The forgotten Extra

Chapter 2: Silent conflicts

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Finally after a few mishaps, Zephyr arrived to her destination. The kitchen. The only place she could handle the endless bicker from their lively voices.

Just by placing her left foot into the entrance, she heard all the familiar voices. A warm gust slapped her face, and a smile crept on.

White tiles, and oak counters. The lively chatter and euphoric lighting put Zephyr's turmoiled mind, at rest. The breezy kitchen was cluttered by many servants, going on on with their day with work.

One of those who worked placed a pot down, to only spot Zephyr's hidden figure at the entrance. He grinned with luster and stomped towards her direction.

"What's the occasion?" Zephyr's low voice reached him.

"Not even a hello? My heart aches till this day," he coughed out dryly.

When he reached her, their height difference was obvious. Half the height of Zephyr, and slick back brown hair, he looked the part of a reliable apprentice.

Zephyr plainly gazed at him and rolled her eyes. The boy relented and sighed.

"Master is arriving shortly," a tad impatience traced in his voice.

"I heard there will be a new Madam!" an elderly voice croaked from the pantry.

"Hah! Impossible, it's not really good timing," another joked while chopping vegetables.

Zephyr walked to the counter and swiftly stole a piece of carrot and disgarding it within her mouth.

The young chef stared at her, dumbfounded, Clicking his tongue he resumed to his job. Swallowing the carrot down, she promptly clapped her hands gathering everyones attention.

"Oi, if we want good wage, we-"

"Shut up, and work with no question," they completed her sentence.

"Good, now..." Zephyr grabbed a cigar out her apron pocket, gently putting it to her cracked lips, "how does the new Madam fair?"

The young boy next to her clicked his tongue and groaned, "Don't get us started on the rumors."

"Haha! Mephos right! The rumors are really bizzare!" one of the servants stated.

"Apparently, she's a jeweller appraiser," Mepho crossed his arms.

Zephyr lifted her eyebrow, and took a step towards the stove. She took her cigar and placed it to the fire, igniting the foot.

"I heard she seduced the Duke by blackmailing him," a maid whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That my friend, is not not seduction," Zephyr mumbled.

"She's a widow and has 2 kids, it was told she killed her husband," someone threw their coin in the purse.

A loud band echoed in the kitchen, silencing their trades of scandals. Sweat dripped from a young mans distraught face. The panic moved from his eyes to his lips. Bitting them in confusion and frustration.

He darted his head around the room and cleared his throat from his heavy breathes.

"There has been a case of missing tea leaves," he walked in rather calmly than his mood suggested.

Zephyr whistled bringing a sudden tsunami of happiness to her person. The servants whispered among themselves.

Mepho asked hesitantly, "From where exactly?"

"The east."

"..." utter silence, followed after a loud gasp. And unsurprisingly a few grew as panicked as the gentlemen.

Zeohyr peacefully puffed smoke from her mouth, scratching her arm slightly she asked, "And which...mhmm particular brand?"

"Vintage Narcissus."

A long line of silence followed up once more, before Mepho fainted on the spot. Frankly noone could be concerned about him at the moment. More pressing matters were at hand.

And a thief was on the loose.

However Zephyr found this particularly amusing. Puffing out the smoke from her cigar, she really felt a tad bit sleepy. Alas for the sake of the urgency, she held in her yawn.

The entire kitchen was moved into a stir. Who would dare steal the masters most priced positions.

"I wouldn't want to add fuel to the already...raging fire, but wasn't those tea leaves gifted from a peace treaty. No?" Zephyr coughed from the smoke she puffed, before opening her eyes.

Looks of those equivalent to deer in headlights, quite cute, but the situation didn't call her her unnecessary comments. Well she wish she could've told herself that, before she opened her mouth.

Like the storm the butler came in, he disappeared like that of a spring breeze.

Zephyr stopped her puffing, she glanced at Mepho's motionless body. Poor him...getting trampled on. Killing the foot and disgarding the cigar in the trash, Zephyr tidied herself, and proceeded to pick up Mepho.

Zephyr sat the lad down at a near by stool, and followed the butler's thunder like steps which escaped the now chaos ridden kitchen. Her slow but calm steps took her to the storage room, near the annex. Soft red like carpets, and tapestry that represents wealth.

And a unsuspecting family portrait. Beautiful, only for that fact that they had dead fish eyes. Zephyr walked along, she ha seen this far too many times to admire it once more.

The amount of armaments and decorations decreased, as one got closer to the annex. Finally Zephyr caught up with the butler, and his distressed self. Expectedly he seems to be checking out the crime scene.

As if causing panic earlier was just a whim, so everyone could do his job... Of course these are nothing but speculations and thoughts.

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Unfortunately Zephyr felt slightly irradiated, and sneezed making her prescenes known. She glanced at the plight of her problems, a flower garden outside the window...

Which was particularly strange, as noone would roam this part of the mansion casually. It is restricted, and only certain servants which meets precise conditions could enter. She for one, was one of these people.

The butler marched towards her, or more like a angry stomp? Zephyr had a forboding feeling.

"Coming to see the results of your deeds mhmm?" the butler sneered.

Ahh yes of course, she would obviously be the first suspect. The tone put her off a bit, but he seems a little...oh could one say it. Unprofessional. He really doesn't live up to Alfreds standards.

That must be the reason why the leaves got stolen in the first place. There is no strict conduct in this part of the annex, and he's certainly the one responsible for the tardiness.

"Assumptions are dangerous Ben, we have yet to even have evidence in our hand. Maybe calm down a bit-" Ben's slimy voice interrupted hers.

"Do not tell me to calm down, when my- our heads could fly!" He stomped.

Immature. Zephyr rolled her eyes inwardly and dusted of her skirt off as of reflex.

"They won't be flying anytime soon if we find the culprit before the master arrives. So lets work together, and burry this behind us quickly," her calmed collected attitude eased Ben to some degree.

He calmed his breathing. Collecting his thoughts he glanced back at Zephyr, traces of resentment twirled in his black orbs.

"Now..." Zephyr surveyed his messy appearance, he followed in suit, "clean your appearance up. A butler of the Vest Bloomington household should not carry oneselves such as you" A hint of ridicule was smuged in her stoic voice.

Ben's eyes widened and faced flushed which made him look adorable.

"Adorably stupid of course," Zephyr mumbled, earning herself a chuckle, "whole damn circus too."

Zephyr stepped passed the disgrunted Ben, making sure her steps didn't pull his attention. Everything has become rather bland these days. Impeccable considering how she's the one to be most at blame.

Upon entering the secret pantry, Located in the far north of the restricted annex, was an experience similar to....wealth? It's evident that Lan dre cerries don't go easy on their wallets, or their children...

The large copper jar that was once filled with those middle east delicacies is simply gone, her being the most uncanny suspect. But...that couldn't have been the only thing that could've gone missing. Knowing the culprit, it's probably a challenge. 

She surveyed the surroundings, this pantry was particularly restricted for only precious delicacies and other mind boggling things. Mainly to keep away from prying eyes. It's like keeping a secret fund, for later. Which put Zephyr off her beat.

She grabbed the checklist by the entrance, and started counting all things that should be present. The leaves were certainly missing, but it confused Zephyr longer than needed. Why would the head maid make it so painstakingly obvious that it was stolen. 

She may have had years upon years of knowledge, but when the head maid was involved, she felt like a new born. Unsettled with the rising bile within her throat, Zephyr noticed something suspicious in the corner.

Drawing closer Zephyr saw a misplaced rather a pearl, it felt weird out of place. Especially Since it was under the glass cabinet. Zephyr bent down to reach out for it but right under the cabinet struck her with surprise. More pearl beads...and a string.

Zephyr grasped onto the beads with unfamiliarity and an unknown feeling baked into her.

"So this is what you wanted to tell me. You could've just said it to my face salty hag," Zephyr scoffed and strolled off out of the pantry, nearly bumping into Ben. 

"So what-"

"I have figured who it is," Zephyr interrupted Ben, "but I don't think it's time to confront them."

"W-what?" Confused the butler was dumbfounded, "We have to, master will be arriving any minute now, this mess must be cleaned up!"

"And what can we do to fix the situation?"


"You're only good at asking stupid questions, how will we fix the situation if the leaves were used anyway."

The butler felt offended and slightly unjustified for being called slow witted, "Atleast we made and effort..."

"Our efforts aren't rewarded, only getting the job done is, why do u think a kingdom that preaches peace is the one most likely to own slaves."


"Now pardon me," Zephyr excused herself and vertemanly stomped away.

Confused Ben sighed, and looked in the pantry. Picked up the list started counting.

"What the fuck is her problem..." disgrunted, he got in the corner where the cabinets of spices and other long lasted pickled vegetables were placed. 

"34, 35...mmhm? Did I miss count? 1, 2, 3...34, 35...Huh? Isn't there supposed to be 45 cans of Ivy powder?" Ben rubbed he's head, and then paused, "You have to be fucking me!"



It happened Infront of my eyes, I couldn't register it fast enough to understand the situation. My creation stood tall with the brightest smile I've ever seen her display.

A smile of freedom and rebellion. Those no longer devoid eyes shone with great luminosity. Childish innocence. only thing was, there was nothing innocent at play.

Who are those people?

And you look much happier with them?

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