The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 89: Chapter 87: Gravity? Never Heard Of It

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“Is that your nano forge unit? Will one be enough?” Skylark asked when he saw the out-of-place unit that wasn’t directly included in the IUM.

“Yup, that’s the one. I’m not ready to make a major overall of the IUM yet, so I’m just leaving it there after connecting it roughly,” Aven answered neither playfully nor seriously.

“The way you used your tech energy infusion to transition to the tech-exclusive domain to solve the problems associated with the innate fragility of the automatic nanometric weaver injector really opened my eyes. I’m sure the moment it’s known that you created something like that…”

Really taking to heart his part as the “big brother” in this newly established relationship, the legendary tech fairy didn't hold back his praise, and the little brother similarly didn’t hold back in pumping as much information as possible.

“You can see what’s going on inside? How come?”

“When your energy sense advances enough, you’ll become able to sense through your energy. Don’t worry, with your rate of progress you’ll quickly hit this stage…”

“What do you think of the tech-exclusive technologies?”

“Tech energy infusion technologies are the only way I can imagine the tech supers surpassing the martial or elemental supers in terms of combat power… Though it’s a bit of a shame the next generation of weapons will cancel all the advantages you’re building now…”

Skylark was so lost in his praise and role that he didn't even realize he had completely overstepped his boundary in unveiling a few secret projects of Star Trail.

“Next generation of weapons? Hoho~ And what about…” Aven smiled at this unexpected piece of information but didn’t try to dig deeper into it, instead focusing on maintaining the smooth flow of the conversation.

A few more minutes passed where the duo of fairies inspected the 5th iteration IUM and discussed random subjects related to it or inspired by it before Aven finished his inspection tour and decided to head back to his design room.

Having his own thoughts on the situation, Skylark decided to leave without clarifying where he was heading, though he mentioned having a certain Storm in mind for enlightening him regarding the situation.

After casually bidding each other goodbye as they would meet again soon enough to test the fairy mechanical suit anyway, Aven returned in a flash to his design room where he was welcomed by his latest genre love in music background.

“Forgive me my weakness, but I don’t know why~ Without you, it's hard to survive~” Humming along with the loud music, he got in the mood by making some moves that testified to both his knowledge and experience in dancing.

“Hah~” Crashing down on his overseer chair like a potato sack, he breathed out and remembered something he would very much like to forget but couldn’t, “51 days remaining… Or will it all come crashing down in the next second? It’ll be a turning point either way.”

For a moment he nearly wanted to search for the latest atrocities committed by rogue Canopy branches but held himself back. He was in too good of a mood to let it be ruined by crazies.

“Still not feeling like grinding those vehicle projects… But strangely feeling like starting to grind at a new integrated computer language?” Quizzically tilting his head to the side, Aven felt weirded out by his random inspiration.

Bringing up the related messy brainstorming document related to the “integrated programming language” project which would have normally made him feel slightly repelled at the immense amount of work it represented, he felt it was slightly pleasing to the eyes.

“Is it too late for me?” Bitterly smiling at how he really felt like starting to work on this project while forgetting about all the much more interesting stuff like the energy act projects, he cleared the main instance and opened a new special blank page.

Before diving into the hell of time consumption that was this project, Aven did the one thing that could be considered rational amidst this madness, “I should at least rename it, I clearly wasn’t ambitious enough when creating it.”

And thus he renamed the “integrated programming language” project into the “Rainbow Excellence Integrated Computer Language” project.

That was the last logical thing he did, and from there, everything began fast-forwarding in his perception.

An entire cycle, or 80 hours, quickly went by as Aven began creating, optimizing, updating, and doing exactly as his interdisciplinary genius path taught him to do as he straight up tailored an entirely new computer language.

All things considered, this project’s core objective was lowering the time he spent on programming, optimizing, and piecing together new software for his hundreds of projects that needed him to design new automatizations.

As a tech super himself, he was more than certain taking such a step was necessary not only for him but also for others.

Not going too deep into his own background moral issues, Aven simply wanted to stop having to spend dozens of hours on inefficient programming methods.

When he returned to the Rainbow Mountain to chill for the end of this cycle, he claimed his reward for the day that gave him the initial investment sum for properly launching the Aven-special exotic act projects.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 42 042 780 FCP


Going to sleep with a smile there, he didn’t care about his special Rainbow Excellence foods episode being broadcasted soon. He had edited that episode weeks and weeks ago, so it didn't hold any interest to him anymore.

His sleep period ended as naturally as naturally waking up meant, and following 2 hours of relaxation with other beings who totally understood how primordial it was to discuss with each other to properly start a day, he headed for “work”.

His first stop there was the exotic act research hall, where a bunch of fanatics successfully ambushed him with perfect timing and speedily ushered him into an all-sensors chamber to start milking his innate ability.


Energy Growth Wonder Flower (Claim?)

Tireless Apple (Claim?)


As he had planned, he started by claiming 2 items he really much wanted to understand more than he did now. The fact that combined they only weighed him down with a 24-hours expense of 1 590 000 FCP of course played into his decision to start with them.

Leaving the chamber after claiming these 2, he repeated the instructions he had given this team for what he expected of them, “I want you to find how to produce them naturally, find how they’re able to give their talents, find how they are related to exotics, blablabla, I’ll provide you with both every 24 hours.”

“Obviously, prioritize studying them over the permanent samples that should soon be coming,” he repeated, “Destroy them to learn more, consume them at the end if they still exist, refine them in weird ways and see if their effect is still there, never let them go to waste even if they became a bit warped, consume them again to see what repeated consumption or long-term consumption do, that’s it.”

“What about the self revolving energy elixir?” Grald asked.

“It’s more expensive, and you’ll have much on your hands soon, so prove to me you’re not biting more than you can chew with this fledgling research field,” he finished the conversation and left without giving them a chance to inquire about anything else.

His next stop was the ERA-exclusive production area, where the first FMC line should have been set up, only awaiting his inspection before starting production.

Leaving his 4 boxes with the 2 guards, he entered the newly-claimed hall and began the inspection of his latest passion project.

“Eland is currently setting up a stealth supply chain to start providing all the expensive and restricted metals necessary to accelerate the production of both the all-sensors battery and this mechanical suit line,” one of the ERA engineers reported to him some info at the same time he inspected the line.

“I guess I finally sated their hunger for military results. Or they have gathered enough intel on Canopy branches to care less about the whole secret operation? Anyway, did they kindly advise you to hint at me to start designing a human mechanical suit?” He questioned.

“That’s a given,” and the ERA engineer didn’t hesitate in his answer, “Resonance missiles aren’t weapons that can be used in urban and human-populated environments, and while the support chain will be strained if mechanical suits are given to non-tech supers, the prospective benefits of this combination are enough to justify its theorized existence.”

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“I’ll do my best I guess…” Remaining cryptic over his intentions, Aven finished his inspection in 10 minutes and left as the line finally started production.

With 8 hours to kill before the first fairy mechanical suit exited the line and a few more hours to have enough to start grand-scale testing, the design room was his third stop after he recovered his 4 boxes.

Music started playing, typing noises were drowned, and fatal error screens abounded as the RE (Rainbow Excellence) integrated computer language took a few more steps in the right direction.

Hours passed in this self-contained designing bubble, only popped by the arrival of Skylark and 3 other fairies he had invited to partake in the secret testing.

Unlike the slightly fairy-unlike Skylark, those 3 acted exactly like how they were supposed to and made a mess of their first encounter, with Aven having of course been on the same wavelength.

Just like that, a somewhat unique group of 5 tech fairies made their way to the ERA-exclusive testing area.

Skylark was the grade-wise, history-wise, and personality-wise leader as he was a grade 5 with a history anyone would know and an all-inclusive personality.

The three fairies he brought were the main testing force, with Lennart, Saira, and Nels all being grade 4 but with different energy specializations and different combinations.

As for Aven, no matter his achievements, he ultimately remained a grade 3 entity and was the apparent tail-end of this group that focused on the power aspect of the tech energy system, not its production aspect.

When they all reached the security gate, they all acted in the same way and dropped their boxes at the entrance. All except Skylark, who flew in with his 8 boxes unimpeded.

Flying straight to the testing hall, ignoring everything else, what welcomed the group was a team of more than 20 people, dozens of specially prepared tests, dozens of auxiliary gear like weapons or ringed connectors, and a row of 5 perfectly identical 50-centimeters tall dummies equipped with similarly identical futuristic mechanical uniform.

“You could have opted for a better color scheme…” The fashionable Lennart wearing clothes of all colors complained.

“A very ingenious use of our adaptable size,” the stern secretary-like Saira praised.

“Doesn’t look bad for a first try~” The whimsical Nels remained casual.

“Now that I see it for real, It’s certainly different from what we have at Star Trail,” Skylark wrapped up the first impression tour.

“I can guarantee you’ll find your happiness in my remarkable product!” Switching to marketing mode, Aven acted like a car dealer, he was just selling mechanical suits instead of cars. And he also only had one model to sell.

“Its development was realized through the knowledge gathered over the last millennia, and is appropriate for any energy specialization, fighting style, and even energy system as long as it's infused with tech energy prior to being activated! It can support up to 12 directly connected external gear, which can themselves be connected to infinity! Your telekinesis is the limit!”

“If you put it like that, it might seem like it's not really a revolution for our tech energy system,” Saira was the first to step up and approach what she was soon going to test to physically inspect it.

“As if other energy systems’ fairies can really get something out of it except for some more assistance to mobility and more protection.”

“Not like they have actual weapons they can use to enhance their energy…”

Losing themselves in a useless debate, the group of 5 fairies nonetheless gradually shifted to inspecting the 5 test mechanical suits.

The pure white with black outline color scheme used perfectly highlighted what needed to be highlighted and helped transmit this wasn’t an experimental model but a fully functional one.

A few minutes later, Aven became the first to activate his suit and show how this fairy mechanical suit was meant to be used.

Sending a command via his phone to temporarily slow down the production rate of everything as the energy flowing through the Rainbow IRC was going to lose the support of his one and only undivided infusion energy specialization, he infused energy into the FMC.

“The official name of this mechanical suit is the Mk.1 FMC, the acronym for Mark 1 Fairy Mechanical Suit. You can just shorten it to FMC, it's bothersome to add the Mark 1 part to it…”

“The minimum tech amplification necessary to make it work is 54, but with its… 1 384% times 1.38… 1 904% tech-enhancement? Yeah, sounds about right. With that tech-enhancement, you just need a 5 times amplification for it to work as it should flawlessly if minimally…”

“I designed both a leisure activation process and an emergency one, the emergency one we’ll test later as it’s troublesome. For both, you’ll need to preferably be wearing a special expansive polymer suit to accommodate your new size after you expand…”

“We’ll do that first,” following his own words, he located 5 of the coolest polymer suits that had ever been created on this planet and took one with him to change.

Not caring about whether it was a prank or not, the other 4 fairies followed behind him and similarly entered the changing lodge, completely unbothered by the presence of Saira, a female fairy, amongst them.

The only element that could allow a human to differentiate between a female fairy and a male fairy was the “generally” slightly bigger bust area of the female fairies. That was it. And most of the time there wasn’t even the slightest bulge there.

And true to her origin as a human who awakened her fairy bloodline one day, Saira cared at least a bit about it despite the area only being a smooth energy skin-imitation and had preemptively covered that area with a tight fairy-sized sports bra.

As for the “lower” area that humans would preferably hide if they had a choice, she was in the exact same situation as the male fairies who wore simple, more or less tight, boxer shorts.

There was nothing special to hide in that area after all, it was only smooth energy skin-imitation…

Exiting the changing lodge after a quick change, Aven pursued his demonstration of the leisure activation process.

“The leisure activation process is intended to be done after opening the spinal area through the mechanical switch you can access after removing the helmet. Normally, if your tech amplification is less than what is required, you’ll be locked there, unable to continue…”

Taking turns showing where the switch was located to everyone except Skylark who “saw” it without needing to move thanks to his energy sense Aven suspected was in the expert range, Aven eventually pushed it.

A series of clickety sounds ensued as the entire suit came online, its various starting protocols executing various routines to check the suit was ready for usage. The conclusion of this starting routine was the spinal area opening in a hypnotic way.

“Now, you only need to enter and invest a part of your energy pool into expanding your size until your 2 feet and 2 hands reach their respective extremities…”

“The mech suit is already online, so you can move its limbs without having to force. The last step is putting back the helmet, finalizing the complete separation from the outside world…”

Following exactly what he said, Aven entered the suit from behind after an opening had appeared.

Once he was in good posture, he focused on his body and willed his energy to pour into it.

A slight internal rumble reached him as his body proportion started increasing, slowly heading back to his human proportion.

When his 2 hands and 2 feet reached the extremities of the mechanical limbs, he stopped and effortlessly grabbed the helmet with both his telekinesis and arms.

“The final initiation phase takes a few seconds, and for your voice to reach the outside world you need to say ‘voice on’ once inside. I hope you’re not scared of the dark~” Making a last joke, the mechanical suit helmet descended and covered him.

This resulted in lots of clickety sounds for a moment before the visor part of the helmet finally transitioned from an opac black wall into a slightly transparent screen.

“Voice on,” he said, and the screen responded.

“That’s it folks, now if you’d allow me, I need to do some tests,” saying so, his voice was retransmitted as it was to the external world as he started moving.

Under the curious and inquisitive gazes of the ERA team and the 4 fairies, Aven slowly took his first steps before he gave another command, “Wings on.”

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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