The Finite Path

Chapter 15: Kadelast Region: Arc 1 Epilogue(End)

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-Tap Tap Tap-

-Tap Tap Tap-

-Tap Tap Tap-

In a well-lit office, a man in a suit typed away on his three-monitor computer. 

-Ring Ring Ring-

His hands paused as the phone next to his computer started to ring. Clicking a button on the phone, the man put the call on speaker.

"Oscar you weakling! Why are you ignoring mom's call!? "Despite the yelling, Oscar continued his work on the computer. Answering the caller's question with an even and calm voice.

"Ah, a pleasure to hear from you after all this time Ajax." Ajax scoffed.

"Cut the Tauros shit! Why are you not answering mom's call?!"

"-Sigh- I'm a very busy man Ajax, and I keep trying to tell mother that I can't make it to your title defence match. But she is adamant that I skip a very important meeting to watch your defence match in person. So to save time for both of us, I decided to not answer any of her calls until your match is over."

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! Why can't you do what you are told for once and just skip the stupid meeting?! And let's be real, any meeting that needs you can't be as important as my title match." Oscar's hands paused for a moment before he continued typing. 

"Why are you so adamant about me attending Ajax? This wouldn't be the first match I didn't watch live." Oscar finally answered, his voice still even.

"I don't care if you are there or not. But mom keeps hounding me to get you to attend for once. She keeps saying that having an absent family member in one of these events makes us look weak. Ha! Can you imagine that? The Musculus family looking WEAK?! Funniest thing I ever heard! But sadly mom was very serious about having the whole family make an appearance." 

"Well, I'll tell you the same thing as I told mother. I have a very important meeting scheduled for that day so, unfortunately, I have to miss it."

"Heh, that's fine with me. Now, mom can't say I didn't try. Well, I have more important things to do, bye Oscar." The call ended with a click.

"Don't you make the schedules?" Spoke a voice on one of the monitors.

"Because I plan the schedule makes it more important that I follow it. How can I expect anyone to follow any of my plans if I can't do that?" Oscar replied calmly, while slightly relaxing. "Also I didn't give you access to this voice channel so you can chat with me. It's supposed to be for important messages. If you wanted to talk you could have just called my number."

"Sorry boss, but I got a new phone and forgot to transfer your number."

"Isn't my number on your old phone?"

"Yea, but I forgot it at the base."

"-Sigh- Just don't make this a habit ok Simon?" 

"Got it, Boss!"

"So how's your stay at Rockfall going?"

"It's great here boss! I especially love the museum and the ice cream joint you recommended was great!" Oscar kept typing away as he listened to Simon talk about his experience at Rockfall.

"I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your vacation." 

"Yea! You should join me next time Boss. Oh, that reminds me, I met another promising recruit." I paused and turned to look at Simon with a raised brow.

"I'm guessing it's a kid like last time?" Simon nodded. "What did they do this time to catch your attention? I doubt they had much of a chance to impress you like last time."

"They have the right attitude that you love in recruits. And despite not having a Pokemon, I know they'll be a great trainer."

"-Sigh- Simon I appreciate you keeping an eye out for potential recruits, but you should at least make sure the recruit can handle a Pokemon," Oscar said while getting back to his work.

"My gut is telling me that this one would be great with Pokemon."

"Well, we'll have to see then."

"So how's the company going?"

"We're doing quite well, our items are selling by the dozens. The league especially is interested in our products."

"Make sense, I doubt any Gym leaders or Elite members would miss out on the change to make their Pokemon stronger. Do you think we're ready to start selling to the Trainers?"

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"I'm already in talks with the Department store in Ironspark. Our product will be on selves by the end of the month."

"Really? I thought there would be more push-back on selling them to younger trainers."

"Our products are only available to certified Trainers. And due to the League policy article 18 section 52, because our products only help with training, we're not responsible for any injuries they caused themselves."

"Ha! Image blaming a dumbbell because you dropped it on your foot. So we're going with the same policy for buying pokemon Vitamins?"

"Yes, someone would need a Trainer card to buy any of our products."

"It's great to hear the company is doing well. How about the group? Is everything do well?"

"Yea, everything is right on schedule. Soon we'll have enough manpower to start hitting bigger targets."

"How's Project Cipher going?"

"A little slow, it's taking longer than expected to decipher the blueprints."

"Sorry about that Boss, if only I managed to take the original prototype."

"It's told you before Simon. You managed to retrieve the blueprints so there is no need to keep beating yourself up with what happened. There was no way of knowing that some kid would not only find you but would get in your way. And besides the prototypes, we managed to make are sufficient for our current goals. We won't need the finished machine until the targets are all in one place and everything else in place."

"If you say so Boss. Are you sure you don't need me to do another mission right now?" Oscar shook his head.

"There is no point in rushing things. We have plenty of time before we go after our final targets, until then we have to make sure that we don't raise any suspicions. So enjoy your vacation Simon, you deserve it."

"Got it, Boss! Well, I shouldn't take any more of your time. Bye Boss!"

"Bye Simon."


"Malamar." The door to the office slowly opened up. A silhouette of shimmering air can be seen slowly entering the office before the door closed behind them. The shimmering air slowly started to shed away to reveal a floating Malamar. 

"I'm not overworking myself."

"Mal mala mar." Oscar scoffed.

"I'm very aware of the state of my body. I can still work for at least another 4 fours." 

"Malamar." Malamar's eyes started to glow in multiple multicoloured lights. Moments later the office door opened once more as a large black box lunch coated in a multiple multicoloured glow floated inside. The box lunch floated beside Malamar as they moved next to Osacar, the box lunch landing on his desk as the door closed.

"Did you have that waiting outside the whole time?"

"Mal." They answered with a nod.


"Malamar." Oscar paused as he glanced at the time.

"1:54," He said softly. "I did miss lunch."

"Mal mala Malamar." 

"-Sigh- You win, I'll take a break. But only because I skipped my scheduled meal."

"Mal," Malamar replied while rolling their eyes. Opening the box lunch, Oscar ate as he read over the code on his monitor. "Malamar." 

"Something wrong? You're not usually this chatty."

"Mal amar malamar." Oscar let out a small laugh. 

"I guess I deserve that."

"Malamar mala mar." 

"Your right, everything is going as planned. Soon we all will be free."


"Yes, nothing will get in our way."

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