The Glitched Cloner

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Undertaking the Hunter Creating Procedure

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Virgil looked down at his beautiful girlfriend Rachel, her head bobbing up and down his cock while she stared at his face while he sat at the side of the bed

Finding him sufficiently hard, she got up and pushed him down, mounting him and lowering herself down on his dick

"Are you sure? We've abstained till now" Virgil said as he stared into her eyes which were tearing up

"Oh Virgil, I might never make love to you again" she cried as she plunged onto his cock violently

They both groaned as she started riding him while bent over as they kissed

Virgil thought she felt wonderful, her pussy tight and wet gripping on him as he groped her gorgeous breasts

He always dreamed of one day marrying her and making lots of babies with her, but he was more than happy to fuck her now

He turned her around and got on top of her, pounding her hard with all his weight as she moaned with pleasure

He had always wanted to fuck her, but being the first time, he didn't last very long

She lay in his arms, cum in her pussy, while continuing to cry 

Tomorrow, he would undertake the procedure to become a hunter, and there was only a 5% chance of success

95% of applicants either die or fall into a coma, never coming out again. The ministry hasn't decided what to do with these people yet, but it was discussed that they may very well put these people to sleep after a few years

Even with a 5% success rate, there was no guarantee that one would get a awesome ability, and there was no way of getting the procedure twice, as that would mean a certain death

Several people had tried before, but their bodies literally melted in the second procedure, not even leaving their bones as they melted into flesh and blood colored slag

But Virgil had already made up his mind to take the procedure, as the rewards were too great if one successfully becomes a famous hunter

Virgil and Rachel lived normal lives and were schoolmates before the invasions started appearing

Their schools and families all got wiped out during the invasion of their city, and Virgil actually saved Rachel's life in that invasion by hiding with her under some rubble

Being the prettiest girl in their school, he was happy that she was grateful to him and even became his girlfriend

But having no way of earning an income, as most of their possessions were destroyed, he needed to do something

They were both 17 years old, and had no qualifications as they were forced to drop out of the now non existant school system

They were on their last dollars, barely able to pay for the motel room they were staying in, and they had shared an instant noodle packet for dinner

Virgil had decided he would leave the other 3 packets for her, as he decided that tomorrow may be his last, so he wouldn't waste food on himself, but Rachel had insisted they share tonight's meal

They fell asleep with Virgil holding Rachel's precious naked body to himself, hoping for a wonderful life tomorrow, when he becomes a hunter


Virgil was in a long line, in the massive new structure of the Hunter's Guild

He was nervous. Today will be the day he becomes a hunter... or the day he dies

At first, Rachel said she couldn't bear to go, and so Virgil kissed her a teary goodbye

But she had just messaged him that she was on the way after all

She couldn't bear the thought in case he died alone, and would be there for him, no matter what

This caused him to have second thoughts again, as he had already prepared himself after saying goodbye to die alone, just in case

Now, the thought of her crying over his dead body kept playing in his mind, and that made him more nervous

The applicants were asked to enter a closed room, and if one became a successful hunter, one would be led out another exit, so no one could see the dead applicants who failed

And he knew 95% of the people here wouldn't make it

This would mean that either way, Rachel wouldn't be able to see him one way or another

He grew nervous and scanned the huge crowd waiting around, but could not see her

"2500 to 2520!" a voice called after he had waited all morning since 6 AM when the gates opened

"Shit, it's my turn" Virgil said, seeing his number 2514 being called among the large group, and reluctantly walked forward while looking back at the crowd

The door closed and just before it completely shut, he could swear he saw Rachel running from a distance to join the crowd

The 20 people were led to 20 separate identical capsule machines

These capsule machines used the power of the gemstones they collected from the portals

The scientists found that there was no correlation between which gemstones was used and what powers the applicants got, or their success rate, but like the other applicants, Virgil still wondered

As they checked his application, he was led into one of the machines and as the machine closed, he saw one of the doors open the other side, showing a multitude of dead bodies, all piled up like rubbish as the workers removed their clothes and possessions

"Fuuuuck" Virgil said as the capsule closed completely

It was dark and he couldn't see anything around him. He wished he still had his phone, but all the applicants were asked to remove all electronic devices before entering the capsules

Suddenly, there was bright light, surrounding him, the color so bright, he became blind momentarily and couldn't even sense what color it was

He screamed, as a pressure so heavy covered him and he was so disoriented, he could swear there was a sound so loud it deafened him, even though it was silent

He started puking everywhere and he thought he was going to die

His last thought was of Rachel, and he regretted doing this and wished he had stayed home with her and gotten a normal job somewhere 

It was then that he passed out


The capsule opened and the scientist sighed

"Wait...his heart is still beating! He's alive!" another said

"Really? That's good. It's the first one that survived today" the scientist said

Virgil opened his eyes and the scientist helped him up as he walked groggily as if he was heavily drunk

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"Careful. You may collect your possessions and head out this door" the female scientist smiled, leading him to another door, a door different from the one he saw with the mountain of dead bodies

"Wow.. I survived! The first one today!" Virgil smiled

He was brought into another room, and brought to a machine to test his health, and his abilities

Although he felt week and woozy, he was declared healthy but normal, as tubes and wires measured his strength and other attributes

He was asked to reveal his ability, to see if his attributes grew, but he didn't know how!

"Can.. can you feel anything? If you have an elemental power, you will feel an energy in you that you can release" the scientist said

"Er... no.. nothing" Virgil said

"How about anger, make yourself feel angry. Some berserkers, warriors, or shapeshifters are triggered by anger" she asked as wires were placed all over his body 

They tried all kinds of activities to trigger a response and demonstrate his power, but nothing worked

"Well... the fact that you survived, means that you are a hunter. But you just don't know how to activate it yet. We will keep an eye on you. But experiment yourself and come in once you discover your abilities

We will then grade you based on your abilities and then give you a hunter's license to explore portals" she said

Virgil was a bit disappointed, but he was glad that he was alive. 

After all, surviving means that he is a hunter, only that he didn't know what he does

He walked out but was told not to go back towards the entrance

The multitude of applicants might see that he's the only one so far that has survived, and they don't want to discourage potential hunters from coming

After all, humanity survived on hunters being a viable job

He was worried about Rachel, who couldn't meet up with him, and sent her a message telling her to meet at the motel!

He had successfully survived!

We arrived at home, but found that Rachel wasn't there yet

But he wanted to celebrate with her and started cooking the last two packets of instant noodles

As a hunter, even though he didn't know his powers, he knew he had a bright future now

Soon he would be able to afford a good meal for the both of them, so he might as well use up the last of his instant noodles

But there was no reply from Rachel and he started worrying for her when she didn't return!

He didn't eat the noodles and waited for her, but they were now all soggy and cold, and there was no sign of her

Finally, late at night, he heard the motel room open

"Rachel! Where have you been?" Virgil asked, running to her to hug her

"Oh Virgil! I've become a hunter too!" she said as she opened her hands and bright lights danced in her hands


They ate the soggy noodles together as they talked all night excitedly

Virgil didn't want Rachel to take the risk of the procedure, but he was glad that she succeeded

She only wanted to see him at the Guild, but was pushed along with the crowd and eventually decided to take the procedure since Virgil didn't come out yet

As she succeeded, she was given back her phone after exiting the capsule

But she saw Virgil's message and was so excited and wanted to tell him that she had survived too

In her excitement, her body lit up and accidentally burned out her phone, hence why she couldn't respond to him

The scientists were so excited seeing her activation of her abilities that the rest of the time she was brought to another complex to test her powers

Non only had she the power of flight, but she could shoot beams of light from her eyes, anywhere from concussive blasts to lethal and destructive blasts. She was one of the most powerful hunters they've seen yet, and they were very excited for her

However, while they wanted her to stay on and test her more, she wanted to go home to meet up with Virgil and tell him about it

Now as they sat together in each other's arms, they talked about their dreams for the future, now that they were both hunters

They felt their happiness was now in their grasp, and all Virgil had to do was find out about his powers

They started making out and before long, they were naked in bed and orally pleasing each other in the 69 position

Suddenly, Virgil felt strange and sat up

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked

"I... I..." Virgil didn't know what to say as he extended his right had

Suddenly a cloud appeared and another body appeared, looking exactly like Virgil!

"Wha... " Rachel said, confused

"Who.. who are you?" Virgil asked, seeing his naked double, looking identical in every way, including his penis size, which he always felt was not as big as he would like

"Me? I'm Virgil Stanton. I'm you!" the second Virgil said

"You're a clone!" Rachel said excitedly

"Yes I am, Rachel" the clone smiled and started hugging her and kissing her

"Wha..." Virgil was confused, but Rachel didn't reject him and started tugging on his dick as the clone pushed her down

While Virgil felt weird, he nevertheless joined his clone in a threesome as both of them fucked Rachel

Rachel had one orgasm after another as both Virgil's fucked her silly all night

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