The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 82: Chapter 80: 4%

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“How’s your life going my dear Arthuria? I see that your human biology and unawakened mortal spirit seem to be unable to follow your absolutely gorgeous professional aspirations~” Using pretty words to satirize her situation, Aven handed her the cocktail he had just mixed.

“If only…” Looking at him straight in the eyes with her own dark-circled ones, a bit of resentment had built up, which she didn’t hesitate to express, “You could have had at least the decency to maintain a tight seal on your whatever universal cultivation serums until I was ready…”

“My work belongs to myself first, but the moment I share it with one other, then it means I want everyone to know about it~” Giving an absolutely morally nonsensical explanation of his principles, he picked up his phone and typed in something.

“For someone who everyone praises as some sort of omniscient being knowing everything of every field, your marketing decision sure is one of the most inefficient ones… Sigh…” Leaving her words hanging, she didn’t finish them before sighing.

“If money, influence, or power could buy me the intrastellar travel technology, then I certainly wouldn’t be the only one, with Star Trail, to have such aspirations,” smiling sadly at the only honest answer he could give, he then switched the topic, “How far have you successfully leveraged the UCR project results?”

“My spirit is willing, but my body can’t follow,” she summarized her experience before starting to explain, “With the confirmation that you’re not just a daydreaming maniac now out in the open, all those you met at this stupid White Fish Meeting reached out again, all with plans for supporting you more concretely…”

Telling a story both of them had completely expected and included in their massive media coverage expansion plan when they had their first true work meeting a few cycles ago, Arthuria simply confirmed that everything was going as planned.

“Well, what a happy day it is~” Rejoicing without making too much of a fuss out of it, Aven decided that now was as good time as any to start helping and loyalizing this competent new friend of his.

So he claimed a single contract reward, the one most suitable for the occasion.


Tireless Apple (Claim?)


“Claim,” he said as a single materialization phenomenon magically manifested next to him, “Here’s a little help from me. You still haven’t completed your mission, but I hope with that, you’ll be able to broadcast the introduction episode within this month.”

“Corporate benefits and early rewards sure are good ways for superiors to establish their hierarchical superiority…” Employing weird words to say she wasn’t impassive to the reward, she downed her entire cocktail in one shot.

“I would have liked to continue speaking, but nope. I just got inspired about my shaped magnetic field project, so see you~” Putting his phone back in his electronics box, he similarly downed his much smaller cocktail glass and left, “Enjoy the apple, it’s pretty tasty~”

A single cycle ended up being more than enough for Aven to finish designing a special shaped magnetic field chamber and a whole bunch of smaller assortments he wanted to try using with different objectives.

The fact that without an active tech energy infusion none of what he had designed could even come close to working perfectly aligned with his ideas of what the tech energy system needed to reach its full potential.

At that point in time though, he felt that it was time to call for Commander and Rival, two grade 3 production tech supers, to help him on his quickly growing range of activity.

A second IUM had finally been put online, and despite Aven knowing Drayce was doing his best to expand his web of contacts and find adequate people to join the Rainbow IRC, there would soon be less capable people than there was a need for.

This quick chain of events was even aggravated by the UCR production hall broadcasting very loudly that they had finally successfully created a 2-impacts universal grade 3 serum.

The first ASMB (All-Sensor Moving Battery) line was also slowly initiating its production in a hall that had been completely given to ERA to manage and supervise out of sight and out of mind.

Isolated in his dual ivory towers that were the Rainbow IRC and the summit area of the Rainbow Mountain, Aven remained wholly disinterested in personally taking charge and making sure everything happening around him was managed as it should be.

The moment the 2nd IUM came online and the production of universal cultivation serums picked up, his FCP slowly started increasing again, not enough to launch the exotic act obviously, but sufficiently to help him feel relieved that his current regular expenses weren’t a problem anymore.

With so many enterprises bearing fruits and cycles passing with everything only continuing to grow, the time inevitably came, after ample negotiations, for the public image manipulation video series to start being broadcasted.

The content of the introduction video, presenting the picture of a friendly, casual, honest, arrogant, and ambitious young fairy would normally never have been so fervently accepted, but…

This time, it was too different.

Throughout history, from the wild ancient era to the current human era, no one, not even centuries-old beings, ever came close to reaching the level of aspirations, ambitions, and capabilities being displayed by the newly awakened fairy named Aven.

Like there existed a company willing to give out stocks everybody knew would value-wise, power-wise, and influence-wise rise dramatically both in the short term and long term, everyone that had the possibilities to invest in it followed through with it.

And once it was strategically announced by a certain middle-aged woman that a certain innovation wasn’t just universal but also close to 2 times more efficient than its alternatives available on the markets, the momentum grew strong enough for it to become unstoppable.

“It’s that time already?” Turning his head to look at his phone which was ringing to announce the Eland Continent’s broadcast was going to start, Aven wrapped up his work on the recrystallization chamber of the perfect metal-based heat-treated alloy making unit.

“Let me just… Add some ceramic layers there to not create a call for air… And a few more sensors to self-check the heat containment… Move the emergency valve over there because it’s better…”

Delaying his departure for the resting area for an additional 10 minutes, he eventually departed after he got a message from Arthuria reminding him that his introduction episode was imminently going to be broadcasted nationally.

“Not my fault~ Not my fault~” Justifying himself for no other reason than that it sounded fun, he arrived at the resting area’s small home cinema room and burst through the open door, “I’m here! And I’m not late, I’m just on time!”

“I adhere to this mindset!” Bhanas was the first to show his support for his weird justification.

“As long as he’s here, that’s what matters, right?” A recently recruited martial super working with Saum added.

And then the dozens of others present, most having never had a personal talk with Aven, similarly gave their opinion on this subject whose issue changed nothing to their lives.

“I think a point could be made that being on time is better than being early?”

“Sure, but if he wasn’t the main guest, then no one would even care.”

“Hehe~ True.”

“If it hadn’t been for his narcissism, would he even want to be here?” Arthuria, mingling with the group of people all able to disintegrate here with a breath despite their sometimes shoddy and wild appearances, similarly said her own comment.

Passing above all those new people he certainly wanted to talk with later, he landed on the VIP table filled with snacks installed precisely before the gigantic cinema screen.

And there, he greeted an acquaintance that was missing his other part, “Yo Commander~ Where are the chocolate sticks? I want to alternate them with the apple pie.”

“Ha dud no~” Answering his mouth filled with lots of different snacks, his eyes kept scanning the hundreds of available foods, each more appetizing than the others.

“I guess Rival isn’t going to show up, or maybe towards the end? Did he switch to another experimental unit? Not that I really care,” making the discussion without really giving much thought to it, Aven selected a bunch of interesting snacks and left without hearing the answer.

Before he could even find a good place that would allow him to be surrounded by lots of people at the same time to receive their jeer at full power once the opportunity arose, the lights of the room dimmed as the huge screen began displaying the first few seconds of his introduction episode.

“It’s starting!”

“I’m here for the food, not the propaganda.”

“What if the propaganda is entertaining?”

“Why did I even come here, I’m so exhausted…”

“How dare you talk sh*t when our god’s magnificent introduction is starting?!”

“I like this guy!” Aven randomly yelled as he finally found a place where everyone would be able to look at him if they so desired.

“I told you he was a narcissist,” Arthuria shrugged helplessly.

“You can’t understand~” Bhanas, sitting next to a silent Alain, gloated at her.

“I wonder…” A familiar playful voice echoed through the home cinema room, captivating everyone and calming the mood.

What appeared on the huge screen was an endless white realm occupied by only a single fairy maintained in this white void, contemplating what was going on.

“How, in the 9 colors of the rainbow, I ended here?” The single fairy wearing a spotless white uniform asked a weird question, then it turned around, and all traces of mysteriousness vanished with its next statement, “Anyway, it’s only a basic incrustation, forget about the white lights, nothing to make a whole mess of~”

“Hello, by the way! I’m Aven Amias, someone who will go down in history as the main drive behind a lot more than just a global revolution you’ll certainly feel the effects personally if you’re watching this episode in the present era~”


“You’re not going at it with a few words!”


“He’s not beating around the bush!”

“I knew it would have this effect…” Saum, who had personally attended the recording of this part, lamented heavily.

“Do you know how many people are watching?”

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“It’s only been a few seconds, so there shouldn’t be any reaction yet.”

“Use your phone to check the other channel.”

Different interests already collided a mere few seconds into the introduction episode, and that brought endless joy and validation to Aven.

“That’s a good question actually… How many people are watching?” Muttering to himself, he threw this question onto his phone and sent it to Arthuria for her to tell him once it was over and the broadcast was finished.

And then the small cinema break started, though the presence of more than two dozen grade 3 and 4 martial supers of course made the overall mood balance tilt more towards physical expressions of one’s emotions through “friendly” punches…

[TV Channels:

Eland1: 45 862 523

Signal Eland: 32 802 156

Borderless EX: 16 845 785

Horizon: 44 120 512

LEAP: 26 865 963

AthalGlobal: 21 240 306

Undermist: 12 749 902

Streaming Services:

Xilmerate: 2 452 613

Gathering: 4 475 249

Vi-Ji: 2 120 056

eviL-Live: 1 443 589


“Is that how you’re supposed to jump-start your career?” Smiling foolishly at this sheet of detailed global viewership Arthuria just sent him, Aven simply couldn’t find how it could have gone better.

The initial viewer base of his introduction episode was close to 400 million people, and more than half of it came from Eland’s 1.4 billion citizens, meaning…

His introduction episode had been seen by at least 14% of Eland, or 4% of the world’s 10 billion sapient beings.

Enjoying this feeling of one of his big plans becoming real for a few minutes, he soon came back to reality by thinking of what would happen a few months from now one.

‘I’m sure I’ll have a lot of detractors among those when I start live streaming gory and violent assaults on Canopy branches and don't censor anything… But at least I’ll be sure those who remain will truly understand what’s happening is not a joke.’

The thought of his vendetta against the Canopy having already secretly started and the whole of ERA and higher-ups of the military all being aware of what was happening behind the scene allowed him to quickly recenter himself.

As he recentered himself, he split a bit of his attention to check on the energy level of the Rainbow IRC with his pseudo energy domain.

“Everything is really taking off as of late…” Concluding that if he didn’t use his energy to replenish the Rainbow IRC it would be used up within the next 30 hours, and he wasn’t comfortable with that number, he decided to do an infusion break.

His knowledge application skill had restarted its steady growth from the moment he definitely moved into the Rainbow IRC, allowing him to now have a pure unmodified average of 1 036% tech-enhancement according to a certain live feed he had set up somewhere in the computing area.

Gaining 2% of tech-enhancement every cycle was clearly one of the core reasons that allowed him to keep his efforts on this side always at their highest, never relenting on trying to exhaust his spirit in an attempt to apply more and more knowledge on every occasion he had.

Another core reason behind his persistent efforts in keeping grinding his knowledge application skill was that he had finally become the first production tech super to ever so clearly exploit the looped tech-production phenomenon.

His 4th iteration IUM, put online a few cycles ago already, had been evaluated to be 1 343% tech-enhanced, a number that… Wasn’t, at all, a number that should come from the tech-production of a grade 3 being.

Moreover, the presence of the tech turbine area producing all the power used everywhere was slowly unearthing a new phenomenon that was only noticeable at the level of an extremely large-scale integration such as the Rainbow IRC.

Everything combined made it so that Aven’s mental health couldn’t fare better.

“Hu~ That should do it,” ending his 40-minute long infusion break, he looked at the main modeling instance’s display screen.

Following a sudden loss of interest in continuing the perfect metal-based heat-treated alloy making unit after this infusion break, he switched to another project on which he had had extremely intense random inspiration surges.

And what appeared on the screen after he switched was an extremely elongated succession of extremely complex components he was sure only a few people on Green would be able to understand the usage of.

“How did the one who theorized the first nuclear warhead-mounted missile feel when he realized his weapon could both be used for the greatest good and the worst of the worst?” Asking a rhetorical question he didn’t really want an answer to, he hopped back on the main overseer desk and resumed finalizing the design for a new-era weapon of mass destruction.

He perfectly knew the missile he was designing was destined for exclusive use against the abominations, but the tech-exclusive enhanced vibration resonance phenomenon could very easily be used on humans.

The only definitive pro of the situation was that while nuclear weapons couldn’t be used anymore against the abominations because they ended up simply thriving out of their side effects, the resonance weapons couldn’t be adapted to.

Spending a good 20 more hours on finalizing the design of the ARM (Abomination Resonance Missile), the time came for him to shift to the control area, and more precisely, the ERA hall of the control area.

Having not shied away at all in making sure his energy could be consumed as much as possible with the objective of contributing to Eland, he had provided as much of the Rainbow IRC as was needed for an analysis center to be established.

“Yo~” Greeting the serious-looking guards on the way, he left his 4 boxes with them and entered by himself.

Passing through a security gate that made sure he didn't have any metallic or weird objects on him, he finally stepped into one of the surely numerous ASMB analysis centers that had been established to answer the need for careful treatment and anomalies interpretations of all the data provided by the stealthily deployed ASMB.

“Aven,” the manager of this analysis center noticed him the moment he appeared, “We need you for a few digital anomalies reported in Garsta, Cinderstein, and Bellgate, the moment the battery intruded into their flow, it had to back away.”

“Okay,” not maintaining his casual tone, he settled into the spot he had claimed for himself over the last 3 cycles and swiftly found the anomalous digital readings he needed to resolve.

In just a few cycles, it had to be said that the ASMB had already proven itself as the “you get what you pay for” type of spying machine.

The number of places found suspects already numbered in the tens of thousands, and even if those places weren’t occupied by the Canopy, an assault on them was sure to happen the days following the diffusion of the anti-Canopy episode.

‘Yeah, I can see why this one is weird…’

Beginning to work silently, only his knowledge in all forms of cyber warfare and programming remained behind, making him most certainly someone no one, and certainly not the Canopy, would ever want as a digital opponent targeting them.

Yet, that was precisely what was happening.

Browsing through every bit of data that led to those anomalous reports, he customized infiltration viruses for everything he could see in a flash and sent them to the respective ASMB field team for them to be tested.

Repeating this operation and some close variants of it for the next 3 hours, the end-cycle period inevitably arrived, concluding the part of his cycle that he spent at the Rainbow IRC.

“Bellgate is weird, the others are just defensive mechanisms supported by competent tech supers infusing them,” he reported to the manager before bidding goodbye, “As always, call me if a class-3 digital assault alert is given.”

“Mmh,” nodding at him in reply, the manager took in the information and began updating the ASMB field team schedule with new directives.

Collecting his 4 boxes in passing, Aven left the Rainbow IRC and got back “home” within 5 minutes, excited about the last prospect that awaited him in this cycle.

Still, he didn’t rush, preferring to keep his now familiar end-cycle pace by first going to sate his hunger for both calories and social interactions at a random restaurant.

This time, however, he was welcomed a bit differently…

“A historical figure, Aven Amias, just entered our humble restaurant! Welcome him!”

“Don’t listen to what I say, better prepare yourself for what I’m about to do~”

“I don’t want to remain on this poor planet that is Green! I’m too ambitious for that!”

“Humph! I don’t really have friends, I’m too obsessed with becoming stronger… And I’m not a dark guy…”

“When is the bike episode coming?”

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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