The Finite Path

Chapter 13: Kadelast Region: Arc 1 Epilogue(1)

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"You got this Tempest! Use Ember!" It's been a few weeks since I managed to stop the robbery and three days since my grounding ended. I still think I didn't deserve several weeks of grounding but neither mom nor dad was willing to reduce my sentence. So I took advantage of my newfound freedom to begin training. Because if there was one thing I learned from my last two adventures is that I need to get stronger before I get myself killed. When I told Tempest about my plans he was adamant about joining me, and with no reason to deny him I agreed.

Our workout starts once my classes end (or after lunch on weekends) with an hour of running to and from my house and mom's Gym. As I ran I would keep track of the number of laps I could do within the hour, while Tempest practices his flying skills at the same time trying to triple my laps. Once the hour is finished I start working on my physical strength by doing things like push-ups, while Tempest works on his wind control. We then finish our workout with Fire control for Tempest while I build up my heat resistance and pain resistance. 

"Fletchling!" He chirped as he rapidly flap his wings, sending tiny embers toward me. Shielding my eyes I allow the embers to land on my other arm. Feeling my arm getting slightly warmer I open my eyes and watch the embers dance in the air before landing on my arm."It's hotter than last time, but it's not going to do much against an opponent," I said while suffocating the embers. 

"Ling." He sadly chirped while landing on my shoulders. I gave him a small pat on the head.

"Don't be discouraged, even the smallest of embers can become a roaring flame."

"Well said." Startled I jump into a boxing stance. I relaxed when I saw my mom walking towards me. "How's both your training going?" My parents weren't that happy when I told them my plans to start training. They argued that I was too young for intense training. In the end, I managed to convince them to allow me to train but they did lay out some ground rules.

1. That I stop putting myself in danger. (Which I'm fine with. The whole put of training is so that I would be strong enough to not be in danger next time.)

2. That I only do the more dangerous training under adult supervision. (I didn't really understand why, but it didn't affect my training so I agreed.)

3. We only practice attacks at mom's gym. (Where else would I go?)

4. I don't allow my training to get in the way of my classes. (Why would it? It's not like any of the subjects are hard.)

5. Finally that I make sure not to overdo it and go out and enjoy my childhood. (This one confused me. It's not like I spend all my time training. I do go out and play with my friends.)

"It's going great!/Fletch!"

"Hahaha, that's great to hear. But sometimes I wonder if you are planning to be a Fighting-type specialist with all the physical training you do." She shook her head while smiling. "All you need is a Pokemon like a Machop training with you to complete the image." Mom laughed as I glared at her(I refuse to believe I pouted.)

"There is nothing wrong with keeping in shape. Also, a trainer needs to be strong to handle many different Pokemon."

"Fletch." Tempest chirped in agreement while nodding.

"Ha! I can't argue with that. It takes a lot of strength to stop an angry Rapidash." Even if both parents aren't as strong as some Fighting type specialists I have seen. I once saw one stop withstand a Hariyama's Focus Punch with just his bare hands. But that doesn't mean my parents are weak either. As Pokemon specialists, they do need to be fit enough to handle many different Pokemon when needed. My mom once carried a stubborn Darmanitan in his zen mode that was blocking a road. While dad once wrestled a Feraligatr that was too confused to understand where it was into submission. "So are either of you having trouble with anything?"

"I'm not struggling with anything, but Tempest needs some help."

"Fletch Fletch Ling Fletchling!"

"Trouble with making fire?"


"Hmm, I see. Ok show me your Ember, use it in front of me"

"Feltchling!" He chirped as he flew off my shoulders before using Ember. Mom reached out and let some of the embers land in her open palm.

"See this is your problem," Mom said while shaking off the embers. "Until you evolve you'll have trouble producing any fire if you can't get your Ember hot enough."

"Fletcling?" Mom shook her head.

"No, learning to control the fire you produce before you evolve is important for your development. So I suggest getting better with Ember so you can eventually make fire before you even think about evolving. Because I've seen Fletchinder and some Talonflames burn themselves because they didn't learn to control their fires as a Fletchling."

"What do they do when that does happen?" 

"They either learnt to control their fire while enduring the burns. Or they disregard their fire altogether and focus on Flying type moves and control over the wind." I turned to look at Tempest who gave me a determined look.

"Fletchling!" Mom gave a short chuckle.

"Glad to hear, and I'm happy to help." She turned towards me. "How about you Amber? Are you going to stay as I help Tempest?"

"Of course! He's my partner and I'm here for him!" I spread my hands out as I turn to face Tempest.

"I'm ready! Hit me with all you got!" Before Tempest could do anything Mom stepped between us.

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?!" Both Tempest and I gave her a confused look.

"Training Tempest's Ember." Mom went down on her knees and looked straight into my eyes while grabbing my shoulders.

"Sweety, can you explain why would his training involve attacking you with his attack?"

"How else would we know if he's improving?"

"How long have both of you been doing this?"

"Since we started training."

"Sweetheart, do you remember rule number 1 and 2?" I nodded.

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" That I stop putting myself in danger and all dangerous training is done under adult supervision." I proudly answered.

"And who supervised you both when you did this?"

"No one."

"-Sigh- You're grounded for the rest of the month," Mom said before standing up.

"What! why!?!" I yelled while putting my arms back down.

"We agreed you can train if you follow the rule we agreed on."

"Yea and I didn't break any rules!"

"You broke two rules."

"No, I didn't!"

"You admitted having Tempest attack you as training without any adult supervision."

"How's that breaking the rule? I wasn't in any danger I only need adult supervision if the training is dangerous." Mom looked at me as if she was looking for something. When it was clear that she wouldn't find what she was looking for, mom closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"I think you, your dad and I need to discuss the rules of your training some more." I was about to ask if I was still grounded but mom answered before I could say a word. "You are still grounded for a week." I wanted to argue but decided against it when I saw mom's glare.

"Ok, mom."

"-Sigh- Let's go home Amber, we have a lot to talk about with your dad about personal safety. "She looked at Tempest who was awkwardly watching the whole time. "You still up for the training?"

"Fletchling." He chirped while nodding.

"Great, we can start tomorrow morning after lunch."

"Can I join?"

"No Amber, you are still grounded. You can continue your training and join Tempest once your grounding is finished."

"Fine," I grumbled. Tempest followed us out of the gym. "Bye Tempest! Good luck with your training tomorrow!"


Later at night, as I lay in bed a pop-up appear in front of my eyes.

[New Paths: Long Term-Goals:




"What? System what does this mean?"

[Reviewing Question: Answer: For Best Growth A Long Term Goal Is Recconmanded]

"What does choosing a path do?"

[Reviewing Question: Answer: System Will Prioritize Finding Paths Connected With Chosen Goal]

"Can I change the path later?"

[Reviewing Question: Answer: Yes But Will Need To Update Once Chosen Goal Change]

"Hmm, I see." Figuring that it doesn't hurt to choose now I started scrolling down my choices. After a few minutes of scrolling and reading descriptions, I finally decided on this goal.

[New Paths: Long Term-Goals:

-Path Chosen:



---Strength, Battles, Possible Team Members.] 

In the end, I decided to go with the champion path because what else would the final goal of a Pokemon trainer be? Happy with my choice I got up from my bed while closing the system. 'I might as well work on my newfound final goal. And I can't train, then I might as well work on the other thing I needed to work on.' Jumping out of bed, I walked to my computer and turned it on. 'I might as well make the most of my grounding and learn about battle strategies and planning.' After two hours of searching, I started to get annoyed with only finding generic advice. "I'm pretty sure I've heard most of this from school. Maybe [Trainer Battle Strategies] is too vague? Hmm, let's try [Trainer Battle Strategies Advance]." Trying the new search, I groaned when the new results were just slightly more advanced battle tips. "Maybe if I add an age limit then it will give me what I want? Let's try, [Trainer Battle strategies 20+]" It didn't take me long to regret my decision. 

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