The Finite Path

Chapter 14: Kadelast Region: Arc 1 Epilogue(2)

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~Buzz Buzz~

~Buzz Buzz~

~Buzz Buzz~







"~Uh, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle C-~" It's been a month since we moved to Rockfall with Professor S. When we finished moving into Professor S's house, Mom gave me her old music player and headphones. She said that if I ever started to hear the buzzing again I just need to focus on the music instead. "~Snorunt, Tyrunt, Ch-Avalugg~" I quietly sang as I walked while listening to music. With all the new sights, I wanted to go out and explore the city but mom was worried something would happen to me. After a while, I managed to convince her to allow me to go out and explore the new city on the condition that I stay in areas with lots of people. After checking out the neighbourhood and the school mom enrolled me at, I decided to check out Snover's Frozen Treats. "~Porygon, Porygon-Z, Porygon2, R-~," Professor S suggested many places to check out when I have time, one of which is the new ice cream shop.

"Dwebble!" I froze as I saw a man walking towards me as he chatted with the Dwebble on his shoulder.




After checking for any cars, I crossed the road and continued walking. "~Omanyte, Dragonite, Charizard~"Despite still keeping in contact with my friends, it gets pretty lonely not having anyone to hang out with. But I'm sure I'll be able to make friends in my new school. The lack of friends I isn't the only thing I need to get used to. "~-Marowak, Jumpluff, Feebas~" RockFall is much larger than Honeycup, with taller buildings and many more cars around. The Pokemon I see daily is also vastly different compared to Honeycup. At Honeycup Bug-"~Click~" types are the most common Pokemon you would see with Grass types coming in a distant second. In contrast, Rock and Flying Pokemon are very common in this city. However, unlike Honeycup where Bug "~Click~" and Grass Pokemon live all over the town with no clear divide. RockFall has a clear division on where the Rock and Flying Pokemon make their home. Rock Pokemon make the caves and mines in the Mountains their homes. While the Flying Pokemon are in abundance in the forest around the city and higher up the mountain. 

"~Rowlet, Golett, Honedge, Archen, Croconaw~" One thing that surprised me about the city is the abundance of Fossil Pokemon. When I asked why there were so many Fossil Pokemon, Professor S told me that RockFall was once a dying village with little to no resources. Desperate, the villagers started to mine into Mount Amino, the mountain several miles away from the old village. After months of digging, they eventually dug into a cave system with walls covered in fossils. Ecstatic to finally find something, the miners kept digging to only find more fossils. At first, they were devastated to not find any ore, until one villager had an idea. The village started to advertise their findings to scientists interested in ancient Pokemon. Once it was confirmed that the story of a cave full of fossils where true, Trainers started to flock to the village in the hopes to get their own fossil Pokemon. Eventually, the scientists convinced the League to help them establish a research lab. Taking advantage of their new resource, the village managed to grow into the city it is today. Even after two decades the mines still show no signs of depleting, and many researchers are still trying to figure out why there are so many Fossils in one area. 

"~Whiscash, Raticate, Sableye~" One consequence of the abundance of Fossils, is that many new trainers in Rockfall start their journey with a Fossil Pokemon. Professor S told me that if I make it into the top 5 in the Trainer exams then he would give me a rare Fossil that suits me for my journey. Since then I've been working extra hard to ace the Exam in a couple of years. I'm not sure what the rare Fossil could be, but I'm sure no matter what Professor S gives me, my partner and I would make a great team! 

"~Piloswine, Carnivine, Illumise and Remoraid. I thi~, ow!" Too deep into my thoughts, I didn't notice the person in front of me until I bumped into them. Mom's headphones fell off my head as I landed on my butt. 

"Sorry kid, are you alright?" Rubbing my nose, I looked up to see a strong-looking man with brown hair and eyes holding a hand in front of me. Grabbing his hand, the man helped me up. After dusting the dirt off of my pants, I grabbed mom's headphones and placed them around my neck. After rewinding the music and pausing it I turned to look at the man I bumped into. 

"Yea I'm ok." I gave the man a small bow. "Sorry for running into you. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." They gave me a kind smile and waved my apology away.

"Don't worry about it kid. I wasn't looking where I was going so it was partially my fault as well."

"I'm still the one that ran into you."

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"How about we both agree we're both at fault and forgive each other?" I thought about what he said for a second before nodding. "Great! So what's a kid like you doing walking alone?"

"I'm new to the city and was planning to try some ice cream at Snover's Frozen Treats."

"Really? I was just there." I tilted my head before seeing a small cup filled with ice cream in the man's other hand.

"How's the ice cream?"

"It's great! Made the trip to the city worth it." He said while nodding.

"You're new to the Rockfall too?"

"Yea, but I'm not moving here. I'm here at Rockfall because my boss said I earned a vacation after I finished an important job. He also suggested I go here to try out the ice cream at Snover's Frozen Treats."

"That's nice of him." The man gave me a wide grin while nodding.

"Yea my boss is the best."

"What do you do for work?"

"I deliver things for my boss and help with recruitment for the team."


"My boss is in charge of a group that free Pokemon from trainers that can't take care of them."

"Really! That's so cool!" 

"Thanks, kid, my boss would appreciate hearing that."

"Maybe when I get my Pokemon I can help. I would love to help abused Pokemon."

"Hahaha, I'm glad to hear that kid! I bet my boss would love to have you once you get your Pokemon. Until then you need to train yourself and your Pokemon when you get them so you'll be able to handle any challenge." I thought back to the forest ~Click Buzz~ and remembered I wasn't wearing the headphones. Not wanting to be rude I did my best to ignore the buzzing and gave the man a wide smile.

"I'll train so hard I'll be strong enough to face any challenge!"

"Haha, I love your attitude! Well, I wish you the best of luck kid." The man gave a quick wave goodbye before walking away. 

"Bye! Hope you enjoy your vacation!" After waving him goodbye, I turn around and put the headphones back on.




With my newfound plan for the future fueling my motivation, I continued walking toward my original goal. As I walk I started to imagine the future, and I could swear that I can already taste the sweet flavour of victory. Which oddly tastes like chocolate with salted caramel.

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