The Finite Path

Chapter 8: Kadelast Region: Chapter 7

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Deep under Steambay city, a man limped towards a door hidden deep inside the docks. After ensuring he wasn't being followed, he entered the building and locked the door behind him. Once inside, he tossed his mask away as he walked towards the very back room of the building. Entering he was greeted with a room with a lone computer along with a chair. Turning on the computer, he dragged the chair in front of the computer as it booted up. After starting a video call the man started to apply Burn Heal on his legs while he waited.

"How was the mission, Simon?" A deep voice answered the call. The caller video was just a black silhouette, while the contact was registered as 'BOSS'.

"Not the best boss," Simon replied as he shook his head. "I must have gotten cocky boss, somehow a kid found me."

"Are you ok?" Simon can hear the worry in his boss's voice, and he can appreciate having a boss that cares for his well-being. 

"Yea, just some burns. But I should be good as new by tomorrow with the Burn Heals you gave me."

"Was it the kid?"

"Nah, the kid was no problem. The kid managed to get the jump on me, but I was able to overpower them and their Fletchling." Simon gave his boss an awkward grin. "I know it doesn't sound like a big accomplishment, but the kid was vicious! You should have seen them, boss!"

"A Fletchling? Were they the ones that burned you?"

"Nah boss, it was those pesky cops and their Growlithes. I don't even think the Fletchling knew a single fire move. But they still did a lot of damage despite not using any fire moves. The kid did an excellent job training such young Fletchling. They were just the kind of people you would have loved to recruit! But because of my mistake, it cost us a recruit we need kind of need right now."

"It's fine Simon, we may still be small in numbers. But that makes us look non-threatening, which gives us plenty of time to bolster our ranks before the League finds out about us. So Simon, did you accomplish the main objective?" Simon's grin grew as he took a USB from his shirt pocket, and plugged it into the computer.

"Yes boss, I got the blueprints from the warehouse." He answered as he sent the contents of the USB to his boss.

"Did you make sure to hide your tracks?" Simon nodded.

"I wasn't able to steal the original, but I did manage to get caught on camera attempting to take other relics. I also made sure to get rid of any traces of my meddling on the computers and their systems. For all they know, I was just a petty thief trying to make some quick cash from stealing relics of the past."

"Excellent job Simon. It is a shame you weren't able to take the original, but with the blueprints, we should be able to reverse-engineer our own. It might not be perfect, but it will serve our purposes all the same."

"Thanks, boss! So what do you need me to do now?"

"Rest Simon, you did a great job in this mission. You deserve some rest, and it might take a few weeks before our next target pops up. I'll contact you when the time comes, until then stay under the radar and recover from your injuries. I'm sending you your payment along with a bonus." 

"You don't have to boss." Simon frantically shook his head. "My payment is better off being used to advance your plans."

"-Sigh- I told you before Simon. Good work needs to be rewarded and as an executive, you set a standard for those below you. It doesn't look good if a high-ranking member doesn't accept their payment. Just accept the money, Simon, you can even treat yourself and your Drowzee to that new ice cream joint in RockFall you told me about."

"Will do boss!" Simon enthusiastically yelled as he gave a salute. "How about we both go together once this is all over?"

"Heh, I will be honoured to join you, Simon. Until then, goodbye and take care. Also, give Drowzee my regards."

"Bye boss!" Simon gave one more salute as the call ended. Simon grinned when he saw the money was already transferred, his smile grew when he thought about the different flavours of ice cream he could eat. Grabbing a PokeBall from his waist, Simon sent out his Drowzee.


"Heya Drowzee, how do you feel about some ice cream?"

"Zee! Drow Drow Zee."

"Great! We'll be skipping town in a few days after we both fully recover. And of course, our next destination is RockFall."


"The boss? Everything seems to be going alright with him. Oh! I almost forgot the boss sends his regards."

"Drow Zee."

"Me too bud, me too," Simon answered with a small grin.

--Amber's Dad--

Regret is something I try to avoid. One thing I like to say that my friends are tired of hearing is that living life is like swimming. It's better if everything is clear and simple. While things like regret and insecurities risk dragging you under the water. Despite my darling wife telling me that the saying makes no sense. I still think the main message comes through. That life is already hard enough without the extra weight, there is no point in making things harder for yourself by second-guessing and regretting past actions. So trying my best to live up to the saying, I try not to do anything I might later regret. 

Despite all that, I have plenty of regrets over my recent actions, like allowing my angel of a daughter to go out without having anyone look after her. It hurts me to say that I overestimated Amber, and despite how mature she has been acting these last few months. I shouldn't have allowed her to go out by herself. 'What were you thinking Brian?! You should have known better!' 

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. 'It's not the time for any self-hatred, I need to be here for my daughter.' I glanced toward said daughter who is currently sleeping in a hospital bed, as a doctor checked her vitals. 

"So doc how is she?" The doctor turned to look at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Your daughter is going to make a full recovery in a few days. The worst of her injuries is a cracked bone in her left arm which is healing without any complications. You should be able to bring her home by tomorrow at the latest."

"What about the poison? I was told that she was exposed to Poison Gas." 

"She didn't inhale enough for it to be dangerous. And a few drops of an Antidote was enough to get rid of the small amounts that were in her system." He got up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Your daughter is going to be fine." It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Before I could say anything, we both heard a groan coming from Amber. Rushing to her side, both the doctor and I waited in bated breath as her eyes slowly opened. 


"Yes, honey I'm here." I gently held her hand.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital after being attacked. Does anything hurt? Do you remember what happened?" Answered the doctor before I could say anything. 

"Just a bit sore and I don't think I'm having any trouble remembering anything. I remember following a man into a warehouse, planning to stop any potential crime that might be going on."


"I also remember confronting the man after he stole something, and it not ending that well."

"What was the last thing you remember?" Still trying to process what I just heard, the doctor continued his questions. 

"The last thing I remember was flashing lights and then everything going dark."  The doctor nodded.

"Just as we thought." I didn't like the sound of that.

"Something wrong doc?" He shook his head.

"Nothing to worry about Mr.Fireheart. Just confirmation that what knocked out your daughter wasn't a head injury, just that she was most likely put to sleep from being hit by Hypnosis."

"If it was Hypnosis, why was she asleep for so long? Also shouldn't we check if they did anything to her mind?"

"You don't have to worry about that, we already had our Hatterene check for any lingering effects. She didn't find anything that could be harmful. Also, my best guess for the reason why your daughter was asleep for so long is that she has a low affinity for the Psychic type. Resulting in her having a pretty weak resistance to Psychic attacks." I nodded as I listen to the doctor before I paused, a worry creeping into my thoughts.

"A Hatterene? Are you sure it's safe to have one looking after patients?" The doctor let out a small laugh.

"You're not the first one to voice their concerns and I doubt you would be the last one. We make sure she only looks after sleeping or knocked-out patients. She can take care of the other patients, and her ability alongside her more docile nature makes her a great Pokemon to have around here. But despite our reassurance, people are still uncomfortable having her around. so the best we could do is have her  look after sleeping and knocked-out patients." I nodded, feeling a bit guilty for assuming the worst of the Hatterene.

"Can I see her?" Both the doctor and I turned to look at more energetic-looking Amber. "Can I meet the Hatterene? You just said she is safe to meet, so there shouldn't be a problem with me meeting her."

"We shouldn't bother the busy Pokemon Amber. Also once we get home you have lots of explaining to do."

"Now now Mr.Fireheart, there is no harm in your daughter meeting with Hatterene. I think she would love to see that one of her patients is doing ok."

"See dad, so can we go meet her? Please, dad?" I wanted to say no, but I could never say no to my daughter.

"Fine, but you're still in a lot of trouble young lady. You're going to be ground for a few weeks once we get home."

"Ok, dad," Amber replied slightly sagging. Before I could ask the doctor any more questions, Amber's eyes grew wide before she frantically shouted ."What happened to Tempest?!"


You are reading story The Finite Path at

"The Fletchling that was with me, what happened to him? Is he ok?" I remember being told about the Fletchling that was with Amber, but I can't recall being told what happened to him. 

"You have nothing to fear. Your Fletchling already made a full recovery. He watched over you before your dad arrived, but he had to be brought out of the room when he fell asleep on the floor." Both Amber and I let out a breath of relief.  I didn't want my daughter to lose her first Pokemon.

"Fletchling! Fletchling! Fletch Ling!" 

"Haha, well speak of the Renegade and he shall appear. Sounds like your little friend found out you're awake." The little Fletchling burst into the room and flew straight to Amber, a nurse entering the room moments after.

"I'm sorry doctor, but I couldn't stop him from coming here." 

"Hahaha, it's all right Susan. You can leave him here, and why don't you go attend to the other patients."

"Yes, doctor." The nurse said before leaving the room.

"Now Mr.Fireheart, why don't we finish our talk somewhere else." I was about to ask why, before I heard Amber happily laughing as the Fletchling fretted over her.

"You got it, doctor." Explanations and scolding can wait because right now Amber deserves a good rest. "Be a good girl and stay put, ok Amber?"

"Yes, dad." Hearing her reply, I quickly followed the doctor out of the room. 

--Amber Pov--

I laughed as Tempest's feathers started tickling me as he fretted over me. "I'm fine Tempest."

"Fletchling! Fletch, Fletch!"

"I know I was exposed to Poison Gas, but I doubt the doctor would leave me alone if I'm at risk of any poison ."


"Yeah, I'm glad you alright too. So what happened to the robber?"

"Fletch Ling Ling."

"Damn he got away?"

"Ling Ling Fletchling!"

"Really? Great job Tempest! We might not have captured the robber, but we did stop the robbery. High five!" We cheered as I high five his wing. However, my mood quickly dropped when I recall what my dad said.

"Too bad this is probably the last adventure we're going to have for a while."

"Fetching, Fletchling."

"Yea, my dad is most likely quite mad at me. And mom will be furious when she hears about this, especially after what I did at the Eternal Forest."


"I know we stopped the crime, but we seriously messed up."

"Fletchling Fletchling Fletch!" I smiled at his encouraging words(chirps?)

"Your right! We just have to get stronger so we don't get beaten next time. We also need to learn how to plan better strategies, following the criminal than attacking him wasn't my brightest idea."

"Fletchling." Tempest agreed while nodding. Tempest must have been more tired than he let on, as he fell asleep on my lap after a few minutes of talking. As I lay down, trying not to wake Tempest up I remembered something quite important.

'Hey System are you going to work now?' I tried thinking of the command so I don't accidentally wake up Tempest.

[Challenge System Operational]

'Great!' I couldn't help myself from grinning. 'Show me my recent paths.'

[Recent Paths: Stay Home, Go Out]

[New Encounter: Continue, New Encounter: Avoid.]

[Encounter: Wait, Encounter: Pursue]

'Expand the last 2 paths chosen.'

[New Encounter: Continue: Head Down The Alleyway:

-Danger Level: 6

-Likely Outcomes: 85% Encounter A Crime In Progress, 15% Encounter Missed]

[Encounter: Pursue

-Danger Level: 8

-Likely Outcomes: 65% Injury While Achieving Your Goal, 25% Injury While Failing To Achieve Your Goal, 10% Achieve Your Goal]

'Why didn't the last path pop up before I went after the man?'

[Reviewing Question: Answer:  Time-Sensitive Paths Are Made/Shown Once The Path Is Completed.]

'Hmm, I see. Well, I guess if the robber escapes while I was thinking, then I'll be forced into the waiting path. Which does defeat the point of presenting a choice in the first place.' As I was thinking a new message popped into view.

[Growth Potential: High]

[Growth Gathered: Sufficient]

[Review System Options: Needed]

[Conclustion: Promote Further Growth]

[Review System Options]

[Conclustion: Rival Is Recommended For More Growth]

[Creating Rival: Sending Command: Execute Protocol(RVL)]



"Oh, sorry Tempest you can go back to sleep."


"Sorry just saw something weird and overreacted."

"Fletchling Ling." He chirped before falling back to sleep. While I read over the latest message.

'System what do you mean by creating a rival?"

[Reviewing Question: Answer: Suitable Rival Will Be found And Tagged.]

[Paths That Lead To Rival Would Then Be Avaible]

'Oh, I see, you're just finding me a rival. For the second there I thought Arceus was about to come down and make me a rival.' I relaxed into my pillow, my eyelids starting to feel heavy. 'Huh, I wonder what a rival chosen by the system would be like.' That was my last thought before drifting to sleep.

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