The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 8: CH 8

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After five years into the apocalypse, ability users today had their strict classifications.

The most common were metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elemental abilities. Other than that, there were also a few mutated abilities. Mutated abilities were very strong.

For example space, lighting, mental, and ice abilities etcetera. Due to their mutation, once these abilities were awakened, they were at least a B class, turning them into strong ability users that all bases would like to attract.

The mental ability was the rarest and strongest among them.

There was only one mental ability user heard of in South Base. What his approximate class was was unknown, what was know however was that this ability user was extremely strong.

So strong that he wouldn’t be at a disadvantage even when facing two level five zombies.

Zombies had their rankings too. Level five zombies were the equivalent of an A class ability user.

This ability user was known as Super Heavenly King. It was said that this name was made up by himself, and, while it was slightly chuunibyu, however, it couldn’t hide his terrifying power.

The most obvious ability of a mental ability user was to use their mind to control objects. Everything around them was a weapon.

As long as their ability was strong enough, they could even control their enemy’s minds and let them fight for themself. This was the terrifying part about mental type ability users.

Zhu Yuan had never expected that he would run into a mental ability user in such a place. The most important part was that this was a little girl.

If not for the fact that he had once been lucky enough to witness Super Heavenly King fighting a level five zombie, Zhu Yuan would be unable to confirm that this girl was a mental ability user.

The kitchen knife quietly floating behind her was the best evidence.

Strangely, the misconception that he had stepped on dog shit luck appeared in the depts of Zhu Yuan’s mind. Hetried his best to let a warm and kind smile appear on his pale face. “Little girl, I’m Zhu Yuan. I’ve gotten badly injured, can you help me?”

Noting, the little lass even reached a hand out to help Zhu Yuan.

“Thank you. ” Zhu Yuan secretly clenched his teeth, holding his breath as he grabbed the doorframe and tried standing up. He stumbled into the house.

He was constantly paying attention to the kitchen knife. Along with the little girl’s movement, the knife moved too, the blade aiming at him.

Zhu Yuan didn’t feel that this was a show of the girl’s unfriendliness. Rather, this showed that though she was young, her vigilance was already there.

No wonder she could live here alone.

Since the moment he woke up, he hadn’t seen anyone other than Bian Bian. He was able to deduce that the little girl lived alone from that.

An “adult” would have long appeared were there were any.

Seeing that Bian Bian was about to enter the living room, Xiu Jin hurriedly put down the kitchen knife before the screen switched to the living room.

Without the kitchen knife’s surveillance, Zhu Yuan secretly let out a sigh of relief.

“Uncle, please take a seat.” Bian Bian rarely had the chance to interact with people because Lu Yu wouldn’t let her have to chance to be alone with strangers.

In the past, she only had to obediently greet people when following beside grandpa. This wouldn’t do now. This mister had gotten heavily injured and was asking her for help. Bian Bian remembered that grandpa had said before that when people asked her for help, she should help them if she was able to.

Lu Yu didn’t want his precious granddaughter to develop a cold and emotionless personality even if they were living in the cruel apocalypse.

Bian Bian pushed a chair over for Zhu Yuan before going into another room. There were clothes that grandpa left behind there. She took out a clean set of clothes before running out.

On the way out, the pant leg in her bosom dragged behind on the floor. Bian Bian didn’t notice it and accidentally stepped on it, her body immediately toppling over.

This time round Xiu Jin was very careful and did not pick his precious daughter up, he instead lifted Bian Bian’s body up a tiny bit so that Bian Bian didn’t fall over, but just stumbled slightly and naturally because of that didn’t know that the reason she didn’t fall over was because the one she called “baddie” helped her.

After steadying herself, the little girl quickly rolled the fallen pant leg up as she handed it to Zhu Yuan. “Uncle, your clothes are wet. These are grandpa’s clothes, you can change into them first.”

Zhu Yuan’s mind was very hazy, however the moment he heard ‘grandpa’, his thoughts cleared up slightly. Taking the clothes, he asked feebly, “Where’s grandpa?”

Why’d this lad ask about grandpa? Was he going to do something to precious after confirming that there were no adults?

Still not behaving even when injured. Xiu Jin’s eyes narrowed. He picked up a water bottle that was on the table behind Bian Bian.

The little girl lowered her head when she heard, not speaking.

“I’m sorry, I…” This sort of reaction made Zhu Yuan realise that something might’ve happened to the girl’s grandfather, so he immediately apologised. However, just as his words were out of his mouth, he noticed the mineral water bottle quietly floating behind her. And so the words out of his mouth were swallowed back.

“Uncle?” Bian Bian was confused when she looked up and noticed the strange expression on Zhu Yuan’s face.

Zhu Yuan gulped, sincerely saying to her, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Bian Bian’s eyes narrowed into crescent moons when sincerely thanked. She replied equally sincerely.

“I’m Zhu Yuan. You?” Zhu Yuan introduced himself again, trying his best to ignore the threat of the mineral bottle as he expressed his good will, showing that he was harmless.

His whole body was starting to shiver uncontrollably. That was the sort of cold brought by after losing too much blood. Plus his body was completely wet, he was hanging on his last bit of strength.

Even if he went into the house, there was only a little girl inside. She was still so young, she might not be able to help him dress his wound. He had to rely on himself.

His instincts told him that he couldn’t faint. He would never wake up again if he did.

“I’m Bian Bian.” The little girl’s voice was very soft.

Zhu Yuan subconsciously softened his tone, afraid of scaring her. He started changing while bearing with the pain. Seeing her still staring at him, his face glowed red. “Bian Bian, I need to change, could you turn around?”

Bian Bian nodded obediently and turned around.

Xiu Jin hurriedly moved the mineral bottle to not let Bian Bian see it. However, because he shifted too quickly, he didn’t control it properly and it ran straight into Zhu Yuan’s head.

Zhu Yuan made a muffled groan.


“I’m fine.” Zhu Yuan mumbled. Compared to the pain in his chest, the pain from his head could be ignored. He looked up at the mineral bottle floating in mid-air, guessing that even though the little girl had awakened a mental ability, perhaps because she was too young, however, and barely knew anything, she didn’t have perfect control of her ability.

Due to this interruption, Zhu Yuan found that the little lass’ skirt was sticking to her, making her look even smaller. This suddenly reminded him of the little niece he had before the apocalypse.

She was around the same age as Bian Bian and was clever and quick-witted, beloved by all. After the apocalypse arrived, everything was gone.

The little girl was all alone at home, yet was willing to save him. Even though there was the threat of the ‘kitchen knife’ and the ‘mineral bottle’, it still made Zhu Yuan’s heart that had been torn apart by his friend’s betrayal feel a bit comforted.

“Bian Bian, your skirt is wet, go and change into new clean clothes or you’ll catch a cold.” He coughed. Blood mixed with saliva slid out from the corner of his mouth and was wiped away by him.

Bian Bian pulled uncomfortably on the wet clothes on her body. She had just changed into new ones. Sighing like an adult, she obediently walked into the bedroom to change into a new skirt.

While Bian Bian was inside the bedroom, Zhu Yuan took the chance to quickly take off his wet clothes and changed into Lu Yu’s clean clothes.

He didn’t put on his jacket. Looking down at his wound, he saw that the area around it was white and wasn’t bleeding as much.

The pendant that his mother gave him before the apocalypse was gone.

Zhu Yuan froze. Quickly though, delight flashed past his eyes. He could feel that the bullet didn’t pass through his heart and was instead stuck among layers of muscles.

That was thanks to his five years of survival during the apocalypse. Zhu Yuan didn’t dare to relax, spending large amounts of time every day to exercise. It was all so that when danger arrived, he could run faster than anyone else.

Most importantly, the pendant reduced the bullet’s penetration. That made the bullet not pierce through his heart.

The pendant from his mother saved his life. However the bullet was stuck in the wound and he had to dig it out.

Only, how?

The bedroom door opened with a click and Bian Bian walked out of the doorway in her new skirt. And then, Bian Bian found that she couldn’t see anything,

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Bian Bian thought that something was wrong with her eyes, so she rubbed them.

In reality, a certain peeping father was currently grinding her molars as he looked at the topless Zhu Yuan.

In the same room as precious yet not even wearing his shirt, what was he cooking up?!

Didn’t he know that male and females couldn’t be too close!

Xiu Jin, afraid that his precious daughter was going to __ at a young age reached out a hand to cover his precious’ face while using the other to pick up the shirt and throw it at Zhu Yuan.

Smacked by the shirt, Zhu Yuan saw the little girl covering (rubbing) her eyes. He suddenly remembered that it wasn’t appropriate for him to be like this and immediately put the shirt on.

Xiu Jin finally lifted the finger covering Bian Bian’s face. The little lass just so happened to finish rubbing her eyes, and when she opened them again, her vision was clear.

Her long lashes fluttered as a small finger pointed at Zhu Yuan’s breast. “Uncle, it’s bleeding.”

Zhu Yuan’s urgent clothes wearing action pulled on the wound and blood once again spilt out, instantly dying the newly changed shirt.

The pain made Zhu Yuan maintain consciousness. Not wishing the scare her, he raised his hand and cupped the wound. “Bian Bian, do you have a small sharp knife?”

She said, “There’s a fruit knife.”

“May I borrow it?”

The little lass ran into the kitchen. After a while, she came out with the knife used to peel the apple yesterday.


Zhu Yuan didn’t take it. He overestimated his body’s capability.

Looking into Bian Bian’s eyes, Zhu Yuan bit his deathly pale and chapped lips. “Bian Bian, there’s a bullet in uncle’s wound. It has to be dug out, however, uncle doesn’t have any energy left. Can you help me take it out?”

Zhu Yuan originally intended to add ‘with your ability’, however at the thought of how the little lass still couldn’t control it perfectly, if she lost control and stabbed the knife straight into his heart, then he wouldn’t even have a place to cry if he died.

He swallowed this word back after thinking about it.

Bian Bian understood what Zhu Yuan was trying to say. There was a bullet in his wound and he wanted her to dig it out using a knife.

Bian Bian’s small hands twisted together helplessly. “But… I don’t know how to,” she whispered.

Zhu Yuan chuckled bitterly. He wouldn’t let a little girl help either if there were others around.

However, he didn’t have any strength left. All of his energy went to keeping himself awake.

He needed another person’s help to dig out the bullet, while this person in question was the little girl in front of him with the rarest mental ability.

Since she was able to awaken the mental type ability, he believed that she wouldn’t push him to death.

however, seeing that she was about to start crying, Zhu Yuan sighed. How could he bear to continue forcing her? Not to mention these sorts of things shouldn’t have landed on her shoulders in the first place.

Zhu Yuan bit the tip of his tongue. The pain made his body gain a bit more energy. He said, “Bian Bian, do you have gauze here?”

Bian Bian went to the bedroom and took out the little first aid kit she used to put plasters in. When giving it to Zhu Yuan, she very generously added, “It’s all in here. Uncle, please feel free to use them.”

There was indeed a small roll of gauze inside. There was even a small bottle of disinfectant. These were all extremely precious, resources that were extremely hard to find outside.

Zhu Yuan was delighted. He didn’t hesitate any longer and used the disinfectant to disinfect the fruit knife before lifting his shirt up.

However, even after trying a few times, the hand holding the fruit knife just wouldn’t stop trembling. He simply didn’t have the strength to steadily insert the knife into the wound.

Bian Bian had already obediently listened to Zhu Yuan’s words and turned around. Both of her tiny hands were hugging the teddy. She felt that uncle Zhu Yuan was definitely in a lot of pain.

“Let’s give uncle Zhu Yuan a sweet later. It’s sweet, he won’t hurt any more after eating it.”


His precious daughter kept thinking about a male stranger and even planned to give him some sweets to eat.

At the thought of his -50 intimacy points, separated by a screen, papa Xiu felt seriously sour about it.

And then, seeing how Zhu Yuan still hadn’t managed to insert the knife into his wound…

Moving and stopping around the edge, not at all manly.

Xiu Jin’s OCD started again. He picked up the fruit knife in Zhu Yuan’s hand while pulling the shirt down further. The tip of the knife sank into the wound.

Quick and accurate.

The system’s notification popped out immediately: [You’re going to kill Zhu Yuan this way!]

“That’s why you should hurry up and tell me to move forward or backward, left or right.”

System: …

Xiu Jin continued, “Hurry up or else he’s going to be stabbed to death by me.”

The system’s notification popped out word by word: [Move slightly to the right, then angle the tip of the knife upwards.]

The bullet fell out.

Zhu Yuan watched the fruit knife in his hand get snatched away by some amorphous strength, then get inserted into the wound on his chest. In that instant, he felt that he was dead meat for sure.

Intense pain erupted in his mind, instantly raising waves. This sort of pain made him not help but start shouting.

Then, the bullet was taken out.

Zhu Yuan: …

Bian Bian jumped when she heard Zhu Yuan’s shout. She hesitated slightly before turning around.

Xiu Jin quickly swiftly stuffed the knife back into Zhu Yuan’s hand when he saw that.

Aye, perfect.

With the bloodied knife in hand, Zhu Yuan weakly leaned on the back of the chair, beads of sweat rolling down. Even though his face was still deathly pale, however, it was still slightly better than before.

He knew that Bian Bian used her ability to take the bullet out for him.

She helped him even though she was afraid.

Zhu Yuan’s eyes started getting wet. He smiled weakly at the little girl. “Thank you, Bian Bian.”

Mental type ability users truly lived up to their names.

Bian Bian accepted Zhu Yuan’s gratitude, dumbfounded. Her eyes were full of confusion.

What was uncle Zhu Yuan thanking her for?

The author has something to say:

Papa Xiu: flicks his shirt elegantly after finishing his job. He hides his identity, leaving coolly~ (in his heart he howls, the candy! I want to eat my precious’ candy!!!)

Anyone know a better name for mental ability user?

Also, next update: Monday 31/08 (latest)

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