The Fam

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Mother

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※Rewind - 9 years ago※

"Mommy, mommy! I was bullied again today at school. They put gum in my shoes, can you believe it? Those big jerks! I wanna leave this stupid city!"

Thirteen year old Cindy swung open the door to her home, in a fit of rage. Frustrated from being bullied at school, she started to vent to her mother, who was busy working from home.

"I'm so sorry sweety...We'll leave this place as soon as your father returns, I promise. In the meantime, how about we plot our revenge on those jerks!?"

"You always say's been two years; that guy's never coming back. He was a lazy, good -for-nothing anyways! You should just move on already and find a nice Elven man. Someone nice enough to tolerate me, at least..." Cindy said hesitantly

The young and frustrated Cindy stormed up to her room, inside of the spacious three-story mansion in which she and her mother resided.

Cindy's mother, Abigail was a beautiful Elven woman with radiant silver hair, emerald green eyes, and a very tall yet slim stature; she displayed the perfect features of an Elven woman. Loved by many because of her beauty, smarts, and kindness, Abigail had many suitors lining up for her hand in marriage. She was even set to take over her father's company before his retirement. That is, until she decided to marry a human man. After her marriage and the birth of Cindy, Abigail's parents nearly disowned her. Her position fell drastically within her father's company. Her father also threatened to sell the house that he had bought for her. The sudden disappearance of her husband had scarred Abigail for a long time, but she never gave up hope that he'd return one day.

Although Cindy loved her mother dearly, she was also quite jealous of her. "Why can't I be tall and pretty? Why wasn't I born with emerald eyes? If I at least had silver hair, people wouldn't be able to tell that I'm a half-ling that easily," She would think to herself.

The young girl had finally reached a boiling point. Cindy could not stand being in the city of Anahym for another second! Everyone hated her there. Bullies at school would constantly tease and prank her. She was often met with nasty glances while out with her mother. Even her own grandparents would look at her in disdain when visiting their residence. She couldn't stand it anymore.

While sulking in her quiet bedroom up above, with headphones in one ear, Cindy heard the echoing footsteps of her mother approaching.

"I-I'm sorry Cindy. I know that your life has been hard. It's all my fault! You're in so much pain because of me, but your father...he was so special to me. It was love at first sight, so I-I just knew that I had to be with him. You get treated so harshly in this cold city...all because of your race. I just didn't know...that people could be this cruel, even to a child. I'm sorry Cindy. I'm so sorry."

Cindy's mother broke down in front of her. Small, watery tears began to stream from her mother's face, slowly soaking up the white sheets on Cindy's bedside.

"I-I just don't know what to do anymore. I want to get out of this city soon too, but your father...I just know he'll be back...I've been praying every night."

"M-mother..please don't cry mommy. W-we'll wait for that guy to come back for a bit longer. I can tough it out until then," Cindy said with a slight smile on her face, hoping to bring some comfort to her defeated mother. The young girl was trying her hardest to hold back the tears that were leaking from her eyes as well.

"N-no. You've suffered enough, sweety. It'll take some time but, if I work hard and save up enough money, we should be able to move away come the end of this year. Mother and father will likely disown me for good this time," Abigail said with a wavering smile.

" I a burden to you?"

"Ah, jeez, that's enough drivel for today....of course you are! Do you know how many times I had to change your diapers when you were a baby??"

The sadness that swelled within the air had quickly lifted, thanks to Abigail's witty remark to her daughter. Young Cindy began to giggle softly as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Ahahaha! You're so stupid, mother."

"You'll understand when you have kids yourself one day. Anyways, I'll make your favorite dish tonight, so hurry up and finish your homework!"

"Anchovy fried rice? No way!! You're the best mother ever!"

"Sigh, you're too easy kid."

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"Shut up!"


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"Aaaand, here you are! Dig in kiddo!"

"Wow, this looks amazing mommy! Mmmm, it's delicious!"

"Ahaha, I still don't get why you love those salty things so much."

Cindy proceeded to scarf her mother's cooking down like a baby pig. She had always loved her mother's food; Abigail would always make the tastiest meals for Cindy whenever she was feeling down.

"Sooo, I was thinking for a bit would you feel about being home-schooled for a while, at least until we leave Anahym?"

"Wow, really? This is a dream come true! I get to sleep in late everyday! I'll finish all of my homework super early so we can play more games together!

"Ahahaha, I figured you say something like that."

"These expenses are adding up, but I'll manage somehow...for your sake, Cindy," Abigail thought, while watching her young daughter happily munch away at her anchovies.

"Hey, wanna go get the new Queendom Hearts game tomorrow, after school?" Abigail said, with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Hell yeah!"


"Sorry...should we really be indulging in that stuff right now? I mean, you have to work so hard for me...I should get a job too!"

"Cindy," Abigail said lovingly.

"I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful daughter! We're going to get that game tomorrow, for sure!"

"Mother...I-I love you mommy!" Cindy exclaimed loudly, with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too sweetheart," Abigail said softly, as she embraced her daughter firmly in a warm, soft hug; for the last time in her life.

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