The Girl

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Frog

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 "Ok Arya I have a few questions, can you answer them?" I asked in a curious voice.

"Sure, I'll answer all the questions even the weird ones." She said in a seductive or joking voice; I couldn't tell.

"What, do you even mean by, even the weird ones?" I asked in a slightly weirded-out tone.

"You should know, the indecent questions." She muttered in a barely audible voice.

"What!?" I stammered.

"Just kiddin' with you, ok now ask away!" She exclaimed.

"Uh, ok."

"But first, let me cook us some dinner." She said as though it was of utmost importance.

"Here's a knife to defend yourself, sorry it's all I have."

"Although, you probably wont need it, as most creatures in this forest are nocturnal."

"Well, that's a little less concerning." I said in a hushed tone.

"See you in a bit!" she said in a loud voice, almost yelling"

Before I could ask where she was going, she set the two rabbits on the ground as she went back into the forest, presumably to collect more firewood. While she does that, I should collect myself and process this situation. Firstly why did she have a tail on, and how did they swing; could they be battery-powered? But that's not even noteworthy taking into account the things I've seen these last few hours.

I glanced at the rabbit and noticed something weird, they had horns; what the fuck is that is it some, sort of endangered species I've never heard of? For now, I'll call it the Horned Rabbit. What did she call that thing, a Vineetaur Arya said, I think. There was nothing that even resembled that on earth, so that means I was transported to another world by way of that Blue circle. What would you call that, a Magic Circle? 

Well, I need to find a way back to earth; perhaps there's a way. Well, my priority next would be to get to know Arya, as she might be able to help me get back. I so far like her personality, so she seems nice, but I should get to know her; wait, since there was such a thing as Vineetaur, could Arya be a real kitsune? I heard a rustle in the bushes, so I expected Arya to pop out, but it was not Arya but a giant frog.

It was around two and a half feet in length, and one and a half feet tall and wide. Its sac was inflating as it croaked, almost transparent. Then all of a sudden a thick purple liquid spat out of its mouth, it hit the grass in front of it, and I started to smell something burning.

As the giant frog approached, I tried to steady my nerves. I was inexperienced in combat, but I knew I needed to protect myself. I bent down to grab the roughly nine-inch-long knife Arya left me and readied myself to fight.

The frog let out a loud croak, and I swung my knife at it, hoping to make the first hit count. To my surprise, the knife connected with its target, and the frog let out a loud croak, but it didn't seem to have much effect. I realized that it was going to take more than one hit to bring this creature down.

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The frog retaliated with a stream of purple liquid, but I managed to dodge it and made another swing with my knife. This time, I managed to strike it in a vulnerable spot and the frog let out a loud croak. I realized that I needed to stay focused and keep my wits about me if I was going to survive this fight.

The frog was relentless, and it took another two hits before it finally collapsed to the ground, defeated. I was panting heavily, my heart pounding in my chest. I had never been in a situation like this before, and I couldn't believe that I had managed to defeat the giant frog. I took a moment to catch my breath, and then I cautiously approached the creature to make sure it was dead.

To my relief, it was motionless, and the thick purple liquid had stopped flowing from its mouth. I felt a sense of pride wash over me as I realized that I had just survived my first-ever fight. I had never been in a situation like this before, and I was amazed at how I had managed to keep my cool and defend myself. As I leaned against the rock from earlier and slid against it until I was sitting. I heard a rustle in the bushes, 'Fuck!' I inwardly thought I don't have enough energy to even stand, let alone fight. As I resigned myself to my fate, Arya popped out.

"Oh fuck, you scared me there." I said stuttering from exhaustion. 

She looked confused as to why I was on the ground, looking like I could die at any moment. So she looked around and stopped at the decrepit corpse of the frog. She had a look of realization, as she now had an understanding of the events that had occurred in the short period of time she was gone. She sat down a pile of sticks that seemed as if they appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards me at an inconceivable speed for a human, at least thirty mile-per-hour.

"Are you hurt anywhere?!" She said in a frantic voice which I did not expect from her.

"No, I don't think so," I responded.

"Well let me double-check." She said reassuringly.

"What do yo-." But before I could finish, I saw a small pink magic circle that was roughly seven inches wide appeared in front of her palm, it consisted of two rings each, with runes that were magenta in color. She moved her hand around me the magic circle moving with her, a couple of minutes later she finally said something

"It's nothing major, just a couple of bruises, and a sprained ankle nothing some healing can't fix." She said in a relieved voice. After she said that a similar magic circle, but only it was light-green and had different runes and rune colors.

After a few minutes, she said, "Done."

Immediately after she said that my fatigue seemed to be gone, but before I could celebrate she dragged my spirits down with six words.

"You shouldn't move around a lot."

"Why?" I asked

"Well, you shouldn't move around because as you might've noticed your body seems to be brimming with energy again, but that feeling will only last a short while, and then you will feel super sleepy, And if you move you might sprain it again." She said as if she was a medical professional.

Just as I was about to say thank you, I started getting tired, and before I knew it I collapsed.


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