The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 87: Chapter 85: Bloodline Elevation Parties

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With more than 200 passionate people working accompanied by his tech-infused machines and their own share of computing power, it didn't take more than half an hour before Aven noticed an increase in activity and movement across the entirety of the Rainbow IRC.

His sensitive energy talent already allowed him to do that before, but now with his energy sense having reached the advanced level, the feedback he received was clearer than ever, seemingly looking like a hazy low-quality jerky video.

As he couldn’t really focus on it as his knowledge application skill was still multiple planets behind what it should be for a tech super occupying his position though, he only took in the novel sight once every few minutes or so.

It wasn’t precise enough yet to tell him where Drayce, Bhanas, or Alain where at any given moment, but it still enabled him to oversee the general shift of people.

And he casually endeavored himself to trace the general shift of people until the entire Rainbow IRC’s energy flow was replaced.

From only the biggest research teams other than those in the resting area noticing something to gradually everyone knowing about it, words spread as fast as light that their symbolic boss had just simply and purely upgraded his fairy bloodline to the next level.

A few hours in, more than 50 people, a quarter of the active staff employed by the Rainbow IRC, had gathered in the resting area to wait until the update of the building was finished, fearing the possibility that energy conflict could happen and ruin their ongoing experiments.

It was clear however that only the most careful shared this worry, as more than a hundred people were still working and experimenting, either physically or digitally.

Arthuria and Drayce didn’t need to be careful for their job after all, or they had to be a different kind of "careful" than the ones the research staff was subjected to.

Just like that, alternating between observing the world through a jerky low-quality video and mobilizing as much of his knowledge as he could with his limited knowledge application skill that was still growing every cycle, 4 hours passed in total, and Aven was finally freed from his duty as the energy provider of the Rainbow IRC.

“1 374%, I think with that I can pretty much convince the world I stepped into grade 4, right?” Ridiculing the final stabilized score he saw displayed on the side screen connected to the control area, he had nothing else to say about how far he had come.

A tech-enhancement of 1 374% meant any steel he tech-produced would be 14.74 times stronger overall than normally produced steel in the exact same condition if he was given a non-tech-enhanced alloy maker.

As for his actual tech energy infusion active enhancement degree, it was undoubtedly deep in the territory of grade 4 tech super.

“Though… I should still be a bit away from those who took 2 assault energy specializations…” Not forgetting to ground some realism in his educated perception of the world, he returned to the self-contained instance where his innate ability digital notebook was opened.

Adding the numbers, doing some quick math, and commenting on some results that made approximate sense, he wrapped up his purple fairy transition in no time and sealed the USB key in its secure container again after he was done.

“Time for the sweet updated catalog~” Enthusiastically returning to his overseer position following that, he moved on to checking out his shop, certain that his authority had already been updated.

He now knew a lot more things about ERA, and one of the things he more than knew was their efficiency in dealing with everything that touched the meager symbolic royal family fairy population.

And he was once again proven true as he eliminated all the items he already knew… Though there was also a surprise from a certain project launched not even a week ago…


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Purple Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 4 191 922

Resistant Exotic Fragment (386 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting abnormal toughness and resistance to blows.

Impacting Exotic Fragment (415 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting weird kinetic force accumulation properties.

Spiritual Exotic Fragment (429 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting weird spiritual interactions with the spiritual realm.

Pure Exotic Fragment (432 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic emitting pure-attuned energy naturally in extremely small quantities.

Sharp Exotic Fragment (459 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting unusual sharpness.

Energy Exotic Fragment (484 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting unique reactions to being exposed to the energy of different systems.

Hot Exotic Fragment (507 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic perpetually emitting some heat.

Dark Exotic Fragment (523 000 FCP): A small fragment of an exotic exhibiting a surprising light-absorbing property.

Energy Magnet Stone (18 868 000 FCP): An exotic stone found in nature capable of attracting natural energy in a high-energy environment and transforming it to grow using mysterious means. Gives the consumer the energy magnet physical talent.

Athal Tree Essence Sap (25 483 000 FCP): Precious essence sap collected from the legendary Athal Tree, a jealously guarded tree by beasts and humans alike, using a special ritual that preemptively prepares the tree to be drained of a small part of its precious essence sap. Gives the consumer the body regeneration physical talent.

Leakless Void Root (41 147 000 FCP): An exotic-infused root from an unknown plant capable of absorbing all types of energy, from both natural phenomena and awakened life, in unknown quantities, and doesn’t emit any of it back. Can be consumed to gain the leakless body physical talent. Consuming it permanently weakens one’s ability to sustain himself.

Spiritual Spring Water (75 659 000 FCP): Water originating from a unique warped area where the physical realm and the spiritual realm collided, resulting in everything in the surrounding area of the impact zone being transformed and warped to align with rare properties fitting both worlds. Gives the consumer the purified spirit spiritual talent.


“I’ll guess that the last 4 are proudly owned by my fellow purple fairies? And that all the exotic fragments were proudly hunted, discovered, or rediscovered by random people all around Eland?” Adopting the thinking man pose, he emitted his hypothesis.

Subsequently, his eyes locked onto one of the new 4 additions to his possible pool of talent-giving resources.

“That one…” Thinking a bit more, he removed a filter that hid a certain item he clearly remembered claiming once.


Regeneration Leaf (1 370 000 FCP): A leaf from the legendary Athal Tree, a jealously guarded tree by beasts and humans alike. Gives the consumer the regenerating body physical talent.


“Yup~” He smiled as he closed the faction contribution shop window, his attention shifting instead to the inevitable incoming regular expenses for when he really wished to start the exotic act project in earnest.

“First, I need to secure 69 489 000 FCP to go back to my optimal energy cultivation growth speed once the current boost is over, which, by the way…”

Closing his eyes, Aven focused inward to feel his own energy cycle.

‘It’s really crazy now… And I know so much more about how everything is interconnected too. It’s not just due to the one-grade increase of my Fairy Affinity Resonance and Awakened Fairy Bloodline talent, but also to some degree, my Fairy Energy Origin talent. It increases the fluidity, density, and lots of other unsaid parameters that affect how energy should cycle to reach optimal efficiency within the boundary of my talent…’

Evaluating his current grade 3 energy cultivation growth speed at 1 point every 20 minutes, his smile became wider and brighter.

Opening his eyes again, they shone with craftiness as he thought of another he hadn’t considered before, “I gained 300% tech-enhancement. So it shouldn’t take me 100 hours to accumulate enough contributions again!”

Feeling an imaginary wind blow right in his sail, he felt a sense of sublimation not unlike the one he had felt not even 4 hours ago when upgraded his fairy bloodline.

It was the feeling of everything working out, the feeling of nearing his ambitions by a substantial step in the right direction, the feeling of loving not only the destination but also the journey.

“Anyway!” He exclaimed to recenter himself and stop daydreaming, “The fairy mechanical suit line will not design itself!”

With Aven not exiting the design area that everyone considered as his personal holy sanctuary to host something like a party, all the research staff that had been preoccupied with an eventual accident naturally returned to their position.

They weren’t here to “work” after all, they were here to “secure their own growth and open new paths for themselves and the tech energy system with new experimental technologies”.

The only reason Star Trail hadn’t already set up a branch in the Rainbow IRC was because… Shady things were going on.

Dozens of all-sensors moving batteries were produced in a restricted production hall there every day, and the Canopy cleansing campaign couldn’t risk being leaked.

Eland’s higher-ups were already thoroughly aware that the more Aven released new innovations of his and news of the work condition inside the Rainbow IRC spread, the more Star Trail would increase the push for also having access.

It was not that they needed him, but that their entire purpose of existence was research, and if a “research genius” had been born, then him being recruited to join them made no doubt in anyone’s mind.

And thus, Eland had long begun giving out excuses that made sense for now but wouldn’t be able to hold the weight of time.

Of course, Aven made the obvious choice of delegating all of this to other people and forgot about it the moment he did so. Like dozens and dozens of other projects.

When his cycle approached its end period after 75 hours spent awake, meaning he still had slightly less than 5 hours to spend, he didn’t insist on continuing to design the FMC line, preferring to go home excitedly to expose his amazing bloodline upgrade.

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For this reason, he skipped every normal gathering spot and headed directly for the barbecue hot spring, a weird name for a correspondingly weird gathering place where water and fire fought each other perpetually.

“Empty area located, landing maneuver initiated, over~” Finding an empty spot near the cooking area where his banner would be easy to see for anyone seeking the comfort and taste of world-class chef-cooked meat, Aven felt ready.

As he really wanted everyone to know about his achievement of upgrading his bloodline which certainly wouldn’t happen often in his life, he had hastily built a huge banner before departing the Rainbow IRC.

His flying speed as a purple fairy had increased a bit, allowing him to feel the wind rushing past him as he dived towards his target more than ever.

Already, the hubbub that originated from the barbecue hot spring reached his ears, a fantastic anarchical mix of loud music, hundreds of fairies discussing separately, cries of joy and mock anger and so many other sounds, causing him to immediately want to go discuss random things and exteriorize all his social interaction needs.

All of that solidified his belief that there were no other places more suited than this one to host the celebration party he wanted.

Eyes darting here and there, Aven calculated a path that would allow him to place his banner first, go to the massive speakers’ control area to hijack the feed and announce himself second, then finally, third, go to the cooking area to start the celebration.

Fairy society was anarchic, that was how things worked in it.

“Sky delivery incoming!” Doing exactly as he had planned, he dropped the huge banner first and warned to make sure no accident occurred.


“Oh, Aven! Hello~”

“Is this a gift for me?”

Ignoring the answers he received including some that directly mentioned his name, he darted to the audio control area and claimed ownership of it, “Move over you uncultured punks! Oh, hello Giana and Lillya~ How are you doing? Anyway! Move! Today, you have no choice but to submit!”

“Hello, Aven~ Do you want something?”

“Punks? I’m a punk? Amazing!”

Ignoring the petulant duo, he opened his electronics box and connected an external drive that instantly uploaded the necessary software to allow a mike to be connected to this music-playing-only audio group.

“1, 2, 1, 2, test! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day~” Testing that his hijack had worked, he heard an echo of his voice and instantly switched to another word registry, “For those of you who have short-term memory problems or are simply unbothered with your social life, let me introduce myself!”

Knowing fully well how short the attention span of fairies was, he directly cut to the chase.

“I’m Aven Amias, a future historical figure, and today! Yes, today! I’m here to announce that I used my divine innate ability to become a purple fairy!” He announced as loudly as he could.

“But what wasn’t my surprise when I searched through the dusty and archaic records in the Elandia Historia for any trace of a special fairy celebration associated with a fairy having its bloodline refined, and I found nothing! What do you think I thought when I saw that?!”

“How preposterous!”

“Our predecessors didn’t know how to party!”

“What can I do to show I’m not like them!”

“Apples and pineapples are the same things!”

“How could they have missed such an obvious opportunity!”

“Exactly!” Hearing the various answers, he picked the most random one and even pointed at the fairy who said it, “Apples and pineapples are the same things! Avocados too! And thus I decided that from today onward, such occasions will henceforth be called bloodline elevation parties!”

Violently physically pushing a switch to restart the music, this time with his own selection of party music, music blasted at full power and made the air rumble with bass so deep and so loud normal humans would have to protect their precious biological ear-drums for them not to pop and have to go to a Vow Church to have them repaired.

“And today?! Today is the historical first bloodline elevation party! And I firmly intend to make those sorts of parties something anyone can have access to eventually! That’s one of my dreams!”

Finishing his short speech, the music was drowned out by hyped fairies who used their loudest voice to answer his bigger-than-the-world dream.

Leaving the external drive while disconnecting the mike to avert extremely likely chaotic fairies who wanted to be heard by everyone to say nonsense, he took off after dropping his 4 boxes in a messy pile and landed a few seconds later at the cooking area.

“It’s time to show those punks what a purple fairy is capable of!”

“Now that’s interesting…” Aven looked straight into the eyes of Alain, the assembly manager and alloy lead researcher of the Rainbow IRC, as he carefully gave his first thoughts on what he just said.

“Just wanted to let you know in case you reach grade 4 and this knowledge can affect your decision on which specialization to take,” Alain completed his report casually, not that what he reported was anything but casual.

“Can you bring me to your experimentation area?” Having no choice but to ask for more proof as this really wasn’t a small matter, Aven decided to interrupt his design routine in favor of seeking visual confirmation of what one of his friends had just proclaimed.

“I didn’t report for you to snob me out, of course you must come to see for yourself,” Alain grumbled at him as he turned and began walking in the direction of the exit of the resting area.

“That’s a good idea actually… Maybe I could snob some people…” Getting ideas from a single unusual word he didn’t hear often, Aven followed behind him.

The two discussed a bit more about the technical details of the experimental side-project Alain had done that ended up resulting in such an interesting piece of information until they finally reached the production hall where it had taken place.

When the insulated door opened, deep metallic hammering sounds reached both of their ears, proof that a very unique manufacturing process was being used inside this hall.

This however wasn’t loud enough to obfuscate Alain’s similarly deep voice that went on to start detailing the true core details of where this side-project of his stood at, “I’m currently on the forging of the 15th iteration, the expected total ratio is 2.62, and the ratio increase of this iteration should be 0.06.”

“2.62 times your normal tech-enhancement…” Still skeptical about the whole thing, Aven took in the production hall and bypassed Alain to head for the visible row of hammers displayed on a side.

“It’s really a genius idea you had to use hammer forging technique with a hammer to produce more hammer to simulate a looped tech-production phenomenon~” Giving praise where they were due, he searched a messy pile of tools for what he wanted the most.

“Ha, it’s there~” Finding a metallic alloy tech-enhancement flash evaluator he had designed more than a month ago, he telekinetically took control of it and got going in testing to his heart's content those hammers who all looked exactly the same.

While Aven conspicuously showed his doubt regarding his own words, Alain went on to give more technical detail about this apparently too-successful experiment, “According to the results so far, the start is the same, a 1st iteration tech-produced by a 0th iteration is straight up a 20% increase in tech-enhancement.”

Showing the passion he had developed in the latter part of his life fully, the excitement in his voice increased the more he talked about the results of the experiment he had come up with and realized alone.

“It diverges from there though. Instead of the 2nd iteration tech-produced by the 1st iteration gaining an additional 10% tech-enhancement, meaning the previous gain cut by 2, the result I got was a gain of 18%, the previous gain cut by 1.1.”

“Hu…” Absent-mindedly replying as he was too occupied with measuring the tech-enhancement degree of the 1st iteration hammers, the busy fairy only truly heard about half of what he said.

“With these results under my eyes, I thought I finally found an unknown property of the tech-production energy specialization. So I deepened this secondary experiment by developing an automatic hammering machine…”

As Alain continued reciting the whole experimental log of the “looped tech-production phenomena, tech-production energy specialization variant” experiment that took place in this hall enthusiastically, Aven moved on from the 1st iteration hammers and onto the 2nd iterations.

“Next thing I knew, I was asking some old friends to contribute their knowledge in ancient forging techniques. I needed to know everything I knew about how to refine ores using hammers, how to forge a hammer specially used to refine ores, how to forge a hammer made to forge other hammers…”

And from the 2nd iterations, he moved on to the 3rd iterations, all while Alain never seemed able to run out of things to tell about this experiment and his sky-high expectations of it.

“I computed some basic tables for the ending ratios I could expect if the ratio gain at every iteration wasn’t cut by 2 but by 1.1. And where a traditional looped tech-production would primarily cap at the 4th iteration with a total ratio increase of 1.35, with my energy specialization, the primary cap would only arrive at the 19th iteration, where I would reach a total ratio of 2.8! 180% my normal tech-enhancement!”

Becoming more worked up the more he related all the fine details of what his experiment had resulted in, Alain was really breaking his image as a serious and experienced tech super who was once a terror on the battlefield.

In turn, Aven became more and more amazed by this new piece of knowledge as he got to see and hear about all the possibilities it showcased.

“And what’s the critical cap?” Continuing to move from iteration to iteration, his curiosity gushed forth in the form of a question without him being able to control it.

“Oh,” stopping on his track, Alain quickly answered his question with more details than expected, “Whereas your critical cap is 1.4 total ratio attained at the 8th iteration, mine should be 3.2! But the price to attain such an absurd total ratio increase is to reach the 65th iteration!”

“65th?!” Hearing this number, Aven turned his head to look at him, shocked.

“Is going to the 65th iteration not worth it to more than triple your effective tech-enhancement?” Alain smiled at him brightly in answer, using pure mutual understanding to support his stand.

“Can’t argue with that, hahaha~” Not even putting up a resistance against his claim, Aven laughed.

The next half hour, the duo spent it confirming Alain hadn’t gone mad.

And once they mutually confirmed the tech-production energy specialization really had such an unexpected effect and they weren’t simultaneously hallucinating, they split up to return to their own schedule.

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