The Fam

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Interviews

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※Fast Forward - Back to coffee shop※


"Sooo, how do you feel about that? becoming an assassin and all?" Elie asked, with a curious look on her face.

Cindy had told her good friend Elie about her new profession as an assassin. However, the half-ling chose to leave out the more chilling details of her adventures. As the women stood outside of the "Bone Shop," sipping away at the remainder of their coffees, the two friends were preparing to part ways for the evening.

"Uh, I'm...I'm not sure yet, but everyone at HQ has been so kind to me, a half-ling, ya know? I even have my own room now, free of charge. It's should stop by and check it out sometime!" Cindy said hesitantly.

"Wow, free room and board. Those assassins must be loaded, huh?" Amy said, as she tossed her empty cup into a nearby trash can.

"Yeah. The inside of headquarters is incredible. I'll give you a tour once I'm fully licensed and everything!"

"Cindy...just, be careful okay?"

"I'll be fine, I promise! Everyone there said that they had my back, so there's nothing to worry about, really!" Cindy said, as she patted her friend's shoulder.

"Cindy..." Elie said, with a look of concern on her face.

"At the very least, it feels like I'm finally a part of something...a group that fully accepts me for who I am, ya know..."

"Arrrgh, Cindy I'm so proud of how far you've come! Just don't ever assassinate me, ahahaha!"

"Aha, come on, please don't joke like that Elie. You know I'd never do that....never," Cindy said, in a reassuring tone.

As the two you women hugged and parted ways, a soft pop ringtone played from Cindy's phone.

- ping ping ping

"Hello, this is Cindy!"

"Heyo! It's Ben. We got a job tonight!!"


※Rewind - Back to HQ※


Amy, "The Fam's" Head Director of recruiting, processing, and medical divisions, has begun conducting an informal interview with Cindy. In Amy's office on the second floor of headquarters, a series of questions were being hurled towards the half-ling.

"Alright, interview time! So, what are your skills?" Amy asked, as she typed away behind her computer screen.


"Anything else?!"

"Scamming, gambling, stealing...." Cindy said, as she sat awkwardly in front of the young elf.

"Hmmm, Any hobbies?"

"Oh, I love music! A-and video games! And eating!"

"Nice! Favorite artist?"

"Ahhh, there's so many! If I had to choose one, it would be 'The Beetles,' probably."

"Nice choice! Okay,'re hired!" Amy said sarcastically.

"Hm? And the point of that was?" Cindy asked, with a puzzled look on her face.

"It's standard procedure, miss! Okay, just stand still for a moment and look towards the monitor. Print aaand done!"

A flash from Amy's computer monitor captured Cindy's awkward expression.

"Here ya go. You're temp recruit ID! Now, let's get you to the nurse for a medical check up!"

"W-wait, can we redo this photo? You totally caught me off guard there!"

"Nope!" The young elf said with a grin on her face.

"Director Amy, may I ask how you ended this lifestyle?"

"Hmmm, I'll tell ya later, promise!"


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


After Cindy's quick medical exam, the half-ling found herself on the third floor of headquarters once again.

"OK, introduction time! My name is Ben. I am the Head Director of the finance and contract divisions. Nice to meet you Cindy!"

"We could've just done this when I was here earlier!" Cindy said angrily.

"Ahahaha, it totally slipped my mind, Sorry!" Ben said jokingly. "Anyways, we're glad to have you on board, Cindy!"

"Yeah!" Amy yelled.

"Welcome to the squad!" Kai exclaimed.

"And why are you two here exactly?" Ben asked.

"Bored," the two associates proclaimed in unison.

"Oh my. Well, since you're here, let's all give Cindy the rundown of the business! Sooo, where to begin? 'The Fam' corporation was founded a little over a year ago by Father. He's a former mob boss that took me, Amy, and Aria in while he was running the streets. Now he's the president of all operations here!" Ben explained.

"Aria?" Cindy asked.

"Our sister," Amy said. "She's the third director of the company, currently on a charity mission in her home country. You'd love her!"

"Charity? What is all this? I thought you guys were assassins?!"

"Tsk tsk," the young elf said with a disappointed look. "We may be killers, but we're not completely heartless! We'd do anything for the people we love! We told you that already!"

"I-I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting....never mind," Cindy said as she lowered her head down.

How can such kind people, also be cold-blooded killers?

"Ahaha, no worries Cindy. Now where was I?" Ben said with a smile on his face. "The crime scene was running rampant for a long time in Baldimore City. Killings, heists, and the whole shebang. Father was one of the worst offenders, but he was too strong; nobody could stop him! That is, until the elves gained control of the city."

"Interesting," Cindy said, as she continued to listen on in curiosity.

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"After Miss Elanor was named 'Warden of the State,' a deal was struck between her and Father."

"Clean up this unsightly city for me and I'll make you the richest man in the region!" Amy quoted. "After the deal was struck, Father and us, his dear children, proceeded to wipe out the majority of the mobs and gangs within the city! It was...quite a blood bath." Amy said with a venomous look upon her face.


"And thus, 'The Fam' was born! An assassination company with the biggest headquarters in Baldimore! Featuring housing, food, weapons, medical staff, and much more, all employees here including us, have been fully funded by the Warden ever since! As long as the city's nice and clean, Miss Elanor will just keep throwing money our way, ahahaha!" Ben exclaimed proudly.

"So, you get the picture now Cindy? Keep the city clean and we'll keep living in luxury!" Amy said.

"Y-yes ma'am!"


 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


Ben, Kai, and Amy continued to give Cindy the rundown as they made their way to the weapons unit on the basement floor.

"And the last divisions are weapons, charity, and galley. Our sis, Aria is the Head Director of them. And that's pretty much it! Oh, we're here!" Amy said.

- ding ding

The elevator sounded as the four associates entered the basement level, where all weapons were stored.

"Wow," Cindy said, as she gazed upon a display of guns, knives, and swords scattered about on the walls of the basement floor.

"So, in order to become a fully licensed assassin, Father only requires one thing of you; complete a no-contract kill without supervision," Amy explained as she handed Cindy a firearm. "How do you like this bad boy!? A nice little Luger with a built in silencer will be perfect for a rookie!"

"I-I'll take it!" Cindy said with a worried look on her face.

As Amy placed the gun in the half-ling's hands, Cindy's hands started to shake. She was trying her best to keep the gun steady.

Can I really do this? What if I mess up? This is crazy!

"Nervous?" Kai asked.

"J-just a bit, aha."

"Well, we'll be patrolling the streets together until we become licensed, so let's get along from now on!" Kai said as, he reached his hand out to Cindy.

"Yeah!" Cindy said, as she shook the young man's hand.

"Awww, so sweet! I'm gonna cry!" Ben exclaimed.

"Shut up!" The two recruits said in unison.

"Oh, and Cindy," the young man said while blushing. "Kuwahara's the best!"

"Ahahaha!" Cindy could do nothing but laugh at Kai's remark. "This still doesn't mean I forgive you for pointing a gun at me earlier!" the half-ling said with a smile on her face.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


"Which fuckin' key is it again? Oh, there we go! Ta-da! Here's where you'll be staying from now on. Leave those days of sleeping in your car behind you, Cindy. Enjoy the wonderful views of Downtown Baldimore from the seventh floor!" Amy said excitedly.

My very own apartment, all to myself? I've finally done it, mother!

Cindy was overjoyed. Her new apartment on the seventh floor of headquarters displayed a beautiful view. From up above, she could fully see the riverfront surrounding the downtown area. She could see the bustling city and the people within it, as sunset came in. The apartment itself was already fully furnished With a couch, television, and bed.

I finally get to play video games again!

"I-I don't know what to say...It's amazing. It's perfect! Thank you so much, Amy! I need to get some decorations in he-"

As the excited half-ling heard a flush from the toilet within the apartment, she realized that the place was already decorated with posters of different idols, small plants, unwashed dishes, and trash cluttered throughout the floor. Soon after noticing this, a female ogre looking around her mid-twenties, appeared from the bathroom. Displaying sharp teeth, long red hair, light green skin, and several piercings in her ears, the young ogre gazed at Cindy with an apathetic look.

"Ah, so you're my new roomie, huh? The name's Zel. I work in finance; nice to meet ya, I guess," Zel said uninterested, while making her way to the couch. "Director Amy, how are you?"

"Great! You two will be roommates from now on, so try to get along, please!"

"Y-yes ma'am," Cindy said with a disappointed voice.

Gah, I wanted my own place! But I have no right to complain!

"Okay, so you start patrol duty tomorrow morning at eight, so get some rest! Your new suit should be ready by then." Amy said.

"Got it! By the way Director, when will I meet this 'Father' of yours?"

"Well, daddy's a busy man, so who knows when he'll be back. Could be days, could be months. I'll be sure to introduce you to him immediately when he gets back. Just rest up for now; good night!"

"Good night, Director..." Cindy said.

As the young elf turned to walk out of the apartment, she glanced back at Cindy to say one more thing.

"Cindy...I'm glad you're here! I'm sure you'll find your place in the world with us!" Amy said with a smile on her face.

"Director Amy...thank you for everything. I'm still not sure if I can do this, b-but if it's for my family...I'll try my best," Cindy said, returning a smile to the young elf.

"That's all we ask of you Cindy. Remember, we have your back no matter what!"


※Fast forward - The job※


The moon shone brightly on a Tuesday night in autumn. The wind was strong, pushing the half-ling's short hair backwards as she stared at her deceased victim. With her brand new suit already stained with blood, Cindy's expression had quickly changed from one of shock, to apathy. On the roof of an abandoned building was where the corpse laid, twitching slightly as if it was somehow still alive.

"That's it?" The young girl whispered, as she sealed her shiny Luger back into the holster.

- bzzzzzz

Her phone began to vibrate softly.

"Hey, Director Ben? Yeah, It's done." The half-ling said in a monotone voice.


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