The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 86: Chapter 84: 7 Adjectives

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“I’m a freaking genius,” he stated casually in a happy tune-like way.

Completely recovered spiritually after a fantastic 5-hours long holiday at the land of unconscious darkness, Aven didn’t feel any sequelae from his second full mind communion state, allowing him to see what had been previously concealed by a haze of fatigue.

He had only stopped to mingle with the other fairies for an hour before arriving back at his revolution center, claimed the key to becoming a purple fairy, and was finally back where he felt at home professionally.

And from what he saw of the work he had done in a single cycle, it simply overshadowed by an absolute clear margin the expectations he had of the mechanical suit project.

“Hehe~” Laughing naively at the perfectly balanced piece of art he had designed, he zoomed in on components he clearly remembered having designed in a few dozen minutes, and kept being impressed.

“I don’t think it’s a question of breaking the tech limits with ingenious applications, even if it might look like it. It’s more like having a much different working knowledge mobilization, exactly as if…” He mused for an instant, eventually finding his words, “I could control my imagination? Like my fingers?”

Getting the mental imagery right, Aven advanced his research and understanding of what the creative instinct-driven state entailed by miles.

From one rare happenstance situation he didn’t expect to one he had tried for months to reach, never despairing or lamenting over the long duration, he simply had hundreds of small theories and explanations he had wanted to confirm.

Spending the first 30 minutes of his cycle at the Rainbow IRC on this long-overdue research, he finished arranging for a new battery of tests to realize, all while adjusting his mindset to try and reenter this logic-defying full mind communion state.

“Well, maybe I can do it again now~?” Going at it light-heartedly, he held no try-or-die deadline on repeating this state, and while having full control over something as esoteric as his unconscious and unbounded imagination was more than just appetizing…

It really wasn’t something that would change his life.

“Anyway! Back to work!” Pulling himself out of his daydreaming mood, he took in the sight of the huge rough fairy mechanical suit (FMC) integrated production line, “I’ve brought the final product to peak perfection, so the line should not be any less so!”

The approaching Canopy cleansing campaign, the existence of the invisible enemy, the massive diversification and complexification of the Rainbow IRC, the hundreds of interests and challenges that slowly got mixed in what he created…

Those were all out of his mind the moment he resumed working on his heart project, hoping to get his 3rd creative instinct state, but not so much.

Designing the FMC line was objectively harder than making the actual FMC. The only thing that kept him from equating it to those mind-grinding vehicle-type projects, in fact, was that it wasn’t a randomly started project, so most of the manufacturing units had already been designed prior.

The PHT metal alloy making unit for the special alloy formula he wanted, the electric engraving unit to perfectly integrate the electrical and digital network, the miniaturized tech turbine unit, the miniaturized all-sensors tech unit, the electrified super-heated blade unit…

Most, if not all of the technologies he had used to design the FMC had been thoroughly tested and pushed before he actually began designing it. Hence, he just had to do what he was best at: Combining everything perfectly.

The only innovative unit he had to create was the mechanical suit assembly unit.

The size of an FMC was relatively small, small enough to simply skip the manual assembly process. To his utter pleasure.

Less sapient interactions meant less chance of something going wrong.

‘Everything depends on me. If there’s a mistake, it can only come from me!’

From the start to the current imminent end, the entire project only had him.

He birthed it, refined it, and soon, its entire manufacture would be reliant on the 5th iteration IUM, a machine he had similarly created.

Still, the pressure that should have maybe weighed on his shoulder was absent.

Few were even aware that he was designing something Star Trail, the global organization in charge of technological research, had only breached a few years prior to much less success than anticipated.

If he was to be realistic, the world surely didn’t expect him to usher in yet another project of this magnitude so soon after the already extremely impacting grade 3 universalized and greatly intensified cultivation serums.

‘Though this one, I’ll not unveil it publicly until I release the anti-Canopy all-sensors moving battery episode… It’ll be too hard to hide when I start using it…’

Keeping his wits to himself as he advanced through the hundreds of integration parameters and dozens of recently updated tech energy engineering formulas, he knew he would publicly release all the data associated with the FMC.

His public image manipulation series was based on this concept after all.

The IUM, the universalized cultivation resource line, the rainbow excellence bike line, the perfect heat treated metal alloy making unit… All those had been released.

The majority of course only watched the entertaining slash propaganda version, but all the interested ones knew that the moment those episodes were released, the full block of data as well as all sorts of unedited footage relating to the project introduced would have been put online.

Well… They should have if all the duties he had delegated had been properly accomplished.

Arriving at one of the thorny problems of the mechanical suit assembly unit, its need for both a full vacuum environment and a dense neutral gas environment depending on the assembly needed to be performed, Aven stopped thinking about other matters and fully focused on what was before his eyes.

Whatever anyone said, creating an efficient way to vacuum and refill a big chamber full of sensitive robotic arms was anything but simple to design.

In a flash from Aven’s point of view, 20 hours had passed, and it was his trusty phone that reminded him he needed to go consume the fairy crystal now before it vanished and he lost 189 million FCP by simple negligence in the process.

“We don’t have much time left, wrap up the long-exposure to radiation experiment.”

“If nothing went through in 2 hours, then nothing will go through in another 2…”

“Do you think this set of data will help us to analyze the other exotics we’ll receive soon?”

“By my poor academic knowledge, yes.”


“But… Simply by the fact that it’s all too new and too detailed, I have no marks anymore.”

Entering the exotic act research hall neighboring the air resistance canceling hall and the flash heat diffusion hall, all obviously located in the research area, Aven had the pleasure to spectate the end of the last experiment his precious rainbow crystal was to be subjected to.

Creeping on the team that was intently looking at the various live feeds of unchanging data from the auxiliary exotic radiation testing chamber, it didn’t take a genius to guess that their last experiment had given them an absolute if not amazing result.

Yes, the fairy crystal was able to act as a radiation-blocking material, and it did its job dozens or hundreds of times better than pure lead or lead alloy.

“Your life sucks!” Joining in on the fun with a comment that exposed how he felt about this disappointing result, and it turned out that only the 2 closest to the control console hadn’t known he was here.

“Yeah, I somewhat expected the fairy crystal to amplify the radiation it received and cut through the entire hall with it…” Grald emitted a similar disappointment regarding this last result.

“I would prefer if you found out it had the ability to amplify any energy it receives by 900 times. That or nothing,” he replied with all the sarcasm he could mobilize before changing his act, “Anyway, you all have a debt to pay, right? I’m here to collect it!”

“We don’t have it, someone swallowed it by mistake thinking it was a candy~” The only psy super of this research team, charged with noticing any possible disturbance in the spiritual realm from interacting with whatever exotics, tried to extend the duration of the experiment by using a nonsense situation Aven really liked.

“Well, what would you like more?” Never one to be serious, even when it concerned a fairy crystal, Aven didn’t directly dismiss her but instead continued the story, “Me increasing the efficiency of all your exotic act analysis machines, or you gaining the opportunity to do a single destructive experiment~?”

And the answer was the hermetic door of the auxiliary exotic radiation testing chamber opening and a very familiar rainbow crystal flying out of it.

“I’m sorry for my impudence, boss! I was blinded by my greed for knowledge and didn’t properly consider all the consequences it could have!” Handing him the crystal by means of true telekinesis, spiritual telekinesis, she apologized like the most devout employee.

“How cheeky of you, hehe~ I’ll let it pass this time though, you have some potential-” He appraised her.


Erona Faranth

Faction: Nation of Eland


“-Erona~” He didn’t hesitate a single second all along, making it appear as if he had known her name all along.

Taking over the crystal with his own version of telekinesis, one that didn’t take the form of nearly invisible extremely hazy and cold-feeling clouds of psy energy, he didn’t need to be told anything before he headed for the all-sensors exotic chamber.

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The team of 6 followed along as they recovered their enthusiasm. It was most certainly the first time in history that a fairy would be deeply recorded as it was undergoing bloodline refinement to another grade.

“We’re making history lads!” Even Grald, one of the most taciturn people he had ever met next to Ron, his anciently assigned escort that had eventually turned out to be an ERA agent, felt pumped up by the situation, nothing to say of the other 5 making up the exotic act research team.

Entering the chamber he had designed himself, had tech-produced by himself, and was now being actively infused by his own energy to push its sensory capabilities to their limits, Aven was directly cut off from the hyped research team.

“What a bunch of monkeys~ I love them~” Talking like a loving parent to his mischievous sons and daughters, he stepped onto the central pedestal where all the sensors had been designed to be at their best efficiency targeting this precise area.

“There’s no way I’ll go back to my human form during the upgrade, right? It wouldn’t make any sense,” tilting his head to the side cutely as he thought of something that would annoy him a bit but not that much, he waited until Grald waved at him that everything was good.

“Well, here I go…” Becoming serious as he also wanted to try and pierce the secret of bloodline evolution, more precisely the fairy bloodline evolution, he brought the crystal closer to him and touched it.

The moment he touched it, his body reacted.

He did have the possibility to stop it, but there was no reason to, so he let it act in the most primitive instinctual-driven way.

For a short instant, the biologically-solidified energy making up his fairy body seemed to distort, taking in the fairy head-sized crystal and vaporizing it out of existence in less time than it took a human to blink.


A simultaneously hot and cold flow of something, not energy, traveled through him for less than a second as a sensation of sublimation filled him.

Accompanied by a few bright rainbow spots appearing in his vision, the innate understanding of his existence as a fairy having been pushed one step further according to whatever scale a fairy existence was put dawned on him as naturally as how his innate ability simply was.

Time lost its meaning as the transformation didn’t operate on the same perception of time as his spirit was used to, and before Aven could even properly focus on dissecting this mystical feeling… It went away.

And he was back into the all-sensors exotic chamber.

“It looked roughly, let’s say… 10%? Like when I awakened my innate ability,” he commented as soon as he recovered.

Projecting his energy threads around him to remake his pseudo-energy domain, the world appeared slightly… Moderately different, meaning something had changed.

And as always, he smiled when he thought about how others would have to carefully experiment with their newly gained or upgraded abilities whereas he simply had a very useful status window.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 6 432/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


Fairy Body (Purple Grade): Your fairy body is mainly made out of energy, as such, its ability to interact with physical matter is impacted. Physical-based forces are strongly reduced against you. Your capacity to exert physical-based forces is drastically reduced.

Intermediate Energy Life Constitution: For as long as you still have energy, your body can regenerate even if drastically damaged. Minimally increases your resistance against physical-based forces.

Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade): A fairy’s everything is in its energy. Moderately increases all properties of your energy.

Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade): Your energy is innately linked to the pure energy system. All pure energy system applications suffer no drawbacks from being performed with an energy belonging to a different energy system. Minimally enhances all properties of your pure energy system applications.

Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade): Your energy affinity echoes with your energy origin, both entering a symbiosis, amplifying each other. Moderately increases your energy affinity strength.

Advanced Energy Sense: You can interpret all sorts of energy and energy signals in tangible, complex, and varied ways. Moderately increases your energy sensitivity.

Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade): Your fairy bloodline is completely awakened, allowing you to revert to your true fairy form while still maintaining your ancient form as an option. Your energy cultivation talent in every energy system is increased greatly.


“So, not just an upgrade from violet to purple. There are also secondarily affected talents. Makes sense when I think about it, both of those had also reacted when I first awakened my fairy ancestry,” taking inventory of the talent that changed effortlessly, a background project of his was finally reaching completion.

“I think I can pretty much confirm I have all the adjectives used by my innate ability to describe the intensity of the benefits I gain from every talent except for maybe the too high-ranked ones now…” He mumbled to himself as his wings fluttered once and he took off towards the exit of the chamber.

“This radiation frequency also appeared during the basic background spectral radiation analysis!”

“There are like tens of local space anomalies that have been recorded, that’s crazy!”

“I think the spiritual realm became accessible for a moment… It was so weird. I need to do a slight introspection to time-stamp everything I observed and felt!”

“Look at this reading! It’s in the range of the theoretical active exotic span I theorized!”

Ignoring the 6 humans who were entranced by his amazingness, Aven departed this research hall with his 4 boxes in tow and hastily returned to the design room.

Opening his electronics box and fetching the USB key containing his digital innate ability notebook, he plugged it into a conveniently placed self-contained computer tower placed in the corner of the design room.

“Minimally, slightly, moderately, greatly, strongly, drastically, extremely… Seven levels, all probably having an effect that becomes exponentially greater…” Whispering what was going through his mind to not forget it, he swiftly arrived at the part of his notebook that listed all sorts of fundamental knowledge about his innate ability, the faction contribution system.

‘Minimally is the most basic level, being used to describe nearly all the basic talents I have…’

‘Moderately is the energy intensity enhancement level of a basic affinity… A grade 1 super can lean on it to use their affinity energy system and make it go from useless to usable…’

‘Drastically is the near extreme. Being able to regenerate even if my body is drastically damaged means as long as I’m not missing 95% of the energy volume that makes it up…’

Going through the motion, he then left the notebook pending and got to his main designer seat where he prepared himself to test his new tech energy infusion strength.

Only the upgraded Fairy Energy Origin and Fairy Affinity Resonance talents really influenced the intensity of his energy amongst other things, but they had gone from increasing it “slightly” to “moderately”, a 3rd-level shift.

“Okay, let’s go!” His expectations high, he closed his eyes, mobilized his knowledge that had resulted until recently in an energy intense enough to tech-produce 1 074% tech-enhanced products…

And let his energy free…

His ancient energy didn’t conflict with his new one, they just simultaneously existed and flowed freely where they were needed inside the massive integrated building that was the Rainbow IRC.

Slowly, the different sensors he installed, with the most precise one being installed in the computer area, reported the elevation in the intensity of his energy.

He didn’t need to wait anymore like before, the tech-enhancement flash evaluator had been in his mind since the time Arbelle had brought him to the Forbidden Continent, and making it really hadn’t been hard with all his knowledge on how all sorts of technologies intrinsically worked.

It had only been a matter of averaging everything out to eliminate all the odd occurrences that could pop.

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