The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

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Shounen Ai



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The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Review: 7.4/10 from 7 ratings
In the fourteenth year of Chenghua, the imperial harem had one Consort Wan, just as the Western Depot had one Chief Eunuch named Wang Zhi. Crown Prince Zhu Youcheng was barely eight years old, and it was uncertain whether he could grow to adulthood without a hitch.The Emperor was mediocre, and feckless. Eunuchs deceived those above them and kept those below them in the dark. Court officials patched up leaks left and right. Those doing evil were arrogantly savaging, and those doing good were helplessly sighing.With the ways of the world like this, how could the ways of the Heavens possibly be just?That year, Tang Fan transferred into Shuntian Prefecture from Hanlin Academy, taking up a post as a sixth-rank Judge.

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