The Gamer Ninja

Chapter 4: First Dungeon – First Quest

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He kept an eye on the skeletons as he turned his head a bit to look to the side, pulling up his Journal mentally and flipping it open to his quests.

There was only one entry

[Survive the Boss!]
Survive your first boss encounter!

Reward: Observation Skill!
Bonus: Survive with 50% or more HP!
Bonus: Survive with 75% or more HP!
Bonus: Don't get hit!

Good, even if he failed the bonuses he would still get a useful skill.

He watched the skeletons for a bit before he let his sword return to his equipment screen, instead, he chose to main hand his scabbard. Giving it a few swings before he leveled it out, relaxing his stance and slowly shifting it.

He began to channel his chakra, his hud appearing as the drain began. His mother Kenjutsu required chakra reinforcement, something he knew but was still a novice at. A skilled user could keep themselves enhanced without taking a hit to their reserves, naturally adding more once they needed it, then slowly lowering it to still allow them to regain chakra.

He had a lot of wasted chakra, but it would be enough and by the drain of his chakra it would be enough for what he wanted to do.

Suddenly he kicked off the ground and sprinted into the boss room, the moment his entire body crossed the doorway, it slammed shut behind him and the skeletons started to move.

Most of them were slow as usual, however, the skeleton with the large greatsword and glowing red eyes moved faster than the rest, still not fast enough to keep up with Ichiro.

Sliding around a few of the Skeletons his sword moved in a blur as he struck each across the temple, using a bit more strength to flow into a momentum-based movement, heads exploding as skeletons began to crumble around him.

Reaching to grab one of the swords before it vanished he threw it towards the one with red eyes to gauge it.

The red eyes glowed a bit brighter and it simply used its large sword to bat the smaller one out of the air and back to the ground as it slowly vanished afterward.

Well, at least he knows that he could technically use a weapon dropped from a monster just not for long and that the skeleton is fast enough to slap a word out of the air.

He continued to move, circling around the room before he got to the other skeletons, destroying them quickly in rapid succession before turning to face the boss.

It continued to charge at him as he returned his scabbard to his equipment and then equipped his sword.

Using it he stepped into the reach of the boss, it swinging madly as he raised his blade to meet the greatsword.

Sparks flew as he angled his blade just right to cause the blades to slide off each other as he used one of the many versions of deflecting a blade to the side.

The blow was heavy and the greatsword sunk into the bricks, splitting into the bricks below as the Scabbard suddenly appeared and he struck it across the left arm powered by chakra.

He heard a crack and noticed it but he needed to keep moving past the skeleton.

Going under its arm and jumping away he turned to look at it as it wrestled its sword free from the ground, taking only that moment to look to the quest again.

The 'Get hit' wasn't crossed out or anything, so that's good. But it could only be because it will only update once he's finished.

Readying his scabbard since he at least partially confirmed deflecting didn't count as getting hit he suddenly advanced once more, this time he stepped hard down then pulled his center of gravity down to lower his head a foot or so to dodge the blade as it swung over his head.

Using the muscles along his back and arms he wielded the scabbard with both hands to strike upwards with a powerful blow as he blew through the skeleton's left arm, causing the skeleton to suddenly tilt to the right side as it stumbled with the weight of the swing.

As the Skeleton lost its balance, he used his leg to sweep it to the ground before flipping his scabbard around as he swung just as the Skeleton hit the ground, a single strike to the temple didn't work so he followed it up with a mean kick. 

The skeleton was still alive but it seemed to be stunned due to the fall, readying another swing he swung down hard then pulled his shoulders and back towards the ceiling to add weight and momentum to the swing.

With the addition of chakra and accumulated damage, he smashed through the skeleton's head and it burst apart into motes of light.

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He didn't relax, but he did stop his chakra empowerment as he heard the door swing open and a chest appear, wooden with only basic metals reinforcing it.

[Skeleton Knight Defeated!]

[Rewards X2 for First Clear!]

[Quest Cleared!]
Survive your first Boss Encounter!

Observation skill!
Bonus Reward for staying above 50% HP! 
Pair of Gloves!
Bonus Reward for staying above 75% HP!
Pair of Boots!
Bonus Reward for not getting hit!
Hardened Fist Skill!


He got a lot, and he hadn't even opened the chest yet.

Poking at the chest with his scabbard, he backed away slightly as he prepared to fight it. 

After a few moments of nothing happening, he used the tip of his blade to unlatch the chest and then throw it open.

There was a bright light before it died down.

[X2 Rewards obtained!]

150 Gold Coins!
15 Chakra Crystals!
A Karate Gi!
A Suspicious Book.
Lucky Roll!

[Lucky Roll activated!]

Suddenly, a large wheel appeared before him and he almost jumped out of his clothing as it was too sudden. It was like a prize wheel as it continued to spin and spin, as it slowed down his face twisted a bit as he noticed the massive amount of rewards he could get, mostly ninja related.

However, there was one slot titled 'Other Worldly Items' Which could be practically anything.

The wheel however slowly came to a stop and landed on a bright blue pie piece.

[Congratulations! Sensor Qualification gained!]

Hearing that, his brows went up in surprise, especially for how useful being a sensor was. His Mother had been a chakra sensor, and it had been one of the main reasons why she rose to Jonin easier than most, even if her skills deserved the promotion beforehand.

[Continue Dungeon? Yes/No]

He selected no, the world around him starting to fade away as he was returned to his home, checking the time by looking outside, he was either gone for a full day, or just a few hours had passed.

He decided to take a shower either way.


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