The forgotten Extra

Chapter 1: A worrisome burden

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She scratched her skin in irritation. Pollen spread vastly in the air, yet almost invisible to the naked eye. This could only mean one thing, Spring was in their midst. Beautiful scenery, and a bountiful harvest. And an uncanny amount of pollen to boot. A vicious howl left her mouth, only to make herself growl in frustration.

“I feel like a dog getting hay fever,” Zephyr arched her spine to the back stretching her tensed muscles.

“That’s why I advised you to take the day off,” a voice from her far-left reprimanded.

“No work, no money,” Zephyr responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Say that until you’re on the deathbed,” Another voice from her far-right joked.

Zephyr took a large piece of wet white cloth from a basket and spread it out swiftly. The bedsheets were then hung on the washing line while the sun glinted in her eyes. Zephyr could feel the momentary burn from glancing up, so she blinked multiple times when moving her gaze down.

“Mmm then you should come to visit me, and bring your Ommi’s special pie,” Zephyr glanced at the far-right voice, “I don’t think I’ll be able to get a proper send-off without it.”

An amber-haired teenager whisked her empty basket from the ground and glanced at Zephyr, only to give a cheeky grin back.

“Nah-ah,” she held out five fingers, “we don’t give free food away, only to the lost and unfortunate. That’ll be 5 copper milady.”

“But won’t I be unfortunate on my deathbed?” Zephyr snorted while she picked up her basket.

‘’Stop bullying the kid, Zephie” The far-left voice was much closer now, that she nudged Zephyr’s arm.

“It’s the only damn entertainment here,” Zephyr rolled her eyes, but then scratched her arm again.

“Oi Lisandra, got any of that Calamine ointment left?” Zephyr started walking on the well-cut grass.

The two girls followed in suit.

“Mhmm, yes only a little. But dear me, it’s expensive. I’m only lucky to obtain it through…other ways…” Lisandra turned her flushed face in embarrassment.

The cheeky voice behind the two rang, “OOoOOO tell us about your wonderful exploits Miss Sandra!”

“Oi, get your mind out the gutter brat!” Lisandra threw the basket at the teenager and huffed out escorting her way back to the well-adorned mansion.

The teen sidestepped the basket and cackled, Zephyr sighed and continued her way leaving the girl on her lonesome.

“It’s not brat~ It’s Mili for your information!” Mili faked a sigh as she tapped her shoe against the grass.

Looking over both ends of her shoulder and widens her eyes. They left her behind, Mili scrambled in panic, “Hey! Don’t leave me alone. I could accidentally cut myself with a broom again!”


Long taps vibrated on the dormant wall. An eerie yet peaceful silence, and a porcelain doll carefully seated on an elegant farthingale chair. The air of tranquillity surrounded the beautiful yet lifeless porcelain doll. Soft gold locks, and soulless black eyes, any being would be denied access through.

The large oak wood door unlocked, soft steps approached the unmoving doll. Zephyr stared down at it and placed the tray down. The silver handles reflected Their faces, only to reveal a look of displeasure glued to Zephyr’s face.

“Young miss, don’t throw your medication away this time,” Zephyr spoke in a near mechanical voice. Devoid of any emotions contradicting the tone she displayed with her friendly co-workers.

Zephyr slowly made her way to the vanity, finding herself glancing at her appearance

 Before removing her gaze almost instantly. Rough brown hair neatly down in a plait, she wore black-framed glasses and had fairly pale skin for a maid who works in the sun 24/7.

A plain appearance, fitted for a woman such as herself. Reminds herself of a special someone she has forgotten a long time ago. Someone she chose to forget.

Opening the drawer, a small yet expensive jewellery box swayed with the violet pull of the drawer. A floral inlay, made out of marble. Zephyr picked it up carefully cracking it open.

A plethora of small circular pills rested on the cold surface of the empty jewellery box. Zephyr handled them carefully when taking them and snapping the box close. All these abrupt movements, yet the doll remained unflinching. The slow elegant steps when Zephyr walked back to her cold and unmoving lady, left a bitter feeling in her haggard heart.

Presenting them towards the lady, Zephyr moved back to the shadows peering over her shoulder, resolute of her goal. However dead silence is what greeted her instead.

‘What was I expecting out of our young miss?’ Zephyr sucked in her expectant breathe, as her tired eyes glazed over the mono-tone room.

White and grey, no personality shone from this room. She’s a guest within her own home. Undented bed proved their young miss never touched it. She’s always had bad habits. Zephyr blamed herself, if only she stopped everything from happening.

Maybe their young miss would have been a tad happier. Nibbling on the inside of her cheek, Zephyr finally sighed and stepped closer to the young miss.

“Martha, please take this for me?” Zephyr held her soft delicate hand with worried eyes, “for me?”

A silence came after, making Zephyr lost hope. Letting go of Martha’s hand she tided her skirt when getting up, then made her way to the door. A small clank then gulp was heard after Zephyr turned her back, swiftly turning her head, Zephyr finally let out a large grin.

Zephyr quickly cleared up and left with a contented heart. And of course a big pain in her chest.


The empty corridors had the scent of sandal wood, calming Zephyr’s nervous system. The floor bathed in the setting sun through the clear windows.

Zephyr scratched her arm begrudgingly, over the scabs of previous attempts. The liquid flowed between in the valley of her nail and finger.

Stopping her actions, she looked down and sighed.

“I really need to stop old habits-“

“Oi! Zephie, head maid is calling!” Mili’s voice rang beside her.

“Oh what does that old hag want now,” mumbling under her breathe, Zephyr straightened her posture.

Mili gave her well known cheeky grin and skipped off to the usual spot. The laundry room, where servants could slack off if they pleased.

Rolling her eyes, Zephyr made a quick U-turn and made her way to the head-maids of residence. A small room next to one of the estates owners.

The old oak door was nothing compared to the Young misses elegant door. Old and edgy, Zephyr slowly knocked on the door mumbling incoherent curses.

She knew her work pace slowed massively, and her actions along with it. She just felt tired around this year.

The door opened, and a old women gave a tired smile towards Zephyr. Naturally Zephyr returned it with her utmost displeasure, which was nowhere in sight.

Her dull grey eyes, and frizzy white hair tied neatly in a bun. A charming wise smile, and small stature. She radiated a grandmotherly atmosphere.

Warm and fuzzy.

Zephyr snorted in her heart.

The head maid gestured with her hand welcoming Zephyr into her abode. Zephyr followed in tone, stepping inside the small bedroom. Dull, with no personality, makes her wonder.

Zephyr stood still in her tracks while the head maid closed the door behind her.


Head maid then ushered her to take a seat near the window. Two chair aligned opposite each other with a small make-shift table in between. The bed was located next to the “meeting” area. And a dresser at the foot of the bed. Rather cramped, but somehow it worked.

Zephyr sat down and looked out the window, while the head maid prepared tea. No one spoke a word during this silent transaction.

The dead sandalwood tree, it has lost it’s leaves, but it stood strong with it’s well maintained roots.

Zephyr moved her eyes back to the head maid, pouring the tea.




Zephyr slowly drew circles on the table from impatience. The familiar fruity yet woodsy smell, Zephyr squinted her eyes in confusion.


A golden dew left the teapots trunk, an abrupt stop Zephyr’s tapping made the room silent. With only the cling of the teapot on the table to echo.

A slight curl snuck up on Zephyr’s lips, but it went as fast as it came.

The head maid moved the cup closer to Zephyr, touching her hand. The heat of the cup gave her slight irritation, but side glancing was all she could do.

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The head maid finally took a seat and looked straight in Zephyr’s curious eyes. The steam from the tea wafted within the silent cramped room, but the peace was soon disturbed.

“I have an offer,” a soft but stern voice flowed frown her cracked lips.

Zephyr closed her eyes and picked up with cup with utmost elegance, putting the head maid in a trance. She slowly sipped the tea, cracking one eye open with inquiring eyes.

The head maid cleared her throat and began her presentation, “I wish for you to be my successor.”

It grabbed Zephyr’s full attention, she placed the cup down and leaned on her elbow. Completely breaking the elegant atmosphere.

“I see no one else as responsible and suitable such as yourself-“

“Noni is much more qualified,” Zephyr spoke curtly gazing at the withered tree.

The head maid ignored the nonchalance, “Yes, but I don’t trust her as much as I do you.”

Turning her gaze away from the tree, she looked at those soft grey eyes again. Soft, yet a hidden sharpness.

Waving her hand in annoyance, Zephyr bit on her cheek, “Yes of course, that would be from a logical stand point wouldn’t it.”

The head maid sipped her tea, and with Crescent eyes she gave a gentle smile, “Of course, I raised u like my own,” brooding over the cup, she looked up, “Only those of my family, are educated well…” she trailed off when placing the cup down.

Zephyr’s tongue was scaled, but she had to ignore it. Scaled….was that the reason of this bitter feeling in her mouth?

Raised? Zephyr found it laughable. She tapped against the cup, and looked towards the yellow pool twirling around. She couldn’t taste the fine delicacy either.

What a pity.

With no words left for the head maid, Zephyr stood up and walked out. The head maid didn’t stop her, she continued to sit down in her own space, uninterrupted. With all the knowledge in her palm, she was rather care free.

The cracking door and the echo after closing it, Zephyr stood still with pure Malice written all over her.

She knew she could be easy to read, so she trained herself to not show it in front of them.

“She already ruined my bad day, how nice,” Zephyr grumbled and walked to her prior destination.

Truly, such a pity to ignore such a delicacy of a tea. The only regret of leaving the room filled her head, but soon left after clearing it quickly.

“-I’ve grown too old, haven’t I Rowan?” Zephyr looked out the window and spotted the dead tree.

She stared at it while walking until it was out of sight and out if mind…

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