The Gamer Ninja

Chapter 5: Rewards

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Having already dried most of the rest of his body he sat on his bed with his towel hanging over his head to soak up the remaining moisture in his hair as he messed around with his system. He had a few items he wanted to observe to begin leveling that skill up, having spammed the hell out of it already on everything in his house and what he could see outside.

Pulling up his inventory he took out all the gear he had in the dungeon, first inspecting the gloves.

[Dungeon Crawler Gloves 1/6]
A pair of gloves worn by Dungeon Crawlers. Provides a better grip on things.
Less Likely to lose grip on everything.

He just kind of looked at the gloves, pulling them onto his hands he flexed his fingers a bit, they fit him perfectly. As he wiggled and flexed his fingers they felt comfortable as well, pulling out his sword he got a firm grip on the sword hilt.

Swinging it side to side a bit then one downwards, he could definitely tell. It felt like the weapon was far more secure in his hand and when he returned the sword to his inventory and tried to get a grip on the side of his bed and reach his fingers beneath it and pull.

It felt like an invisible force was helping him keep ahold of his bed, not having to put as much energy into it.

Releasing his bed he moved on to the next option.

Using Observe on the boots.

[Dungeon Crawler Boots 1/6]
Provides a better stability
Less Likely to slip while wearing the boots
Can jump off the air once with a cooldown of a minute.

His brows lifted at the fact that every minute he could double jump, possible to achieve as a ninja, but as a 'Civilian' at the level he was? It was something incredibly useful. As very few Jonin could perform it.

Sliding the boots on, they were again really comfortable, and he noticed the difference right away as if he secured his stance to the ground, he could easily shift his center of gravity around and adjust his stance without needing to worry about his footing slipping. He'd train without them, but this might make sticking to walls, trees, and everything else much easier.

There was a soft feeling at the back of his mind, opening his status he noticed he had a new buff.

[Dungeon Crawler Set 2/6]
Once every minute, can double your movement speed for 20 seconds.

So, every forty-second rest, he could suddenly double his movement speed?

Something that would definitely come in handy even while he's grinding dungeons. He'd need to train with it a bit to understand the boost properly. To see if it was something he would need to get used to, or was it just magically something he could do easily.

Looking at the Gi he once more used to observe.

[Dungeon Crawler Gi 1/6]
Offers protection to the body making it hard for attacks to get through your defense.
You'll have an easier time finding loot in any Dungeon

Putting it on as well once again it felt comfortable, perfectly fitting his size as he chose to hide all the clothing, with a soft slap as his feet hit the ground.

He noticed that despite being naked now, he could still feel the effects of the gear, meaning even if he wasn't showing them and was 'Naked' he still had the effects.

'Wonder if I could keep them on but shut off their effects?'

Like a mental switch, the moment he thought about deactivating them, he felt the difference, glad that it was just that easy.

Pulling out the skill book he got [Hardened Fist.] he observed it. 

[Hardened Fist]
Use Chakra to make your fist more durable while also increasing its blunt striking force.

Learning it he got an instinctive knowledge of how to use the skill, which he did. A soft haze appeared around his fist like it was a hot day.

He could also see in his hud as his Chakra began to drain incredibly slowly.

That's good, it didn't take a lot of chakras, and maybe at higher levels, it won't even bother his chakra reserves.

Pulling out the suspicious book he observed it.

[A Suspicious Book.]
Something nefarious... But enlightening?

He knows he shouldn't open a suspicious book, especially when it SAYS something Nefarious... But then again, it said enlightening, so he opened it.

His face went blank as he stared at the book. Flipping through a few pages before he flipped all the way to the end of it, closing it as he returned it to his inventory.

It was a Porn Magazine.

He'd keep it, because of the detail and quality, it would definitely become useful if he ever needed to bribe a pervert. Actually, he already had a few perverts in mind that he could bribe with such a highly detailed magazine.

Moving on he pulled out what looked to be a lotto ticket, observing it.

[Sensor Qualification Ticket.]
Scratch the lotto to get something amazing!

Pulling out a gold coin from his inventory, he braced the ticket against his dresser and scratched it out, the moment he did it began to slow brightly before he felt the knowledge begin to enter him, and what felt like something 'Unlocking' inside him.

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He was now suddenly much more aware of the chakra in his own body, he could feel it moving, how fast it moved, how it moved, where it moved, and even without focusing on this new sense.

He could faintly feel people walking occasionally by, it was incredibly vague of a feeling.

Focusing on the feeling he could feel his chakra begin to move faster as he focused.

He could better tell the details, but even then it was still vague, as for now, he could only tell 'General Height and Shape' about 10 meters around him. It wasn't a lot, but after training it, he could feel it being extremely useful now, and many, many times in his future.

The chakra expenditure wasn't even that much, just a slow drain. So he kept it up, only stopping when he felt a soft tingle at the back of his head, like a warning that his chakra was low.

He continued to let his chakra return, and then training his sensing further as he pulled up his status.

He was now level 4, so that means he started originally out at level 0.

After 4 levels, he now had 12 skill points, and taking a look at his skills he rubbed his cheeks while examining them. What would be the hardest to train?

Could he even gain stats by training?

He lowered down and began to do pushups, even while he was training his chakra sensing.

He shifted from the normal pushup to one-handed, to using nothing but his fingers to even trying to stretch and move his legs around while he did it to strengthen his core as well.

It was thirty minutes before he got a notification.

[Strength and Endurance increased by 1.]

Pushing himself off the floor he sat back onto the bed, he didn't work up a sweat yet, but he could feel the strain on his body.

'So Strength and Endurance will be easy, even at the higher levels, I just need to make better weights and such to continue training.'

He was sure running and getting hit would level up his Endurance as well, and if he could level two of his stats, then that meant he could level up others.

Dexterity could be leveled up by stretching or performing dexterous feats.

[Intellegience increased by 1]

Well... That pretty much narrowed it down.

Looking at his Wisdom stat he began to think about it.

'Training someone's intuition, or ability to perceive can be difficult... But still possible, we'll dump 6 points into it for now but save the others and see how hard it is to train everything together, if it's not that hard, then I might just dump all my skill points into luck to guarantee better and more gear.'

Doing just that, barely noticed a change for the first point into wisdom, it wasn't until he dumped all 6 points into it, he felt something change.

It was, very subtle, but something in his memory drew attention to it.

Standing up he moved from his bedroom, equipping normal clothing he noticed that despite him still wearing gear, he could still comfortably wear normal clothing.

Walking to his parent's bedroom he stopped, his hand hovering over the door.

He was Ichiro Fuji, just as much as he was the person he could hardly remember from before.

A lot of pain was behind this door, his hand shaking softly before he stilled it by placing his hand on the door.

He needed to face the pain, even if it hurt... They wouldn't want to see their first and only son in pain like this.

He pushed the handle and opened the door.




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