The Gamer Ninja

Chapter 3: First Dungeon

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Suddenly, a screen appeared before him, there was only a single choice in front of him labeled [Skeleton Dungeon.]

Mentally pressing he confirmed the dungeon before the world began to fade around him, replace as he now stood in the classic dungeon room, old stone walls, bits of crumbling stone occasionally falling around him.

There was only a wooden door across from him in this simple room, nothing else really stands out in the room as he drew his sword into his right hand, lifting his scabbard from the sword belt, he used the end of it to slowly open the door. It creaked loudly open, readying to fight once it was open nothing happened for quite a while.

Pushing the door further open he began to slowly move, making sure to keep his footsteps light.

Once he walked into the hallway, to his left a dead end he turned to look down the right.

A long hallway with flickering torches, Ichiro stopped as he locked eyes with the skeleton with its back towards him.

It didn't seem to respond to his presence or the noise of the door, so he gently tabbed his scabbard against the door, causing a soft clicking noise.

Getting no reaction he stepped a few feet forward until he stood directly behind the skeleton, tapping the scabbard onto its shoulder.

Only then did it seem to slowly lumber around to look at him, the moment it came into his view however the skeleton's eyes began to glow a soft blue before it began to tighten it's skeletal grip around the sword it held.

Ichiro took a few steps back as he readied his blade, there was no flesh or meat to cut so that meant his sword would do little to no damage, however that wasn't his plan.

His plan was to test the strength of the skeleton swordsman.

It took a fast swing at him, slobby and no form but with a quick move, he caught the western sword near the handguard of his katana, locking the blades together as the Skeleton tried to push him backward.

The Skeleton was strong, but it seemed to have no skill or control over finer techniques or motor skills.

Pushing the blade back and then away he deflected the blade off his own before his hand came around and struck the scabbard down across the left shoulder.

There was a resounding crack as the skeleton took the blow and slid back a bit before it began to stumble, despite the damage to its shoulder it continued to hold the sword.

Ichiro stepped forward as he continued to assault, destroying the arm that held the sword but never completely breaking it off from the main body, and once it was barely hanging on he stepped back as he locked blades once more. The strength was only lightly lessened, but it was still noticeable.

''So, you don't care about being broken, but destroying parts of your body reduces the strength you have access to... I wonder.''

Stepping forward he slashed with the scabbard, breaking a few fingers on the hand it wasn't using for the sword before he then completely destroyed the arm holding the sword.

As the sword clattered to the ground he stepped back.

Watching the Skeleton suddenly reach down and lift the sword with the hand it still had. So it understood the need to rearm itself... Heh.

Locking blades once more, sliding his sword to the hilt as he made sure to keep the blade angled properly he noticed that despite the similar strength, its lack of two fingers lessened the grip it had on the sword causing it to shake more.

Once more he pushed the blade forward and deflected it to the side before following the momentum of his shoulder and putting his back into it he struck the scabbard across the temple of the skeleton, causing its skull to burst into pieces and then crumble to the ground.

[15 EXP Gained!]

''Destroying the head works... I will need to find a better blunt weapon than my sheath when I can.''

He felt more comfortable in his body already, feeling his skills and memories come back with each swing.

Looking at the ground he noticed the skeleton slowly vanishing.

Leaving behind what looked to be a few gold coins and a blue crystal.

Picking them up he placed them into his inventory, a new currency appeared labeled 'Gold Coins.' It was actually pretty profitable, a single cold coin went for 5 Ryo after conversion.

Pulling up the information of the crystal he looked at the window as it appeared.

You are reading story The Gamer Ninja at

[Chakra Crystal.]
A crystal gathered by slaying dungeon monsters, it is the condensed version of their 'Chakra' that Can be used for crafting.

''A mana crystal, just renamed because of me, good enough for me. At least I know what it is.''

He dismissed the windows as he looked down at his sword. ''System Settings: Turn EXP notifications off.''

[EXP Notifications off!]

''System Settings: Search for 'Auto-Loot'. ''

[Auto-Loot settings found.]

More screens appeared.

[Auto-Loot settings]
Auto Loot Corpses [Yes/No/Dungeon Only.]
Auto Loot Objects [Yes/No/Dungeon Only.]

There were a many more settings, even one for underwear which was amusing.

He set the basic loot that would normally drop in dungeons to dungeon only. Leaving things like chests to 'No' so he could experience every Gamers dream moment.

For now, until he knew the dungeon like the back of his hand he wouldn't turn any music on, and instead, he continued to travel the dungeon.

He slayed a few more skeletons, confirming that they couldn't hear him, but the moment they see him, even if only for a split second they 'activate' and their eyes glow and their awareness of where he is.

After a few skeletons were slayed, he suddenly felt like a cool shower washed over him. Renergized and ready to fight more.


Pulling up his status after making sure no one was there he pulled up his status, and a new option for [Skill Points] appeared which he had 3 of.

Saving them for now because he didn't want to think about his build currently, he instead focused on the rest of his screen.

[HP Up!]

[Chakra up!]

Since there were no 'Numeral.' values for it and just a percentage, he couldn't tell just how much he gained. It didn't matter, any amount was a good amount, and a single point could be the difference between life and death.

He continued to explore the dungeon, getting more coins and crystals, however instead of the many halls he had come to before, he came to a large door.

Thanks to the level up he still felt fine, so rolling his shoulders a bit he did a few stretches before he prepared his sword and scabbard again, slowly pushing the door open.

As he opened the door, multiple sets of eyes turned to look at him, blue eyes and a single set of red eyes.

The skeleton in the middle is a bit large than the ones he's come across so far, gripping with both hands a large greatsword.

[Quest Gained!]



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