The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 90: Chapter 88: Martial Tech Fairies

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When he gave the command, a slight shift happened in his back area that deployed a perfect metallic replica of how fairies’ wings were.

With finally enough space, his wings that had been uncomfortably contained inside the suit were deployed, allowing him to recover one of the most important innate capabilities of the fairies as winged energy beings: Gravity? Never heard of it.

Internally linking the suit to his telekinesis, his wings tried to flutter as his instinct told them they should work, but as they were encased, they only vibrated. But as the motion had never been the key, he was still released from the hold of gravity and began floating.

“Low assistance mode on,” adjusting the assisting power to the lowest level as he perfectly knew what would occur if he triggered the highest physical assistance level mode, he started playing with gravity to get used to his state.

Seeing him do something so boring, the other 4 fairies finally moved on and headed for their own FMC.

As they left, he didn’t warn them or anything about the possible destruction they could cause by accident as he couldn’t think of a scenario where they were unaware of the main “selling points” a mechanical suit was designed to have.

He was soon proven right as 4 more stumbling tall mechanical fairies joined him on the test field, each more drunk than the last, and each more careful than the last, with Skylark having to be the more careful of everyone here by an extremely large margin.

“There’s no off mode if you’re wondering,” after seeing Skylark remaining immobile after his few first steps that sent him tumbling, Aven advised him, “Just rekindle your martial training to know how to walk properly, and don’t skip to the full mode until you completely… You know what I mean~”

There were a few seconds of silence as the suit Skylark had entered simply looked back at him, then his husky voice suddenly reappeared, “I just said, no need to bother with me, I’ve seen the theory behind the mechanical assistance.”

“Okay, cool~” Stopping to bother him and focusing on himself, some time passed where no one approached the testing gear, instead concentrating on being a fairy with a real weight and all that entailed.

But whereas four fairies were probably immersed in their newly found ability to translate their tech energy into tangible physical-based force they could use to move like martial supers, one fairy rather favored getting a dozen new sources of inspiration.

‘If I can find a way to create all sorts of artificial biological materials like working artificial biological muscles, artificial biological platings like the ones the abominations grow, artificial biological bones, artificial biological neural network, and integrate them all in a suit…’

Keeping all his ideas to himself, he was “fortunate” to only have left his human body behind not that long ago, so he was still used to things like proper running or inertia.

The situation looked a lot grimmer for the other 4 fairies. They were tech fairies, they belonged to the vast majority of fairies who absolutely didn’t need to follow the basic rules of physics to live their life as supers to the fullest.

They weren’t martial fairies, forced to assume a human form to properly use their martial prowess.

Getting a basic hold on himself after half an hour of basic movement, Aven’s eyes narrowed as he didn’t feel the need to hold back anymore, “Wings off.”

Completely retracting his wings, gravity reaffirmed its control over him fully, but this time he was as stable as he had once been when he was human.

“Full assistance mode, on,” having not turned off the voice retransmission, everyone heard him switch mode.

No peculiar sounds or special effects made known if the mode had truly been switched, but the moment Aven started moving, it became clear to everyone observing that something had changed. Fundamentally so.

Visually light steps translated into jumps, small feet impulsions translated into meters-high jumps, quick jabs became instantaneous jabs, and it all spiraled down to Aven asserting full control of his movement over the next 5 minutes in a martial dance-like way.

“Well, that’s a bit more thrilling than I expected…” He whispered to himself his voice trembling, a half-crazed smile arboring his face.

As an energy life form, all concepts of hurting himself through exertion had long been thrown out the window. Same for the concept of stamina, a fairy couldn’t be out of breath as it essentially didn’t breathe, and for one to run low on energy, it would have to have starved for days.

With the fear of hurting himself absent, no bones to break or muscles to rip, and all the knowledge in martial arts he could ever ask for, Aven’s movement complexity and linking stepped up at the speed of light.

‘I should call Saum later, he’s been too into the cultivation resource research hall lately. Sparring with him will also allow me to deepen my experience in practical close quarters combat.’

Planning for the future, getting inspired, getting a grasp of his new ability, all these were activities Aven had kept repeating over the last few months, so despite the unfamiliar situation, he felt at ease.

Another half an hour quickly passed in the ERA-exclusive testing hall which hosted the first test of the FMC.

Skylark, Lennart, Saira, and Nels were slowly adapting themselves, with Nels being objectively second to none as he seemed to have an advantage thanks to his velocity manipulation and sensory manipulation energy specializations.

With those specializations that allowed “his” tech energy system to do new things, such as directly influencing the velocity of an object with his energy or affecting how matter interacted with the world and was perceived, Nels was more at ease with recovering a pseudo-physical body.

That wasn’t the case at all for the other three though, one could argue that every energy specialization had a reason that justified its existence, that an energy specialization acquired at grade 5 could be acquired at grade 3 all the same, and that all were equal in terms of potential…

But the struggling Skylark, Lennart, and Saira knew that theirs would only become relevant once they controlled the FMC.

Skylark, with his 3 assault tech energy specializations that somewhat synergized with each other, the kinetic amplification, blast amplification, and atomic bond strengthening energy specializations, knew that even more.

As for Lennart, proud owner of the legendary overloaded infusion and matter regeneration energy specialization combination, and Saira, aloof user of the electricity intensification and magnetism intensification energy specializations, they mirrored Skylark in their inability to accelerate their learning.

For any spectator observing the testing hall, however, those 4 really couldn’t amount to more than amateur compared to Aven who was getting ready to start the test battery he had designed to evaluate the whole capacity of the FMC.

“I’ll start with the impact machine,” soundlessly cracking his mechanical fingers as he reported his intention, he approached the most basic punching machine taken to a whole other level that could more commonly be called an impact measuring machine.

Nothing but slight clicketies originated from him as the fairy mechanical suit he wore assisted and amplified his every movement, making it appear as if gravity didn’t impact him as he lightly skipped towards the first testing machine.

Taking on one of the most universal fighting stances for a humanoid being, he said his last piece, “Prep the 1st priority ‘Fundamentals’ tests for after I’m done with those 2nd priority ‘Close quarters combat’ ones. Music on.”

Selecting the most suitable music for the situation via the screen that spawned on his helmet visor, he felt pumped up to the sky and wanted to show all the potential of this new tool named mechanical suit.

Bending his knees slightly facing an impact measuring machine, he decided to start with the most basic kick in existence.

‘No holding back.’

Starting from his torso rotating a bit, his left front leg took upon itself to accommodate being the support pillar.

In a natural way, his gravity center shifted along as his whole body weight was used to make this kick a perfect one.

Eventually, his right foot left the ground, engaging in the kicking motion.

And during all that, the mechanical suit followed, enhancing what should have been a normal kick from an above-average human into an unstoppable surge of kinetic force backed by an extraordinary weight.

A force unbound by biological limits, only restrained by the intensity of the tech energy infused inside a lifeless suit.

When his right leg finally made contact with the impact measuring machine and it received this entire outbreak of pure physical power, only one thing really became certain as a characteristic explosive sound spread through the entire testing hall. The sound of the air not having had the time to move out of the way of whatever had pushed it.

Maybe for the first time in Green’s history, a tech super had gained the tool he needed to be put on equal footing with the other energy systems supers in terms of individual prowess.

A slug-type projectile made of pure tungsten flew straight towards an immobile damaged FMC at mach 15, leaving a trail of burning and warped air behind it.

The moment it was fired, a solid strident metallic sound echoed through the entire hall, symbolizing the slug had hit its intended target.

A shower of tungsten pellets rained down the next instant as the slug had simply and purely been pulverized by the impact against a mechanical suit designed with the core priority of protecting its user.

“F*ck! That was wild!” Aven’s thoughts escaped his mind without any filter as his entire being vibrated like never before faced with so much physical-based force.

Soon enough, the exact same sound echoed again through the testing hall, and another shower of tungsten pellets dropped on Aven who was still recovering from the 1st priority impact resistance test.

“Now that’s somewhat similar to what a new grade 4 martial super should be able to do if given even a bit of freedom,” Skylark, still standing unbothered after such an impact, helpfully provided his feedback.

Again, a strident metal against metal impact sound reached everyone's auditory module and was retransmitted to them as this time, Lennart had been the one to face the power of a massive tungsten slug flying at mach 15.

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“New grade 4 martial super? Mach 15? Hehe~ Stop praising me~” Interpreting what had just been said in his own scuffed way, Aven acted as if he was blushing underneath his unbreakable fairy mechanical suit that still wasn’t even scratched from all the 1st priority tests it had been put under.

“I think I’ll change my mind concerning how tech supers are meant to fight…” Standing up similarly without a scratch, Lennart’s slightly crazed voice gave away how he felt about the test.

“Why so-” Saira hardly had the time to tell her punchline that she was cut off, her firmly anchored feet being ripped off the solid concrete ground as she fell on her behind, “-Serious?”

Ignoring the confused fairy who just had her whole life flash before her eyes, the test continued, increasing by another mach at every round.

As could have been expected, the first to have his suit cracked was Aven. Once the tungsten slugs were fired at mach 41, literally ripping the air in their trail, his suit’s first alloy layer was punched through cleanly, truly sending him flying as this time the slug hadn’t been pulverized.



“How cute…”


With Aven being eliminated from the most basic “flawless competition” which Skylark had a 100% chance of winning considering how effortlessly he was resisting every slug even now, the other 4 fairies laughed heartily.

He wasn’t that much of a divine monster, all things considered, he was just strongly above average, having a natural tech infusion amplification rate reaching into the grade 4 domain while at grade 3.

Maybe the ERA team could be shocked, but for the fairies, it was just a rare natural occurrence, not a unique one.

“You’re going to become a monster once you reach grade 4,” Skylark was the first to comment on Aven’s last place accomplishment in the flawless competition run, followed swiftly by the other 3.

“You missed the right opportunity, but maybe you should start on the overload specializations at grade 4 and finish at grade 5? They’re still useful even for the production path if you think about it!”

“I think you’ll do perfectly fine once you step out of your pathetic grade 3…”

“I thank you for losing so swiftly, it really warms my old grade 4 assault tech super heart~”

“No! How is that possible?! I can’t have lost! I’m the chosen one!” Throwing a tantrum while laying on his back, extending his right arm dramatically towards the sky, Aven eventually breathed his last, “Tell my wife… I… I… Ah.”

“What’s the password to your latest projects? I need them for a friend.”

“Rest in peace, I’ll remember you~”

“You didn’t pay back my 10 bucks! Come back!”

“The world lost one of its greatest minds today…”

Perfectly showing their social skills refined by the anarchic fairy society for a few seconds, the mock death ceremony ended when the next slug was fired.

The metallic impact sound, the trail of burning air, the shockwave, the shower of tungsten pellets, all that happened to Skylark which simply shrugged the whole thing off.

And then it was Lennart’s turn.

The moment he realized it was his turn, he used his overloaded infusion energy specialization to push his energy amplification further.

The natural consequence that should have taken place next, meaning the slow decay, erosion, and eventual disintegration of his suit, however, didn’t occur.

His matter regeneration was there to cope with the loss, creating what any tech super could argue as being the prime example of a perfectly synergistic energy specialization combination.

With Lennart scratching the surface of this legendary combination, the result could be foreseen by anyone, and when the massive tungsten slug was fired at mach 41, he stood steadfast, even imitating the posture of Skylark standing not far from him.

And the test continued.

Aven returned to stand alongside his seniors, was sent flying again at the next slug, then returned, only to be thrown again.

That only stopped once the slug fired at mach 46 arrived, and finally, his fairy body ended up scratched at the zone of impact, symbolizing the end of this 1st priority test for him.

“I’m going ahead~ I want to see and feel how hot it needs to be before the overheating measures can’t cope with it anymore,” leaving these words behind, Aven moved on to the next 1st priority test.

There were a lot more to go through, and after those, he still had hundreds of 3rd priority ‘Ranged combat’ tests to realize.

“Pure supers will also benefit massively, they don’t need tech supers to infuse their suit if they use one…” Aven lazily mumbled.

His energy threads, however, weren’t lazy at all in transcribing his vocally spoken thoughts into compact blocks of text on his messy inspirations document.

Such was the process of emptying all the ideas and inspirations he got. His mind may be fallible despite his numerous spiritual talents, but once written down, nothing he once thought would be forgettable.

“It’ll be hard to conciliate this mechanical suit project with the permanent live stream… Not to say anything about the sparring sessions I intended to do with Saum or others to prepare myself for the campaign…” He evoked a conflict and became lost in thoughts as a result.

Writing this conflict down, he looked at his provisional schedule on a secondary screen and tried to fit in a moment to start the deception-based permanent live stream.

“There?” Finding a perfect time 8 days prior to the broadcasting of the special all-sensors moving battery episode, which coincided with the approximate time Eland would start not-low-profile moves to restructure their awakened manpower, Aven considered some more.

Balancing all sorts of factors in his mind, like how important he was to the Canopy, or how publicly telling he had no idea what was going on could influence others and the repercussions he would be under once he showed he had been perfectly aware all the time, he ultimately locked in his decision.

The permanent live stream would begin 8 days prior to the start of the Canopy cleansing campaign.

“Ho?” Then his chaotic inspiration struck, again, “It’ll be one day after I attain grade 4… A celebration stream? Isn’t that the perfect distraction? I’ll even tell the world I opted for the tech-production energy specialization, displaying how inoffensive I am and… Or should I just go ahead and start it the moment I reach grade 4?”

Backed by his sudden inspiration stroke, he refined his grade 4 transition schedule phase some more by syncing it with his first ever global stream.

Planning a massive tour of the Rainbow IRC, food breaks at the break area, visit of the various labs and production halls, greeting and meeting with high-ranked personals, immersion into the life of a fairy in the anarchic fairy society, Aven was full of ideas on how to turn his stream into an auxiliary of his video series.

“And the best way to make it known… A post-credits scene!” His eyes shone brightly as his inspiration developed until there, and he swiftly wrote down everything, then brought up the release schedule of his video series.

“The reverse-draw crossbow episode, the solar panel episode, the orbital satellite episode, the wonder foods episode, the genetics predisposition tests episode, the awakening serums episode… And finally the all-sensors episode. That’s more time to tease out the stream than to actually do it, what a scam~”

Coming to terms with his newly awakened scamming artist and deception-loving self, he carefully engineered a loveable time to allow his fans, which already had the predetermined names of “World Domination Zealots”, to get to know him through a warped window.

Only to eventually be introduced to the world’s first-ever Canopy branch live assault.

Which he was sure, was going to involve having to face someone he wouldn’t be able to squash and subdue easily.

“It’s that time already?” Pulled out of his thoughts by his phone alarm, he stopped daydreaming and headed out.

He had destructive exotic act experiments to sustain.

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