The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 1: CH 1

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“Our luck sure is amazing, there’s actually so much food in the supermarket that wasn’t taken away.”

“Be careful, see if there are any zombies around.”



Inside a small supermarket, two meners started getting excited over having been able to find supplies.

Five years ago, the end of the world suddenly came to be. An unknown virus swept the world and countless humans turned into brainless freaks that only knew to eat other humans. Through experts’ observations, in the end they concluded that this kind of decomposing creatures with no thought pattern could only be given one name—- zombies.

Afterwards, amidst this disaster, there were humans who evolved to have abilities continuously appearing, perhaps because of an instinctual need to survive so that mankind could have the chance to survive in this cruel apocalyptic world.

Chen Jia He and Zhao Jue were one of those evolved.

Chen Jia He was a D class water mener, while Zhao Jue was a C class earth mener. The two had met not long ago and decided to become partners.

It was already five years into the apocalypse, and there were strong meners who build bases and strongholds. The place they were currently heading to was the north’s biggest base, and in the base was a powerful S class lightning mener, an extremely strong existence in this world.

Zhao Jue actually didn’t want to go because he had stayed in other bases before. Weak meners like them wouldn’t be looked highly upon in the base, and instead be excluded and discriminated against. It was better to try and survive outside alone.

As long as one was careful, surviving wouldn’t be a problem.

But Chen Jia He insisted on going to the base, saying that there were many strong meners at the base and enough resources, and that they didn’t have to have such a tough time outside.

Zhao Jue had been single for many years, while even though Chen Jia He wasn’t strong enough, every other aspect of her was according to his wishes, so he naturally started liking her. Thus, in the end, he decided to listen to her.

Of course, Chen Jia He didn’t like Zhao Jue. The reason she wanted to go to the base was because she knew about the future.

A few days ago, Chan Jia He woke up and found that she had transmigrated into an apocalypse story where the male protagonist powered up very quickly. She didn’t have time to moan about her bad luck because for her survival, she had to make use of the plot that she knew to find the biggest thigh to hug.

-TOFU- thigh to hug: someone strong to rely on and protect you

That super strong lightning mener in the north base wasn’t the male protagonist. The male protagonist was an ordinary person in the base and didn’t have an easy life, however the male lead’s body held a storage space which after he accidentally obtained, turn into a bug like existence and ended this apocalyptic age.

Thus, she had to go to the base and had to find the male lead and get to know him before the female lead. This way, she would be able to safely survive the apocalypse.

On the way there, she met Zhao Jue.

Don’t look at his current C class earth mener identity, he would eventually become a member of the male leads’s team and by relying on the things in the latter’s space to cleanse his bones, veins and tendons, eventually evolve into an A class mener, joining the ranks of the strong.

Chen Jia He felt that her luck was very good. Meeting the current weak Zhao Jue and building a good relation with him would only benefit her.

The supermarket only had food and no zombies. Chen Jia He started to softly hum a tune, and when she saw that there was a box to store toilet paper in on a low shelf, she thought to take that box. 

As she bent down to open the box however———

“Ahh!!!” A scream erupted from her throat. Zhao Jue ran over while raising a gun, and pointing at the box, wanted shoot at it.

“Hold on!” Chen Jia He shouted in a panic, “It seems to be a child.”

Under the two’s alert gazes, the box moved slightly before a little head popped out.

The little girl’s soft hair was separated up into two messy and uneven little space buns and her clothes were messy but not dirty. She was hugging a little teddy bear that had one arm torn open and exposing cotton, and her huge and clear eyes stared unblinkingly at them.

If one ignored her clashing hairstyle and messy clothing, sitting in the box, she looked just like a beautiful and exquisite little porcelain doll.

She had no abnormalities and wasn’t a zombie. She was an ordinary little girl.

Zhao Jue put down his gun and sighed in relief but didn’t let down his guard. One couldn’t belittle a single person during the apocalypse, especially a little girl who appeared on her own.

“Little girl, you… are you alone here?”

The little girl lightly nodded her head.

“Where’s your papa and mama?”

The little girl’s long brush-like eyelashes lowered. She hugged the teddy bear and didn’t say a word.

Chen Jia He stared at the little girl as she sized her up before asking, “Little girl, what’s your name?”

“I’m Bian Bian.” She said in a soft voice.

Disappointment flashed past Chen Jia He’s eyes. She remembered that there was an extremely strong S class space mener in the story who became the male lead’s god daughter afterwards.

But the little girl wasn’t named Bian Bian.

She should be an ordinary child whose parents decided to hide her here before they died after running into some sort of danger.

After Chen Jia He told Zhao Jue her guesses, the latter felt that it was reasonable and so turned around to warmly ask, ”Bian Bian, do you have any other close relatives here?”

Bian Bian didn’t speak. Tears started streaming down. Zhao Jue thought, it seems that Jia He’s words weren’t wrong.


“Brother Jue.” Chen Jia He knew what Zhao Jue wanted to say. He definitely wanted to bring this lass with them. Ignoring the fact of how one of them was a C class and the other was a D, even together they weren’t that strong, it took a quite a few days to get to the base, if they brought a little girl with them… It would be too dangerous and too attention grabbing.

Once beautiful little girls like her were seen by some disgusting meners, it would bring them disaster level troubles.

There were many meners outside fighting for their lives, while ones with powerful abilities were even easier to run into. 

After five years into the apocalypse, the weak were pretty much completely wiped out. None of those who were able to survive till now were easy to deal with.

Most importantly, Chen Jia He knew just how brutal this story was. Having a kind heart would only make one’s death come quicker.

Bringing a useless little girl was way too troublesome.

“Since she could stay here all along and still be fine, she’s obviously safe here, much safer than if she were with us.” Chen Jia He stopped the words that were about to come out from his mouth.

Zhao Jue frowned reflexively. He looked at the child who was sobbing in grief, sobbing so hard his heart squeezed. “But, if we don’t bring her with us…”

“Brother Jue, think about it.” Chen Jia He once again interrupted him, “We just offended those people from Flying Dragon and they’re still searching for us. If we bring her along, what if we run into them? Do you really think that’s the best for her?”

She changed her tactic.

Chen Jia He felt that everything about this person was good, it was just that his heart was too soft. During the apocalypse, the compassionate died the fastest.

“We’ll leave after taking some things.” Chen Jia He quickly filled her pockets with supplies and pulled Zhao Jue as they left the supermarket.

Bian Bian walked to the entrance of the supermarket, silently watching them as they got on a car, started it, and left.

Zhao Jue looked at the rearview mirror as he watched her figure getting further and further away, his conscience plaguing him. “Jia He, I think…”

Chen Jia He had also seen the sight. She comforted him, “Brother Jue, it’s not that we aren’t willing to bring her with us. This is for her own good, there will be strong meners who’ll find her and bring her to the base.”

Under Chen Jia He’s gentle coaxing, Zhao Jue steeled his heart, and as the car left the street, everything became quiet again.

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Bian Bian lifted her small hand to wipe away the tears on her lashes, gently tugging the little bear’s arm. “It’s alright.”

She vaguely understood that the reason people went willing to bring her with them was because she was an hindrance.

Just like how grandpa had never hidden it from her. She was picked up by grandpa from the dustbin.

That’s why grandpa saved her and even gave her the name Bian Bian; it was because she was picked up from the roadside dustbin.

Grandpa and her had been to other place before and occasionally would meet other aunties and uncles. One time she heard an uncle call her a handicap. 

When she asked him what handicap meant, Grandpa got extremely unhappy and separated from the group of uncles and aunties with her.

“Grey Grey, I miss grandpa.” Bian Bian faced the little teddy and said.

No one other than Grey Grey would talk with her.

“Can we give grandpa some food to eat?” Suddenly thinking of something, Bian Bian’s eyes lit up.

Bian Bian immediately returned to the box and took out a bag. Bian Bian had entered the supermarket long before Zhao Jue and Chen Jia He, and had only hidden inside the box when she heard sounds outside.

Gramps said before, if she couldn’t be sure whether or not the aunties and uncles that appeared were good people, she must hide.

But she was still discovered in the end.

“We will hide ourselves even better next time.” Bian Bian happily told the little teddy bear.

There was bread, water and instant noodles inside the bag. Bian Bian took great effort to lift it up. In the apocalypse where supplies were rare, malnutrition was extremely common.

Bian Bian was very skinny. The five year old her wasn’t even as tall as an adult’s waist.

The bag was very heavy, so Bian Bian could only drag it behind her.

She knew where grandpa was.

Today, all the food in the house was finished, so she mustered up the courage to come out and search for it. She was able to find so much, gramps was definitely hungry already.

Bian Bian dragged the bag as she walked towards a five level tall building.

This was an old estate and had long been abandoned. When gramps found this place, he felt that it was not bad and so moved into the fifth floor with Bian Bian.

The entrance of the old building was a huge metal door. It had been reinforced by grandpa. Bian Bian retrieved a key from her neck to open the gate slightly before drilling in, then once again locked the gate up securely.

Grandpa had said before, as long as she locked the gate properly, monsters wouldn’t be able to come in.

Bian Bian first went to the third floor to put the food in a room there.

Originally, she and grandpa stayed on the fifth floor, but all of a sudden, one day, grandpa tidied up the third floor and made her stay on her own on the third flood before sealing the two levels above shut tightly, only leaving a tiny opening. She couldn’t go in and gramps couldn’t get out.

At first grandpa would still stay at the little opening to talk to her, but afterwards, he didn’t allow her to get near anymore.

Bian Bian was an obedient child and would do whatever grandpa told her to do, but gramps hadn’t eaten for so long, he was definitely hungry.

Bian Bian placed the food she took out from the bag on the table and then started to count how much she had taken. In total she had taken ten bottles of mineral water, five packs of instant noodles, five packs of bread, as well as a few sweets.

She put five bottles of water and three packs of instant noodles into the bag but didn’t put the sweets into the bag. Grandpa’s teeth weren’t good, he couldn’t eat sweets.

The half full bag was much lighter now and Bian Bian could lift it up with her two hands.

The staircase that led from the third floor to the fourth was blocked by a thick metal wall, not leaving a single gap. Only in the lower middle position was a hole around ten centimetres wide.

It was very dark in the staircase. Bian Bian looked at the metal wall, slightly hesitant as she walked up. Grandpa had said before the no matter what happened, no matter what she heard, she wasn’t allowed to go near it.


Bian Bian glanced at the food in the bag.

The heavy bag made purplish red welts on her two tiny hands. She wouldn’t say anything, and was only going to quietly stuff the  food into the hole. Grandpa wouldn’t blame her.

She slowly walked towards the wall.

With her height, when she stood up, her head would just nice be parallel to the hole and allowed for her to see the situation in there through the hole.

She didn’t see anything, yet heard the sound of heavy footsteps, as well as a strange grinding sound, which sounded like the sound she had heard many times before from those monsters.

Tears instantly started falling from her eyes, however she didn’t make any sound as she cried, instead silently stuffing bottle after bottle of water into the hole, before squeezing the instant noodles inside. 

Then lastly, the bread.

She heard a crash.

Bian Bian’s tiny body trembled. She wiped away her tears, and, picking up the teddy bear that had fallen down beside her, tried hard to stop her voice from sounding choked up, “I’m not scared, grandpa can eat it.”

When she went downstairs, her legs slipped and her entire body started falling down. But just at this moment, her figure suddenly froze in mid air, then was moved to the third floor entrance.

Bian Bian stood at the doorway with a dazed look on her face. She looked up and saw the teddy bear rolling down, then looked at herself.

Didn’t she fall down?

“Your highness, you look very nervous. Did something happen?” Inside a resplendent palace, a smart butler was amiably asking a young man lying in the bathtub.

Xiu Jin waved his hand. “My daughter nearly fell just now, good thing I used my hand to stop her.”

Smart butler: “???”

Xiu Jin said, “You don’t understand, get out.”

The smart butler conscientiously asked, “Your highness, when did you have a daughter?”

“Just now.” Xiu Jin continued staring  at the game interface in concentration.

The smart butler continued, “Please enter your blood inheritance, I will immediately enter it into the system’s database.”

“…Screw off.”


Immediately after, it turned into a screw, rolling out of the room.

Come back tomorrow for chapter 2 ~~


mener = ability user|ability

edit: thank you Ekfreet for your suggestions

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