The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 98: Chapter 96: Abyssal Study Group

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“Arrival at the drop point in 40 seconds. Opening of the cargo door in 30 seconds.”

The announcement echoed through the inside of the military aircraft, implicitly targeted at the one and only fairy that was intended to drop with nothing but its wings to control its fall towards Lumen.

“Well, looks like you’re all about to see some action very soon~”

The only living being occupying the entirety of the cargo area of the military plane he was on looked at a telekinetically floating camera in response, his features obscured by the newly world-unveiled Mark 1 fairy mechanical suit, and only an electronic voice supposed he was really there.

[Steuizze: I still believe everything is fake and orchestrated. Not even the explosions I heard a few minutes ago can change my mind.]

[WhyNotTry42: Do you have a missile battery with you as part of your arsenal? And they're firing neutralizing missiles? Asking for a shady friend I lost contact with years ago.]

[TomLedder: Should I go to work today? I’m an Athal Federation citizen and I don’t know how what’s happening in Eland will have repercussions on my side…]

With the end of the special “All-sensors Moving Battery Canopy Nightmare” episode, Aven’s permanent live stream had come back online as was promised, and the number of people watching him had climbed to an all-time high of… 49 million people.

“Of course everything is orchestrated, that’s obvious, isn’t it?”

“The details of my arsenal will remain undisclosed for the next few minutes, just know that I’ll start with neutralizing weaponry and then shift to lethal weaponry only if it doesn’t work.”

“Some people of Athal were in the know last I knew, so don’t worry, appropriate measures will be taken shortly. There’s also a batch of all-sensors moving battery that’s arriving to help you deal with potential Canopy branches going even more rogue than they are now~”

While 49 million was only a relative drop compared to the 10 billion humans populating Green, it was still a number that indicated something undeniable: Something big was going on.

“Arrival at the drop point in 20 seconds. Opening of the cargo door in 10 seconds.”

Following this announcement, Aven waved at the camera and neared the still-closed gigantic back cargo door.

What was displayed to the world as he did that was his white and gold mechanical suit leisurely standing up accompanied by 12 weird ringed limbs, all linked to various huge weaponry or gear.

“I’m closing the chat window and shifting to the all-sensors camera, I can’t have an energy thread dedicated to maintaining a useless camera. Don’t be scared if a gigantic fireball heads your way though~” He casually said and soon executed exactly what he said.

“Opening of the cargo door.”

Standing before the huge door that transformed into a huge ramp leading into a night sky that would have been lightless if it hadn’t been for the extremely bright metropolis below, Aven stopped talking and focused on the red drop light.

When the drop light shifted to green, the universal codified signal for him to drop, he slightly pressed with his right foot and found himself in the open sky the next instant.

Having prepared everything beforehand, his internal helmet’s UI design guided him into knowing his exact position in the atmosphere and whether he needed to make adjustments to arrive where he wanted to be.

With the high-definition all-sensor camera having taken the relay, the world accompanied him on his fall and the chat was going crazy over this new Aven that they were discovering in real-time.

It had only been a few minutes since the live stream had come back online, but already the host was dropping down from the sky with the intent of accomplishing a not-peaceful operation.

“Wings on. Combat immersion on. Ranged combat mode on,” he gave 3 vocal orders as he took in all the information his HUD was presenting him, 3 orders that the entire world heard him say.

As a result of these 3 orders, pop music instantly started blasting inside the suit, his weapons began heating up, and a pair of alloy wings apparatus spread from his back, weaving through the 12 magnetic ringed connectors.

“I’m going to stop actively talking and commenting, enjoy the show as much as you can. For all I’m only a 22 years old fairy on paper, I’m now a grade 4 super, meaning, I’m more than ever part of the very small minority that truly rules Green, both from the shadow and from the light~”

Bragging shamelessly for the last time, he then proceeded to cut the external audio retransmission and lapsed into silence, not bothering to cut off the internal audio microphone.

He was still a socially obsessed fairy in the end, having the possibility to be heard at any time alleviated an intrinsic part of him he was now aware of more than he ever had.

As his drop continued and he continued to adjust his mental state, some people in his chat had already recognized the city on which he was dropping as being Lumen, a major metropolis of Eland located more than a hundred kilometers away from Elandia and the Rainbow Mountain.

Unknown to them however was the currently taking place military troop deployment to surround a certain industrial zone area.

The continuous deployment of multiple all-sensors moving batteries in the area had given ERA pretty incriminating evidence of the presence of a more than dangerous Canopy branch called the “Missing Mission Branch”, charged prior to their declaration of independence with forceful violent intel gathering and blackmailing.

With their precedent and the presence confirmation of a grade 4 martial super leading this specific Lumen branch, Aven had defined it as the first Canopy branch he wished to clean to get a possible hint at greater secret existing factions.

‘40 seconds… I’ll be just on time.’

Seeing the current deployment state of the military troop assigned to this branch on the minimap of the area, he didn’t find anything amiss, hence he didn’t change anything.

His role as the strongest hit force of this operation was to engage with overwhelming force the entire building, that role came with the major advantage of being the one to decide when to engage.

Free falling at high-speed, his wings still just for show as gravity was enough to guide him where he wanted to be, his dozens of telekinetic energy threads controlling every factor of his arsenal were ready to do their jobs according to his will.

‘I need to be done with this branch in 10 minutes tops.’

Fixing a more than reasonable deadline for himself, his target industrial zone area became visible, and with it the suspicious activities of dozens of people “taking breaks” outside the main suspected Lumen Missing Mission Branch headquarter building.

“Don’t resent me, it’s just your luck that the tech energy system shines the brightest when it’s given time to prepare,” he absent-mindedly said, allowing his zealots to know the time for him to prove he wasn’t all words had come.

Cutting through the air at terminal speed, Aven didn’t trust his faulty eyes and let his all-sensors tech decides when he needed to slow down to be in perfect range to carpet bomb the area with new-generation tech-exclusive neutralizing missiles.

More than 5 minutes had passed since the announcement made in his all-sensors moving battery episode, so while he was sure some Canopy branches had become aware of what would be happening, he for sure didn’t believe one second they imagined it to transpire so fast.

Then it finally arrived.

His altitude had reached the most optimal height for ranged combat, and his HUD made it extremely clear that it was, instinctively making him release himself from the hold of gravity and asserting his own control.

With the logic-defying power of his purple-grade fairy wings, Aven instantly stopped, and before the loud sound of his arrival reached the ears of the workers taking a break below him, he launched a first wave of neutralizing missiles.

There was no hesitation in his heart or his energy threads as he did what he did, there was too much incrimination against this location.

With the tech-enhancement degree of these missiles he had revisited the design to work with new tech-exclusive innovations and the additional tech-infusion to build up on everything, the result was more or less instantaneous.

Blinding flashes of light came into existence, and the next instant more than 20 simultaneous explosions of even more blinding light, explosive sound, and gut-wrenching force ensued.

The impact of the 20 chaotic neutralization explosions reduced to ruins the entire area surrounding the target building, but Aven didn’t worry about material damage in the slightest, just his wealth would be enough to compensate everyone.

Not taking any chance, his telekinetic all-sensors battery took over and pierced through the chaotic veil of fragments obscuring his eyes to gather information on those who still hadn’t been neutralized.

‘57 nearly neutralized, 15 stunned, 1 seemingly unaffected. It matches with the information.’

In his mind, the presence of 57 grade 2, 15 grade 3, and 1 grade 4 was all but confirmed seeing this result.

Switching to his two assault machine guns, he opened fire without warning on the 57 nearly neutralized targets.

At the same time, he used his two assault snipers to take down the 15 stunned but still standing individuals.

As for the lone unaffected person, “she” was currently rushing towards the surface from an underground collapsed layer.

Firing repeatedly to secure as many people as he could, he saw the first military troops arriving and creating paths to access the now ruined industrial zone area.

Not that their presence was intended for anything more than blocking potential escapees, receiving lots of prisoners, and recovering all available secret Canopy data after the branch was cleaned up.

‘Here she comes.’

After a few seconds of utter chaos, the collapsed metal and concrete building exploded and a woman in black practical clothes emerged from it.

Looking at the ruined surroundings and a certain bright dot in the sky, she projected her voice with a small martial infusion, “What… Audacity.”

‘Let’s see…’

Far from worrying, Aven instead began a mass appraisal of everyone still moving and even those having stopped moving after his first carpet bombing and his second targetted neutralization.


Paul Laup (Darrell Jacobs)

Faction: Lumen Alliance Transport Group (Missing Mission Bright Canopy Branch)

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Meera Gordon (Leyan Fox)

Faction: Lumen Alliance Transport Group (Missing Mission Bright Canopy Branch)


Egor Tree Stump (Marin Grant)

Faction: Lumen Alliance Transport Group (Missing Mission Bright Canopy Branch)


And amongst so many appraisals that returned a confirmed belonging to the Canopy branch he was planning on subjugating, an obvious outcast appeared.

It was even the only true challenge on his way to submitting the branch.


Selina Eunice (Estella Helene)

Faction: Lumen Alliance Transport Group (Abyssal Study Group)

‘Selina Eunice, grade 4 martial super, sub-leader of the Missing Mission Branch, leader of the Lumen Missing Mission Branch. True name, Estella Helene. True faction, Abyssal Study Group…’

With a new faction player under his eyes, Aven used what he had now deduced was the true appraisal ability he got as his 1st: The faction appraisal.


Abyssal Study Group

Power Index: 119 487

Influence Index: 25 512

Economy Index: 18 934

Technology Index: 42 571

Description: An underground secret faction seeking to tame the power of the abyssal life forms and submit them to their will. This faction counts numerous members, but only the very few standing at the top are aware of the true scale of their activity and their true means.


‘120 000…’

Narrowing his eyes without plus, he registered this information for later without considering what he was seeing. A power index of 120 000 most certainly had hidden implications if the faction still hadn’t put to execution a world domination plan.

“Now that’s some aggression if I’ve ever seen any. Are you perhaps a certain overconfident young fairy I heard about not long ago? What was his name, Aven Amias?” The woman using the fake name Selina Eunice asked without a care in the world.

Then she asked her own question, “Not that it matters, by beating you up I’ll prove to the world that the Bright Canopy always had a reason to exist, and power is something that needs to be used for-”

She sidestepped the neutralizing bullet that was just fired and shrugged off the following small explosion like nothing.

“I see…” Not saying anything more, the woman looked at the fly that had interrupted her and an intimidating vibe manifested itself to everyone sensitive enough.

‘A shame my neutralizing ranged arsenal isn’t enough… Her reaction speed is higher than I expected too.’

Coldly analyzing the situation, Aven pressed a certain switch on one of his assault snipers and one of his machine guns.

‘But if you can’t take me down, then I hope your faction has a trump card for you.’

Not letting her have the proactive advantage, he fired a new wave of neutralizing missiles, and added in a lone single-target resonance missile, literally a miniaturized nuclear warhead in terms of lethal potency.

With all these missiles fired and heading her way, the woman reacted faster than biologically possible by running sideways and trying to find a window of opportunity to launch herself at her only target, ignoring the few military scouts that maintained a safe distance from where the fighting was taking place.

“Freaking useless fuel,” Aven cursed upon seeing such cautiousness and the inability of his fuel-propelled missiles to catch up to her even when they were helped by a continuous targeting help of his all-sensors battery.

Not willing to let her have respite, his lethal-turned weaponry opened fire.

A grade 4 martial super dying to a few bullet holes in their head? Unheard of. Martial energy was just too potent even without any biological regeneration specialization and needed to be fully emptied before it could be said she was neutralized.

Finally, with a rain of bullets going at more than mach 50, the woman was hit and couldn’t shrug the transmitted kinetic force off like she had the weak neutralizing missiles’.

“What-” A surprised shout reached Aven’s ears through his all-sensors battery, not that unexpected considering the hegemony of the martial energy system when it came to remaining mobile and unshackled.

Following exactly his previous thoughts, he didn't let her have a single moment of respite as platinum-core gold bullets kept raining down on her position.

‘It’s there.’

“Current on. Blade on,” he gave the orders upon seeing the return from his all-sensors, and his FMC operative system answered.

Extremely bright electric currents manifested themselves all over his suit, and from his 4 limbs, brighter than cloudless summer noon White blades appeared, ready to cut anyone nearing him.

As for what made him take this decision, it was the simple reassembled picture of the woman that had until been subdued, standing like nothing was hitting her under the hell bullet rain that was decimating the very earth beneath her.

‘I didn’t see what she did, but she did something.’

Not dwelling on his sensory failure despite being sure he had never left her visuals unattended, he only prepared himself for a newbie grade 5-equivalent fight.

‘10 minutes may be cutting it a bit short… But I’ll still try.’

Maintaining his full focus on the single woman that was clearly intent on taking him down from his comfortable piece of sky, Aven had complete confidence in the mechanical suit he had created and all his talents and achievements and remained where he was.

Then he was proven both wrong and right at the same time as his suit automatically switched from ranged combat mode to close combat mode and made him assume a defensive posture.

“Mmh!” He grunted at the shock and surprise of having his body forced into a new posture forcefully, but soon pulled himself together.

The woman, whose true name was Estella Helene, had just “jumped” in the way martial supers so loved to do to show how physics-bending their body strength was, leaving in her wake dozens of visible air shockwaves, testimony to her having repeatedly broken through the sound barrier.

But where such an approach would have maybe worked in the past, now to achieve her objective of punching him down, she had to deal with 4 deathly sharp blades and an overseeing system that reacted at the speed of light to put them in her way.

“You think that’s enough?” She shouted as she materialized her energy through a relatively energy-intensive pure energy system application.

Standing in the air not far from him, she was now in a position to easily maintain herself in the air and work to smash him down towards where she was supposed to have the advantage: The ground.

Her taunt only had the effect of giving Aven enough time to readjust his arsenal and continue emptying her newly-found source of strength he didn’t know where she found.

“I’ve played for long enough, now get down!” Putting her words to action as she incurred a sustained fire that would have put her previous self to misery, she deployed her energy in the form of an aura.

“Thanks for the intel…” Inside his mechanical suit, Aven mumbled his thanks and mobilized his energy to mirror her action.

She had just given away the intel that she wasn’t going to go with the usual sustainable fighting state all martial supers excelled in, proving his insight that even her previous state shouldn’t be sustainable.

In grade 4, deploying one’s energy in the form of an aura was equal to a grade 5 deploying his energy domain, an ability infamously known for being energy-wise unsustainable.

In response to this development, Aven could only do the same and fight fire with fire by deploying his own energy aura to not be suppressed and oppressed.

Surrounding himself with an aura that radiated an intense controlling vibe to fight against the burning wave of intimidation that pulsed from Estella, he readied himself for the unavoidable.

‘Come! I need to train against pseudo-grade 5 before attacking myself at the real thing! Not that I think you’ll hold more than a few seconds!’

You can find story with these keywords: The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], Read The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG], The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] novel, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] book, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] story, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] full, The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] Latest Chapter

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