The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 92: Chapter 90: Awakened Again

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His energy core was melting. It couldn’t process all the energy Aven now possessed after months and months of permanent drastically assisted growth.

Pulses of energy began trying to escape his body in waves, each successive one stronger than the last, until finally a trickle successfully escaped, one intense and dense enough to be visible to all his senses.

Yet, as his energy was trying to break out of his body to accommodate its growing power, a certain spark of energy was fighting hard against the current to keep it from doing so.

In fact, even the owner and origin of the restless energy was fighting against it, assisting this spark of energy in trying to break the stalemate, recovering a stability that shouldn’t be present in this scenario.

“It’s really like I’m fighting against the entire abomination surge by myself…” He whispered before a smile appeared on his face, “It’s fun~”

Role-playing as the protagonist of a massive strategy game where the whole world had been swallowed by an evil Vow Church and he was the only one able to restore the original Vow, he manually controlled this single spark of stability to masterfully make it avoid the successive waves of fanatics.

He was playing against nature, and he was enjoying it. Not the mischievous aspect, no, what he enjoyed was the reestablishing stability aspect.

The whole world, his energy, was trying to do something, and one detractor existed, sowing chaos in the form of stability everywhere it traveled through.

A few minutes later, the first whole wave appeared, and it couldn’t be dodged.

The stability spark was corroded a bit, but it still stood.

Another wave took place shortly after, one that once again couldn’t be avoided.

So the spark was once more impacted, corrupted by a nature that only desired the best for it.

“Time for the last stand~” Aven felt himself grasping at something with this spark and what it represented, but he couldn’t put a finger on what it was, so he pursued his futile resistance.

More waves, each more powerful, each symbolizing his imminent ascension into the grade 4 of energy cultivation, the energy aura stage, and each trying to snuff out, indirectly, the lone spark of stability that still resisted.

Immersed, Aven tried his all to save this spark. It didn't represent something important like his life or his belief and morality, it simply echoed with something… Deep inside him.

And when inevitably the spark was snuffed out, the last echo of stability that resulted from it seemed to finally do something he had tried to do since the start of this senseless experiment without success.

A part of his energy came back under his control. And with it a surface understanding of what had just taken place.

This ridiculously small amount of energy, which undramatically was swallowed back by his surging energy a moment later, told Aven creating stability manually wasn’t just possible.

It was realizable. With his own hands.

That understanding, that innate acceptance, finally allowed him to push open a door he hadn’t known existed, and something inside him woke up with its opening.

Then everything was rendered null, drowned out by a massive energy wave.

All his energy, all his senses, were overwhelmed under this wave, even his fairy body ended up destabilized for a second by the wave that spilled onto the physical realm with him as the vessel, finally claiming a new stage of existence for itself.

No longer was his energy restrained to his body.

Now, it stepped into the realm of aura.

“That was something else…” Amazed by the chain of events that combined him ascending to a new energy grade and his essence stabilizer talent revealing a new part of itself, Aven didn’t even try to stabilize his wild energy as he opened his status.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 4

Energy Cultivation: 10 000/100 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

2nd Energy Specialization: None

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution, Intermediate Energy Magnet, Intermediate Body Regeneration

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation, Basic Purified Spirit

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Awakened Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


Awakened Essence Stabilizer: Stability is at the core of your very being. Your spirit, body, and energy gain a stability property. For as long as your stability remains, greatly increases all your spirit, body, and energy properties. Greatly increases your resistance against destabilizations and destabilizing forces of all kinds.


“Awakened? Like my fairy bloodline? This one has no grade thou-”

In the middle of his contemplation regarding his new status and a completely unexpected and unknown new stage of his essence stabilizer talent, nature interrupted him once again, except this time he had no way to even think about interfering as knowledge spontaneously appeared in his mind.

Upon decrypting and integrating this relatively small piece of knowledge about his innate ability and what having reached grade 4 had done for it, he stopped moving.

Only a few seconds later did he stop acting like a statue and refocused on his status as if nothing had transpired.

“Apart from that, there’s really nothing in this department I guess? Like all my previous grade ascension,” he concluded his realistic observation of his talents and moved on to the one thing that mattered to him now.

“My 2nd energy specialization…” He zoned out at this opportunity he could only ever acquire when reaching a new grade.

“Maybe I could pursue the general balanced production tech super path and take the massive infusion specialization,” he envisaged a future that could theoretically still happen if he desired so, “Or I could start on the overload combination specializations, to finish it when I reach grade 5.”

“But…” Alain’s serious and passionate face flashed in his mind, “Grade 5 is simply too far. Even if I gain 1 grade 4 energy cultivation point every 10 minutes, which is surely a growth rate only attainable by investing hundreds of millions… No, billions of FCP into increasing my talent… That’s still 15 000 hours or 625 days. Just the theory is that crazy, not to say anything about reality.”

Coming to terms with his pre-made decision now that he clearly saw written in numbers he perfectly understood that he was 90 000 points of grade 4 energy away from the next grade, he began drifting for the second time in his life into a very unique type of meditation.

He had a certain thought about the concept of tech-production and all the miracles it could bring to the world, and his energy, now having a void to fill following its evolution, happily took in this complex thought.

Then it was followed by 10 minutes of numb harmonization where both Aven and his energy exchanged concepts, understandings, and ideas on what the specialization he wanted precisely was.

Once the perfect harmony was found, a soundless transformation started.

“Done,” opening his eyes, Aven instinctively knew it was over, his decision sealed for the rest of his life unless he found a way to erase one’s specialization.



Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 4

Energy Cultivation: 10 000/100 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

2nd Energy Specialization: Tech-Production

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution, Intermediate Energy Magnet, Intermediate Body Regeneration

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation, Basic Purified Spirit

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Awakened Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


‘Grade 4 is renowned for being a massive step-up in terms of energy intensity, and with my absurd list of talents to support it, including my newly awakened essence stabilizer talent…’

Seeing his own status he was more than certain only a few individuals born on Green over its entire history could hope to rival, his deeply-engraved ambitions surged.

‘How far can I push my tech-production tech-enhancement now? 2 000%? 2 500%? And if I push to the 26th iteration IUM and gain a ratio of 3? 6 000%? 7 500%? How absurd can it get?’

Eyes burning with excitement at the idea of testing his new capabilities as a true apex pioneer of the extreme production tech super path, it took him a few minutes to calm down enough to open his shop and find what he hoped would from now on be an inconsequential expense for him.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Purple Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 77 242 954

Rainbow Excellence 24-Hours G4 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization-Density-Cycling Serum (2 422 000 FCP): A serum catered to optimizing the energy cultivation process of a grade 4 entity. Revitalizes the energy potential and liveliness following a demanding grade 4 energy cultivation process. Artificially increases the density of the energy being cycled during grade 4 energy cultivation by 380%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 4 maximum threshold. Artificially increases the energy cycling speed of a grade 4 energy cultivation by 520%.


“So weak… But that’s the best Green can give me, so what can I do?” Resigned, he claimed this first cultivation resource on his path to grade 5, the grade representing the apex of the 5 great nations.


Rainbow Excellence 24-Hours G4 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization-Density-Cycling Serum (Claim?)


His grade ascension didn’t seem to have disrupted the beneficial effects he received from having consumed exotic-warped liquid fairy energy, so he was happy to not claim another copy.

As for whether its effects would from henceforth be reduced time-wise or not, that was a question for future-Aven to worry about, not present-Aven.

“Anyway~” Recovering his average level of enthusiasm after consuming his first-ever grade 4 cultivation serum, he stood up and dusted himself off everything tainting his pure white uniform, “Time to start the permanent live stream with a bang!”

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“Is everything ready?” Aven landed smoothly on top of a mountain of huge speakers and asked.

Saum, discussing enthusiastically with other fairies, turned around and executed a military salute the moment he heard that, “Yes, boss! Your glory will shine through the world tonight!”

“What are you doing?”

“Boss? Can I be a boss too? Sounds dope!”

“Hello, Aven~”

“Is he going to cook?”

“Hello to you too little critters that I love so much~” Aven answered his fellow fairies in kind, “Don’t know if you’re the one who helped set up this whole celebration, but even if you’re not, you’re here before it starts, so you’re privileged in that you can admire my new completely unchanged form!”

“And you can admire mine too!”

“It wasn’t hard moving all the cooking utensils and kitchen stoves you asked for, huh!”

“I don't know who you asked to deliver so much food, but it was exhilarating to climb the mountain undetected with so much of it!”

“Hahaha!” Aven's laughter exploded upon seeing this chaotic comedy assassination, “It’s all well and good then? Perfect! Nothing less would have been worth my grade 4 ascension celebration party!”

“Grade 4? Congra-”

“No!” Aven stopped the fairy mindlessly wanting to congratulate him urgently, “Wait for my announcement to congratulate me on my awesomeness as one of the youngest grade 4 fairy to have been born in the human era.”

“You’re one of the youngest grade 4? Awesome! Congratulations!”

“I knew you would grow up fast little Aven~”

“When are you starting to cook? Congrats on reaching grade 4 by the way.”

“Okay, change of plan then. What did I expect?” Aven shook his head and adapted on the fly after realizing his mistake of trying to instill order in fairy anarchy, “The party will start in a few minutes, I’ll start blasting some music soon, then open the feast when I feel like it.”

‘And then you’ll all become puppets for my evil stream opening… But you don’t need to know that…’

Maintaining a straight face, he left the fairy circle he had unconsciously joined and went to check the freshly installed and supplied cold chamber.

Upon finding everything he would ever need to sate his greatest gustatory fantasies inside, he inspected the cooking area next.

Once relatively certain there would be no problems, Aven approached the audio control area and did the one thing that truly symbolized he was, for the first time, creating his own event.

He played the music playlist he had carefully prepared according to his own taste.

There was no burst of anxiety as he did so, no fear of no fairies coming to check the area in curiosity, no fear of all his preparations being useless against the whims-driven fairy society.

‘I wonder what our predecessors would think if they could see us now?’

Maybe the pre-human era fairy society had been different, maybe it had been more stratified, maybe… A lot of maybes appeared in his mind as a chill pop song spread through the thin air present so high in altitude.

Going with the flow of his self-designed plan, he automatically moved to another area just a few human-sized steps away filled with as many screens as the neighboring audio control area.

The only difference this area had was that it wasn’t linked to speakers but to cameras, some wireless, some wired, all ready to send video feeds to be retransmitted live.

“I’m not the first grade 4 to do something like that, but I’m for sure the first grade 4 fairy to do that to such a scale~” Cracking his fingers symbolically, his telekinesis got to work making sure all the feeds were correctly working and being sent to Arthuria in the Rainbow IRC.

The permanent live stream project being so important as a pseudo-counterintelligence project didn’t dispense it from being subjected to Aven’s infamous delegation of responsibilities.

He was the face of the project, true, maybe even its brain, but certainly not its heart.

As the chill introduction music made its way through the summit, adding its own aspect of anarchy to the everlasting chaos of shifting fairies and randomized social events, the first curiosity-driven fairies started arriving to check out what it was about.

Then, upon seeing a strange tower of cameras, a cooking area, tables by the hundreds, and food exiting the cold chamber to be thrown in the hungry maw of dozens of huge stoves, they all recognized what it was about.

It was a new opportunity to revel in their most primitive fairy instinct: Talking for talking, talking without any objective.

So they checked the area, approached, and naturally began helping take out mountains of food from the newly set-up cold chamber.

The presence of Aven didn’t matter to anyone as the event took off, he was only a fairy amongst so many helping in the cooking area.

‘If you look from the outside, it's anarchy. But if you look from the inside… It's a utopia. A utopia based on…’

“On what…?” His telekinesis not stopping even as he asked himself an introspective question, he felt one of his heartstrings being pulled as he observed the steady flow of fairies coming and taking on leading roles in the kitchen without any communication involved.

His Fairy Bloodline Resonance talent permitted him to feel each and every fairy around him more intimately than most humans would be comfortable with, and once combined with his now more advanced pseudo-energy domain…

The world simply seemed different.

Massive trees surrounded him, all visible to not only his eyes but also his energy, all alive and thriving in this fully artificial environment, maintained by fairies who didn’t even know they were all working simultaneously on the same trees.

Suspended above him were hanging treehouses, some occupied, some empty, all reminding him directly of one of the most absurd concepts of the human era fairy society.

Primitive dirt paths weaved through the neatly mowed down grassy ground, existing not to be trodden, but to be seen and help guide the fairies towards a destination they didn’t know.

The starry canopy was briefly visible above him, a glimpse of it not a hard thing to accomplish through the verdant leafy canopy of the early spring.

In this environment, visible only to Aven, sparks of colors abounded from everywhere, adding to the mystical environment he had eventually come to call home.

Every spark was different to the various senses he had acquired during his growth as a super. Their energy was different, their appearance was different, and their bloodline felt different.

And in the middle of this storm…

“Based on… What?” Aven seriously considered this question, unbothered by the growing storm he had provoked, “It’s not based on energy, on capabilities, on experience, or even on connections… And I cannot say it’s based on bloodline or personality either…”

“If you’re not helping, get out of the kitchen!”

“Hehehe~ Look! They’re already fighting to get the first pick!”

“In the wake of my horrendous cooking skill, none of those fools will be left standing!”

“I recognize you! You! You’re the one who opened the poisoned snack bar!”

“I deny it! Or should I? Hahaha!”

Hearing and living the commotion with everyone else, Aven got the last spark of inspiration he needed to answer how the human-era fairy society had eventually come to be.

“Is it just… Instinct?” He lifted his head and looked up at the starry verdant canopy only visible from the highest mountain of Green.

Grasping this insight, he held it close to his chest as he plunged deep into his own life story.

He didn’t need anyone to tell him what and how he had lived his life before and after his awakening because as far as he remembered, his instinct had always guided him on the path he desired.

Interacting with others for no other reason than wanting to interact with others.

Studying things he was curious about for no other reason than being curious about them.

Exploring Serenis for no other reason than wanting to explore it.

And when he awakened his energy, he adapted his whole future path in a mere few days for no other reason than feeling like it and wanting to explore this new world that had just been opened to him.

“Perhaps… I’ve been a bit judgmental?” Looking back at how he had interpreted all those investigation reports ERA had done on him prior to his fairy bloodline awakening, Aven considered that he had maybe been a bit fast in judging.

Getting his bias out of the way, he mirrored the chaotic world around him to the one he remembered from before he even knew he was a descendant of the fairies.

“Seems like…” He began as he felt a sort of spiritual sublimation take over him, “What has changed isn’t me?”

Finally, with that last understanding, the world surrounding him instantly exploded in a flurry of colors, each more distinct and more vibrant than he ever remembered having seen in his life.

As if a veil had been broken, he felt more distinctly everything surrounding him. His environment appeared more vivid, every tree grander, every fairy more recognizable.

Cognizant of all these changes, Aven did the one thing he knew would help him make sense of the situation despite already instinctively understanding what had taken place.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 4

Energy Cultivation: 10 000/100 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

2nd Energy Specialization: Tech-Production

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution, Intermediate Energy Magnet, Intermediate Body Regeneration

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Fairy Instinct (Purple Grade), Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation, Basic Purified Spirit

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Awakened Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


Fairy Instinct (Purple Grade): Your spirit resonates with your bloodline naturally, allowing both to benefit from the resulting synergy. Moderately increases all your spirit properties. Your control over your curiosity is greatly enhanced.


One of his defining first talents, his inquisitive spirit, representing his most basic outlook on life, had vanished.

And what had replaced it was its true hidden origin.

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