The Finite Path

Chapter 16: Kadelast Region: Journey Beginnings(Amber Side): Chapter 1

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"Are you ready Tempest?"


"Great! Let's go, we don't want to be the last one!" Tempest and I ran through the city. As I ran I could feel my excitement grow because today is finally the day I start my Pokemon journey. Finally reaching mom's gym, Tempest and I both gave each other a nod before entering. Once inside I saw the other kids talking amongst themselves as they waited for our host. Seeing that I wasn't late, I started walking towards the other kids.

Looking around I couldn't help but find it weird that they allow people so young to start their journey.'Well, I guess I'm not much older.' The youngest kid I see looks to be about 10 years old while the oldest looks to be at least 16. For someone to be qualified to start their Pokemon journey, they need to pass both the League's written and physical exams. The exams are hosted once a year shortly after the Champion's title match against the Pokemon league winner. The exams are hosted at the city's Gym or League-owned building if the city doesn't have a gym.  The written exam tests basic information like type match-up. In contrast, the physical exam is physically fit enough to handle the journey around the region and the various obstacles you may face.

"Hi, Amber!" Said a voice behind me. Turning around I was greeted by a girl my age with blond hair and green eyes.

"Oh, hi Ashley. So you decided to get a Fire-starter after all." For new Trainers who don't already have a Pokemon, the local Pokemon Specialists like my mom and dad provide the new trainers with starters. However due to the limited amount of Pokemon available to be given out, the order in which trainers get to choose their starter is determined by their overall rankings in the local exams. Trainers here at Steambay have the choice between a Fire-type starter or a Water-type starter. For trainers who wanted a Fire-type starter, they meet up here at mom's Gym, while those who wanted a Water-type starter meet up at the docks where my dad works. Due to the fierce rivalry between the Fire-type and Water-type specialists that live here. Both groups compete to see whether the local Trainer who got the farthest in the Pokemon League had a Water or Fire Starter. Last year the Water specialist won when a local trainer who had an Azurill starter got to the semi-finals. I still remember dads smug smile when we watched the trainer get farther than any of the local Trainers with a Fire starter.

"Yea! I can't wait to get my starter!"

"What were your rankings?" Ashely groaned.

"I only managed to get 11th place."

"11 out of 38 isn't that bad."

"Hmph! Says first place!" I could feel my cheeks heat up. Having countless memories of Pokemon facts made the written exams pretty easy, while the physical exams were a breeze since I've been training these last few years.

"How did you know my rank?" Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Big bro couldn't help but brag to big sis, I quote 'One of their own got first place.'" I couldn't help but groan while Tempest silently laugh at my misfortune. I may not be planning to be a Fire-type specialist, but the very fact that my first Pokemon is going to be a Fire-type means that my achievements are considered a win for the Fire specialist. It seems like mom and the others are getting desperate for a win since the Water specialist has been ahead for the last couple of years.

"Which Pokemon are you hoping to get?" I asked trying to change the subject. Ashley's eyes lit up from my question.

"I hope I'll be able to get a Ponyta!" The available starters are typically announced after the exams. This year the available Fire-type Starters are, 4 Ponytas, 2 Growlithes, 6 Litleos, 2 Houndours, 5 Pansears, and 3 Darumakas. While the available Water-type Starters are 3 Poliwags, 5 Psyducks, 2 Slowpokes, 3 Staryus, 2 Azurills, and 6 Duckletts. 

"I'm sure you'll be able to get a Ponyta." Ashley and I continued chatting for a few minutes before mom and the others entered the room.

"Hello, new Trainers!" Mom greeted. "I'm happy to see so many of you choose to start your journey here. Now I'm sure you already had people tell you about the dangers of being a Trainer and the responsibilities that come with the title. So let's not keep your new potential partners waiting." Mom grabbed her phone while another person rolled a table with several dozen Pokeballs up. "Cinder your up first." Mom started calling up people to choose their starters, and once every trainer was called up she gave us all one last glance over.

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"Now that you all have your new Starters you all must remember this." Several kids wilted under her sharp gaze. "No matter the relationship you deiced to have with your Pokemon, be it professional, friendly or even competitive. You must never abuse them, I know that many of you may see your Pokemon as tools to achieve your dreams. But remember they're also living creatures with their own hopes and dreams. Do I make myself clear?" She smiled seeing us all nod. "Wonderful! One last thing before you go out to achieve your dreams. I won't be accepting challengers until next week, so if you want your first Gym battle to be against me then I suggest booking a match as soon as you can. Now with everything said and done, I hope you all shine as bright as a ragging flame!" Once the applause died down, people slowly left the Gym.

Bidding Ashley goodbye, I ran straight toward mom who caught me in her arms.

"I'll miss you my little ember."

"I'll miss you too mom."

"Are you sure you don't want to face me before you leave?  You can do the Gym challenge today and have the Gym battle by tomorrow afternoon." I shook my head.

"When I do face you, I want to fight you at your strongest"

"Haha, that's my fiery little girl." We separated. "Well, in that case, I'll see you once you have gotten your other 7 badges." I nodded and gave her a confident grin.

"You better be ready to hand that badge over once you see me again."

"Hahaha, and you better be ready for the hardest fight you'll ever have. So are you planning to leave Steambay today?" I nodded.

"Yea, once I see dad one last time I'll be heading to Ironspark city."

"Goodbye my little ember, and have a safe trip."

"Goodbye, mom." After giving her one last hug, I left the gym. "So this is it, the start of our Pokemon journey."


"Yea this is what we've been training for."


"You bet I am!" I said as I started running with Tempest close behind. As I ran a new message appeared in my vision.

[New Path Found] 

I couldn't help but smile as I closed the new message. "Ha, looks like you are as pumped for this as we are." I silently muttered. "Well then let's see what you got for me."

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