the main cameras in front of a huge blue background stage, adjusted the dozens of modular lights available on the ceiling, the ground, as well as the sides to erase all the shadow with natural light, and then retreated to behind the scene.

As he had designed the area with the express goal of only catering to his own video projects and eventually photo shoots, it didn’t come as a surprise to him that all the costumes and accessories he had asked for had all arrived.

Fairy-sized costumes and accessories weren’t that hard to make, and human-sized costumes and accessories aren't that hard to find.

Picking a pure half-casual white suit devoid of any symbols or anything with subtle but noticeable black outlines where they were needed, Aven used a mirror to correctly put it on.

“Let’s start basic… And after that, hehe~” Sending a glance at the hundreds of accessories he had requested for very meaningful scenes as he left the back lodge, he returned to the front and didn’t let his 4 friends admire him before he landed on the blue stage.

Making a clapperboard float on the side, he checked the directional microphones were turned on and were recording at a synchronized time with the main camera.

“Hu~” Slowly breathing out, a confident and fake smile appeared on his face as he turned around to show his back to the camera.

Feeling ready, he used the clapperboard to signify the start of the 1st ever serious take of his public image control plan.

In his mind, the soft nearly silent music he had selected to be used for the introduction part of the introduction episode passed by.

Lifting his head to look at the ceiling, all his knowledge in acting made itself known as he controlled his every gesture to create the picture of a lone fairy, one lost in a realm of pure whiteness.

“I wonder…” He slowly, heavily said the first word that anyone would hear once they played this episode, “How, in the 9 colors of the rainbow, I ended here?”

Turning around, all traces of being a lone lost fairy in a white realm disappeared in an instant as his “true self”, the persona that embodied his curiosity, his confidence, his honesty, and his arrogance was unveiled without hiding anything, “Anyway, it’s only a basic incrustation, forget about the white lights, nothing to make a whole mess of~”

“Hello, by the way! I’m Aven Amias, someone who will go down in history as the main drive behind a lot more than just a global revolution you’ll certainly feel the effects personally if you’re watching this episode in the present era~” Displaying all his personality traits at the same time, Aven introduced himself in a wild yet controlled manner.

“If you don’t know what I mean by present era, then let me take you on a trip around Green to make sure we’re on the same page. As you can see, unless you’re blind, don’t worry about it, I’ll eventually resolve that one day, I’m a fairy! And flying around the world is something I do all the time!” Bragging as hard as he could about something he could theoretically do but that he had never done, not one flinch gave away his lie.

Or, it wasn’t exactly a lie, he could do it after all, right?

A clap then resonated around the whole recording area, symbolizing the end of the first take.

Shortly followed by another clap, interrupting the celebration from the 3 people who clearly wanted to say something. Saum didn’t know what it was about, so he didn’t even react through the whole thing.

Aven’s wings fluttered a few times as he majestically took to the air and stopped after moving only a few meters forward and then backward, returning to just above his initial position.

“Our first destination is of course the Rainbow Mountain, my current home! Besides the fact that it’s certainly one of the most touristic spots of Green, the summit area is also a place hosting a unique society where recluse fairies can live without ever being bothered by the rest of the world if they so desired,” pedagogically explaining how he saw his home, he then waved his hand and twirled on himself.

“Ho~ And look at that, this is Elandia! The capital city of Eland, you can see the Rainbow Skyscraper Street from here, there are a lot of restaurants serving very tasty foods to visit there if you ever pass by~”

Continuing on his pinpoint description of every important place, Aven didn’t focus on one city or monument in particular, but on every interesting location known across Green.

“This is Victora, the capital city of the Emma Empire~ There’s currently an ongoing succession war that most of the world gives attention to…”

“Vow, do I even need to explain more about this city? If you’re not interested in taking the Vow, then at least visit it to admire its beautiful architecture and unique scenery. Don’t forget to not go there during the polar night though…”

“Aelani, the Athal Continent’s most precious jewel in the middle of an endless desert~ Named after the woman who proved one didn’t need to be strong alone to stand at the top! Her story inspired so many more that…”

“Sigh… The Abandoned Continent. A tragic place that has remained sealed since the end of the fairy era. All who ever attempted to enter it either never returned or retreated and swore that it was sealed for a reason…”

“The Forbidden Continent! Hehehe~ A radioactive land hostile to all biological life. I was there not long ago to help in the 5th human era abomination surge, I contributed a bit in my own ways, and everything turned out alright in the end…”

“Valkahm… Originally a small coastal city lost in the chaos of the Emma Continent dominated by warlords who few could be qualified as humans. Who would have thought it would one day become the capital city of one of the 5 great nations? History is really joking with logic…”

“Conglomerate, hehehe~ Weird how they named themselves after the biggest company in the world, right? Who do you think came first? The Conglomerate, or Conglomerate? I’d personally place my bet on…”

“Hah~” Exhaling brutally, Aven landed on the blue ground lightly and turned to look at the camera face to lens, “That’s what the world currently looks like. And maybe, it’s time for you to ask yourself a good question: What is this all about?”

“Well,” he shrugged and maintained his hands in the shrug position while showing a confused face, “Do you think I have the answer?”

A clap resonated out, announcing the end of the long second take, and this time Aven didn’t continue with another take, alternatively preferring to go read over his own script.

“That was a very good overview of the world,” Alain said, breaking the silence.

“The casual demeanor was exactly like how he really is, I think it’s a good choice to not go with a fake persona,” Bhanas gave his opinion.

Nearly not listening to what the 4 had to say, Aven had full confidence that his script was perfect, it was perfect for him, so he only answered a few times as he concentrated on putting to memory the next lines.

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When he was done, he took his central position again, seeking to make a flawless transition between every take, and the clapperboard was soon used again.

“As I don’t know what it’s all about yet, why don’t I start with introducing myself a bit more?” Erasing his hesitating face and shrugging position, he smoothly continued, “I awakened as a super not that long ago…”

“I never found myself wanting for food or clothes, my life was smooth sailing overall, and I firmly intended on cruising through it even more by becoming an independent reporter with extended contacts…”

“Both of my parents belonged to this field, so I had everything I needed to succeed~ University wasn’t that hard, and things…”

“I really loved going on bike tours around Serenis, exploring the world with just the strength of my legs propelling me forward both allowed me to control my weights and my desire for discovery…”

“Until,” Aven stopped reminiscing there as his eyes sharpened, “What do you think is the biggest turning point that could have ever happened at that point?”

“My parents dying? That’s certainly something that would have impacted me. Being hit by a car and ending up paralyzed? The Vow Church exists, and my parents had money, so nope. Both combined?! Are you crazy?! Do you think I’m some sort of drama movie hero?”

Calming down from his crazy parody act, he put back on his confidence mantle and looked up, “What else but my awakening would have flipped upside down my entire life?”

A clap resonated once again, soon followed by another one after half a minute for Aven to recenter and bring up the whole emotional range he would need for the next take.

“Do you know what awakening naturally means? It means you’ve been forcefully introduced into a whole new world, certainly a world where fairies fly freely, but also a world where power-hungry people seek all the paths that exist for them to reach the top,” a slight sadness seeped into his voice as he said that.

“And you know what is the only thing that made me take a different path from everyone else? Luck,” he stated with a mocking smile, “My innate ability turned out to be the most ridiculous thing since the advent of the fairy era.”

“At the start, I didn't know that. But at the same time, I was only a newly awakened young man, my parents were unawakened, and none of my close or distant family had ever had a case of awakening… I was the first.”

“Then time passed, and a bit more than a week after I awakened, I reached grade 1. And… That, dear viewers, is where it all started,” maintaining his current of emotion to only his eyes, a bright smile covered his face.

Hours passed, and eventually, Aven was left alone in the recording area as not even the curious 4 remained through it all as they all had their own responsibilities to fulfill.

As it was how he had imagined his recording to happen though, he wasn’t disappointed, and purely and simply pursued acting his script to perfection.

From detailing his early awakening life to his rise, to how he had never hidden the potential of his innate ability, to the natural development of his ambitions… He had a lot to say about his short life as a super which translated midway to being the life of a fairy.

Telling of the encounters he had made, the gradual change in mentality from a student to someone living for his dreams he had undergone, the lofty aspirations he was now faced with… Aven just seemed to have an endless number of things to say about the relatively short period of time he had passed as a super.

“If I had to say something shocking about myself… Let’s see… Ho! I know!” He grinned as he looked at the camera provocatively, “If a more advanced civilization is hiding among us, then please come out and invade us! I’ll help you! I don’t want to remain on this poor planet that is Green and the Rainbow stellar system!”

“Also, I only recently started making long-term friends, and even then we’re not really friends in the same way you understand it. I’m too obsessed and driven for anyone to be by my side for long without being forcefully swallowed by my surging and intense desires~” Being realistic, he proved that he wasn’t deluded by his own circumstances.

A few more minutes passed as the final takes that needed to be taken for the introduction episode were recorded, and ultimately it was time for him to conclude.

“Let us leave each other with a bit of teasing on my part~ Did I already tell you this series will not be something you’ll necessarily like, but it’ll be something you’ll eventually be forced to watch? Hehe~ Well, now you know, right?” He laughed good-naturedly, exhibiting pure confidence in his own statement.

“I’ve also come up with a catchphrase for the entire series! So… Don’t listen to what I say, better prepare yourself for what I’m about to do!” Accompanying the sharing of the series’ main catchphrase, a clap echoed through the empty recording area.

“Hu~ That was a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be,” rearranging all the lights in neutral position with his telekinesis, Aven’s smile didn’t disappear despite the camera now being off.

Not changing clothes as his costume that had become pure black with white outlines at some point was as comfortable as it could get, he moved to the recording area main computer to make sure all the recordings and audio tracks had been sent onto the Rainbow IRC network, a very recently installed cloud database.

“The design area should be finished… It’s just lacking processing power because the computing area isn’t filled yet, and the refrigerating area needs to be scaled with it…” Thinking aloud, he asked himself whether the processing power currently available was enough to edit his introduction episode.

And the answer he came up with… Was yes to continuing designing his perfected bike integrated production line but not to do all the fancy after-effects he wanted.

“Oh, well~” Shrugging at his maybe true maybe untrue conclusion, he decided to go there to see for himself.

Leaving the recording area that was at the edge of the huge Rainbow IRC, he moved towards the center where the control area was. The design area had logically been placed beside it to facilitate an exchange in processing power and to protect those core areas hosting the most important facilities.

Arriving, he could still see painting jobs indications and a few doors and lights that remained to be installed, but overall the design area was a perfectly sound place where he could work as long as he helped finish all the difficult tasks.

Doing just that for the next 4 hours and even going beyond by doing nearly all the secondary networking as well as the currently delivered computing units fixation, he then pushed his effort further by helping with the setting of a few refrigerating units.

“It’ll all be linked in the end anyway… So I’ll have to take a deep tour once it’s finished,” making his way back to the design area that could better be called the design room, he realistically planned.

There was a reason he had built the Rainbow Industrial and Research Center from the ground up, and it wasn’t just because there were no buildings big enough to host his plans.

More than everything else, Aven wanted to really take the integration phenomenon a step further. And what else but a whole integrated building to satisfy this desire?

Once again, he had stepped into pioneer territory in terms of integration size, but the returns were too high for him to lower his expectations.

As supers advanced along the path of energy cultivation, their reserve of energy only kept becoming more and more endless. This increase in energy capacity eventually made it so that humans and fairies alike didn’t even have a theoretical way to efficiently spend everything they had in a short period of time.

Not even elemental supers, renowned for being the users of the most energy-intensive and explosive energy system, faced this same problem.

The only true established way to resolve this problem was to pick a special energy specialization like the overload infusion of the tech and martial system, allowing one to counter the exponential decrease in efficiency they faced when investing gargantuan amounts of energy in an infusion application.

As for the price that allowed someone to push their energy intensity so high with this specialization… Few would ever consider it worth it.

Unless it was once again countered by another energy specialization… Meaning, someone needed to invest at least 2 energy specialization slots into making a single specialization viable…

Though, of course, it wasn’t all black or white. Nothing ever was just black or white.

“Hello, there~” Greeting the now empty design area that smelled of fresh painting, newly soldered metal, and young plastic, Aven landed on the main desk that, unlike the control room, wasn’t elevated in the evil boss-style, “We’re going to be together for a long time~ I hope you’re ready.”

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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