The Fam

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Bored girl

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※Patrol Duty※


"Nice suit! Looking sharp, Cindy!" Kai exclaimed, while yawning his sleepiness away.

"Haha, Thanks! You ready to go?" Cindy said, as she patted down her new black suit with confidence.

"Well, let's go!" the young man exclaimed.

The two new recruits began patrolling the downtown area of Baldimore on foot, early in the morning. The brightness of the sun started to poke out as the young adults strolled throughout the city, searching for any mishaps within the area.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Cindy asked.

"Well, ya know....robberies, shootings, kidnappings....anything suspicious really," Kai said

"T-then, we just kill them?!"

"Well, as recruits, we aren't authorized to kill unless there's an immediate threat to the public safety. If we see anything suspicious, we'll report it to HQ to get an emergency contract. Listen, just think of us as babysitting the people while we're out on patrol. Ever since the boss took over, the action in the city's been dull! It's sooo boring! The only real action is with the contract kills!"

"Peace is a good thing, right?!"

"Gah, you disgust me with that talk! I'm ready for some serious action!" Kai yelled.

"Aha, I see...Kai, how exactly did you end up with this job?" Cindy asked.

"Ehhh, you'd have to buy me drinks to talk about that!" Kai said, while looking away embarrassingly.


After a few hours of patrolling the city for crime, the young duo took a break on a nearby park bench. With no mishaps in the city to be found, the two youths laid slump on the bench with boredom in their eyes, while sipping away at fresh beverages.

"Huh, this is boring," Cindy said, while sipping an energy drink

"Yeah..." Kai responded, while drinking a box of chocolate milk.

- 'ping ping ping'

Kai's phone rang loudly while the two recruits were lounging on the park bench, gazing at the city from atop of a hill.

"Hello, Director Amy!" Kai exclaimed.

"Kai, get your ass over here, now! We got a job for you. Don't fuck it up this time and we'll get you your license, idiot!" Amy exclaimed over the phone. Her voice rang so loud, even Cindy could hear every word of it.

"Y-yes, Director Amy." Kai said.

- 'beep beep'

Kai hung up his phone nervously as he arose from the bench.

"Welp, looks like I got a new assignment!"

"Wow, already? Be careful..." Cindy said, worriedly

"Yeah....It's pretty far out from downtown actually, so could I use your ca-"

"NO! Get your own!!" the halfling exclaimed.

"Heh, worth a try." Kai said, disappointingly.

"Don't you get any more Ubear drivers caught up in your schemes!" Cindy yelled, while balling up her metal fist.

"Ok, ok. Jeez.. So, will you be alright by yourself?" Kai asked.

"I'll be fine. Now go hurry up and get your license! You don't want a newbie like me to pass you up, right?" Cindy said, with a slight smile on her face.

"Hell no!" Kai said, returning a grin back.

As Kai hustled back to headquarters, Cindy sat at the park bench for a while longer, wondering what exactly she should be doing.

"I'm bored...heh, just like Tylor. I wonder if he has a concert in Baldimore soon..." the halfling said, while watching youths toss a frisbee in the background. "Hey, can I join you guys!?"


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※Fast forward - HQ※


Soon after leaving "The Bone Shop" with Elie, Cindy received a phone call from Director Ben, contacting her about a potential assignment. The halfling hustled on foot back to headquarters, as night drew closer. The young woman was anxious about her first job, still hesitant about her new line of work. Nevertheless, she had resolved herself to see it through, hoping to garner praise from her newfound family.

It was a quarter past seven when Cindy finally made it back home. Director Ben was awaiting her as she entered his office on the third floor.

"So, I have an assignment already, Director Ben?!"

"Hey Cindy! How was your first day on patrol?" Ben asked.

"Uneventful...So what's the job?" Cindy asked.

"Oh my, not in the mood for small talk I see? Anyways, we received an anonymous call earlier. Someone wants this little lady dead for mistreating her child, apparently. This would be a no-contract, charity mission, so it's up to you whether you want to kill her or not. So, how about it?" Ben explained.

"T-then, what if this person's innocent?" Cindy asked nervously.

"Like I said, it's all up to you. But remember, as soon as you get a no-contract kill, you'll be a fully licensed assassin! Seriously, those contract jobs pay a ton! I'd recommend that you just go through with it either way. Here's all the info you need...good luck Cindy!" Ben said, while handing Cindy a sheet of paper.


Cindy stood still for a moment, nervously gazing at the ground below her footing.

"Cindy...can you look into this matter for us?" Ben asked.

"Yes," Cindy said firmly.

Maybe being bored wasn't so bad after all.


 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


"I'm going to kill someone," Cindy thought, as she made her way to her assignment.

In her black 'Beetle' car, the halfling drove in silence, contemplating on her decisions.

What in the hell am I doing? I'm not a killer...I just got strung up in the moment and agreed to become an assassin. I'm such a fool. Amy and Ben....what exactly did they see in an idiot like me??

"Oh, I'm here."

Cindy had arrived at her destination. It was the middle of night when she arrived on Sixth Street, at an apartment building in the outskirts of Baldimore City. It was a part of town that Cindy had not ventured in, so she was surprised to see how run down the building and surrounding areas looked. The building was old and decaying with mold surrounding it, as if it hadn't been renovated in at least fifty years. Cindy could even smell a faint whiff of mildew in the air, while standing outside of the property.

This is horrible. I've lived in worse, but...this is no place for a child. What should I do? Guess I'll break in like the old days...hopefully they're asleep.

Cindy began walking up to the fifth floor of the ten story building. There was no security to be seen and the entrance was wide open, to the halfling's surprise.

This is it...Apartment 501.

Cindy's hands were shaking as she picked the lock on the apartment door. A pool of sweat was already forming down her back, due to anxiety. Although extremely nervous, the young woman's lock picking skills were still sharp, thanks to her former days of thievery. The door was unlocked in under thirty seconds.

Damn, haven't lost my touch at all...

Cindy quietly entered the apartment complex, holding her Luger in one hand, being careful not to make any noise. The complex was dark with the lights turned off, so Cindy used her phone as a light source as she slowly moved throughout the two-bedroom apartment.

W-which room is she in?

Cindy's first guess was incorrect, as she slowly opened the creaking door to her right side. What she found there was not a woman, but a young boy on the floor, cradled in the corner with bruises across his face. There was no furniture in this cold, dark room; just a blinkering lamp that was dimming on and off. The boy was wide awake as Cindy entered the room, his eyes cold and lifeless while he stared at the decaying walls surrounding him. His reaction was quite unexpected for the halfling, once she entered the room.

"So, it was true..." the halfling thought, as she approached the defeated child.

"Y-you're here! You really came! You're an assassin right?!" the young boy exclaimed with a rejuvenated look in his eyes."

T-this young boy was the anonymous caller? He wanted me to kill....his own mother.

"Yes," Cindy said, with a wavering smile upon her face. "You're okay now."

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