The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 4: CH 4

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When children receive a fright, their first reaction is to cry. However, though already scared to tears, Bian Bian thought of her grandpa upstairs. She didn’t want grandpa to hear her crying.

Thus, even if she was scared to tears, Bian Bian still cried soundlessly. She stood at the doorway with a raggedy little teddy in her hand, bean sized tears falling from her eyes as she tried to stop herself from crying out loud.

Xiu Jin’s heart crumpled at the sight.

But the next second, he sighed in relief.

The little fella was probably too frightened and didn’t dare to walk upstairs again. She held the apple peel and walked back into the house, locking the door.

Then she jogged back into her bedroom and buried herself in the blankets, hugging the bear as she shut her eyes.

At this moment, a little speaker shaped icon popped up next to her head. When Xiu Jin tapped on it, a choked up child’s voice that had a bit of fear in it rang out beside his ears. “Bian Bian is very brave, Bian Bian is not scared…”

Xiu Jin immediately understood that this was Bian Bian’s voice.

While his heart ached as he listened, he still couldn’t help but sigh in wonder at how realistic the game was. It was bringing him deeper into the game.

“Since you can make it so realistic, why don’t you open the other functions huh. Everything’s grey, how am I even supposed to play.” Thinking of how his actions just now had scared Bian Bian, Xiu Jin didn’t dare to help his child cover his blanket anymore… she’s already feeling scared right now, if he made another move, wouldn’t she feel even more afraid?

Xiu Jin could only hold himself back.

In the marketplace, other than the column for food, there was also clothes, ornaments, shoes, as well as weapons. Xiu Jin had gone into every single column to take a look, but everything else was grey, not a single one was lit up.

“What am I supposed to use to raise my child?!” Just as he spoke, as if sensing his rage, a system notification suddenly popped out——

【As you and Bian Bian’s intimacy points haven’t reached the needed amount, the ‘Food’ section in the marketplace will only provide ‘Red Apple’ for you, limited to one a day. Should you wish to provide Bian Bian with even more food, please increase your intimacy points.】

【Current intimacy points: -10】

Xiu Jin: “……”

Are you crazy?!

“I didn’t even abuse my daughter, why is it in the negatives?” Xiu Jin was starting to get upset. He felt as if the game was against him and immediately thought of deleting the game.

The system notification popped out once again: 【Attention, your daughter is to be protected, not bullied. Bian Bian was given a fright, that’s why the intimacy points are -10】

Bully my ass.

Which eyeball of yours caught me bullying my child?!

Xiu Jin was furious and was just about to retort when he noticed something wrong——

First, he remembered how the child looked when she was frightened to tears. He truly did seem to be the cause.

Second, this game was actually able to hear the words he said to the screen, and react?

Xiu Jin grew suspicious and went out of the game to take a look at the icon. He didn’t have remember downloading this game.

Hold on.

The scene of him meeting Kerfu earlier during the day flashed across his mind.

Kerfu was a lower blood race member. In the Empire, other than humans, the first and biggest race, there were four other noble races. The dragon race, sea race, aerial race, and the blood race.

The blood race had the lowest position among the four major races, and lower blood race members couldn’t even be compared to ordinary human citizens.

However Xiu Jin didn’t look at a person’s race to make friends. He was very spontaneous; if he liked them then he would befriend, and if not, then they could scram.

Him and Kerfu were university classmates. As the latter’s family was very poor, he couldn’t even afford to buy enzyme inhibitors—— the blood race fed on blood and were afraid of the sun, coming out during the dark and resting during the day. Afterwards, humans managed to create a sort of drug that allowed the blood race to come out during the day.

For the drug, the human race and the blood race set up a treaty, and the blood race became a noble race that relied on the human race.

Not every bloodling could afford to buy the enzyme. This kind of drug was created with precious materials and was very pricy. Plus, they had to consume a vial once every three months. Perhaps the average bloodling could afford a vial, however they wouldn’t be able to afford it in the long run when everything added up together.

Xiu Jin saw how pitiful Kerfu was, and so gifted him a few vials as a sign of friendship, helping Kerfu get past the toughest days.

Ever since then, Kerfu became Xiu Jin’s follower.

When Xiu Jin started doing business, Kerfu naturally became Xiu Jin’s subordinate and helped him with a lot of matters.

Xiu Jin had been extremely troubled by some business related matters recently. Today, Kerfu told him that he’d found a fun game that could help relieve him of his stress, but Xiu Jin didn’t think anything of it.

Thinking back on it, could this be the game?

Xiu Jin immediately contacted Kerfu to ask him what was the situation.

Quickly, a holographic image of Kerfu appeared in the living room.

This was an extremely handsome looking man. He was wearing a suit with no wrinkles to be found, had deep set unusually icy green eyes. His skin was stark white and had long hair that were completely swept back and set with hairspray.

The stereotypical blood race look.

“Your highness.” He bowed respectfully towards Xiu Jin.

Xiu Jin straightforwardly asked, “Is this game on my ly-set downloaded by you?”

Kerfu’s face immediately revealed a sly smile. “Is your highness satisfied with it? This is a game that was chosen from amongst thousands of others and can be customised to your likings.”

Xiu Jin gave an ungraceful eye-roll. “What are you talking about! What customisations?”

Kerfu froze, then continued to explain, “The game that I found for you can, according to the image set in your mind, be changed into the image of the ideal girl that you like. You can go into the game and have a date with her.”

You can also do anything.

Xiu Jin: “???”

“Your highness, is the game set up not going smoothly?” Seeing the expressions on Xiu Jin’s face, Kerfu continued to ask, “Please let me take a look, perhaps something went wrong during the process.”

“No need.” Xiu Jin refused resolutely. “There are no problems, bye bye!”

He ended the call and stared at Bian Bian’s adorable little face.

The game Kerfu downloaded for him was meant for him to fantasise out a woman to kill some time, yet in the end what appeared was a little girl. If it was known to Kerfu, he’d probably stamp a ‘pervert’ on him in his mind.

Xiu Jin would absolutely not allow for his image in his subordinate’s mind to be twisted.

So… Bian Bian was an automatic byproduct of his imagination?

But he’d never imagined a child before though.

Or was it possible that he actually yearned for a daughter in the deepest abyss of his mind, that’s why Bian Bian was created?

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The more he thought the more Xiu Jin felt that that was the case. He hurriedly opened the game. In the screen, the little fella was still curled up in her blankets, in a tiny ball.

The system notified: [Bian Bian is currently sleeping soundly.]

Xiu Jin was currently brought even further into his father role. This was the daughter that he ‘imagined’, he had to let her live a better life as soon as possible.

Since the game could sense if thoughts, Xiu Jin directly said, “How can I increase my intimacy points with her?”

System: [The decision is up to Bian Bian.]

Xiu Jin: “…“

“Can I communicate directly with my child?”


“Can she see me?”


“…What can I do right now.”

[After twenty-four hours, you can buy a another red apple.]

Which also meant that, he wasn’t able to do anything aye?

Ugh! Trash game!

The seventh prince who was unable to bash his daughter with gold and buy buy buy was furious.

The smart butler was back in human form and rolled a dining cart in. He placed the vegetarian diet meal that was supposed to taste like meat onto the dining table.

“Your highness, please have a nice meal.”

A total of six dishes and a soup, plated exquisitely, satisfying all six senses, was displayed on the table.

The smart butler’s face shows slight pride and smugness. “Your highness, all these dishes are vegetarian. Please have a taste and see whether or not it tastes like meat. If not, I will renew my system storage and recreate another set for you.”

As it finished speaking, it noticed it’s master using a sort of “…” expression to look at the vegetarian dishes. After a round of verification with its database, the smart butler found that the expression on its master’s face could be summarised easier by two words: intense hatred.

The smart butler was stupefied.

Why would the diet vegetarian dishes it made cause his royal highness to feel such deep hatred?

“My precious daughter is so pitiful that she can only eat an apple, yet I get to eat all kinds of delicacies… are there fathers like this!” His seventh royal highness uttered brokenheartedly, “Bring everything away. From today onwards, for every day that I don’t get to give Bian Bian something good to eat, I will accompany her.”

Smart butler: “???”

It wanted to ask if his highness’s brain died or something, but its internal programs stopped it from saying such disrespectful words.

Xiu Jin had already decided to share joy and sorrow with his daughter, and ignoring the expression on his smart butler’s face that looked like its system had crashed, he turned around and returned to his luxurious bedroom, starting looking around his precious daughter’s room to see if there was anything he could help her with.

After searching for a long time, he finally found that his precious daughter had been completely nestled in the blanket the whole time. Wouldn’t she feel horribly stuffy.

Previously, he didn’t dare to move because he was afraid of scaring her. Now that she was asleep, as the father, he could finally be of use.

Xiu Jin quickly used a finger to carefully pull the blanket. After a while, the little girl’s soft face was revealed, and if one took a closer look they could see the tear streaks on her cheeks.

She was hugging the little teddy bear tightly in her arms.

Noticing that the little bear’s arm was nearly completely torn off, Xiu Jin’s heart moved as he remembered previously when the little fella had puled open the drawer, he seemed to have seen a sewing kit.

Xiu Jin wasn’t too sure, and was just about to pull open the drawer, however the ly-set display showed that as the drawer was too small compared to his finger. He was unable to move it.

Unless the screen was enlarged.

Xiu Jin immediately called over the smart butler. “Go next door to third brother’s and bring the holographic projector he’s got here.”

The smart butler replied, “Your highness, I can’t do it.”

“Don’t think I’m unaware that you’ve long taken a fancy to third brother’s butler. Hurry up, or I’ll get third bro to change her.”

Who says that robots didn’t have love?

The smart butler could only silently obey.

As for the moment when his third royal highness returned and found that his precious holographic projector was gone, it’d just drag seventh highness out then.

Robots will not carry the pot!

The smart butler was very efficient and brought the VR headset back after a short while. After a bit of fiddling, Xiu Jin managed to project the game interface out. He then shooed away the curious smart butler.

Through the projector’s projection, Bian Bian’s room appeared in Xiu Jin’s bedroom practically true to size.

It was as if he was standing in her room, only, compared to the room, he was like a giant, and had to bend down in order to not bump into the ceiling.

Xiu Jin squatted down next to the bed, observing his precious daughter up close.

How adorable.

He used a finger to rub his darling daughter’s soft face. Unfortunately there was no real touch involved and he was unable to actually feel her cheeks, making him feel very regretful.

Xiu Jin then pulled open the drawer nearby and took out the sewing kit. The seventh prince who had never threaded a needle before took a while to get the thread through the eye of the needle.

Next, he took the bear out from Bian Bian’s hold. To get himself get more comfortable, Xiu Jin decided to just sit on the floor, starting to awkwardly sew the teddy bear’s arm together.

Waking up, Bian Bian rubbed her eyes as she sat up on the bed. The sky outside had already darkened.

Just as she was about to get out of bed, the little bear rolled off her body. She immediately reached out to grab it.

But then the little hand froze in midair, then slowly retracted.

The teddy bear’s arm had been sewn together with red thread, however the stitches were crooked and uneven with cotton still revealed outside. The line was like a large red centipede, not the average ugly, and completely ruined the teddy bear’s already not very high beauty.

At the same time, Xiu Jin, who was secretly monitoring his darling daughter’s reaction, saw a cold system’s notification appear on the screen:

[Intimacy points -50]

The smile on papa Xiu’s face shattered.

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