The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 93: Chapter 91: World Domination Zealots

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‘Well, that certainly gives more plausibility to the possibility that even without a fairy crystal I would have eventually awakened my fairy bloodline…’

Still getting used to his new talent that got his spirit a non-inconsequential boost in all its properties, from its interconnectivity to its efficiency, and even to its information treatment speed, Aven slowed down a bit in using his telekinesis.

If the awakening of his essence stabilizer talent had come as a major unexpected surprise, his enlightenment into his own driving instinct and the subsequent transformation of his inquisitive spirit talent hinted at a new facet of reality he hadn’t even known the existence of.

“Sigh~ Talents are really a mess!” Throwing his two arms up in surrender, inspiration was really striking him harder than in the last 2 cycles combined.

‘Talents that need my personal involvement to evolve, talents that are hidden in my own bloodline, talents that can resonate with others of different categories! How am I supposed to put this information to good use when my next 9 days’ entire schedule is already filled to the brim?!’

Twisting his body in anguish, Aven felt greatly frustrated at all the new additions the last hour had brought to his life.

‘I need to animate the permanent live stream, start the looped tech-production of the IUM until I reach the 14th iteration, help cover for all the weird moves Eland will gradually show, deal with my grade 4 innate ability upgrade that I’m sure will soon test my acting talent, update my innate ability notebook and think about all the talents I have possibly neglected…’

“Hah! That’s so annoying and frustrating!” Coming up with his short-term immediate schedule in a flash, he collapsed to the ground and rolled on the soft grass like a kid throwing a fit under the curious gazes of dozens and dozens of fairies having their blast growing the event he had organized.

After exteriorizing his bad emotions, Aven jumped back on his feet with a gravity-defying fairy-style acrobatic display, “I need my own zealots to alleviate that extreme frustration! That or nothing!”

Conceptualizing an outlet where he would be able to discharge everything he really was without any need to hide or hold back on showing his true self, he resumed working on starting the event.

Ten minutes later, the music still gradually becoming louder and louder, and food exiting the cold chamber at an ever-increasing rate by the telekinetic hands of more and more skilled fairy chefs, it was finally the turn for Aven to start acting on his “carefully thought-out” plan.

Closing in on the camera tower, he looked at a certain screen indicating a counter that displayed in marvelously-designed smooth and colorful rainbow explosion a timer that was second by second reaching zero.

Unclipping a moving camera with his telekinesis, he brought it to the audio control area and found an angle that captured a big part of the cooking area, a corner of the massive speaker mountain, lots of fairies, and all of his marvelous appearance that more than a third of the human population on Green should recognize by now.

Possibly, if he had been in his human form some form of anxiety or stress would have overtaken him, but conveniently, fairies physiologically couldn’t stress, they didn’t have the necessary biology to as a mass of energy made pseudo-corporeal.

When ultimately the counter reached the fantasized about zero that the more than 500 000 viewers seemed overly obsessed over, the background music instantly shifted to a chosen chill synthwave night-inspired piece.

“Hello, my dear world domination zealots~”

A single enthusiastic and captivating voice pierced through the soft music, making sure to attract not only the attention of the internet viewers but also some of the more receptive fairies.

“I just reached grade 4 not even an hour ago, so I decided to start both a celebration party and a stream to share bits and pieces of my real life without hiding anything now that my dominion over Green is more or less guaranteed~”

The moment Aven said that, he attracted the attention of most fairies present around him who didn’t disappoint in making their curiosity known.

“What are you doing? Can I join?”

“A stream? I don’t see any water?”

“He’s obviously lying! He has long reached grade 99! Congrats on grade 4 by the way~”

“This music is not bad… Where can I find it?”

Allowing the fine microphones installed on the camera tower to capture all those absurd answers, Aven only spoke again after half a minute, “Don’t worry about them, they’re all my unwitting sidekicks even if they don’t know it yet. From what I see in the chat, most of you have never seen or heard about the reality of the fairy society, right?”

[Dango: Show me! The fairies!]

[Enleed: Do I really want to know?]

[Panda: I’m too sleepy, I think I’ll forget everything lol…]

Seeing the relatively enthusiastic replies, Aven wisely nodded before exploding, “Let me educate you then! It all starts with more adapted music though!”

In the next second, the chill music changed into a totally new genre most people of his generation would know, EDM.

“Now! Let me show you what a society based on anarchy, chaos, and instinct looks like~” Already feeling his frustration abate with the number of comments he read, his smile grew, and his excitement with it.

A few hours passed without Aven noticing.

Aside from an initial 5-minutes long quick tour of the Rainbow Mountain’s summit area to educate his zealots about the reality of how the fairies lived on it, he slowly forgot about the camera now floating behind him.

His grade 4 ascension celebration party was in full swing, and he didn’t want to miss even a drop of it.

However, after these few hours, for the first time since his ascension… His grade 4 innate ability upgrade that he had kept using subconsciously finally gave him a return he hoped never arrived.

And it was on someone it really shouldn’t be.


Lavinia Sherman

Faction: Nation of Eland (Recover)


Lavinia Sherman, a human era legendary grade 5 entity on her own as well as the most stuck-up, or human, depending on the point of view, fairy to have ever existed in this same era.


“Hah~ Lavinia! I’m only a grade away from you now! Are you scared? Excited? To you!” Schooling his expression upon seeing the result of his appraisal, Aven smoothly continued to make a normal casual toast at her for honoring his grade 4 ascension celebration party with her presence, hoping he was mistaken about the situation.

To confirm, he appraised Lavinia’s now unveiled real faction affiliation.



Power Index: 54 996

Influence Index: 43 374

Economy Index: 5 414

Technology Index: 32 528

Description: A mysterious faction whose leader or leaders remain unknown. Their long-term objectives similarly remain a mystery. Their short-term objectives include infiltrating all the powers on Green through their only known method, psy brainwashing, executed by one of their supposed grade 5 psy super higher-ups.



Maintaining his suspicion at an all-time high even when faced with this very unique and telling faction appraisal window, he didn’t tunnel vision on the most rational and logical conclusion he could come up with.

‘Lavinia… Brainwashed? Willing? Is Recover even the invisible hand? My innate ability is clearly struggling to come up with information concerning it. Is it because this is all Eland really knows about it? If they even know its name to begin with…’

Dealing with the situation of having a potentially hostile faction with a power index of 55 000 very open-mindedly, Aven only used the objective reality he knew to build up a hasty unrefined opinion on the matter as he kept acting as if nothing was wrong.

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“We’re all friends here, right?!” A wild grin appeared on his face as he openly declared his friendship to everyone present by doing a second toast, uncaring of the peculiar faction displayed under the name of one of the arguably most powerful fairies in existence.

“Being rivals is cooler!”

“A real friend would know to cook me something! I’m hungry!”

“I like the sound of it! All friends! Even if we never talked to each other!”

His slight distress was dispelled instantly with this return, and he pushed the matter of having discovered the possible invisible hand aside for now.

The next 9 days wouldn’t allow him to be as laid-back as he was now, after all, so he had better enjoy what he had now and deal with the consequences and ramifications of his new discovery with a fully rested mind.

And thus the party continued, allowing the entire world to finally get a glimpse of one of the most sacred places on Green through the eyes of a certain fairy that was slowly seeping into the mind of everyone as not just any fairy.

Following an explosive introduction and a blood-boiling celebration ending after 6 hours of intense partying, Aven brought the “world” with him to go to sleep even as the spring White was reaching its zenith.

As he had intended, Arthuria didn’t cut his camera feed off during the entirety of his 5 hours of sleep, instead only reducing it to the corner while the other camera made up for the extreme boringness of observing him sleep.

Fortunately for the curious newcomers, a timer was present on Aven’s corner camera to indicate when he would wake up, so when the timer neared zero, zealots of all origins flocked back to see the otherworldly scene of a fairy waking up.

The sleeping fairy twitched, then the entire room came alive as the different blankets and pillows began floating.

“You’re still there my little zealots?” In the middle of the mess of fluffiness, a fairy unbothered by gravity asked with a lethargic smile, “I’ll be all yours soon~ Let me just clean up.”

Magically, the various floating blankets, pillows, and even mattresses were subjected to the most efficient if a bit violent cleaning method by being repeatedly thrown around and punched by telekinetic threads.

The strong wind created from this activity emptied the room of anything it could possibly contain, and a few minutes later everything was cleanly folded, ready, and waiting for a future user.

“Don’t think it’s not hygienic,” taking the camera with him as he left the room, Aven explained how things worked in a fairy society on a whim, “A fairy body is made of energy, we don’t sweat, don’t produce dead skin cells, and pretty much anything else like bacterias or viruses simply aren’t compatible with our nature.”

Making his way to a random small restaurant, he settled down amidst other fairies and served himself by stealing from an appetizing mountain of food as he finally picked up his phone from his electronics box and opened the live chat app.

“Hah~ I’ll be chilling for an hour to properly wake up, so ask away any questions you have before I’m bored of you and move on to discuss much more interesting subjects like the need to make square pancakes instead of round ones,” he said as he showed he now had the chat open under his eyes.

[Hazardous1222: Why are you eating? Can’t you just use your own energy to sustain yourself indefinitely?]

“Ho~ What an interesting question by someone who clearly has no idea how fairies live. Why do you think I eat? Be either honest or sarcastic please~” He raised an interesting question, hoping his zealots would have interesting answers.

[G0lb0r: Because no one is there to tell you not to!]

[BloodOrange17: Because energy has no nutritional value? Wtf am I saying.]

[CybernightZero: You want to gain some fat for your skinny body? I can see the glittering fat! Don’t try to hide it!]

“Skinny body?! Where do you see anything skinny about me? I’m the hottest fairy you can find within 9 planets! And yup to whoever said the thing about energy having no nutritional value,” he overreacted a bit before answering, “Maybe in the future, this problem will be solved, but for now, my energy cannot be used to replace my need for sustenance.”

The question and answer session went on to last more than half an hour before Aven got fed up with it and dropped the curtain on his zealots’ zealotry.

“Are you all up for a visit to the Rainbow IRC?” He asked while standing up and shortly taking to the air accompanied by 4 boxes and a camera after ignoring very straightforwardly the negative opinions of his viewers.

Flying across the sky not that far above the highest buildings’ roofs, he got a spontaneous idea to casually display the amazing freedom granted by his fairy wings.

“Let me show you some tricks I learned to alleviate the boredom of flight~” He looked at the camera and summarily plummeted to the roof of a first skyscraper.

Landing weightlessly on it, he bounced on it amidst heavy laughter and a perfect capture by the camera of all the momentum involved in what he was doing.

“I’m a freaking bunny! A flying fairy bunny!” Playing it up without any shame, he ultimately reached a highly populated place and his eyes sharpened at the potential increased difficulty if he descended a bit considering the speed at which he was traveling.

But as he was going to do just that for no other reason than wanting to, he suddenly stopped mid-air and looked at a roof he was soon going to land on, “Ho…”

There, on the large fitted roof where a few people were relaxing, a big bird had just been caught by a small cat.

Turning his camera to the scene and zooming in, he started an impromptu commentary, “Here, we have an introduction to the cycle of life.”

Nearing the scene, it became more obvious than ever that the small cat was young and was just beginning to learn of its hunting instinct, resulting in the captured bird going down the path for an agonizingly slow… Eternal rest.

“This scene is probably revolting for more people than I’m comfortable with, but know that I’ll not intervene. The cat is too cute~ And it’s too much of a bother to save the bird. Also, isn’t that life?” Going on a philosophical tangent, he checked the chat to see them all rioting against his dictatorship.

“Go on and make a mess if you want, but know that on a planetary scale, humans are more the birds than the cats~ If abominations or abandoned beasts were to meet me in my current state, I would be the bird, and they would be the cat! Fact!”

Arguing his case, he zoomed even more on the struggling bird trying to take flight even as the cat was hesitatingly clawing or biting it.

“Look at that, the cat isn’t hungry or anything, it’s just satisfying its predatory instinct. If I was chased down by an abandoned beast because I caught its eyes, maybe it wouldn’t even eat me in the end, just kill me because I’m alive. What a weird instinct, right? Hehe, think if we were like them~”

Going through the whole surprise animal documentary event with his world domination zealots splitting into not 2 camps, but more than a dozen, Aven eventually resumed his course to the Rainbow IRC.

“I introduce you! My first attempt at a hybrid industrial and research center where I would be able to silently create technologies that have absolutely no place in the current era! As for whether I succeeded or not? Well~”

Ending his introduction on a teaser that was amplified manyfold by a shit-eating grin, Aven landed on the roof of the Rainbow IRC and “got inspired” to start a massive tour of the huge complex.

The reality was: His next 8 days of live streaming had already been cautiously arranged by himself and audited by some ERA higher-ups to make all possible hints as to their more subtle and secretive activities vanish while leaving open new “secretive” projects that Aven could happily reveal despite their confidentiality.

Nothing, no details, had been left to luck.

“Let me start with the production area! It’s clearly the most visually impressive if I dare say so myself~ Next, we’ll go to… Hum… The tech turbine area? Sounds good but let’s not lock it in yet. Or should I open a poll? Don’t get excited yet, I…”

Fully letting his true self take over, his recent enlightenment on his instincts that had remained unchanged since he got them, which his innate ability seemed to agree stemmed from intrinsically being a fairy, left him more unshackled than ever.

Curiosity was something that could be controlled, and it was an emotion that allowed Aven to rediscover the building he had designed himself as if it was only his second visit.

At least it seemed so from the numerous vivid reactions he had.

Inevitably, however, and to the dismay of some zealots, his most true self shone through when he passed by the research area to show off his materialization of expensive exotics for destructive exotic act projects and Grald seemed receptive to a casual talk.

“Did you make some progress in finding what’s giving talents?” He probed lightly with his social instinct flaring up slightly.

“Honestly, not at all,” Grald shrugged, naive as he was to believe the fairy before him even sought answers from him.

“Hehe~ Don’t try to give me that big dummy excuse~” Aven good-naturedly countered, softly tickling the need for a break he saw in his tired exotic lead researcher that had already acquired the tireless spirit talent but wasn’t yet able to go on for 80-hours long cycles, “Don’t be scared to say it aloud if you’re a genius!”

“I’m not trying to…” The gray-haired man didn’t have the acumen to resist the expertly instinct-driven draw to pursue the discussion, even surrendering his fate to the social-addict fairy with an open-ended question, “It’s just that I recently found people sending me very ingenious experimental test, so I was wondering if you also had some insight that I may have ignored in my initial rush?”

“Well~” Aven’s eyes appeared to transform, shining as they looked at someone who was asking him something, “What you need isn’t advice, what you need is to take a break and reconnect with the world, right chat?”

And from there, Aven held nothing back in exhibiting his endless chattering capabilities, the flow of the discussion firmly in his grasp.

Without him knowing, Grald had become the first high-ranked personnel to participate in the aptly-named, already-planned with a special banner and background music, “Fairy’s Talk”.

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