The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 2: CH 2

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Xiu Jin liked playing with the ly-set when he was showering. It was a habit of his. Yet today when he switched on his ly-set, he found that on the screen was an extra unnamed app icon. The icon was a little girl’s adorable face.

Men were sometimes helpless against cute things, and the seventh prince, the richest person in the Star Galaxy’s Empire, was no exception.

And so, Xiu Jin tapped on the icon and found that it was a game. The little girl on the game’s icon was the main character of the game— Bian Bian.

The moment he entered the game, a long introductory paragraph appeared.

The little girl was named Bian Bian, and she was birthed during the apocalypse, but she was thrown by her parents into a trash can the moment she was born, though luckily picked up by an old man called Lu Yu afterwards who brought her with him, raising her up.

Lu Yu was a B class metal mener who was very strong, but because of his age, even if the seventy years old him was a B class mener, his strength was still much discounted for due to his physical strength.

He originally intended to find for Bian Bian a good family so that if he were to die of old age, he could have someone to entrust Bian Bian to.

But during the apocalypse, who would selflessly bring along a little child that couldn’t do anything?

Lu Yu thought long and hard about it but still couldn’t think of a good idea.

Go to the base?

If he was no longer there, there would still be people bullying her. He didn’t feel rest assured enough.

In the end, Lu Yu decided to find a place to settle down. As long as they didn’t run into an especially dangerous situation, with his B class ability living for another ten years wouldn’t be a problem, and with those time he would use it to teach Bian Bian many survival tactics.

The reason he didn’t teach her before was because he thought that even if it was currently the apocalypse, he still wanted Bian Bian to have a carefree childhood.

The dividing line was five years old.

After five, he would teach Bian Bian how to survive in the apocalypse.

Alas, the plan didn’t manage to come to be. When Lu Yu went out to search for supplies, because of his body, he accidentally fell and cut his hand on a piece of metal.

Lu Yu didn’t care too much about it initially because five years after the start of the apocalypse, the virus pretty much only existed on the bodies of zombies. After the virus attached itself to other objects, it would lose it’s terrible effect.

But he still quickly used alcohol to disinfect it. After observing it for two days, he stopped worrying because there were no signs of infection.

The moment one was infected by the virus, they would change within twenty-four hours.

Yet on the third day, the wound got infected.

Lu Yu wasn’t afraid of death. He had already lived for over seventy years and experienced enough. The one thing he was worried about was Bian Bian. She was still five and still so young, how was she to survive in this cruel apocalyptic world without his protection.

He hadn’t even managed to teach her how to survive during the end of the world.

The horrific rate of the virus’ infection caused Lu Yu to be unable to help Bian Bian arrange much. He could only quickly move her to the third floor, then seal the two floors above shut.

When a mener was infected and turned into a zombie, their strength would exceed ordinary zombies. He couldn’t let himself wander outside, because the moment he turned into a brainless zombie, there was a possibility that he would harm Bian Bian.

Thus, Bian Bian became an orphan.

Xiu Jin’s sharp brows knitted tightly when he finished reading the introduction. He was born in the Empire’s royal family and was the current emperor’s youngest son, extremely pampered by the emperor.

Not needing to inherit the throne, he was extremely interested in business and by relying on his genius level business minded brain, he forced open a path in the Empire’s economy and became the richest amongst upperclass nobility.

Such a plot made Xiu Jin slightly uncomfortable and oppressed after he finished reading it.

After the introduction vanished, the image that appeared next was the scene of the little girl carrying the food and delivering it to her grandfather. 

The graphics were extremely clear and one could see the little lass’s sad expression as well as the fat teardrops falling down.

The man’s heart hurt.

Such an adorable little pudding should be be carefully held in their parent’s palm and loved!

That’s why when Bian Bian suddenly slipped and fell, Xiu Jin was given a fright and automatically reached out to stop her. He then realised that his hand could stop the little girl’s movement and managed to avoid having the little lass fall down.

When he saw the little fella with a stunned look on her face, he laughed again, poking the little girl’s cheek through the screen.

So cute.

The mini games these days are getting more and more realistic, no worse than holographic online games.

In the Star Empire where holographic games have swept the empire, there were few people who would play these type of games that were only meant to kill time.

Games like these would usually taken off the rack after a while when they realised that nobody was playing.

Xiu Jin opened another section of the game, thinking that if he knew which company created it, he would directly buy the company or invest in it, yet didn’t managed to find any information about the company.

He was slightly confused but didn’t think much of it. It could be because the company was too small. This game might’ve been created anonymously and it wouldn’t be too late to investigate afterwards.

Carefully looking through the display, Xiu Jin looked through the game’s functions.

While he was researching the game, Bian Bian lifted her hand and touched her face. Those large eyes that still had a tinge of red after crying were full of confusion. She carefully picked up the little teddy bear, whispering softly, “Grey Grey, something seems to have touched my face just now.”

The little bear silently looked at her. It naturally couldn’t answer her.


The metal wall once again transmitted a thunderous crashing sound. Bian Bian subconsciously cowered and those tears that were stopped with much difficulty once again threatened to fall, but were force back by her as she bit her lips.

Grandpa had told her before, even if Bian Bian was alone she had to be strong, so she couldn’t cry anymore.

Sniffling, Bian Bian turned around and entered the house, closing the door and locking it. 

All the door and windows in the house were reinforced by metal.

Her stomach grumbled. Bian Bian was hungry too.

Worried that her health would worsen because of malnutrition, every time Lu Yu searched for supplies he would pick and choose carefully. The most important item, milk powder had pretty much never stopped before. 

But milk powder wasn’t easy to find. Bian Bian’s milk powder supply had stopped before Lu Yu was infected. It was in the process of finding milk powder for Bian Bian that Lu Yu had been infected, and that was also the reason he fell and even cut his hand.

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Of course, he wasn’t going to tell her that.

Bian Bian was never picky about food and would eat whatever he gave, but there was also one problem; Lu Yu had taken too good care of her. He raised her just as if they were living in a normal world, thus causing her stomach to turn very delicate.

Even if they were eating instant noodles Lu Yu would still try to find a way to make it taste delicious and healthy.

After he got infected, Bian Bian didn’t managed to get to eat warm food.

There was a gas stove that Lu Yu had found for the house and Bian Bian knew how to use it, but because Lu Yu was afraid that the kitchen stove would explode in a freak accident, he had modified it to suit his height. Bian Bian wasn’t tall enough and even if she stood on an extra stool, it was still easy for her to splash the soup on herself.

The first time she used a pot to cook noodles, Bian Bian accidentally fell while climbing up the chair, but thankfully the water was cold so she was only hurt by the fall and had no other injuries.

After that Bian Bian didn’t dare to enter the kitchen anymore.

She would either eat bread or cook instant noodles when she was hungry and drink water when she was thirsty.

Her stomach lining was fairly delicate, and in the beginning it couldn’t tolerate anything she ate, with everything that went in puked out. After that she learnt from it, and by slowly eating bit by bit, she no longer vomited.

Only, her body started losing weight at a visible rate. When Lu Yu was here, Bian Bian was raised very well by him and was fair and tender, like a little ball of snow, completely different from how she was now.

Grandpa had said to her before that no matter what she heard, she wasn’t allowed to open the door and go out. She was very obedient and had been staying in the house till today, when all the food was finished. She decided to gather her courage and copied the way grandpa walked outside to search for food.

Bian Bian took out the cleanly washed cartoon cup, and taking the bottle of water, with one of her tiny hands on the bottle cap, twisted it for so long her palms were bright red before finally being able to open it.

The unscrewed bottle cap in her hands made the little girl laugh happily and she blew on her red palms till the pain vanished, then finally slowly poured it into the cup, pouring two thirds of it out.

Water must be saved and drank slowly.

She sipped tiny mouthfuls of it, then started choosing between instant noodles and bread.

She liked to eat bread more. Bread was soft and fragrant, but bread couldn’t combat hunger, and every time after eating bread she would get hungry not long after, while instant noodles could keep her full a long time after eating it but didn’t taste good.

“Grey Grey, should I choose noodles or bread?” Every time the little girl was hungry and had to eat, she would talk with the teddy bear and ask for its opinion.

The little girl raised the bear’s arms, secretly pointing towards the bread.

“Okie, Grey Grey chose the bread too, you’re thinking the same thing as I am.” She happily listened to the little bear’s opinion and reached out to tear open the bread’s packaging, drinking a bit of the water in the cup before starting to eat it bit by bit.

Her eyes curved into crescent moons as she smiled happily.

Seeing the way the little fella held the bread while not bearing to eat it made Xiu Jin’s heart squeeze painfully. In the Empire, instant noodles were only eaten by the criminals with the most crimes as punishment.

As for those pieces of bread that one only needed a glance to know of its nonexistent nutrition value, not even the poorest would eat those.

Even if she was only his in-game daughter, how could his seventh royal highness let his daughter eat this kind of trash food?

Xiu Jin had just looked through the game and found that it had a market, which meant that he could purchase things there. And so, without a moment of hesitation, Xiu Jin opened the market and saw a ‘Food’ section. Though after tapping on it, his finger immediately froze.

Other than the first image ‘Red Apple’, no other image was lit up. The rest were all grey and he wasn’t able to do anything to them.

Xiu Jin: “……”

What kind of game is this, he couldn’t even buy something for his child to eat?!

Xiu Jin nearly smashed his newly bought bath tub in a fury. In the end he could only tap on the red apple. At least it was better than nothing. He should at least be able to buy a bunch of it for her right?

The “+” image below the red apple wouldn’t react no matter what he did.

And so he understood, he could only buy one.

Taking a deep breath, Xiu Jin emotionlessly spent five star dollars to buy a single red apple. As someone whose purchases would never amount any lower than ten thousand star dollars, he glared at the five star dollars for a long time.

This was insulting him okay!

After the successful purchase, the image of the red apple turned grey.


Fine, you’re the best.


Xiu Jin hurriedly put the red apple on the table.

At this moment, a pointy screw rolled in. That was the smart butler. It said, “Your Highness, you’ve already been in the water for twenty seven minutes and thirty four seconds. If you continue staying in the tub your skin will start wrinkling.”

The moment Xiu Jin heard that, he hurriedly lifted his hands to take a look. Indeed, his hands were already starting to turn white, and so he hurriedly switched off the ly-set, quickly standing up in the bathtub.

“Is my back wrinkled?”

The screw on the ground moved slightly. “Apologies your highness, I currently do not have eyes and can’t see.”

Xiu Jin: “……”


Bian Bian was nibbling on the bread when all of a sudden, she heard a soft “dong” and immediately looked up to see a big red apple in front of her.

The apple was half the size of her head.

Bian Bian was dumbfounded.


The author has something to say:

Gold Bashing Daddy No. 1: So angry, can’t spend my money!

come back tomorrow for the next chapter ~~

posting 12am Rome time :>

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