The Female Lead is Raised by Bosses

Chapter 7: CH 7

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Xiu Jin stared at it for quite a while before finally realising that the silhouette under the blanket was one of a human’s. So a person is lying in front of my precious daughter?!

As Bian Bian covered Zhu Yuan up, the sky got gloomier and gloomier. So, the little lass took her skirt down and brought it into the house. Xiu Jin finally found out that the place his precious daughter was at was the balcony outside.

What made him perplexed, however, was the ‘person’ on the balcony. How did that person get up here? Or rather, how had that person appeared? Were they dead?

Well, they were probably dead, otherwise precious wouldn’t have covered that person up.

Xiu Jin’s head started hurting at the thought of not managing to see what’d happened earlier. The game didn’t have a rewind function so he was unable to find out things that happened before. Good thing his precious daughter was fine. When he saw the young lady close the door leading to the balcony, his fatherly heart finally relaxed slightly.

Just at this moment, a speaker icon appeared next to her head. That meant that his precious daughter was speaking.

Xiu Jin sat in a car heading towards the palace. He didn’t want irrelevant people, which was also the driver who had come to fetch him, hear Bian Bian’s voice. Thus, before tapping on the speaker, he tapped on the other ‘reader function’.

His daughter’s words appeared in words.

“Grey Grey, that dead uncle will become smelly if he continues lying down there. How am I going to dry my clothes then?”

The little fellow looked very troubled, yet couldn’t find a good idea. She was unable to move that dead uncle with just her skinny arms.

At the thought of being unable to go to the balcony in the future, the little lass pursed her lips in disappointment. It meant that she was going to have one less place to play at in the future.

Through his precious daughter’s words, Xiu Jin could confirm that that person was already dead. Now an even bigger problem appeared. How had a dead person appeared on the balcony?

Had the person fallen from the floor above? Were there other people living in the building his precious daughter lived in?

The system probably either couldn’t take his random guessing anymore, either that or perhaps it decided to ‘take pity’ on his worries as a father because it very conscientiously sent out a notification: 

[Zhu Yuan was shot by a friend. Amidst his despair, he found Bian Bian and used his ability to fly onto the balcony, hoping to ask Bian Bian for help. Unfortunately, he fainted due to his injury and was mistaken to be dead by Bian Bian, who helped collect his corpse.]

Xiu Jin: “…”

Should he be praising his precious daughter for her kindness?

So, the person on the balcony isn’t dead?

Would the person harm her after waking up?

“Your Highness, we’ve arrived.”

However, no matter how much papa Xiu worried about his precious daughter, the driver’s reminder made him force himself out of the game.

Precious, daddy will come and take a look at you after he’s done with his business.

The seventh prince had been living in the palace before he was of age. He moved out after becoming an adult, proudly using the money he earned to buy his first house and didn’t rely on the imperial clan.

He was very, very familiar with the palace.

On the way to the main palace, Xiu Jin ran into a young man who was also on his way to pay a courtesy call on the emperor.

Xiu Jin rolled his eyes speechlessly when he saw him.

The man wore gorgeous clothing and had a single feather at the crown of his head, symbolising his identity—— Feather Clan. His facial features were so beautiful they were stunning, like a perfect creation with no flaws to be seen. There was a feather jewel on his glabella, making the man’s already beautiful facial features even more enchanting, yet not feminine at all.

Soul-stirringly beautiful, noble, and gorgeous.

“Good morning, your seventh highness.” Huan Tian Jue’s lips quirked. Everything around lost its colour at this smile.


Showy peacock. Damned sissy.

Xiu Jin expressionlessly examined Huan Tian Jue’s face before thinking of his. It was absolutely not going to be any worse than this thing’s after yesterday night’s skincare.

The problems between the seventh prince and the Feather King could be traced over ten years ago, and the two could be said to be long-time enemies. The previous Feather King and the emperor were great friends, however, he unluckily got badly injured while battling to help the emperor unite the empire. Leaving behind the young Huan Tian Jue all alone.

And so the emperor brought Huan Tian Jue back into the palace to be taken care of. After he became an adult, he would be given the title of the Feather King.

Xiu Jin and Huan Tian Jue practically grew up together.

By right, the two of them should have become good friends because of their similar ages, however, in reality, the two’s relationship was like water and fire and Xiu Jin hated Huan Tian Jue because he felt that he was a very pretentious and eccentric person. Not only was this man prettier than a woman, he even dressed up dazzlingly all the time. Simply can’t be looked at!

Them mermaid clan members look good too, why don’t they dress like this.

Of course, if it was just their fashion sense that was different, it wouldn’t make their relations so tense. Most importantly…

“Seventh highness, your skin is exceptionally clear today. I passed by a planet with a rather bad environment two days ago, causing my skin to get slightly irritated… what skincare product do you use your highness? Could you tell me about it? Huan Tian Jue sincerely inquired, as if he and Xiu Jin were close friends.

Xiu Jin: …

This was one of the reasons he hated Huan Tian Jue. Because that person’s existence constantly reminded him of how ‘ugly’ he was, causing him to always have the heart to vie. This made him walk further and further on the path of a ‘delicate boy’, unable to extricate himself.

He was a man!!!!

Xiu Jin sneered, “Why would a man like me use skincare products. I don’t treasure my skin like you… however, if it is getting overly sensitive, why don’t you go and look for a doctor.

How was there any sign of sensitive skin on that smooth beautiful face? The hell, this showy peacock was just purposely pointing out the fact that he was using skincare products in front of the public.

Huan Tian Jue smiled regretfully, then walked alongside Xiu Jin, smoothly changing the topic. “Does your seventh highness know what his majesty is summoning us for today?”

Xiu Jin thought, how would I know, I wouldn’t tell you even if I did.

“We’ll know later when we meet father,” He said.

“I do know a little something.” Huan Tian Jue continued, no hint of boasting in his words. However, Xiu Jin knew that this guy was showing off.

See, even I know what the emperor is finding us for, yet you, his son, doesn’t know.

Xiu Jin: …

He wanted to bash this person to death.

Huan Tian Jue stopped speaking after that as if purposely waiting for Xiu Jin to ask him.

Just at this moment, urgent footsteps sounded in front of them. A person turned around. It was the fifth prince Xiu Yan.

“Tian Yi, Xiao Jin.” Seeing the two, Xiu Yan grew delighted. “Father is already waiting for you guys, hurry up.”

Xiu Jin only found out about the reason the emperor summoned him and Huan Tian Jue into the palace after meeting him. The emperor wanted both of them to do some charity. He wanted them to create a charity foundation and help the citizens of some planets lacking in resources with things need to survive.


Creating a charity foundation to help the needy was okay, Xiu Jin himself often donated. However, why did he have to do it with Huan Tian Jue?

“Because this suggestion was made by Huan Tian Jue.” The emperor warmly replied.

Xiu Jin: “???”

The emperor continued, “Xiao Jin, Tian Jue has the heart to, you have the money. As long as both of you collaborate, this matter will definitely be able to be done beautifully. It will also let the refugees of other planets know the empire’s imperial clan will not abandon them and will protect every single citizen.”


Looking at the showy man beside him, Xiu Jin couldn’t hold it in anymore after leaving the palace. He suppressed his rage, gritting his teeth, “You’re doing it on purpose!”

Fucking robbing my money!

Huan Tian Jue was extremely confused. His beautiful eyes stared intently at Xiu Jin before finally realising what he was talking about. He replied, “Your seventh highness please don’t be mistaken. Haven’t you been wanting to do some charity for a long time? I just so happened to want to do this too. Plus, doesn’t the Star Times keep reporting about how the imperial clan isn’t doing anything to help? A few planets even united together to force the emperor… isn’t it perfect now that we are working together?”

Xiu Jin gnashed his teeth. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me about it beforehand?”

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Would he be this angry this fucker gave him a heads up and let him be prepared?

Huan Tian Jue sighed, suddenly turning his ly-set on. He showed Xiu Jin a hologram. “I know that your highness has many misunderstandings about me. I knew that your highness would feel that I had a hidden agenda, that’s why I didn’t talk to you about this beforehand and went straight to the emperor. I hope your highness wouldn’t mind.


Xiu Jin lowered his head to look at the hologram. It the image of refugees on a planet with lacking resources.

After looking at the image, he expressionlessly glanced Huan Tian Jue. He didn’t say anything else, going straight into his own car.

“Sir.” Huan Tian Jue’s personal assistant stepped forward. “His seventh highness doesn’t seem willing. Will he create trouble?”

The smile on Huan Tian Jue’s face grew smaller as he shook his head uncaringly.

The subordinate was confused. “I don’t understand. You could have chosen to collaborate with the other princes… why choose the seventh prince?”

You obviously aren’t on good terms with the seventh prince.

Even though the emperor was upright and in his prime, however, he was bound to abdicate in the future. The seat of the emperor was chosen according to the prince’s abilities and the prince who was the strongest would be the next emperor.

The eldest prince was the most outstanding in all aspects amongst all the princes, plus the he needed some accomplishments to prove himself.

He was bound to agree to doing charity.

“Cause Xiu Jin is rich.” Huan Tian Jue replied. The reason was just that simple.

Actually, the other princes were all too poor.

Doing charity wasn’t a simple matter. It required money to be continuously poured inside and only the silly but rich Xiu Jin could bear it.

However Xiu Jin was quite easy to talk to today. Especially after he showed him the hologram, the man didn’t say anything, just silently agreeing to the collaboration.

That was way out of Huan Tian Jue’s expectations. He showed Xiu Jin the holographic image to rouse the sympathy in him, however, with his understanding of the latter, he wouldn’t accept it so quickly even if moved by the image.

Xiu Jin’s heart seemed to have softened quite a bit.

Huan Tian Jue lifted a pretty brow, his sharp senses sensing something odd.

Sitting in the car, the image projected out wouldn’t stop replaying in Xiu Jin’s mind. A dirty environment, emaciated refugees, he even saw a child among them.

In that instant, Bian Bian’s tiny body appeared in Xiu Jin’s mind.

Even now, he wasn’t able to buy and buy and buy, spending tons of money on his in-game daughter to better her life. Being able to help the emaciated refugees on poorer planets was a sort of comfort to him.

This comfort dissipated the rage Xiu Jin felt towards the showy peacock.

Anyways what he lacked the least was money.

At the thought of that, Xiu Jin eagerly opened the game. The charity he wanted to do most was of course to raise his baby well.

The moment thought Xiu Jin his precious daughter’s life that was even worse than those refugees’, Xiu Jin’s heart ached badly for her. Those refugees still had parents to take care of them, yet his precious was all alone.

What was he to do to quickly increase he and Bian Bian’s intimacy points?

On the screen, the little fella spread a carpet out in the living room. On it was a set of lego toys.

The little lass was building lego.

She built very quickly because she had done it many times before.

Bian Bian didn’t have many toys. This lego set was found by Lu Yu inside a shop and the little girl always treasured it.

It was raining heavily outside, and along with the rain was a sudden clap of thunder that would sound time and time again. Bian Bian’s tiny figure would subconsciously shiver every time the thunder sounded.

On the balcony.

The ice-cold rainwater quickly drenched the blanket. The blanket, having absorbed all of the water, grew heavy, sticking tightly onto Zhu Yuan’s face, nearly to the point of suffocation.

Probably because the survival instinct of a C class ability user was too strong, the suffocation actually leads him out of his unconscious state and he slowly woke up.

It was a good thing he woke up too, or else he would never wake up again.

Zhu Yuan pulled the heavy blanket away from his body. Through the rain, he saw the door and flipped his body over, crawling towards it with all his strength. Clenching his fists, he started banging against the door.

Boom boom boom!

With a quiver, the lego piece in Bian Bian’s hand fell down.

The noise had come from the kitchen. The little lass listened for a while and confirmed that it wasn’t the sound of thunder but the sound of something banging on the door.

Bian Bian hugged the little bear in fright, pretending that she couldn’t hear it. However, the sound kept going on.

“It’s that dead uncle, he’s become a monster.” Bian Bian was frightened and confused. Gramps had said before that dead humans wouldn’t turn into monsters, only live humans bitten by monsters would turn into monsters.

“Little girl… save me…” Zhu Yuan remembered the little lass he saw before he fainted. He was sure that that little girl was in the house. He didn’t want to die, he had to beg for help.

Monsters can’t talk.

“That uncle is alive.” Bian Bian and the little bear silently exchanged a glance before she mumbled, “Want to go and take a look?”

The little bear could give Bian Bian courage. She carried the little bear and tiptoed over to the kitchen, where the banging was still going on. It was just much weaker than before.

After hesitating slightly, the little lass gathered her courage to ask, “Uncle, are you alive?”

“…I…am…” Every single one of Zhu Yuan’s words was breathy. The pain from his chest had already grown numb and, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t even feel the wound and was merely relying on his instincts. He wanted to live. He had to live to find Du Ming Yu and take his revenge.

That uncle is still alive. He’s injured, she should let him in.

The wish to help that injured uncle overtook Bian Bian’s fear. A moment later, she finally twisted the door handle.

The little girl didn’t realise that right behind her was a kitchen knife floating in mid-air.

Two of papa Xiu’s fingers were pinching the kitchen knife. Should the person outside wish to do something bad to her the moment his precious daughter opened the door, he didn’t mind using the knife to butcher him.

The door opened. Rainwater seeped in and the skirt Bian Bian was wearing was instantly dampened halfway.

When Zhu Yuan saw the little lass in front of him, a shred of hope appeared in his unfocused eyes.

Then, his pupils suddenly shrank. He stared at the kitchen knife behind her that was giving off a cold glint, his senses immediately strained to its limit.

Not only was the girl in front of him an ability user, but she also had the rarest and most mysterious mental ability.

The author has something to say:

Zhu Yuan: OMG! This place is hiding a five year old boss!!!

Bian Bian:???

The TL has something to say…

The new editing block on WordPress is so weird!!!

ok but it’s hella cool too ngl, love learning new things :>

Heads up too y’all, from this chapter on I’m gonna replace mener with… ability user! The latter is stupid, but the former is stupider, I’ll admit…

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