The Founders of Eternia

Chapter 15: Chapter 13 Voyeur Party (strong sexual content)

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Warning, strong sexual content. 

Chapter 13

Voyeur Party

Almeil spoke with Lt. Loud: "What would it take for you to delay exploring the next village for a day and just stay here and fortify Cress? My caravan has to go through to the GERV; it is Oracle business, you know, as my papers state."

Lt. Loud replied, "Oh, well, dereliction of duty is pretty serious.  Allowing your wagon train to proceed would jeopardize all of the cute elven teens you have with you. Tell you what, if you throw us a party with food, alcohol, and music, and let's say three private floor shows for me and my squad leaders with three pairs of your new teens, I could see my way into delaying myself a day, as we would need time to recover. We could all die tomorrow, you know. We might as well have some fun first."

"They shouldn't be subject to something like that; is that really the only way?" grimaced Almeil.

"You said I could basically name my price; you're getting off lightly; how about throwing in that sword maiden for myself after the show as well? Want to negotiate further?" Lt. Loud stated.

Almiel sighed; this was to save the world; he had to meet Loud's request, if he could. Taking on 100 heroes would be insane, and they needed these troops to defend the villages that were left and fight the dragon menace.

Almiel, "Fine, I will get set up immediately."

The summoner called a meeting of all the elves and explained the situation. Star, Raythiel, Syran, Ambrose, and Angel, you will be the band. Raire and Phenaquar will cook, with Allie's supervision. So I need three elves and elfesses for the show. I will give you a boon if it is within my power; we will buy the alcohol from the village.

Sylphianne and Mistmoon raised their hands, as they already knew they would be together. "Mistmoon and I would like to leave the caravan.  We and Devoe are going to form a family, and we don't see any reason to go to the human academy. We will wait until the caravan is safely through the forest, though, as Devoe is obviously a good defender."

"Granted," rasped the summoner.

Twixia raised her hand and said, "I will do it for ten new books, when we reach the GERV!" Everyone sighed at that.

"Do we have a partner for Twixia?" said Almiel. Several hands went up, as Twixia was quite pretty.

"Rilmorn, you seem like someone who could handle this without hurting Twixia's mind or body," rasped the summoner. "What would you like in return?"

"I am pretty cheap, and it is likely old hat to me if the rumors are true, and as there are other suitors, how about 500 copper?" replied Rilmorn.

"Granted," said the summoner.

"Do we have a third pair?" questioned the summoner.

Everyone else seemed rather shy about having their first time in front of an audience.

Grey and Blue looked at each other and raised their hands.

"It is to save the world, right?" said Grey.

There were gasps, as everyone had figured out that they were twins!

"Is there anyone else instead?" rasped the summoner.

Now that there was an out, nobody else raised their hand to be part of this madness.

"What do you want in return?" rasped the summoner.

Blue and Grey put their heads together and whispered to each other.

"Your blessing until we reach the academy, and, uh, the medicine to prevent a child, of course," said Blue.

The summoner clawed at his mask and hood to scratch his hair, dismayed by this. "Granted."

The summoner rasped, choking up a bit, "I will throw an illusion, so you won't be able to see or hear the people watching you; I will relay to you any... requests."

The summoner rasped once more, "The last thing is, Tira, Lt. Loud wants you for the night. After the show, what would you like in return?"

"I want to go on a quest with Star's party and Manuel," said Tira. "Raythiel needs to get to level four, and so does Star, to up our magical abilities and mentally help Raythiel."

Tira, I guess you want a level as well, thought the summoner. 

"Granted," said the summoner, forgetting to rasp as a wave of relief spilled over him.

Grey and Blue giggled at him messing up again.

Tira decided to go into revelry while she could; Zip would be on guard duty, and on the walls, she could just see further than anyone else. Other than that, the rest of the caravan was busy serving food and drinks to the soldiers. They had Devoe go out with Slyphianne to defeat some wildlife. Unicorns were good at that, as they needed Slyphianne to get to level 2. She was already pretty close since Devoe had taken her out to get experience while they were camping several times the last five days, including a bore. Devoe had bought Slyphianne a common-quality breastplate, helm, and lance to get her used to them.

The summoner bought all the heroic alcohol in the village, which cost 150 gold, and a bottle he was saving if they made it to Starwick, and the summoner saw their meager savings drying up. Plus, all their copper is almost all gone now. How did Rilmorn know how much was in the Treasury? He was a strange elf, that was for sure. I bet he has some odd sort of blessing.

The band played mostly court songs, which was odd, but they played adequately. Plus, the girls in the band were beautiful. It turned out that Phenaquar's food was much better than Raire's, probably because, as a knight, he was very good at following directions. Raire's food was, well, edible. At least it wasn't toxic sludge or anything like that. The rank and file had a good time, chatting with the youngsters and telling human and goblin tales around a campfire for a few hours until all the food and ale were gone, then they went their separate ways. They'd have to cover for those who decided to party after they got started. 

Right before the show was due to start, he saw Devoe and Slyphiette teleport back in, both of them rather bloody. He woke up Tira and had Raythiel and Tira heal and clean them up.

The city hall had been appropriated for the show, the summoner was a clever illusionist and more powerful than anyone else in the White Foxes, and he could avoid their detection spells with aplomb. He thought about faking the entire show, but he didn't think he could pull it off. He wouldn't be able to disguise that spell; it was too high in level, and a simple detect magic from 10 sergeants would destroy the world. No, it was impossible.

"This had better be good if you want that day!" said Lt. Loud. The sergeants agreed, saying they had better be shown something special.

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"I assure you, it will not disappoint," rasped the summoner.

They wanted them to do it however they wanted, as long as they could see properly. They wanted their virgin teens au naturel.

The summoner rasped out the first pair, and Twixia and Rilmorn took the stage. "For your pleasure, we have our scholar, who has studied up for your pleasure, as well as an old soul!" The three female elfesses seemed excited to see what an old soul could do on his first try. The soldiers were chuckling at Twixia's shyness, and Rilmorn took the lead. He moved the purple-haired elf's hair out of the way and started in on her ear.

"Ah!, oh my," said Twixia over and over as she had ear sex for the first time. Somehow the old soul in Rilmorn knew what to do. It had always freaked him out, but now he got to be with the girls whose wagon he drove every day. After just a few minutes, Twixia discovered that somehow Rilmorn had gotten both of them naked while he sucked and nipped her ear facing the audience. He played with her nipples, but it just wasn't the same; she was ready to try stuff, as she had taken knowledge of sex, so she grabbed him and used her hand. It was something she had wanted to do to make an elf hard this way, and although it wasn't a perfected technique, it was more than enough.

"Are you ready, Twix?" said Rilmorn, giving her a nickname, which was something only lovers or those of greater status gave to others.

"Ok, Rilm," said Twixia, giving him the same amount of letters. The words should be equal, she thought.

The soldiers laughed at the nickname. Rilm?  This girl was a bit off, but she had purple hair, and the curtains matched the drapes. The purple-haired ones were always obsessed with something. That was considered a negative trait in the elf world.

Rilmorn put her on her hands and knees and helped support one leg so the audience would get a good view. He rubbed her back a bit to relax her, then slowly put it in. Elves didn't have a hymen, so there was no pain. As Rilmorn started thrusting, Twixia thought, oh, I am getting 10 books for this!  Worth it. 

Rilmorn knew that he was doing it right, but Twixia seemed to be off in her own little world despite it. What a terrible lover she is, he thought as he did all the work. It wasn't that it felt bad; in fact, it was the best thing he had ever felt, but to have Twix's mind not even be there was frustrating. He pulled out and finished by spashing on her ass and back. Finished, he had to remind Twixia to grab her clothes, and he led the smiling, naked, purple-haired teen offstage by the hand.

The smile on her face made the soldiers make rude comments about how this one was going to be a total slut, it seemed. Purple hair and sex was probably her obsession. She had even put system points into studying sex!

The summoner came out again, saying, "For our second pair, you should give us two days; behold, fraternal twins!"

"Twins! No way! shouted Lt. Loud, and it was quite loud indeed. The soldiers all gasped; this was going to be awesome!

Grey and Blue took the stage, their golden yellow hair matching, but one had blue-gray eyes and the other had gray-blue eyes. Unlike Twixia and Rilmorn, they practically tore the others' clothing off. hands and mouths, searching for whatever they could find. They didn't care that others were watching, they were going to be one in the only way denied them so far. A frenzy came over them, and they waited for the summoner to tell them that it was enough foreplay. Blue laid down erect and ready, and Grey wasted no time climbing on top of him and sinking down onto his shaft. Blue lasted about ten seconds, so they went to a bonus round. Juices flew as they humped as though it were the last time instead of the first. Finally exhausted, Grey laid down on him, and it took a while for them to gather themselves and leave the stage, smiling as well. The audience was silent the entire time, but they would need to change their underwear.

"For our third pairing, we have something really special," rasped the summoner. 

"More special than that? I doubt that is possible!" was the general consensus.

Slyphianne and Mistmoon came out. A Faerie elf was quite rare, but they mostly looked like High elves. The boy looked like a standard Lark clan elf as well. The two blondes went to the center of the stage, and then the unicorn pranced onto the stage as well.

"We didn't say kill one set of teens!" said Lt. Loud. The others watched with interest, wondering what the golden-horned monster was going to do to these poor virgin teens.

Mistmoon and Slyphianne took turns getting naked while the other two sets of eyes were glued to each new piece that came off. Then they moved over to the unicorn and placed both sets of hands on his lowered golden horn. Then they began to glow. A soft golden glow enveloped them as they became unicorn riders. They saw Slyphianne morph into a beautiful faerie elf before their eyes as she evolved. They moved over to the bed that was set up and lay down. Slyphianne laid down first, and then Mistmoon climbed on top of her, but instead of the two of them mating, the unicorn thrust his member between their groins and all the way up to their chests. The audience was ecstatic as Devoe grinded against both of their sexes, and the performance and all of the interesting noises coming from the trio. The climax was, in a word, messy.

"So, was that a good enough show for you?" said the summoner, possibly forgetting to rasp or all rasped out for today.

Lt. Loud looked down at his pants. "I would say so, but your sword maiden is going to have to do some licking first." He leered over at Tira, thinking she would maybe attack him and he wouldn't have to let them go after all. Tira just meekly nodded and let herself be led to the home he had taken over. While taking an arm, she cast a clean spell on him to at least avoid that right away. Lt. Loud took off his clothes and looked at himself. His member was as clean as it had ever been.

"What the heck?" he said.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself and licked that clean for you on the way over," said Tira. That show got me really hot and bothered. "There is no way that is true!" said Loud! Not even sword maidens are that agile, and I am not that drunk! Tira shrugged. did a split, and then cartwheeled onto the bed while shedding her clothes. "Believe what you want, but your time is running out."

The bulky lt. Loud wasted no time climbing on top of her and pounding her. Tira had to admit that he was the loudest screamer she had ever met or heard. She didn't expect that her ears would hurt from sonic waves instead of biting! He lasted all of two times, rolled over, and went into revelry. She played with him, like she used to play with Lord Lark. It wasn't the same. Maybe I really did love him? At dawn, bleary eyed, she headed back to the caravan, perhaps a bit homesick for the first time. At least the floor show was good, she was so going to tease Twixia!


















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