The Fox’s Path

Chapter 7: Ch. 7

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Sorry that this took me so long to write. But in any case, welcome back dear readers! I truly hope that you'll continue to enjoy reading my stories, especially as much as I enjoy writing them! Also, please feel free to leave a review!







The Fox's Path (Chapter 7)


Elite Shade






Taylor was examining herself in the mirror, wearing one of her new school uniforms. The shirt was surprisingly more comfortable to wear than what she had been expecting. She was a little worried that her bra and panties were easily seen, but looking herself over in the mirror once more only confirmed that they weren't. The black skirt was still much too short for her liking, yet she knew that she had no other option. She sighed once more before turning away from the mirror and instead looked down at her paws.

Lily had insisted that Taylor paint her nails, but was able to be talked down to just a clear glitter polish. Of course, Lily had then insisted that Taylor use a matching glittery lip gloss to go with them, which she ultimately did. Luckily Taylor was able to excuse herself before Lily started to suggest more make-up. She was still a little self conscious about her sparkling claws and lips, but instead resigned herself to being seen out in public like this.

Leaving her room, she headed downstairs for breakfast. Taylor was happy to learn that school here did not start at eight in the morning like back on Earth, but instead started at eleven, with lunch right after the first two classes! Also, according to Shaun, There were four separate classes in each school day. Different subjects were studied each day, on some sort of rotation that Taylor didn't quite understand just yet. Of course, since Taylor's schooling was a general unknown as far as everyone but her was concerned, she would be taking a test to evaluate where she was academically, and would be assigned classes and tutors accordingly.

"You're going to be just fine sweetie." Taylor looked up from where she was sitting at the kitchen table to see the warm smile of Laura as she set down a cheese omelet with a small fruit salad on the side. "I know that this may seem so sudden, and you may be worried about school, but I promise you that Zaulto Academy has an excellent staff who will be more than willing to help you Taylor."

She smiled at Laura's caring nature, yet still feeling a sense of dread inside. Lily cheerfully bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen, wearing the exact same uniform as Taylor.

"Are you as excited for your first day of school as I am Tay-Tay?" Lily asked before sitting down next to her.

"I've been to school before Lily... and Tay-Tay?"

"I mean real school, not cult school! And that's your new nickname!" The she-wolf then began to tear into her own omelet, while Taylor just decided to ignore the proposed nickname. It was then that Shaun entered, wearing the boy's school uniform, which consisted of black slacks, and white t-shirt, and a navy blue tie. He smiled at Taylor and Lily before thanking his mother and taking a plate with his own omelet.

"Morning everyone!" Abe said as he strolled in to the kitchen.

"Hey dad!" The twins said in unison. Taylor smiled to the big black bear, still a little nervous around him. Of course, that didn't stop him from ruffling her headfur along with Lilly and Shaun, much to their chagrin. Once more, Ben walked in, with total bed-fur, bleary eyed, making a beeline straight for the coffee.

"Good morning," Ben mumbled out before taking a big swig. Laura just rolled her eyes at the sight while Abe smiled.

"Some things never change," he said in his deep and rumbly voice, before turning to Taylor.

"So Taylor, are you excited for your first day at a new school?" he asked. The vixen nodded, yet Abe could clearly see her nervousness. He was about to say something reassuring himself, however Lily beat him to the punch. The wolf girl threw an arm around Taylor's shoulders and hugged her tightly.

"Don't you worry one hair on your pretty little head Tay-Tay, me and Shaun aren't gonna let anything happen to our baby sister! Right Shaun?" Shaun looked up from his plate, the white T under his eye turning pink from embarrassment.

"Seriously though, Taylor, our school is actually a pretty nice place. And of course, Lily and I will be willing to help," he said, pointedly ignoring Tay-Tay, making Taylor smile at him. He grinned back, just as Ben started to snicker to himself.

"Tay-Tay," he said under his breath, causing Laura to snap her attention back up to him with a stern look. He held up both paws in surrender, the grin not once leaving his face.

"Oh Ben, have you heard back from the Archmage back in the capitol yet?" Abe asked, changing the subject. Ben shook his head after swallowing another mouthful of coffee.

"Not yet Abe. You know how it can get with all the red tape, especially where Luco is concerned," Ben said with a smile.

"Yeah, he's always been a real stickler for proper procedure, but I would've thought he would expedite your request, especially considering the situation here in the city, what with all of the monster attacks." Lily looked over to Taylor to see her cringe a little. She frowned, and hugged her once more, gently rubbing her back. Abe saw this and realized his mistake.

"Oh girls, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned anything to do with the... well... the situation, considering what had happened yesterday."

"It's alright, really. It was scary, sure, but I'm already over it," Taylor said after Lily had let go.

"Well, a whole platoon of Druids have been dispatched, but that's more to deal with those Lescht groups up in the mountains. Apparently the attacks have emboldened them to try and take some new territory for themselves," Ben explained.

"Really? Wow, I don't think I remember the last time they did anything more than just take shots at anyone who wandered too close to their compounds' territories," Laura said.

"Yeah, but for the most part they are pretty easy to deal with, what with them having no magic or modern tech. Of course, that doesn't mean that they haven't got the land inside and around their compounds booby trapped. That's the real danger in dealing with them," Ben said.

"Wait, Uncle Ben, have you ever dealt with the Lescht fundies personally before?" Lily asked intrigued.

"Yup! Sure have. And let's just say that they were not the most welcoming people out there."

"Well, Taylor probably knows that better than anyone else here! She had to fake her death just to leave!" Ben turned to look at Taylor, who immediately looked down, her face feeling hot.

"Apparently there were huge explosions, she stole a dead body to pose as her in a massive barn fire, a few sword fights, a dragon came down and started to attack, there were some zombies, and of course she had to hotwire a car, which she crashed, which is how she ended up snuggling in Shaun's arms as he fell in love at first sight, before rushing home to treat his new beloved's wounds!" Lily said with a smug look on her face. Shaun looked shocked, before he burst out laughing.

"Lilypad, you shouldn't make jokes like that," Laura said, a small smile creeping up the left side of her muzzle. Ben burst out laughing even harder than Shaun was.

"Oh wow! You really had me going squirt," he said before he started to ruffle her headfur again.

"Hey, quit it!" Lily giggled. Even Taylor couldn't help but laugh along with the family.

"Okay, so maybe it wasn't an action movie, but she did have to fake her death, honest," Lily said as she fixed her headfur, once more.

"Is this true Shaun?" Ben asked while looking to the male wolf, whilst Lily pouted.

Shaun nodded. "It's true." Then Shaun thought for a moment before deciding to ask his uncle something. "You don't think that they'll try to take her back, do you Uncle Ben?"

Ben paused as tried to think of the best way to answer. "Well... yes. If they ever find out that she's alive, which is a pretty big if, then yes. It's something some of them would even be willing to leave their compounds for, temporarily that is. As I said before, they're pretty much pushovers thanks to magic and technology."

Holy crap! Okay, this cult runaway thing has gone way too far!!! I may not be able to tell them that I'm not from this world, but I can at least let them know that no one from any cult is going to be looking for me!

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Taylor opened her muzzle to speak.

"Whoa! Look at the time kids! You three better get a move on or else you're going to be late!" Abe said after he looked at his watch, and unknowingly interrupted Taylor before she could speak.

Seriously?! she thought as she, along with Lily and Shaun, herded by Laura up from where they were sitting at the table, out to the garage, and into a light blue minivan that Taylor assumed is what Abe had been driving too and from work.

"Alright you three, buckle up!" Laura said cheerfully as she waited for them to do just that before putting hitting a button to open the garage door and backing out. Taylor noticed that Shaun and lily were each checking their backpacks. She was about to ask Laura if she would need one for today, when she finally noticed what looked like a large purse, but then recognized as a type of book bag she had seen girls use from time to time back on her home-world. It currently only had a fancy looking calculator, a three ring binder full of blank paper, some blank notebooks, and a small green box containing three pink mechanical pencils, and three pink gel pens. Finally, she noticed that her Encyclopedia was tucked inside the bag as well.

"Uh, Laura?" Taylor asked while holding up the book bag, it's shoulder strap waving a little.

"I see you found your little surprise sweetie! What do you think?"

Taylor wasn't too thrilled at the idea of the pink pencils and pens, or the pink notebooks with the butterflies on the front, but she was also touched once more at just how much thought and kindness Laura has been showing her, ever since she first woke up.

"I-It's all really wonderful... thank you Laura," Taylor said, making sure to sound as enthusiastic as possible. Laura looked back at her in the rearview mirror and gave her another one of her classic warm smiles.

"I'm really glad that you like it honey. I knew that you would be needing to shop for some school supplies, but with Lily dragging you around the last two days, I figured that it would be best to go get some for you myself."

Lily just huffed and crossed her arms, yet the grin on her face suggested that she wasn't really bothered. This all brought a smile to Taylor's muzzle as after a few blocks, they were already pulling up to a massive building. Taylor's eyes first took in a large and ornate fountain with a statue of a centaur holding a bow with an arrow pulled back, pointing straight to the sky. This was behind a gargantuan set of wrought iron gates, attached to a huge red brick wall going around the entire school. The wall itself was carved with depictions of what looked like ancient battles, and ships crossing broiling oceans. The building itself looked like a pre-columbian architecture style. There were immense stained glass windows everywhere on the building, manicured lawns and topiaries, and even an intricate looking clock tower at the very center.
This is a school?! It looks like a freaking mansion! Taylor's breath caught as she started to feel nervous once more.


The vixen snapped her attention back to Laura, who was smiling at her.

"I think we lost you there for a minute. Now, just head on into the office, and they'll be able to sort you out. And I know that this place seems pretty elite, but I promise you, it's not nearly as intimidating as it first seems." Laura placed a reassuring paw on Taylor's knee and gently squeezed.

"O-O-Okay Laura... um... did it cost a lot to enroll me?" Taylor couldn't help but ask, now starting to feel guilty. Laura just looked at her quizzically.

"What do you mean sweetie?"

"Won't you and Abe have to pay, like, a huge tuition for me to go here? This place looks expensive!"

Laura continued to stare at the vixen curiously before something clicked in her head.

"OH! Sweetie. We don't pay for our children to go to school. School is free, well, except for school supplies and lunches and things of that nature. What I mean is, there is no, um... tuition, that we need to pay. All of that's covered by whatever guild is associated with the school, which in this case is the Lushanha Mages' Guild, one of the most prestigious of all the guilds! Now hurry you three, or else you'll be late!" Laura explained as she ushered the three out of the minivan, Taylor slipping the strap of her new book bag over her left shoulder, so that the bag itself was resting on her right hip.

"I'll show you where the office is, since Lily really needs to be on time for Mr. Shadowstalker's class," Shaun said, cutting off Lily just as she was opening her mouth. Instead, Lily just sighed and groaned petulantly.

"Fine! See you later on Tay-Tay!" Lily said happily before running off up the steps to the great oak double doors. Shaun just shook his head, before smiling at Taylor and motioning for her to follow him. They made their way inside, past several other species in school uniforms who were both entering and exiting the building. Taylor felt like all eyes were on her as Shaun led her through the halls, but was trying to play it cool.

Upon entering and looking around, she spied a grand double staircase leading up to the other stories of the school. He feet clicked-clacked on the polished black marble tiles. They passed by many doors as they went down one hallway after another. Taylor looked up to notice signs written in the strange characters, obviously giving directions to anyone who could read the language, as the arrows on them suggested. Finally they arrived at what looked like an office, and Shaun quickly went over to what Taylor assumed was a member of the faculty, as the blue dragon lady was wearing a lavender pantsuit and sitting at a desk, typing on a computer.

The dragon looked up and smiled as she saw Shaun enter. "Ah, Mr. Spring, what brings you here today?"

"Hi there, Magus Sally, I'm actually here because my mother enrolled Taylor here," he gestured to the still nervous vixen.

"Oh! That's right!" She stood and walked over to Taylor, her eyes full of sympathy and concern that immediately put Taylor at ease. "We'll get you started right away! Thank you Shaun, I've got it from here," she said as she gently took Taylor by the arm and led her over to a chair in front of her desk. Shaun thanked the Magus and told Taylor that he would be seeing her later. "Alrighty then, Miss Nicolo," she said as she began typing once more, "here we go, your file. Hmm... so you have no prior education, is that correct?"

Taylor blushed. "I've been to school before, just nothing involving magic."

"Hmm, alrighty then, I understand," she said with another warm smile.

"An aptitude test has been made just for you to take, so that we can see what you know so far, and determine how best to proceed with your education. You have nothing to worry about dear," she said, reaching across the table to give Taylor's paw a gentle squeeze.

"After that we'll have a class schedule all ready to go for you."

"Umm, there's just one thing," Taylor said while looking away.


"I can't read the language that's on all of the signs... it's not the one that I'm familiar with,"

The Magus looked at Taylor curiously for a moment before smiling.

"We understand dear. The Lescht are notorious for going so far out of their way to exclude all but their own way of life that each compound creates its own language and characters. We can place you in a program to help you learn it. As for the test, it shall be adjusted as needed to get the best understanding of your academic needs."

"Wow! Really?"

"Yup! So I shall show you to where you will be taking the test, and the administrators of the test will go on from there. Anymore questions?" she asked. Taylor took a moment to think it over, and just shook her head.

"Thank you," she said in a small voice.

"It's truly my pleasure. Now come along," she said as she stood, beckoning for Taylor to follow. They walked through a few more halls before entering what Taylor took to be an empty classroom. When she entered, she saw that there was a single desk and chair in the very center of this blank room, and three other people inside. One was a female calico cat in a white shirt and jeans who yawned, what appeared to be a male doberman in a navy blue suit and tie, who was checking a pocket watch, and a female skunk in a black and white dress that matched her fur perfectly.

"Is this the young lady whom we are testing today?" the doberman politely asked, in a surprisingly soft voice as he clicked his watch shut and tucked it away in his pocket.

"Yes indeed, Sage Greene," Sally answered. Taylor wasn't sure why, but she felt an immense pressure in the room, not dissimilar to the True Gaze, thought she wasn't nauseous. She instinctively hid a little behind Sally, causing the cat to chuckle.

"Alright, Taylor, the three Sages here will take good care of you," the Magus said, flashing Taylor another reassuring smile before excusing herself and exiting the room.

"Miss Taylor, please take a seat, and the test shall begin shortly. Please don't be nervous. This isn't going to hurt, and you'll be in no danger whatsoever," the skunk Sage said while gesturing to the desk and chair. Those words did little to make Taylor feel less nervous about what was going to happen, quite the opposite. Taylor gulped and nodded, complying by taking a seat.

The doberman held up his right paw, and a small series of green sparks began to dance in between his fingers.

"Let's get started," he said with a smile.






And there it is folks! I truly hope that you enjoyed this latest chapter as much as I enjoyed typing it out! Be sure to leave a review and tell me what you think.

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