The Finite Path

Chapter 7: Kadelast Region: Chapter 6

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After a few minutes of wandering around the area, making sure to stay out of sight, I started to wonder if I had missed the encounter. Asking the system if I missed it didn't yield any meaningful results. After a few more attempts I concluded that the system wouldn't be providing me with any help. "Hey, Tempest did you find anything?" While I was looking around I been having Tempest scout the area from above and occasionally come back down to report to me what he saw.

"Fletch" He replied while shaking his head. 

"Ugh, we better not have gotten the 15% outcome. Let's keep searching for a few more minutes, and if we still can't find anything let's call it a day."

"Fletchling." They chirped in agreement. We continued our search for a few more minutes, and right as we were about to call it a day. Tempest found someone suspicious-looking man wearing a white mask that covers the top half of his face and a large backpack breaking into a warehouse. Figuring that they must have been the encounter we are looking for, we decided to follow the man. But first I chose to do the smart thing and call the authorities.

"Hello police station, how may we help you?"

"I'm currently following a robber, who just broke into a warehouse at." I paused to look at the nearest street sign. "Near Firebrand street."

"Ok, ma'am, stay put and make sure to avoid any da-"

"Can't, I'm going to chase after them."

"Wait! Ma'-" After ending the call and stuffing my phone back into my pocket, Tempest and I enter the warehouse. Making sure to keep quiet and stay out of sight, we found the man looking through the selves of old and rusty machines. Eventually, he stopped at a rusty device which looked like a large metal shoulder guard attached to a metal glove by a thick wire. The man grabbed the machine and gently placed it into his bag, before zipping it shut and putting the bag on.

"Fletchling?" Tempest whispered.

"No it's too dangerous for us to fight in these tight spaces, we'll just ambush them when we get outside," I answered. We waited as the man entered a room and continued following him when he exited a few minutes later. It looked like he would have continued his raid of the warehouse if the sounds of sirens didn't cause him to panic and look for an exit. Hearing the sirens getting louder, the man ran to the closet exit and quickly ran through it. Tempest and I followed through the same door, and once we got outside I pointed toward the running man. "Tempest quick use Quick attack and target the straps of the backpack."

"Fletchling!" He chirped as they charged toward the robber. The man must have either heard Tempest or felt the attack coming because right before Tempest's attack could connect, the man ducked causing the attack to miss.

"Shit! What the Fu-" Before the man can finish his sentence he paused as when he saw me, then turned to look at Tempest who was flying behind him. "Who the F&%k are you!" The man yelled, turning back to face me.  

"We're the ones who are going to stop you! Tempest Quick Attack once more!" I yelled as I picked up a nearby big rock before dashing towards the man.

"Shit!" The man once more dodged the attack before grabbing a shrunken Pokeball from his pocket. "Go Drowzee!" The man pressed the button in the center, causing the Pokeball to grow before opening, releasing the Pokemon inside. "Stop that stupid bird with Confusion!" The man yelled while pointing up towards Tempest.

"Drowzee!" Wiggling their fingers, Dorwzee's eyes started to glow as blue energy coated Tempest.

"Fletchling!" Tempest chirped as they froze mid-air. 

"Hahaha, smash the stupid bird to the ground with Cofu-" While both of them were focused on Tempest, I was able to get close enough to throw the rock at the Drowzee. And with Drowzee momentarily distracted, I threw a kick as hard as I can between the robber's legs. "Gah!" Screamed the robber as he fell to his knees. The man's scream grabbed Drowzee's attention causing them to lose their concentration on their attack, allowing Tempest to free themselves from Drowzee's hold. 

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"Get close with Quick Attack then use Peck!" I yelled as I threw a quick punch at the man's nose, causing him to flinch back. At the same time, Tempest sped toward Drowzee. Dodging the Drowzee's attempt to slap him out of the air, Tempest repeatedly slashed Drowzee with his sharp beak. "Great job Tempest!" 

"You brat!" Before I can give Tempest another command, I had all the air knocked out of me by a strong blow to my gut. After punching me in the gut the man then threw a sideways kick which sent me tumbling away. Once I finally stopped tumbling, I winced as I felt something in my left arm break when I landed on it. "Drowzee stop f%^@king around and deal with that stupid bird!" 

"Drowzee!" Tempest once more was coated in blue energy, freezing in mid-air. Before being launched towards me.

"Fletch!" He painfully chirped when he colluded with the concrete next to me. Groaning as I tried to get up, I suddenly felt something on my back before I was forced back down. Groaning as I looked up, I saw the man grinning with one of his feet on my back. While his Drowzee stood next to him.

"I don't know how you found me, and despite all the trouble, you caused me. You are the exact kind of person Boss would love to have in his ranks. So be a good kid and stop struggling." Knowing that I'm not strong enough to free myself, I figured it was best to do what he says for now. "See that wasn't so hard was it kid? Trust me, kid, you would love the boss. Now to make sure you wouldn't cause any more trouble before you can meet them. Drowzee use hypnosis." However, before Drowzee could do anything. The faint sounds of barking and yelling which none of us noticed until now, getting louder.

"Over there!/ Growlithe go!/ He is attacking a kid!" Looking up I saw several policemen with their Growlithes running toward us. 

"Tempest the backpack," I whispered while the man and his Drowzee were distracted.

"Shit! Drowzee knock the kid out with hypnosis, then use Poison Gas." 

"Drowzee!" That was the last thing I heard before my vision was filled with flashing purple and pink lights. Then as quickly as the light show started, everything went black. 

--Tempest Pov--

He hated how weak he felt right now. When he returned home, he vowed to never again feel as weak as he did when stuck in that forest. Vowed that nothing will ever make him feel as useless as he did after that dreaded storm. He could barely contain his anger for himself as he watch his friend get knocked out by whatever Drowzee was doing, knowing he couldn't do anything to prevent it. He was only able to barely move his body as the air was filled with purple gas. 

"Stop! Don't use any fire attacks, you risk causing the poisonous gas to ignite and explode!" He could feel his blood freeze when he heard what the human adults said. 

'Poison' Hearing that he was surrounded by poisonous gas filled him with dread. 'This is bad! I could already feel myself getting weaker.' But the sight of his friend out cold brought him back to reality. So forcing himself up, ignoring the pain in his wings, he flew straight up. 'Need to get rid of the poisonous gas. Amber inhaling too much gas while she is already this badly injured would be bad! '

With all the energy he could muster, he started to rapidly flap his wings hoping to make a strong enough air current to blow away the gas. He could feel his growing weaker, but he forced himself to continue knowing his friend was at risk. And before he knew it, his wings started to glow with clear light-blue energy which flowed into the air being blown towards the poisonous gas. The gas started to slowly dissipate as the energy-filled air came into contact with it. 

"Look up there!"

"Wait! Don't attack the Fletchling, it's clearing the gas!"

"Hurry look for the attacker!" He ignored the shouting from the human adults below, putting his all into clearing the poisonous gas. Once the gas was gone, he was about to allow himself to drop. But spotting the man that attacked them running away with his Drowzee in the corner of his eye and recalling the last command his friend gave. He refused to let that man who injured his friend escape scot-free.

Trying to recall the feeling of embuing the air with energy, he pumped all the energy he could muster into one last move. The clear light-blue energy fused with the air and formed a crescent slash which rapidly flew toward the retreating man. The human adults below him noticed his attack and following its flight path saw their attacker.

The man also notice the attack, but he wasn't quick enough to completely avoid it. The crescent attack, sliced right through a strap of his backpack. However, because the attack was unstable and roughly made before the slash can impact the ground, the air it contained burst out. Pushing the man along with his Drowzee and away from his backpack. The man was about to get back up and retrieve his bag, but the sight of the human adults quickly approaching him forced him to abandon the bag. The man said something to his Drowzee before the Pokemon opened their mouth and spewed purple smoke toward their pursuers. However, at this point, he didn't care that their attacker might get away. All he cared about was that he managed to accomplish what was tasked to do. So with a triumphant chirp, his body finally gave out. He heard the human adults shouting as they pointed toward his falling form. But he couldn't muster the energy to care. So his eyes finally closed as he embraced the feeling of rushing air as he fell.

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