The Fam

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Job

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Cindy's stubbornness got the better of her. As she wallowed inside her mind, contemplating why she let herself get into this situation, the young man repeated himself once more:

[Kai: Drive. Now.]

As the barrel of the small revolver lightly touched the back of Cindy's neck, she began to breathe heavily and instantly broke out into a pool of sweat. Her mind began to race rapidly, wondering if she would survive this encounter. Will she get to see her good friend Elie again? Will she ever get revenge for the way her family treated her? Although extremely anxious and unable to think straight, Cindy gathered herself quickly, knowing the gravity of her situation.

"I'm not gonna die here." She thought.

"I'll just do what he says, drop him off at that damned place, and never go near there again."

[Cindy: Y-yes sir, right away]

As they made their way back to the headquarters, Kai quickly pulled the revolver away from Cindy's neck and started to murmur quietly:

[Kai: Shit, shit, shit. It wasn't supposed to go down like this. H-he was resisting! It wasn't my fault!]

Although quite perplexed and still extremely anxious about her situation, Cindy could tell; that this man was no assassin.

"I don't even know what's happening anymore. Do people like this really protect Baldimore? Was the person he killed even a bad guy? This city is...this city is..." Cindy thought to herself, but could not convey exactly how, even inside of her own head.

In order to ease her stresses by at least a fraction, Cindy asked Kai:

"D-do you mind if I play some music."

Kai, still deep in thought, murmuring to himself, jumped up as if he was startled when he heard the sound of Cindy's voice.

[Kai: Huh? Music? Yeah, whatever. Just get me back to the base as fast as possible!]

Cindy began to play music from her phone. The sounds of smooth, melancholic jazz quickly filled the small car.

[Kai: Huh...This is nice.]

[Cindy: Yeah.]


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


"Almost there. I can leave all this mess behind me soon." Cindy thought.

As the two shaken up individuals approached "The Fam" headquarters, the tension that was holding on to Cindy slowly started to loosen. She couldn't wait to be rid of her belligerent passenger in the back of her car. After this was all over, the young elf wished for nothing more than to just laugh this whole situation away, along with her friend Elie over coffee.

"Everything will be fine. I'll just drop this guy off right now, then scram. I'll never come here again!" Cindy was thinking to herself; until, the two angsty youths were greeted by a man as soon as they pulled into the headquarters.

[Man: Oh my, oh my. What do we have here? A young elf and my recruit up to no good? Nice car! Is that the new Beetle model, miss?]

[Cindy: Y-yes sir. I was just dropping off my passenger.]

Standing beside Cindy's car was a tall, lanky man of human origin. He was a Caucasian man, looking around his mid-thirties. He seemed like a very relaxed man, wearing a smile on his face while both hands were in his pockets, as he made casual conversation; even though this man surely know that something was amiss. His beard was scruffy, his tie was loose, and his black suit looked as if it hadn't been ironed in days. Despite this man's casual appearance, Cindy could tell almost instantly: that this man was a true killer.

[Man: Oh my, oh my. That just won't do, I'm afraid. Ya see, I heard about what happened with you and my cute little recruit in the back. I'm soooo sorry for the trouble he caused you, miss. Please, let us make it up to you! We'll clean out this car and treat you to some coffee inside while you wait! It's a three way date!

"I'm dead." Cindy thought.

As the three acquaintances made their way inside of headquarters, Cindy thought about the various ways of how she could die. Would they torture her? Would they do it quietly? Cindy was deep in thought, contemplating her choices in life.

"I know that I haven't lived the most upstanding life but, God please, if you're out there, please don't let me die today!"

The building was as impressive inside as it was on the outside. There were rough looking guards at the front. Two massive ogres standing at seven feet tall. Behind them were a plethora of desks with people busy at work, almost resembling an office environment. Their were elves, ogres, and humans all working together in harmony. "Just like it should be." Cindy thought.

The building was painted all white, with multiple unique portraits displayed across the wall. There were lounge chairs, couches, bars, and vending machines. All on the first floor.

"Amazing. I wonder what the other floors are like." Cindy said. She couldn't help but to be impressed by such a lucrative scene before her eyes.

[Man: Impressed, I take it? Ahahaha! Well, my office is on the third floor. We'll have coffee there, while my assistants handle your car.]


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


The three found their way onto the third floor of headquarters. Inside of the strange man's office, they were having a chat over coffee. Surprisingly to her, no harm had been done to Cindy yet as the lax man sipped away at his coffee without a care in the world. "Just who is this guy?" Cindy thought, wondering when her demise would come at this man's hands.

[Man: -Ahhh, that's good coffee! How's your chocolate milk, Kai? How's your tea, miss?]

[Kai: D-delicious, sir!]

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[Cindy: Wonderful, sir.]

"Excellent, excellent!" The man said as he drank another sip of his coffee.

[Man: -Ahhh. So Kai, how'd you mess up your assignment so bad dude?! Your hit was just some junkie, right? You even got this cute little elf involved now.]

[Kai: I-I'm so sorry Director Ben! I didn't think he'd put up that much of a struggle. Things just got really messy, so I had to-]

[Ben: Oh my, oh my. That person didn't even have a contract on him, little Kai. If the police were to find out about this, you'd be in jail for life!]

[Kai: Sir I-it wasn't my fault! If it wasn't for this dumb girl, then-]

[Ben: Oh my. Shifting the blame onto this sweet little elf over here? Maybe you're not cut out for this job after all, little Kai!]

Ben's eyes sharpened as he said those words to Kai, with an almost chilling smile still grazing across his face. Meanwhile, the look upon Kai's face was one of pure fear, as if he had seen the devil himself. His lips were shaking and he had started to sweat profusely, trying to figure out how to get out of this predicament.

[Ben: Jeez. Calm down, calm down. Amy's already taken care of it for you, ahahaha. No need to worry! You'll get another chance, kid. We'll make it an easier mission for you next time, little recruit. Now, as for you. Cindy, right? How does an elf end up an Ubear driver? That is very curious indeed.]

[Cindy: W-well, I'm just a half-ling sir..err, Mr. Ben. I-I'm nothing special at all! I'm just trying to survive in this cruel world!]

[Ben: Amen to that, sister! Ahahaha!]

[Cindy: Y-yeah...aha]

[Ben: So, you say that you're nothing special, but that right arm of yours looks pretty expensive. Very curious indeed.]

Cindy gripped her right, mechanical arm tightly, recalling her past and how her family abandoned her. Memories that she would much rather forget, but they did in fact increase her resolve.

[Cindy: M-my mothers family..they abandoned me after she passed away. This arm was their last parting gift. I've been on my own ever since, surviving by any means necessary. I've stolen a bunch of things, gambled, scammed people. Hell, I was even involved in a gang for a while. I'm not special at all, so...if you're going to kill me, please stop tormenting me and just get it over with!]

"What am I saying? I don't wanna die. I just want this to be over with, but I guess it felt good confessing before I die, I guess. Dammit, I never even got to get my first apartment." Cindy thought.

[Kai: Sniff-sniff..]

[Ben: Sniff-sniff...]

The two men had small tears in their eyes after hearing Cindy's story. Although Cindy was confused, it made her feel somewhat less tense.

[Ben: Ah, dammit!! Why'd you have to go and make me cry?! Listen Cindy, never give up! You're gonna make it big one day and stick it to those bastard family members of yours!]

[Kai: Yeah!!!]

[Cindy: Y-yeah!!!]

Cindy became even more confused and even started to tear up herself, while chanting along with her enthused associates.

[Cindy: S-so, you're not going to kill me?]

[Ben: Hell no! Well, we were! But things have changed now! Listen Cindy, every assassin here...we were just a bunch of thugs too. Running through the streets, committing crimes, fighting in gangs...We were lost just like you, until father came along and took us in. After he decided to go legit and open up "The Fam", we were able to get off the streets and get a new lease on life. If it weren't for him, I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere, mhm.]

[Kai: Mhm, mhm.]

[Cindy: I see. This father sounds impressive.]

[Ben: Father is the best! With a story like that, I'm sure he'll let you in, no problem! Hell, I'm letting you in right now! We could never turn someone away that's so lost in this cruel world.... You'd make for an excellent assassin Cindy, I'm sure of it!]

[Cindy: W-wait. I-I-I-I could never do tha-]

[Kai: Welcome to the team Cindy! sniff-sniff.]

[Ben: Is Amy back yet?? We'll get you all set up and start your training immediately! Sniff. Cindy, welcome to the fa-]

[Mysterious voice: Kai!!!!]

As the two men enthusiastically welcomed Cindy to "The Fam", a young girl barged into the office, swinging the door wide open, and knocking Ben to the ground.

"Dear mother, please watch over me." Cindy thought.


※Fast Forward※

[Cindy: And that's how I became an assassin...]

[Elie: Ahahahahahaha!!!!]

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