The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 81: Chapter 79: Daring To Dream

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Close to an entire cycle, or 3 days, eventually passed, and before leaving for his end-cycle relaxation, Aven decided to visit the production area again to see for himself if his imminent future source of FCP was finally beginning to take off.

When he arrived at the allocated hall of the production area where the first UCR line had been set up, obviously not the one where the IUM was, he noted multiple things.

First, Alain had received his message and taken over the assembly area, resulting in 9 more UCR lines having joined the first.

Second, 4 unknown people were working hard at trying to earn him FCP by making use of his energy to produce universalized cultivation resources.

Third, the entire hall now looked more like a research hall than a production hall, with dozens of whiteboards having appeared, all filled with bio-rigger martial super gibberish.

Fourth, 2 unknown people, plus Saum, were fervently discussing slash arguing with each other in front of a certain whiteboard.

“You should at least try to set an impact first and see how it goes!”

“That’s pure garbage! The interferences that will appear as we add more attunement will lengthen the attuning process by multiple times!”

“I don’t care! It’s just to get experience!”

“Then do it yourself!”

“Let us try the traditional way first!”

“The only reason I’ve not succeeded yet is that I lack a deeper understanding of how to set impacts without disturbing the attunement, and you’ll eventually encounter that problem too!”

“I’ll be more than happy to get to know this problem personally then!”

Seeing Saum speaking so fiercely, in comparison to his usual sternness and straightforwardness, really drove home the point that he had something in him that burned bright when it touched certain fields.

“So it’s taking off in a different sense…” Landing a bit away from the 3 arguing people, in front of the “king whiteboard” where only the most important key piece innovations were noted down, he felt like his entire path had just finally found a definite proof that justified its existence.

‘I gather all those willing to push the boundaries of their chosen field beyond, those animated by an unquenchable passion. I give them the best tools, the most perfect conditions, and absolutely no restrictions… If that’s not the one and only path that I’m best at treading, then what is?’

He had known that “theoretically”, creating a universal cultivation resource was possible... But that was it.

In the end, he wasn’t a martial super, and no one was there to tell him: It's possible.

Savoring the first instance of his development plan showing it was not just a vague divagation and dream on his part, but instead a concretely working gathering of people, not necessarily like-minded, who all decided that it was possible to create a universal cultivation resource…

It simply felt like nothing else he had felt before.

“Ha! I dare to dream! It’s that simple!” His silent contemplation turned into an exclamation of his pure and sincere belief as he finally let his emotion take over and the biggest smile of his life appeared on his face.

Turning to the 3 impassionated who had momentarily stopped arguing to look at him, he freely shared his erupting satisfaction and resulting happiness at the situation, “Hahaha! I love you! I love you all for your passions! Continue just like this! Dare to dream with me! Hahaha!”

Not giving them the chance to answer him, he took off and headed for the refrigerated storage of Saum’s UCR line.

He had quickly glimpsed over all of the whiteboards, so he just knew there would be something awaiting him inside this storage.

“Hehehe!” Laughing as he opened the hermetically sealed storage, he laid his eyes on 5 beautifully designed relatively big crystal flasks.

Taking one out, the “G3/5-1(R)” classification engraved onto the polymerized glass-resin told everything he needed to know about the current advancement of producing a universal cultivation resource that would revolutionize the world.

“Come here, you genius!” Casually bringing the flask with him, he charged at Saum and almost instantly crashed into him, or bear-hugged him depending on the point of view, “You genius! Genius I tell you!”

“I need to go back to work,” impassively letting himself be treated like a doll, Saum emitted a useless defense against the enthusiastic Aven who wouldn’t let him go without making sure his ego was boosted to the sky.

“Do you realize that it’s already over?! Hahaha!” The ball of happiness exclaimed before laughing as much as he could to exteriorize his feeling, “Even if you can’t push it further and only keep a single energy impact property, it’s confirmed that universal cultivation resources can be produced! The project has entered its minor success stage!”

“I still haven’t experimented to see how higher-grade energy complexifies the attuning and impact setting, so not really…” Mustering another weak defense, Saum attempted to dampen the expectation of his symbolic boss, to no avail of course.

“Believe in yourself! Dare to dream and try! Haha! It’s just a question of time before you find a way to do it!” Separating himself from the dark fairy unable to defend itself against him despite being a grade 4 martial super, he gave free encouragement because he could.

With all this positivity and happiness exteriorized under the gaze of 6 people he had never met before, Aven felt light as a feather before being reminded by his spirit that his exhaustion tipping point was approaching, and thus he needed to go home.

“Anyway, I’m going on my sleep break, good luck~” Departing in the same way he had arrived, he put down the “G3/5-1(R)”, codified abbreviation of “Grade 3 / 5 Attunement - 1 Impact (Revitalization)”, cultivation resource flask on a random table before leaving.

Heading to the hot springs directly without hesitation, he actively sought a certain extremely active area where he would be able to empty his endless joy by cooking large mountains of meat for cheeky and hungry fairies.

Finding the barbecue spring, as it had been so badly named by the anarchic fairy society, he dropped his 4 boxes into the massive pile of boxes all the other fairies similarly used because they were just so convenient, he didn't fear losing them as he had long customized them, and…

“Who dares claim to be a better barbecue chef than me?! Show yourself!”

He joined the cacophonic hubbub that was the cooking area located just next to a boiling hot spring spewing endless amounts of vapors.

“A puny newcomer is here~”

“Does he think he can be like me and simultaneously use 16 grills? Humph! Let him try!”

“I dare answer this claim!”

“Me too! I didn’t hear what claim! But I claim it!”

Accepting the violent and distorted return from his unprovoked provocation, Aven wildly entered the fray and started proving himself with actions rather than words.

Such was how this end cycle’s activity started.



Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 522 000 FCP


Dismissing the window without thinking much about it, he approached the edge of the aptly-named vortex hot spring by swimming both along and against the current and lifted himself out of it.

The water completely soaking his uniform didn’t cause him any problem as he took off with his boxes in the direction of the Rainbow IRC, ready and motivated for finishing the all-sensors moving battery and moving on to designing the production line for it.

Having thus far dedicated an overwhelming majority of his last 2 full cycles, more than 140 awake hours, on this project, factually more than the total time he spent on the making of the whole universalized cultivation resources project, Aven felt he had reached a point where he couldn’t add more to the all-sensors moving battery.

Arriving at the Rainbow IRC after a 5-minutes long flight, he passed by the recording area to change his uniform to a new fresh one before going to the design area.

The whole main designing room lit up seconds after he entered with the help of a bit of telekinesis, and it didn’t take him more than a few minutes to get back into the right mindset to try and reach for another instance of full spirit communion.

There hadn’t been another success after the first one, or at least not one significant enough for him to notice it, but it certainly wouldn’t detract him from trying for one.

This designing session didn’t touch much on the current state of the all-sensors battery as it really was at the forefront of perfection in terms of technological applications of hundreds of different sensors, ranging from mechanical ones to physical ones, to digital ones.

What Aven was instead working on was the software part.

He wouldn’t be personally manning the hundreds of all-sensors batteries that would be sent out everywhere across Eland, obviously.

Actually, even if he could actually innovate a way to do wireless integration and was willing to stop all his projects to dedicate himself only to this operation, the amount of data a single of those bad boys gathered once actively tech-infused would theoretically be enough to overwhelm him ten times over.

That’s why he wanted to optimize the data analysis part of the all-sensors technology to sort of “carefully spoon-fed” all the data it could collect to the future operators, and also to himself on a side note.

And of course, what better way to do it than to totally overindulge in the computing power he had included in bulk to grind through literally everything in the exact way he would do it himself?

He had all the knowledge needed to both read the data as accurately as the greatest expert in any field, and to translate this knowledge into a complex program that would do it automatically.

Evidently, what he was programming was more of a shortcut stopgap solution as really creating an analysis algorithm program for hundreds of simultaneous sensory feeds, all capable of reporting abnormalities that couldn’t be treated without a personal intervention of an expert, would take him at least 10 more cycles.

And that wasn’t an efficient commitment of his time no matter how he saw it.

So hours passed, and 6 hours after arriving, the time a normal job worker would potentially stop his day as today was conveniently a short day of work…

“Now, that. That’s some freakingly perfect work I’ve done there if I’ve ever done any,” Aven awarded himself the prize of perfection as he appraised the piece of technological art he had created.

It was huge, and it looked ugly, but he knew and believed deep inside that similarly to the IUM, appearance didn’t mean anything here.

Moving the whole all-sensors moving battery digital modelization away, he let the dozens of material and digital simulations crash-test the whole thing while he began on the logical following.

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“I’ll do it by the end of this cycle! It’s just a question and answers session from there!” Encouraging himself, his mind gear switched slightly from intense and novel interdisciplinary knowledge mobilization to practiced and familiar ground.

Switching the chill background music to a more pop variation, the rhythm change helped him concentrate on what mattered for this different job.

The end of the tunnel eventually became visible around 40 hours later.

Aven had overcome the massive difficulties presented to him by the need to design hundreds of special small integrated units, some even needing to make use of the nanoforge unit he had recently created for the manufacturing of the UCR lines, to create the most perfect versions of all the sensors he wanted in the all-sensors battery.

Not unbeknownst to him, the fact that he would never settle for anything less than the absolute best had slowly seeped into who he was and how he intended to make his ambitions real.

“Finished!” Rejoicing in the true completion of the all-sensors moving battery (ASMB) integrated production line design, he directly synchronized the completely mapped model to the network and left the design area to go to the production area.

Landing on the main control console, he accessed the model he had just finished and initiated the recognition and identification process to make sure everything correctly translated from model to production.

“Looks good~” Once he did that, he queued an ASMB line for after the currently being produced UCR line, and decided that while he was at it, he could simply queue another IUM.

It seemed that the timing was right for making a 4th iteration IUM, one that would be 1.35 times tech-enhanced relative to his current 1 024% average tech-enhancement. The 3rd iteration was only at a ratio of 1.3 in comparison.

He wasn’t responsible for assembly anymore after all, even for the ASMB line, he would let Alain do it by himself while he started another project on his side.

“Slowly, slowly but surely, slowly but steadily, everything's coming together,” projecting himself in the next few weeks that promised to be more than hectic for those close to him, he visualized how his influence would soon spread to everywhere.

He would become unimpeded the moment he released a universal cultivation resource, opening the way for the global broadcasting of his public image video series.

The entire world would discover him, allowing him to subtly influence the era itself and prepare it for the impending upheaval.

Eland, and more specifically ERA, was going to receive the best anti-Canopy tool, and in secret, an intel warfare was going to start.

As for himself, he would slowly arm up, denying for the rest of his life the use of violence to stop him, and he would forever remain in the light, gradually publishing all his projects for all to see…

“It’s not that far-fetched, I just need to never slow down and keep expanding my options,” concluding his daydreaming instant, he returned to the design area and brought up his list of projects. More precisely, he brought up his tech energy system-related projects.

[Tech Energy System Deepening: The tech energy system is bound to the natural laws of reality, and Green has progressed enough in discovering them for a new stage to be passed.

Tech-Production: Complex integrated units manufacturer, tech-dependent physics-limited phenomena exploitation technologies, perfect heat-treated alloys making integrated units, budget-less material research, tech-enhancement flash evaluator…

Tech-Weapons: Abomination resonance missiles, all-sensors technology, mechanical suits, telekinetic-moved integrated weapons, electrified super-heated blades…]

“I feel inspired by so many of them, but I think it’s easy to go at it by elimination. Balancing inspiration and need is a must, I can’t go and design a mechanical suit without first creating a perfect heat-treated alloy making unit…” Opting for a logical more than an instinctual and emotional mindset, Aven began narrowing down on his next project choices.

Ultimately, a few minutes later it came down to only 2 projects: Tech-dependent physics-limited phenomena exploitation technologies, and perfect heat-treated alloys making integrated units.

Both were essential in their own way to develop his higher-end projects.

“If I want to prepare beforehand for the likes of resonance missiles or super-heated blades, starting with the tech-dependent phenomena exploitation techs sounds more logical… Right?” He reasoned.

Opening a new document to write down his thoughts as he had them, he swiftly created a rough hierarchy of assumedly experimental techs that needed stringent conditions to be reproducible at only a small scale.

“I’ll need shaped electromagnetic fields to maintain the sharpness of the super-heated alloy while keeping it away from its plasma state… Meaning I’ll need too much power compared to what conventional batteries can bring… So it comes back to the tech turbine integration phenomena…”

Organizing his thoughts on the document exactly as he had organized them in his head when he came up with all sorts of dreamy projects that eventually made it to his list, it soon became evident that…

“Looks like I just need to get back to work, and screw planning carefully! I’ll do everything!” Advertising his audacity that bordered on arrogance, as it had always been, he picked the portable miniaturized shaped magnetic field project and started designing directly for a manufacturing unit able to create something so physics-defying.

Again, if it was theoretically possible, then either he could make it directly by using experimental solutions from other fields, or if he didn’t exactly know how to make it possible for what he wanted to make of it, then he just had to ask for help after engineering the best research tools and conditions ever.

And in this case, he pretty much knew how to do it. As simple as that.

The rest of the cycle vanished away through the hardly understood magic of time perception, and this time Aven didn’t visit the production hall turned research hall that was surely occupied by yet more unknown people that wanted to help him contribute to Eland.

His tech energy filled all the knowledge they themselves possessed was all those passionate martial supers needed from him, and he was happy to give it to them when he claimed his reward amidst his relaxing end-cycle hot spring bathing activity.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 887 000 FCP


“Is it because Eland is finally noticing what’s really going on, or is it because those maniacs have begun manufacturing lots of working end products? Hah~ I wonder if they’ve graduated from using grade 3 organic matters…”

His curiosity temporarily reared its head, but the interest behind those questions wasn’t heavy enough to push him to pick up his phone to ask.

He had a better way after all.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 19 196 575

Rainbow Mountain Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Sustaining Serum (44 900 FCP): Postpone a grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation downtime period by revitalizing all the spent energy artificially.

Rainbow Mountain Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Base Increase Serum (45 800 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the amount of energy being cycled during grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 420%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold.

Rainbow Mountain Grade 3 Tech-System Energy Cultivation Cycle Boosting Serum (47 500 FCP): Increases the energy cycling speed of grade 3 tech-system energy cultivation by 470%.

Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization Serum (66 200 FCP): A serum revitalizing the energy potential and liveliness following a demanding grade 3 energy cultivation process.

Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Density Serum (67 500 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the density of the energy being cycled during grade 3 energy cultivation by 720%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold.

Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Cycling Serum (68 400 FCP): A serum artificially increasing the energy cycling speed of a grade 3 energy cultivation by 750%.


“Ah!” He snickered violently the moment he saw that it was already time for him to update his regular cultivation resource expenses, “Goodbye stupid old nomenclature~ Make way for the next generation! My generation!”

Projecting his aura of imperious belief in himself, he looked more like a madman than anything else as no fairies gave him even a single additional glance as they were all too occupied with either talking, listening, eating, drinking, or simply relaxing.

“I’ll just have to ask them to create a few supersized samples…” Claiming those 3 new generation cultivation serums, Aven was already thinking about the next stage of his cultivation resource project.


Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Exhaustion Serum (Claim?)

Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Density Serum (Claim?)

Rainbow Excellence G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Cycling Serum (Claim?)


The manifestation of 3 eye-catching light swirls finally captivated the eyes of a few fairies, but other than observing, they didn't attempt to do anything.

‘At the same time, maybe I should establish a sort of progression timeline to somewhat guide them? I wouldn’t want them to think it’s over once they got a universal 3-impacts serum after all…’

Becoming lost in his thoughts, the sensation of burning water trying to scald his body that only imitated biological flesh with a lot of flaws didn’t bother him more than that.

‘There are a whole bunch of esoteric impact properties I want them to research and try to implement to intensify the resulting energy cultivation enhancement effect, like the density increase able to go beyond the threshold… And eventually, some will be captivated by the exotic background of some impacts…’

Nearly by automatism, the moment his new cultivation serums finished materializing, he opened and emptied them within a few dozen seconds.

There was nothing revolutionary about them on that point.

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