The Fox’s Path

Chapter 8: Ch. 8

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The Fox's Path (Chapter 8)


Elite Shade






"You're doing very well Taylor," the doberman said with a smile as he continued to observe the vixen, who was staring transfixed at the green electricity that was playing back and forth across her paws. It quickly began to make its way up her arms, traveling up to her head, adown her back to her toes, and back up to her tail. It didn't hurt in the least, simply making Taylor's body feel warm. As she stared, fascinated, at what was happening, she couldn't help but wonder just what this was testing. "And there," he finished, snapping his fingers, which caused the green electricity to arc back over to his paws, before they faded altogether.

"Interesting... " he said after a few moments. Taylor was just about to ask about the test, when the calico cat stepped forward and smiled warmly.

"Alrighty, Miss Nicolo, time to start the next part of the test."

The cat woman began to sing the tunes to a strange an lilting song, which sounded both alien and familiar to Taylor in a way she could not begin to explain. As the cat's soft and melodious voice faded, a series of sapphire bubbles came into existence around Taylor, all of varying sizes. There were about fifteen in total, and they shimmered in the light beautifully.

"What am I supposed to do?" Taylor asked, thoroughly confused.

"That is something that you must figure out for yourself, honey," came the chipper voice of the cat woman. Taylor sighed and just stood there, looking at the bubbles. As she looked them over, she could hear a slight tone, that was slowly growing in volume. Soon, the sound morphed into a gentle and mellow tune being picked from what sounded like a guitar. Taylor looked for the source of the song, and realized that it was coming from the bubble closest to her left shoulder. Reaching out, she touched the surface of the bubble, which felt oddly solid. The second she touched it, the remaining bubbles all popped, each popping with a loud note from other instruments. Only the one she was touching remained.

Taylor stood there, completely spellbound by the music coming from the bubble, which was continuing on with its laid back song. A sleepy smile spread across Taylor's muzzle as she slowly rose from her seat. The song was growing steadily louder, and the bubble was growing larger. It had started off the size of a baseball, and already had swollen to the size of a cantaloupe. As it did, Taylor's paw passed through the solid surface of the bubble, soon followed by the rest of her as it continued to grow. The desk and chair she had been sitting at did not pass through though, instead being pushed back by the bubble. Inside, all Taylor could hear was the calm and happy song that was being played.
The now giant bubble floated in the center of the room, with the three Sages observing intently. Then, with a flick of her wrist, the calico cat woman made the bubble move until it was floating above her head. It suddenly popped, dropping Taylor right into her arms. The vixen was shocked out of the pleasant daydream she had been having, and blushed when she realized that she was cradled in the cat Sage's arms.

"Um, thanks for catching me... Miss?" she said as she was set down.

"No problem sweetie!" She said in a bubbly voice, gently ruffling Taylor's headfur. "And I'm Sage Nalladox, but you can call me Miri!"

"Okay, thanks Miri. But... I don't think I understand how these tests--"

"Shhhh" Miri smiled as she gently shushed her, a single finger on Taylor's lips.

"You're not supposed to know sweetie, that's part of how these tests work. Just remember that there are no wrong answers here, and try to relax. They're almost over," Miri said as she gently took Taylor by the arm and led her back to her desk, which moved of its own accord back into the position it had originally been in.

Relax... yeah... that's possible right now, Taylor thought to herself as she sat down at the desk.

I know how you feel sweetheart, a new voice said that suddenly popped into her head that wasn't her own inner monologue. Taylor looked up to see the skunk woman standing in front of her now, her eyes glowing a bright violet, with a smirk on her face.

Don't worry one pretty little hair on your head. This is the final test, just sit back, and try not to worry about it sweetheart, the mental voice, apparently belonging to the skunk woman, said. Taylor leaned back in her chair a bit, and tried to relax herself. As she focused on her breathing, she felt a strange sensation in her mind. She got the distinct impression that the presence was rooting around searching through her brain. She tried to ignore it, figuring that it was just the Sage.

You can call me Lisette, and the gentleman in the suit and tie is Sage Luke Greene, however since he's the Guru Kepala of this school, that is the appropriate way for you to address him.

Guru Kepala?

Yes dear, that is his proper title, now just a little bit more and we'll be done.

Lisette cocked her head, and Taylor felt the strange sensation in her head again. After a few more minutes, Lisette quickly closed and then reopened her eyes, which had had now resumed their usual hazel coloring, and smiled warmly to Taylor.

"And the tests are concluded. Now, Miss Nicolo, please wait here while we evaluate what we have learned about you, and plan your classes accordingly," Miri said while clapping her paws together excitedly. The three Sages quickly left, and Taylor sat there feeling nervous. She was wondering about just what it was that they may have learned about her. It crossed her mind that at least Lisette, with whatever psychic powers she was using, may have looked into her memories and seen her remembering being human, and male. Just as Taylor wondered about whether or not that would prove to them that she was indeed human, or whether they would have her committed to an insane asylum, the door opened. Sally happily walked in, all smiles.

"How are you feeling sweetie? Nervous about the results?" The dragon asked, a clawed hand gently resting on the vixen's shoulder.

"Um... a little?" Taylor wondered what the right response here would be.

"Well it shouldn't take them much longer with their evaluation," Sally said. They waited in the room, with Taylor still sitting at the desk, for another ten minutes before the three Sages came back in.

"Alright, Miss Nicolo, first I would like to explain just what those three tests were about. In the case of my test, I was given a very detailed insight from your nervous system in regards to your body's current capacity for energy manipulation, summoning magical energy, elemental stimuli, and the like. Which, I've got to say, you have quite the potential already!" Sage Greene said with a note of excitement, clearly not noticing Taylor's total look of confusion. Then Miri stepped forward.

"My test revolved around your spirit sweetie. I can already tell that you're a tad shy, but my test also revealed that you are patient and generally easygoing, and can be pretty strong willed if you need to be. Not to mention you have a pretty strong spirit to boot!" Miri practically gushed, making Taylor blush, still puzzled at what she has just been told.

"My test was more to find out what you know so far," Lisette said as she stepped forward. "In addition to probing your mind for any psychic potential, I searched for any and all knowledge involving magic, alchemy, mathematics, science, and all of that. And no, I did not just go traipsing about in your memories, I do respect the privacy of others after all dear. Basically, we've now gotten all that the three of us need in order to understand the areas you do and do not need help with in order to get you up to speed with the rest of your classmates."

"Of course, we understand that every student learns at their own pace, and are more than willing to adjust their personal curriculum accordingly," Miri said pointedly, which made Lisette cross her arms.

"Well of course we do," the skunk said with a hint of annoyance.

"Ladies, please," Greene said. "Now Taylor, we have concluded that with some tutoring, you can catch up to your classmates before next semester. What's more, we have all come to agree that after you catch up, you would be best suited for some advanced placement courses. That will be up to you and what you are comfortable with, of course. But, as I said before, you have shown great potential! Especially for someone with no magical schooling background at all!"

Taylor was stunned. She was half-dreading/half-hoping that they would find something about her former humanity, but now she was being told that she had great magical potential.

"Now, Miss Taylor, first period will be concluding in about another five minutes," Greene said as he pulled out his pocket watch. "So the Magus here shall escort you to second period, and of course give you your class schedule for the rest of today. Your teachers have all been informed of your arrival and current situation, so you don't have to worry about any pop quizzes and further tests, for a while at least." He then pulled out a pair of small glasses and presented them to Taylor, along with a small case for them.

"I did find that while you can speak and understand the language, you apparently have no idea how to read it or write it, instead you seem very familiar with some sort of crude alphabet that I've never experienced before," Lisette said. "These enchanted glasses will translate whatever you read into the characters that you are more familiar with. Bear in mind that you will be expected to learn how to read and write proper Hadsul, so these are not for you to rely on indefinitely," she said.

"Oh... um... thank you," Taylor said as she held up the glasses to look at. Of course the rims were a bright pink. Looking into the lenses, Taylor thought she could see some kind of glittery substance twinkling in the light.

"Oh you're quite welcome sweetie!" Miri said, her voice bursting with excitement.

It was at that moment that a chime went off all around the school, followed by the sounds of teenagers shuffling from one classroom to the next.

"And that's the chime signifying that you have five minutes to reach your next class. Magus Sally?" Greene looked to the dragon.

"Of course, Sage Greene, come along Taylor," she chirped, gently taking Taylor by the arm, and holding the vixen's book bag for her. As she was leading Taylor down the various halls, Taylor decided to slip the glasses on. Immediately, the lenses shimmered briefly, before she saw all of the characters on all of the signs above them morph and rearrange into legible English. Sally also quickly showed Taylor where her locker was, before quickly whisking her along again.

Alchemy 101

Advanced Summoning

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Taylor read the signs as they passed by many different students, many of whom stopped to get a brief glimpse of the new girl being led by the Magus. Eventually they stopped at one door, the sign above reading Algebra 101.

Of course... the very first class I attend at a school of magic, and it's freaking algebra! Taylor thought ruefully as Sally quietly ushered her in.

"Now, your teacher will be along shortly. Here's your class schedule," she said as she handed Taylor a piece of paper with a series of classes and times listed on it. "Don't worry, they will all be surprisingly easy for you to find sweetie. Now I believe that with this class it's general seating, so find an empty spot, and of course, know that if you have any questions or concerns, just find me at the office," Sally said before quickly departing. Taylor turned, and got a good look at the classroom. It looked pretty much the same as every classroom she had been in before back on Earth, except for the anthropomorphic animal people that were sitting in many of the desks. Taylor spotted an empty one near a window, and made her way towards it, feeling all the eyes of the room on her.

She sat down just in time for a large puma in a light tan vest and brown slacks to walk in, carrying a briefcase.

"Alright, everyone, those not currently sitting, please do so now," he said in a pragmatic voice.

He set his suitcase down on the desk itself, and then turned to the large white dry erase board behind him. He rapidly began writing on it, and Taylors glasses instantly translated it for her. What he had written on the board were a series of equations. Taylor also noticed a small gold name plaque on the desk, reading Magi Brahm Solomon.

"You may begin solving these equations. And as you do so, while making sure to show your work, you will also describe what magical or psychic categories they fall under," he said as he turned around, only to notice that a number of eyes were on the new vixen, who was anxiously trying not to look up.

"Yes, we have a new student joining us today, but that is no reason for us to start slacking off, let's go!" He clapped his paws together loudly once. The rest of the class began pulling out notebooks and pencils, starting on the current assignment. While they were doing that, Mr. Soloman walked over to Taylor.

"And you must be Taylor Nicolo," he said casually, looking down at her. Taylor looked up, and nodded, making him chuckle. "I have heard about your situation, and don't worry, you won't be expected to hit the ground running right away, Miss Nicolo," he said, a small smile on his face. He then returned to his desk to open his suitcase, and pulled a book out of it. He walked back over to Taylor, and laid it on her desk.

"This should help get you started," he said before snapping his head up and looking in the far corner. "I saw that Jeremy! You and Mister Fernando can see me after class." Taylor looked over to where she now heard a pair of groans coming from, to see a bat boy, and a green dragon. As she looked, she caught the bat's eye, and saw him blush the moment they locked eyes, before he started to smile. Taylor turned back to her desk, and started reading through the textbook.

At first Taylor found it a little daunting, but as she read and worked through the example problems, she found it not very different than the algebraic equations she had been learning about already. The only key difference was how they were now all factored into one category of magic or another. Rather than being boring, this was turning out to really be piquing Taylor's interest, that is until a paper ball bounced off her muzzle and landed on the page she was currently reading. She looked up to see the bat boy smiling at her, winking, before he started to point at the ball itself. Taylor looked down to see that the paper was unfolding itself, and refolding into an origami rose. Taylor sighed and set the rose aside, before picking back up where she had left off.

After the teacher lectured the rest of the class about subtle differences between two nearly identical equations and how one fell under the category of summoning while the other was part of a much longer teleportation spell, Mr. Soloman assigned everyone homework, taking the time to ask Taylor to do the problems at the end of chapter one from her textbook. Then the chime signified that it was already time for lunch. She noticed the bat boy and the dragon trying to sneak out with the rest of the class, only to be called over to Mr. Soloman's desk. Taylor exited and started following the flow of students as they made their way to the cafeteria.

As she walked through the halls, trying to avoid crowding others, she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turned to see the bat from her class.

"Hi there! I'm Jeremy," he said, holding out his hand, which Taylor cautiously shook.

"I'm Taylor," she replied.

"So] you're new, huh? Where're you from?" He asked, a little nervously.

"Oh... um... from far away," she said, really wishing that Lily would pop out from nowhere and say something inappropriate enough to be used as a distraction. After waiting a couple of awkward moments, she realized that she had no such luck right now.

"Oh... so what do you think of our school so far?" Jeremy asked in an effort to break the building tension.

"Well, the teachers and staff all seem a lot nicer than the ones from my last school," she said.

"Yeah, we get that a lot from new students. The guild is really education oriented," Jeremy said with a smile. They chatted a bit more as they arrived at the lunchroom, quickly becoming more comfortable talking to each other. There were several lines for various trays of dishes lined up for the students to take. Taylor and Jeremy talked some more as they walked through the same line, with Taylor picking up a tray of nachos and Jeremy choosing some sort of sandwich, before Taylor looked around. She quickly spotted Lily, frantically waving her over, eliciting a slight giggle from the vixen as she and the bat made their way over to the table where the twins were sitting.

"Well hey there, Jeremy, I see that you're acting as escort to our baby sister. We both really appreciate it!" Lily said, her tail already wagging rapidly while Shaun groaned, and Taylor just blushed. Jeremy just laughed however.

"Hey, Lily, hey, Shaun. So what do you mean by baby sister?" he asked as he picked up his sandwich, allowing Taylor a quick glimpse at some kind of blue lettuce.

"Well, after Shaun boldly--"

"LILY!" Taylor and Shaun both yelled.

"Okay, okay," she said while holding her paws up.

"Short story. Shaun finds Taylor passed out drunk, carries her home, she needs a place to stay, our folks take her in, instant baby sister," Lily quickly explained to Jeremy, right before the green dragon from before set his tray down next to him.

"What'd I miss?" he asked before digging into his chicken salad.

"Hey Preston!" Lily said, her tail wagging even more.

"Not much, just explaining to Jeremy how Shaun rescued Taylor from a one of those goblin motorcycle gangs and brought her home to stay with us," Lily said while Shaun and Taylor just groaned. Jeremy and Preston snickered.

"You really have no filter, do you?" Shaun asked in between bites of his burrito.

"Nope!" she said before she started asking Taylor how her tests went.

"It was weird, to say the least," she answered.

"Yeah, I remember when I had to take the aptitude test myself," Preston said, turning to her.

"In the end, it was no real biggie. Nice to meet'cha by the way." He held out his scaly hand for her to shake, which Taylor obliged.

"Are they all the same?" Taylor asked.

"From what I've heard, while the tests all cover the same areas, each test itself is unique to the person actually taking it," Jeremy jumped in, cutting off Lily as she was about to answer herself.

They all spoke about the differences in the tests they all took throughout the rest of the lunch period. Soon enough, there was a that chime again, and the students all started to finish off what was left of their lunches, and start making their ways to their various classes. Jeremy offered to help Taylor find her next class, which earned him a snicker from Preston and a look from Shaun, as well as a giggle from Lily.
Jeremy was delighted to see that Taylor's next class was the same one he was in also, and happily showed her the way. Once more she felt a few interested stares from the other kids that she passed in the halls, but just tried to ignore it. She looked up to see that they were heading to Alchemy 101. As they neared the classroom door, there was a sudden loud rumbling that came from within the classroom.

"Oh yeah, that happens sometimes. Let's give it a minute," Jeremy explained. Soon enough, a gazelle wearing a lab coat came out coughing and waving her hooves, letting the room air out for a bit before announcing that it was safe to enter.

Oh boy, Taylor thought as she followed Jeremy inside.






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