The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 97: Chapter 95: Never Should The Tears Of The Fallen Be Forgotten

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“The crystallization of all my efforts to make the tech energy system fully independent, in the palm of my telekinesis…”

Acting cool and mysterious for no reason in front of the camera that was still recording but wasn’t transmitting, Aven had steadily acquired the habit of playing up what he felt and showing it in an entertaining way to those possibly watching.

“I’m sure this recording will air soon, but I’m sorry to say I don’t have the time to explain to you all the details involved in what you’re currently seeing. Just take in the sight and enjoy~”

Getting his priorities right, he positioned himself above the intricately arranged rows of weapons, equipment, and gear, and located everything he had asked to be prepared, all in several copies.

Keeping his thoughts and comments to himself, his energy threads spread around him.

Starting from the weapons, he picked 2 telekinetic heavy-duty assault machine guns, 2 telekinetic heavy-duty assault snipers, 2 telekinetic missile batteries, and 1 telekinetic reverse draw crossbow.

Disposing them around him in an orderly way, he then added 12 magnetic ringed connectors and moved 1 telekinetic tech turbine, 1 telekinetic all-sensors battery, and 1 telekinetic ammo-supply box, leaving 2 connectors empty as backups.

Bringing in the central piece of this whole arrangement, the fairy mechanical suit, Aven read the specs sheet personally written by Skylark who had already left that came with it.

‘5 720% tech-enhancement…’

The question of how the alloy making up the suit could be close to 56 times “better” than its non-tech-enhanced variant didn’t appear in his mind when he saw the purest representation of his recent powerup.

‘A 5 484% tech-enhanced IUM produces a 5 608% tech-enhanced FMC line which produces a 5 720% tech-enhanced Mk.1 FMC… Just this absurd result is enough to say I’ve stepped into thoroughly unknown tech-production territory where what I previously learned isn’t absolutely true anymore.’

‘If only I had more time to bring the IUM to the 33rd iteration and get a tech-production loop ratio of 3.1… That would be a confirmed 6 625% tech-enhancement for everything produced by it…’

Telling himself what was under his eyes fully stemmed from his newly-acquired tech-production energy specialization, which had for effects to not only increase greatly the tech-production aspect of his energy, but also removed the limit put by the natural tech energy system on the looped tech-production phenomenon, his eyes shone with nearly tangible curiosity for the slightest instant.

Going back to the origin of how he ended up with such an absurd tech-production power, he found the 14th iteration IUM, the one that pushed his tech-enhancement to be 2.56 times what it should be.

The IUM project, per se, was one of his most ambitious projects to date, next to the FMC project and RE integrated computer language in terms of potential far-reaching consequences.

So far, it had resulted in the most amount of quantifiable support for literally everything he had achieved as an interdisciplinary genius fairy.

Despite all that, the IUM as a machine was far from being considered complete, with new innovations and slight revisions needed to be added and realized after every successful side project's results.

Pulling himself out of this narcissistic introspective train of thought, he finished placing the Mark 1 fairy mechanical suit where he wanted it to be.

With the time he had invested in designing this model, it was only natural for its most external alloy layer to be sleek and glossy, projecting an aura of a well-refined technology with plenty of mechanical experience involved in its making.

The expert painting job supported by his expert-level knowledge in various arts allowed the mechanical suit to not appear like an emotionless cold machine but instead as an extension of a fairy, a fully white fairy with gold highlights outlining the joints and curves of a clearly humanoid entity.

The only things that hinted at this mechanical suit not being what it seemed were the 12 weird patterns on the back and the 4 unnatural additions to each of the 4 limbs.

These 4 protrusions all hide an electrified super-heated blade that would make any brutish martial super hopefully think twice before believing their overpowered energy system could break open the suit without impunity.

“Hum… Looks a bit light,” he concluded, then proceeded with doing a real telekinetic charge test.

Adding weights to every gear, he effortlessly made his entire planned arsenal float and ascertained that he could have gone much bigger with his ranged arsenal.

‘I didn’t expect to receive an overall bonus to my pure system energy applications after all… A shame I didn't have time to adapt everything yet. Though if I need bigger than what I already have then it probably means I made a strategic mistake.’

With the certification that he would be able to telekinetically support the entirety of his arsenal, Aven began assembling it.

Having had his undivided infusion energy specialization in mind when he imagined and designed everything he was using, it was only a matter of clipping the magnetic ringed connectors together and securing them through the most traditional mechanical and physical means.

With all the security he added to the linking zones of both the mechanical suit and his different telekinetic weapons and telekinetic gear. At this point, anyone who really wanted to break the connection had better focus on the ringed connector limb itself.

Once finished with assembling his integrated arsenal, he only had one last thing to do to officialize his direct participation in the Canopy cleansing campaign.

‘An energy specialization is too important, I can’t lose it just because it’s inconvenient… Sorry.’

Feeling a bit of remorse as he found his connection to the huge flow of energy traversing a gigantic complex of walls and machines he couldn’t be more familiar with, he decisively cut it off.

And what followed was one of the most fundamental safe-check systems going off and alerting the control area of the Rainbow IRC that an unexplainable loss of power had appeared.

‘Good luck dealing with all the safety checks I installed, but that’s part of your job, right?’

“Hehehe~” Laughing sadistically at the thought of those remaining behind having to deal with the sudden loss of his tech energy infusion amplification, he felt good at the idea that so many were semi-dependent on him now.

Moving on, he donned the now much more beautiful gold and white special expansive polymer suit and activated the Mark 1 fairy mechanical suit following the leisure activation process.

Using a part of his energy pool, he increased his size to comfortably fit inside the suit and finalized the activation process by putting the helmet on and initiating the tech infusion process.

‘Integration is obviously one the main paths to power for the future tech energy system…’

Mobilizing knowledge relevant to everything he had included in this arsenal, from how he had programmed the digital targeting system algorithm to which chemical elements were bound in the alloy used, how, and why, he infused it all inside the flow of energy that left his body in contact to the mechanical suit.

With the degree of tech-enhancement, it didn’t take more than a drop of energy for the automatic sensors of the suit to detect the amplification and turn all the necessary operative systems on.

A few minutes later, Aven, with now an energy-based perception that extended through not only his suit but also the dozen connectors, opened his eyes and prepared himself to do the only thing that still separated him from being battle ready.

“Wings on. Full assistance mode, on.”

He needed to confirm his arsenal worked flawlessly.

Slightly more than 120 minutes had passed since Aven’s all-sensors moving battery episode had begun airing, and as expected, the majority of the people who were watching it were watching it without thinking that deeply about what was being presented in this episode.

Merely the presence of a certain charismatic fairy who produced masterfully entertaining episodes while introducing concepts that everyone knew would eventually make it to their daily life was more than enough for everyone to simply watch.

With already more than a few dozen episodes under his belt showcasing everything there was about him, his hopes, and his dreams, Aven Amias had already broken free from his initial anonymity and stepped into the public domain that not even the relatively nationalist Eland could contain.

It could even be said that all around the globe, a literally innumerable unspecified amount of people close to 56% of the global population were simultaneously watching the new episode of a video series that didn’t hide the fact it was created to manipulate the public image of its writer, producer, actor, and host.

And it was working.

Since the advent of the human era, fairies had slowly faded into the background of the culture scene, being relegated as an endangered species that only needed to be maintained for their combat power potential.

Hence, the appearance of one so willing to step onto the world stage not as one of the few already known grade 5 nuclear-warhead equivalent fairies but as an entertainer researcher fascinated.

From the recluse Mist Republic that had long stepped away from power struggles to the chaos-ridden Emma Empire, while Green certainly couldn’t be said to be at peace and unified, the unawakened people lived approximately similarly everywhere.

Not even the relatively isolated nations that weren’t part of the 5 great nations and that only minded their own small corner of land were spared from the same fate, as they too, took the full brunt of the Aven wave and observed the situation from the sideline full of speculation.

And, at the same time that Aven stepped inside a stealth plane that would swiftly drop him on a dangerous Bright Canopy branch gone rogue…

The part of the new episode that exposed the existence, the manufacturing method, the involved scientific concepts, and the funny tests of the all-sensors moving battery came to an end.

“Sigh~ Would you look at that machine, isn’t it a beautiful monstrosity?”

Aven, in his now worldwide known relaxed and casual voice, acted as if the episode was going to end. Such a judgment would be the most logical one to make as the joyous happy music background was fading and a faint darkening of the image was made.

But then, as the screen totally faded to black and people all across Green were prepared to either go to sleep, go to work, or go on with their day, something happened.

“Would you all mind if I tell you a story?”

The screen abruptly shifted from the picture of Aven standing observing an all-sensors moving battery to one of a black room with only a single suspended fairy wearing saintly white cloth visible.

Smiling at the spectator with a familiar kind and smiling face, he pursued his explanation, “This episode has already lasted 2 hours, so you surely don’t mind, right?”

A padded regal chair made of bright redwood suddenly materialized, and with it came a redwood table and a red storybook depicting the picture of a fairy with a dagger planted in its back.

Landing softly on the chair, Aven started after opening the storybook and looking at the camera to summarize what it was about, “It’s the story of my first ever assassination attempt. Not as the perpetrator, of course, I’m too innocent to do something like that, hahaha~”

Losing a bit of his joviality, he pursued, still wearing a smile, even if a damaged one, “It’s the story of my first ever assassination attempt… As the unwitting target.”

With that statement, the screen faded to pseudo-black once again and what appeared was a camera recording of a certain fairy working in a certain design room in the middle of the night, as was shown by other camera recordings that filmed other parts of a certain building.

“Hope it never comes, but plan for it to happen tomorrow. That saying had never been truer than when I met them that fateful late summer day.”

A familiar voice began acting as the narrator of the scene when a bunch of people intruded into the peaceful room where an immersive night ambiance music was playing, disturbing the mood that was so precious when working on serious projects.

“A so-called negotiation team of a random Canopy branch decided to visit me, having heard of my name and achievements through obscure sources that have long been rehabilitated to proper life in society…”

What ensued was a clear recording of a discussion where one party believed it had all the rights and authority, and another party who completely disregarded his entire identity and qualifications.

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When the discussion began to heat up, Aven’s narrator self acted again, slowing the recording down “Who knows how they did their shady negotiation calculation…”

“Maybe they thought a tech super fairy was really useless once you got close enough? Maybe they thought I was too fresh? Maybe they were just full of themselves? Maybe… Maybe they didn’t know their own reputation as shady bloodthirsty people?”

After questioning all the possible approach points to answer why this event transpired, the recording restarted, and from there, the narrator transformed into a commentator that explained the violent scene that was unfolding before the most certainly shocked audience.

Nothing was censored, and before the world unfolded the scene of a lone fairy escaping the grasp of a super one grade above it, then being chased down inside a fully self-contained dome that cut off all its escape paths.

Faced with such an apparently hopeless situation, the Aven from before he became known to the world through his video series acted ruthlessly and masterfully foiled the capture plan from the Canopy negotiation team.

Like the world played in the palm of his hand, he took down the annoying psy supers which kept annoying him, evaded the martial supers, and swept through the elemental supers, only to eventually be confronted with the power disparity of going against someone an energy grade higher than his.

At some point, the narrator-commentator completely stopped talking, leaving the recording to talk for itself, in all its violence embodying the darkest aspect of the human era.

When the recording touched its end after a certain fairy switched to lethal bullets and got its entire lower body crushed, the scene gradually faded to black, making the silhouette of a certain redwood table and regal redwood chair appear again.

“It’s unfortunate,” closing the now slightly bloody storybook in his hands, Aven stated.

“The disaster era ended with so many loose ends and unfinished businesses, the disappearance of the fairies left our society in such shambles that atrocities didn’t become the exception but rather the norm.”

Gently resting the storybook down, he started sharing his opinion that at least some people in the world would agree with.

“I won't dwell on my opinion of the current state of the world, that would be unbecoming of what I always taught you all… Do you know what I’m talking about?”

When his question was asked, the entirely black void background pulsed with a faint red light.

Looking straight at the person behind the screen, Aven shook his head slightly, wearing a bitter smile, “Words can only have so much power.”

With this statement, the faint pulse of red appeared again, and this time it remained, repeating periodically, like a heartbeat.

“If there’s one thing I want to make sure of before it all starts, then let it be known: I won’t seek your forgiveness. If it wasn’t something that needed to be done, then I wouldn’t have done it.”

At that, drops of what could only be blood began trickling down from the sky, coloring the void-black background and ground into an entirely new color as faint music appeared in the background.

“Did you all think I would accept the world as it is now that I became someone who can make the world move at my will?”

Asking this rhetorical question, the emotional music picked up at the same time as he stood up, his immaculate saintly white clothes tainted by sky-falling blood drops.

“You know, it’s not hard to find some numbers online. A lot of people are involved in this worldwide conflict after all, from civilians to supers, and they all have something to say, something to report, an estimated tally of how many have been touched.”

Standing up from the now fully bloodied regal redwood chair, Aven began reporting what he knew.

“More than 200 000 people have already entered the ranks of the innocent victims, pointlessly involved in this conflict no one except those who started it knows why it started… But did you really even bother searching?” He slightly accused, causing a ripple in the sea of blood beneath his feet.

Turning his back towards the camera, he looked up as the emotional background music added on some chill-inducing voices.

“For some, what I’m going to say will be completely lost on them. For others nonetheless, I hope it will help you through your grief.”

Having manipulated the severity and impact of the scene so that everything led to this moment, the fairy didn’t turn back and simply said what it had to say.

“Never should the tears of the fallen be forgotten, for their blood still hasn’t dried and their departed souls still await a judgment to be passed.”

“No one is innocent in this macabre silent descent to the abyss, as we’ll all be found guilty once we reach our final judgment.”

“Cladding ourselves in a glorious mantle of honor and justice, being one amongst so many in a crowd can only do so much to hide this sinful teardrop trickling down our cheeks.”

“We’re sorry for being so late… Yet, that changes nothing to the reality of those that forever departed this now tainted planet.”

Slowly turning after reciting these 4 lyrical and poetic statements, what was unveiled was neither a sad nor angry face, just the same Aven as always, casual and wearing his usual light smile.

“World, do you want me to say it? To do it? Well, it’s too late, I'll say it, and I’ll do it.”

The music volume increased, and a white halo manifested itself in the air.

“Bright Canopy… I’ll stop at nothing to use you as my first stepping stone on my path to world domination. Your organization is a rotting remnant that doesn’t need to exist anymore.”

Intently looking at the camera, and thus at the spectator behind the screen, he finished.

“I won’t say anything more, just look me in the eyes…”

His casual voice finally fragmented a bit, leaving the place to a bit of graveness and grit, a trait of personality he hadn’t really unveiled to the world yet.

At the same time, the white halo became brighter and brighter, to the point that the entire screen was engulfed in a pure blinding white light that left no details up to the imagination.

Until gold wisps showed themselves.

Supported by music that had departed the emotional genre and stepped into the epic uplifting genre, those golden wisps slowly started moving, drawing something.

Something humanoid.

Something inhuman.

Something new.

Following a few dozen seconds, the outline of the Mark 1 fairy mechanical suit had been completely drawn, and from that outline stepped out a more than real figure.

Fully visible to all watching their screen, a menacing white metallic humanoid with exposed mechanical joints highlighted with gold paints announced that something fundamental had changed.

“Just look at me… And know that I’ll see you soon on the field, where I’ll retain my morals by using neutralizing weapons instead of lethal ones,” the entity softly said with an electronic voice.

“As always~” Elegantly bowing down, the person hiding inside the suit gave away his identity without telling it, ”Don’t listen to what I say, better prepare yourself for what I’m about to do.”

“Sleep as soundly as you can while the wind of change surges across the world starting from Eland where an unforgettable night will start in a few minutes from watching the end of the first airing of this episode.”

When he said that, a gigantic list of items appeared in the now fully white with gold hue clouds room.

“Before I leave you to assist in what I started on my own free will, in the same vein of ‘I can do it so I do it’, know that a special Canopy cleansing campaign contribution list will be opened the moment this episode ends.”

“It’s backed by none other than me, the most reliable fairy to have ever existed since the disappearance of the ancient fairies~”

Zooming in on the top few rewards, the rainbow-highlighted “Fairy Crystal” made everything else seem dim in comparison and was the most flashy reward that anyone knowing what these were would focus on.

Aven perfectly knew it, and used it shamelessly.

“On my non-existent honor and pride, I guarantee this prize is real, and the already opened exotic hunt contribution list can testify for it! So what does it mean to become a contributor in this campaign? It means you can eventually become a fairy~”

“And in the slim eventuality that you don’t have a fairy ancestry, you will be fully refunded and can still choose to receive an equivalent full nurturing of talents I applied to myself accompanied by heavy cultivation resources support!”

Leaving the reward list in the background, a second list appeared, and this time names everyone knew were displayed on it.

“Also, do you think I’m going to discriminate?” His tone shifted to a bubbly one when he asked that, contrasting greatly with the new menacing metallic alien appearance he had.

“Canopy agents! You are eligible and can fully partake in this campaign against the dark and bloody side of our society you know more than anyone else!” He shockingly stated.

A map of the Eland Continent replaced the lists of rewards and names, and on it, hundreds of white and gold dots disseminated everywhere, some in the big cities, some in the middle of the countryside.

“Just present yourself to the nearest freshly established Canopy cleansing campaign stations where people with lie-detecting innate abilities will interrogate you, confirm your desire to step into the light, and no matter how many crimes you committed, make up for it in information, sincerity, and desire to do good!”

Spreading his arms in a both welcoming and scary way considering he was wearing a mechanical suit, Aven transmitted through empathy and gestures that he firmly believed in what he was saying.

“The cycle of hate? I don’t care! My parents and friends are all fine, and the dead will remain dead no matter what.”

“I’m offering you redemption with the certainty that you won’t die and can even walk free if you turn in. I’m here to bring our civilization to the stars, not to take revenge on misguided people that have not realized the Canopy is a cursed fossil.”

With this last sentence, the music picked up for the last time, creating the heroic and mesmerizing sight of Aven standing alone in a golden realm as he wrapped up the historical episode.

“To you, Canopy agents, see you on the field,” he slightly bowed in a gesture of respect to his opponents.

“To you, people of the world, my live stream is soon going to restart, you’re welcome to see for yourself if my words are mere words or more than that,” he professionally advertised his stream.

“And to you, tech supers who have always believed being relegated to the backline was only natural, this mechanical suit isn’t for show. Know that a new era is dawning on us, and I hope you can eventually join me~” He concluded.

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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