The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 73: Chapter 71: Ideas

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Familiarizing himself with the design area that comprised of one main room and 4 secondary rooms, Aven felt utterly satisfied with his own design and couldn’t wait to start working on the hundreds of ideas he had months to come up with.

“I should also make a clean reveal of everything I intend to do… Or should I wait for the Vow people to arrive? Does it matter when I’ll be the only one working anyway?” Conflicting with himself openly, he opened his electronics box and took out his travel laptop.

Connecting it to the main data computer, he uploaded everything that was on it to the Rainbow IRC network orderly.

Opening the “Ideas” document, he was welcomed by an absolute mess he was sure only he could make sense of.

“Yeah… I’ll organize it first…” Saying the obvious, he got to work on this unexpected detour when he had at first set himself to continue working on his perfected bike integrated production line.

“The excellence label sounds good for all the projects I’ll start with my public image series which cater to the general market… I’ll split all the electronics… Digital ideas too…” Not trying to find the best way of categorizing his ideas, Aven swiftly split all his ideas into 4 major parts.

Classifying them further, he created sub-categories for each of those major parts, added a description to each of the major parts, and finally saved it.

“Hehe~ I don’t think a lot of people will believe it when they see what and how many things I intend to touch,” finding the end result to be funny, he allowed himself a slight self-deprecating laugh before shrugging and posting it publicly on the network, to be seen by anyone browsing through what was available, “Not like I intended to hide anything.”

[Rainbow IRC Excellence Label: A label whose primary use is spreading the premise of a wind of change and readying society for imminent upheaval by introducing mass-tech-production into society.

Rainbow IRC Excellence Vehicles: Perfected bikes, cars, buses, trucks, boats, planes, airships...

Rainbow IRC Excellence Industrial: Perfected laboratory equipment, fitness equipment, medical equipment, recycling plants, depollution processes, grade 2 and 3-resistant uninfused materials, …

Rainbow IRC Excellence Agri-Food: Perfected growth acceleration chemical agents, seeds, pesticides, chemical-based foods, optimized food supplements…

Energy Cultivation Act: Grade 5 isn’t the limit, our predecessors reached grade 6. We can also do that, and even go further. It’s already a certainty.

Energy Act: Genetics predisposition preemptive tests, awakening serums optimization, innate ability registry, universalized newly awakened educative guide, energy cultivation talent appraiser, tech-martial integrated production lines, cultivation resources universalization and intensification…

Exotic Act: Global exotics securing, public exotics registry creation, unknown exotics bounties issuing, exotics detectors…

Electronics-Digital Revolution: The lofty goal of uniting, perfecting, and optimizing all the electronics and digital technologies through an overwhelming superiority in design and application.

Integrated Digital: Integrated OS, integrated programming language, integrated coding platform, internet protocol revision, server protocol revision, web traffic optimization, wireless network protocol universalization, anti-virus generalization…

Integrated Electronics: Perfected tech turbines, fundamental electronics, complex hardwares, power transmission cables, data transmission cables, wireless antennas, telekinetic keyboard…

Extension: Tech Turbine Integration Phenomena.

Tech Energy System Deepening: The tech energy system is bound to the natural laws of reality, and Green has progressed enough in discovering them for a new stage to be passed.

Tech-Production: Complex integrated units manufacturer, tech-dependent physics-limited phenomena exploitation technologies, perfect heat-treated alloys making integrated units, budget-less material research, tech-enhancement flash evaluator…

Tech-Weapons: Abomination resonance missiles, all-sensors technology, mechanical suits, telekinetic-moved integrated weapons, electrified super-heated blades…]

“Anyway! I have the first episode to finish recording!” Hyping himself up, he turned on the screen recording software, made sure all the security cameras had their feed registered, set up his travel camera behind him, and got to work by turning to look at it.

“Hello everyone in my new design room! It’s a part of a new building I had built! Maybe I’ll show you around once it’s finished, but for now, it's not worth it. Let me instead show you where I’m going to continue designing…”

Enthusiastically assuming his social self back, Aven began on a relatively short re-introduction before resuming exactly where he had left the perfect bike project last by accessing all the work he had already done through the ERA network.

“Ho, wait! Something is missing!” Going back to the main data computer desk, he used his travel laptop to upload thousands of music pieces onto the Rainbow IRC network, then put them all on in a random order playlist, “There~ That’s better.”

“Now that’s some gibberish tech stuff if I’ve ever seen any,” leaning forward to try and understand what was happening on the main modeling computer screen, Bhanas was left in disbelief at the keyboard next to him that was still being typed on, “And that… That’s some creepy stuff.”

“Nothing I can do about it. I pretty much finished all the time-consuming logic design part, so now I’m only left with getting all the strains and flaws out through intensive modelizations and simulations,” Aven explained as he focused on adding more variables to the ongoing main simulation.

He still didn’t have the capability to multitask at this level of concentration, but he was sure that if he didn’t get a natural talent at some point, he would find a spiritual talent to help him in that area.

“I’m here to report something by the way,” not turning to look at him, Bhanas reported what he had come to report, “I’ve prioritized and accelerated the arrival of the IUM list of resources, they should be delivered by tomorrow’s morning.”

“Good. Did you tell Drayce to prepare people for it?” He nodded then asked if he had gone through with reporting to the one person who should have been told this information before him.

“Hu… Not yet? I’ve only updated the time of arrival before containers arrive at the unloading bay of the storage area,” he proved to Aven that he had his own way of functioning, one that also worked.

“Interesting… Well, maybe try and see if it’s possible for the whole thing to come crashing down? Did Drayce receive a notification? Can you set up an alarm for when only a few hours remain? Check that with him,” smoothly bringing up another subject that mattered just as much, there was always something to do in his mind.

“Okay, I’ll try when I have some free time. Maybe I should create shipments called ‘Fake1’ and ‘Fake2’? And try to make them reach the unloading bay without being noticed? Hoho~ That sounds more fun than I thought,” rubbing his middle-aged man beard, Bhanas left the room on these words.

Continuing to look at the main modeling computer screen without blinking, Aven didn’t even notice that he had already begun to lose some of his human habits.

From the moment he had awakened his fairy ancestry and acquired his fairy form, he had never taken back his human form even for a single second, hence it was only a logical event that his spirit and brain gradually forgot the previous biological constraints he was under.

From blinking to breathing, those weren’t necessary actions to do anymore as an energy life form.

“The IUM…” Softly muttering the name of the machine that was at the core of everything, he didn’t elaborate more on it but still opened its model on his data computer screen, “What a beautiful mess…”

Zooming in on each of the units making up this revolutionary machine, he had a hard time holding back his desire to check everything once again, willing and wanting to prove himself wrong as many times as was needed.

He really wanted to convince himself that this monster that he had built alone was perfect, but his overwhelming knowledge in so many fields, related or not, kept telling him otherwise.

“No,” he shook his head and eventually closed the model after reviewing a lot of it and losing 10 minutes of productivity, “I’m not the one who will perfect it. I’ll give everyone out there the chance. I’m an interdisciplinary genius uniting everything, not a field-pioneer redefining the ways the laws of nature are seen or used.”

Focusing back on his work of creating the most perfect bike integrated production line, his eyes did the opposite and defocused as he extended pure energy around him.

With this unique application, his sensitive energy talent allowed him to see, and feel, the energy fluctuating everywhere around him, filling the entire design room.

It traveled through the data cables hidden in the walls, coursed through the monitors under his eyes, only to eventually vanish from his vision to go and infuse the computing units in the computing area. And from there, it would connect to the refrigerating units…

The Rainbow IRC wasn’t yet finished, but even that current simple act of long-range infusion and different building area integration was enough to send flutters in Aven’s heart and mind.

“Soon… Soon,” refocusing on the material realm, the energy realm faded away in the background. And what filled the material realm were the sounds of a keyboard being typed on frantically fast, notification sounds that new simulation elements had been added or removed, and some background music.

Overall, nothing but normalcy.

“Nice to meet you, fairy Amias, I’m the Rainbow IRC’s officially appointed Vow Church overseer,” introducing herself politely, the stern and serious-looking woman with pale skin, green eyes, and white hair kept her distance from the fairy she was introducing herself to.

“Always happy to make new friends~ Even if I doubt you can currently see me as one,” answering without intruding into her personal space, Aven looked at her in the eyes and ultimately appraised her.


Eryka Steen

Faction: Vow Church


“I was informed that my primary duty as overseer would only come into effect at a later date due to your own personal reason, but I’ll be thankful if I was given a timeline to base myself on,” maintaining eye contact and not lowering her head, she straightforwardly said what was on her mind without holding back.

“I don’t have a timeline,” Aven honesty replied before moderating his answer, “If you want to know what’s going on at the moment, then visit me or my colleagues. I’m sure you’ll have fun while you’re at it~”

“I’m not here to have fun,” Eryka flatly blurted out.

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“Tough luck for you then,” Aven shrugged helplessly, “If you’re not ready to give your time and your amiability, then don't expect to receive information, it’s as easy as it gets.”

Not feeling like continuing this currently incompatible encounter, he stopped looking at Eryka’s pretty green eyes and turned his eyes back towards a secondary modeling screen where the ongoing simulation had stopped.

Probably having not expected to be dismissed so easily, the Vow overseer stopped talking and couldn’t find any counter to what had just been said to her.

As it turned out, the Rainbow IRC wasn’t as she had expected it to be.

When she eventually made the decision to leave as the boss of this building seemed to have completely disconnected from reality, she only heard a last whispering before she finally left, “I’ll gather everyone at the resting area to welcome you properly, be available in a few hours.”

Following through with his whim, Aven really ended up organizing a small gathering where all the 4 people that were currently confirmed to be in it for the long run were notified and assembled in the nearly finished control area.

“Don’t worry about being the only girl here, we’re all just a bunch of nerds uninterested in the opposite gender,” Alain kept his composure and introduced himself as he hand-picked a snack from the central table covered in snacks.

“Really? Personally, I’m pretty interested in the opposite gender,” Saum seriously said, “The female figure allows for more flexibility and it's been theorized that it can even extend to modifying the internal energy cycling flow…”

“I completely agree with my fairy friend here, I’m also very interested in the opposite gender!” Aven pushed the ridiculous fairy interpretation of the opposite gender even further while perfectly knowing this was all just a gigantic misunderstanding.

“As long as it’s a fairy, I can allow it to be interested in me,” surprisingly, Eryka claimed something that shouldn’t be claimed by strangers.

“That’s… Is that why my love life never took off?” Bhanas made a stupid conclusion as he abundantly continued eating more and more snacks. His awakening seemed to have unleashed something inside him, and not having to worry about his weight was certainly an extraordinary gain from his point of view.

“I can only guess she tried to act like someone she isn’t and ended up fumbling on her words like an innocent little girl, isn’t that right?” Drayce guessed, as usual, and catered to the needs of the newcomer as much as he could.

Staring fixedly at the green-haired man, Eryka ultimately nodded, “I didn’t mean it like that. Apologize. I meant that a fairy can show interest in me, and I would not confuse it with how human males show interest in the opposite gender.”

“Beautifully said, Eryka!” Landing on the table heavily, Aven exclaimed his support as he served himself a drink of a random martial-produced drink he had found, “It’s crazy how fairies cannot feel any sexual attractions! I watched some unholy materials recently and it was so weirdly impressive when I found myself admiring the human forms for what they are! Art!”

“Humans are just biological fairies without wings,” Saum added his own point of view, “They’re the optimal form of life for the martial energy system too. As paradoxical as it sounds.”

“The martial energy life form path…” Alain breathed out as he finished downing an entire glass of red liquid that looked, smelled, and tasted sweet, “I don’t want to make it sound like it’s a path worth taking when you have other options, but there’s been a supreme example of a grade 6 legend taking it, right?”

“Sarafina!” Saum jumped on the occasion, breaking his conventional character at the mention of someone he idolized, “The martial fairy who can break the void with just her fist! And she never once took an energy specialization to reduce all the problems of using the martial energy system as an energy life form!”

“Hehe~ So our dear Saum doesn’t just have martial arts and cultivation resources in his head…”

In the end, the improvised gathering to welcome Eryka, the Vow overseer, pursued its own unbounded and unrestrained course with no one really thinking about her in particular.

Their small group wasn’t bound by work or professional contracts, those were symbolic, and they all expected to grow a lot more in the future, thus such a welcome gathering wouldn’t be unique or rare.

Everyone, except Eryka, exposed their own unique ideas and gave birth to their own delirious or weird funny situation.

“Ho, I really like this mood! Let me sing the song I’m thinking about using for the outro music, tell me how you feel about it?” Changing the subject as abruptly as ever, Aven shamelessly used the resting area’s computer to access samples of a song he had written in hope of using it for his public image series.

“Huum~” Clearing his throat, a sudden turn took place and his voice instantly became very clear and playful as the background music reached its first introduction drop smoothly.

“I've been reading books of old,

the legends and the myths~

Eland and his rainbow,

Emma and her rifts~

The birth of the First Vow,

and Athal with its fists~

And clearly I can see myself up on that list…”

Aven’s mellow and captivating voice filled the resting area as the 5 people observing him blinked their eyes repeatedly in surprise, except Saum of course, but even he just looked at this completely different new boss of his.

“How presumptuous of him…” Eryka had her thoughts exposed despite herself, she was just too… Shocked.

“And you didn’t even see him when he finishes a single project,” Alain said.

“You also don’t know how he is always like that… A bit narcissistic, you know… Or not quite?” Drayce whispered, ultimately not agreeing with himself.

“Now that’s a skill I didn’t expect him to have…” Bhanas muttered.

Saum remained silent as he just immersed himself in the supremely arrogant lyrics and the soothing and mesmerizing voice singing them.

“But I said, "Where’d I wanna go?

How much I wanna risk?

I'm not looking for friends able to help me on my journey,

Some big miracles, some historical bliss~

Just something who can listen,

Somebody who can learn~

I want something just like this…"

Insouciant of the reaction of his friends, Aven continued singing casually, not investing himself emotionally too much, just stating facts with a hypnotic voice.

“I've been reading books of old,

The legends and the myths~

The morales that they told,

The White and its eclipse~

Then the world try to dress me in a glory suit,

And I’m certainly the kind of person that it fits~”

The harmony created between his voice and the lyrics that exhibited confidence no real person should ever have, gave birth to a unique feeling when the listener knew it wasn’t all just a fantasy.

Aven believed he could realize his ambitions.

When the song eventually ended, the singing fairy twirled on himself and waved at the crowd, “Thank you for listening, what do you think? Am I presumptuous? Is my voice good enough to make me a global superstar? Hehe~ Well, I already know that, so you don’t need to tell me!”

The welcome gathering eventually ended half an hour later, when Eryka began proactively talking and didn’t just listen from the side.

The gathering had been a success.

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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